Park North, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL Tel: (01403) 215100 (calls may be recorded) Fax: (01403) 262985 DX 57609 HORSHAM 6 www.horsham.gov.uk Chief Executive - Tom Crowley Personal callers and deliveries: please come to Park North E-Mail: [email protected] Direct Line: 01403 215465 Development Control (South) Committee TUESDAY 15th JANUARY 2013 AT 2.00p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBER, PARK NORTH, NORTH STREET, HORSHAM Councillors: David Jenkins (Chairman) Sheila Matthews Vice-Chairman) Roger Arthur Ian Howard Adam Breacher Liz Kitchen Jonathan Chowen Gordon Lindsay Philip Circus Chris Mason George Cockman Brian O’Connell David Coldwell Roger Paterson Ray Dawe Sue Rogers Brian Donnelly Kate Rowbottom Andrew Dunlop Jim Sanson Jim Goddard Tom Crowley Chief Executive AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. To approve as correct the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18th December 2012 (attached) 3. To receive any declarations of interest from Members of the Committee – any clarification on whether a Member has an interest should be sought before attending the meeting. 4. To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee or the Chief Executive 5. To consider the following reports and to take such action thereon as may be necessary Head of Planning & Environmental Services Appeals Applications for determination by Committee - Appendix A Paper certified as sustainable by an independent global forest certification organisation Item Ward Reference Site No. Number A1 Chanctonbury DC/12/1891 Land East of Tesla Engineering Company Ltd Water Lane Storrington A2 Chanctonbury DC/12/1590 Pulborough Farm Storrington Road Thakeham A3 Billingshurst and DC/12/2024 St Andrews Farm Coolham Road Shipley Brooks Green A4 Chanctonