I [23 _&#39; - i iii 7 _ _i._£~ :_ _ _i_ ___~ ;;___; ___ __ _ 7 _ _ _ _:__7_ __ __ _;_* __|__: Jllnr-_. 7 _;___&#39; I "&#39;--.._ CHARLES PRETTY Boy" FLOYD KANSAS CITY MASSACRE 1 2-;92i3<T:5 SECTION /8 ~. ;-:gr&#39;= - . -a: W WW W km #7 kw _ H &#39; &#39; " 7 * 7 /" &#39;&#39; &#39; &#39;*" _ * 7 _ -_-1~;&#39; _-_-__--75:-.~;=-H-..__ _ J_,_, I A | - .~ _.. ._ -. _ ._. __ _ 7,_ ., . " - CHARLES "PRETTY BOY" FLDYD ;;_; FRANK NASH - .. VERNE MILLER. , ., ~. 4 ADAM RICI-|ETTI___ L KANSAS CITY MASSACRE A 5UE>_]¬C6-.__-_-_-_____.______. 1ZiLenc1mE>¬R - S¬C@iOI&#39;1 numE>@R_/_&________ SEPJALS 53&#39; "" .54:-O Z<3OZ<5AL DA§¬S /as pages Re92.eAse<§ /4,5 ; p;»,_§e5 cu1<&#39;~:=>DDeLo___Q____________ @ exempéioms! useo_blD__&#39;21§____. g I_ _ . _ ._ _ _ k_H__,_J&#39;___,_,-;l_-J; . __ . 4=¢, "*1" __.____. * f __._ r *"&#39; _.,,~i__,. - ""&#39; . r&#39;: hi i -_| &#39;_*_ -__ J. Q-&#39;&#39;* I I J*. g _- I; _ -,_ ..-. ,- 1 &#39; W l "3; - _ e . - - w _&#39;-.... .,..-..;..---»-=-- --~*--&#39; I_ _ .... __- I "&#39;-&#39;--. &#39;. CU . 92 , _ - g 92 *0 * : :71 8" b.J I 92 92 . I I ! - -.-.._______ . 1 ""~ 1/ h_-e-II-?"-.?&#39; . .-ue- .. __ < . - -I-"_&#39;-&#39; -"&#39;_ _ 1.1.1 -. - -|- " &#39; 92 ._ JI 1 _________,,,_,_,,,.u- .151-v~.»--we--:-;-en-Iqq-e-IuDIl" we R! U __ A __ i Taueunemeuavener [-n_.g_1g lo. - . &#39;» &#39; _ &#39; Ie.l:lix -.1; " _lIe|I&#39;reeeIe1&#39;= _."&#39; eemnoeneIieeneneI.- $Iee&#39;rFeIIn___l_ .___1_.___ X "-_ &#39;3 - _. _5,_ ; .+=- Ibum . - . t &#39;40h¥1_ehoi1I1e§il{§ tine. if __y!;!$_i-e_e 1*? y e;-1/0/lo-ae_ ewe. n»n1if& __ ~.._ Q; ~ &#39;" .5"!fl L mg .. ic I _ ___= J, d I ~ _~.:5;I -1-"3&#39;?! -,3. - .a1_92-Iii-&#39;--. .-92 1 q TIMI 0. nun with elieeee -Iuurmr, et 11"" . Obetreetien ieetiee. ~&#39; .35? .92 , . - wf§9292| 92&#39;m-r_ ,.. &#39;1.o. ems ~ -_ - l I_:eevortoDeliI*er&#39;Iele~_|,-Q1 9". __a , &#39;" a g 1r1eg@e3I1:a!1k!Ie|eJ W _ Iv V __ ..-- p .. » §_ 92&#39;,<&#39;<I : - -e. r. emu, tun, one. hee been unable um§ei§ &#39; -- &#39;1&#39; 5 """°""""&#39;*°"" exam. intonation to tn. etteet ms mu-1.»,-an ;;;&#39;."5I="". Pretty hoy"?loyd ie new living in_i&#39;g__1ee» G|erle¥.r|-lei? " _, . &#39; ,- ---&#39;..,_ 92} . ,&#39; ." .&#39;!&#39;ulee, em ae an Oklet,-eteteeinfofnent he tint oeule __ii&#39; eontect theQeirerqent angina $16 B in the ploy" i, &#39;-* ..:&#39;-"&#39;,_ -,_-&#39; § &#39; - _ -_ une5e1-eorld end obtein&#39;in1&#39;o1i92etien ea to the leeetion et &#39;- . ._ . 1 Iloyll, Underhill em! ethere inrolveqin thie eeeeg " -bi - -,. -- " F - 3 . _ * . _ - - &#39; r &#39; I I 7-1&#39;1"!-¢-&#39;1-"&#39; 5 ;.,. _ &#39; He &#39;0 - -qynn-1&#39;-v-vii-I-Q v r. &#39; "&#39;_ .-, + RIFE-RENEE: Report or Special lgont 0. 0- Sehenhen, Oklahoma if city .°k]-an __ ______, I 1, nip - _ f DETAILS: 0 _ &#39; 1 - _&#39; &#39; &#39;;§- &#39;..---"Q . h _ _ 9 1 /P -92_ 1, ,:|_..&#39;;_r 1 ta _ 3.. __ 3&#39; . 3 § . &#39; &#39; , ... .s /""92 - ~- In =6. I. Qillie, 509 I, Young Street, false, 0¥.eht|ne, Ieegein interiieees an-. Iilliecemspanied 1»; um, Grove te the iooe bloehuen !ierth&#39;!renk- _iert 8t., Tulsa, Ukleheme, where he pointed out the three houeee in that block, after Ihieh he eteteni that in hie opinion Floyd vieite one oi theee honeee-&#39; Ir. Iillie eee eleeely questioned ee to hie meeeene tor belieiing thet Floyd vieited theee houeee and he eteted that from time to time he hee eeeh humercue eutemobilee around theme end ie therefore inclined to believe that rleyi vieite in that vicinity, inenneh ee the time he hee eeen Heyd peeeing the Iillie hone he hee been going in the direction of the it I-Pp-pqe$ >- = ~--- - Ilene block on Berth Irenttort. It nee eeeerteined that Iillie hee never eon Ileye &#39;{=- &#39; &#39;- &#39;- .. -.. at any oi theee honeee. fhie Agent made eererel tripe both during the lay end night &#39; t :, i o t .» 1&#39; {-- time to -the mun; of the 1ooo_,ne¢1; Oil emu I&#39;renl:tort_but 1e not obeeiee any un- :~ - Q tseuelrgetivitfeeutheret . ! .. .&#39;-=92J &#39; . " - . _Ir. Iillie hee eenteetee Agent by telephone on nmerene oeoeeiene oeteneibly for the purpose of inquiring Ihether information had been obtained in4i- .. eating that Iloy eee frequenting any of the houeee pointed out by him, however, he {N e . eeelled primarily interested in determining Ihether there :§.ee£1&p3§§i.;bili§y of hie J yum &#39; &#39; amend: nan u-I-I&#39;P= i . r 11* m * &#39; :1 &#39;7 " i *1? ii 7 92 * ** * *i i gmqg. i;Tep .&#39;!"I7/ mug;-nee&#39; -V -new 6 D i i 1" &#39;?7 &#39; 5 :"- 1"&#39;~ &#39; 92 mlIIor&#39;|enecUIelI&#39;|&#39;e&#39;uemer@&#39;|&#39;n: 92 2-Divieion - - " ,;;&#39;_.;_$ A $3 92 i ii __ _ ,.-_.._..._......4 -...-..._..-...w._;.&#39;.a..:..e..i..--.&#39;-.92.._...._._.__.-_--. _. ....__..__.._.&#39;.,.....,.,,.___,...,.,..-....._.,,&#39;._,&#39;._.___,__"...,_,,__._._. ... -, -.. ,. .. , co e <e % -3. , . eeouring employmentwith the Government. Heetated that he ie preaently dployed but expeota to he out oi work later on. - . ..-_ &#39; pi?- " - &#39; Ir. Iillie I111 odviae thie Agent oi en! additional _iniormatien rer _ ..¢ eeived hr him. _ &#39; _ - __ _ _ .. -;,, -_ - _ _ 92 Gnu-lea Harrie,B. BT18, Io:&#39;5B6-I, 0k1e}|oma&#39;lPine hiaa, £;_l_Iiei"i- . vb den-Rda.l,add:-e&#39;ea for-marI. idthStreet, ISQglee, Ok1ah5np,&#39;addreeeed_"e letter . f to Attorney Giarlea B. Selby, -Oklelnm City, O aho:na,&#39;ende&#39;rdate of {I117 .19, 1983 in which Earriaetatea that he can find Iloyd or anyone elae in Iiaeonri -or onehcna. &#39;i&#39;hiewee letter tamed over to the mam City Diviaion Uttioe by 1ttornay_8e1l._h7, -| _ Relative to Harrie, it ahonld he eteted that he haa been interviewed hr this Agmt :-< . &#39; _ &#39;.-.. IIT -25 >31&#39;- - eeverel different timea and hee etated that it implored en inforllenthy "the -&#39; |._..;1 ! . Government he could make eontaote in the underworld and aeeure informtion relative !&#39;§&#39;-,1. - .37? .1 e to the location of Iloyd, Underhill md the other aubjeota wanted in oonneetioil .$&#39;:"§_ 1. Iith this eaae. Karrie ie unemployed and ie aeelzing aoua neena of livelihood. Io !.J ,-;-_.. n- - |&#39;- has no intonation at the present tine regardingpthe whareahouta e__t anyoi thoe__e. --1 wantedin thia caee. Barrie ie an ex-convict, having beenoonvioted i&#39;or"rio1atien of the liationel ?rohihition got at &#39;&|-921aa,&#39;0t1eho;:,|afeera ago: eereral Harrie elaina u. that during the time he waa engaged in hootlaging he nade nnnaroha oontaote in the hii -. ;&#39; underworld, pertiailerly at Joplin, lieaouri md in the thioinity of South kite!- ____-_,.; _ _ - = a ville, Oklahoma. He helievew that ii unplored by the Government he_oonJ.d_re-newhie oontaete and obtain the deeired intonation, - 1?- »<*~--~~----*"*t&#39;-i~*-W_ r "" " mom: &#39; _ * -_. up-. i.&#39;T.p . A -. 2 .1- .-&#39;-" &#39;. _ 1 H. ..-"&#39;JP92a &#39; .&#39;._. 9292 _,.ae, . .-.. |_--~. .. .=-.--1 il_ . n _ QL4] .;,. 1 - . -2 . 1 . .- . _ -&#39; - , - . x,- . -.! 1 In-|-&#39;-P _ K... ...-1 J, _ _ -_ I . - . - &#39;|,-J,-,;:*>"f&#39;. ;_ , 92 - -, <_w-ea-111%2" e . >1. 1" 1: &#39; &#39; &#39; -.. _;.-&#39;.J:¢~v 17*" _ ., ._.. r-&#39;-I&#39;..¢ - 92 92.b. Ki z.-w =2 . -.-we ._ . &#39;.&#39; .&#39;..¢¢ ~-II,1 0 pun _ _ ,_.._ .-. &#39;- .-4" ..&#39;<¢- &#39; .&#39; , - .12!""" ;..__ &#39;_. J-_... -. _,. .~w- 1 _ ff-,,.._ _-.n 92_-92_-.3-_g_§.._i ,, f. 1 7"" . I 3 "i ,....-.., _ - &#39;- -*-., - *. - . *- 4&#39;." . * " -_. &#39;5 -io; . _ - 5. 92 &#39; &#39; , ab &#39; ,n P p »¢--p. - -L -. _.. -. - ..- Lb ¢ 1* ,1; - &#39;"+.~ Iv &#39;v .. ...,.1_._92.....;....,.....,............-- - "- ........»-..............- " &#39; .-..-._.. ...... ._:~d-i,;:.-1:2..-L_&#39;;..&#39;%;-l&#39;.__&#39;._::&#39;_-&#39;I-__&#39;;.::"_-.01---_-____J,,_____ __ . -~ , Q... &#39;-" I. &#39; f -- _»C&#39; V V - -- C. - % A &#39; V % &#39; . ...,,> I ! 2 r :1:--- - #1 .-v 1 &#39;1 Ja &#39;1,cat! ml ll-"°"* q;=v*b¢.~1&#39;. .- .. &#39; ""4/Q":2" ___"/-f.s~,.;;;§r&#39;.gr92 &#39;. -f"I<=-~-*~ V |_._-J"1&#39;--1,.""*3a" .-. " - In¢ .. 3:. &#39; * &#39;--- &#39; . , _ - ._* :¥ ii . -"11:- -é 1 . ~ " _ . .. - » JI; -"5 - _.....-L-7:-J.»-* . .- = - .92.-&#39;.~ 1 ,.:.,-.=.~. .2 -~-=- =. , _--1-*3. =?,=92§-&#39;=_-.~_. .&#39; . -4» ..,-U " l- - .&#39; J1 P; 1" -&#39; _.&#39; -I " 4&#39;-in -92A¢&#39;92 Bwdal unitla ¢l|I1&#39;lIu~%;."- 1. &#39; : -- . 1§_§i";*:;;&#39;_3_I;E5_*!,..:¢&#39;f;-&#39;-- 1 _j:;,**§-;:;&#39;;.< " &#39; .&#39;._, i . .. &#39;.&#39; .&#39; .&#39;- -.""*&#39;~i1:&#39;-*.&#39;._.
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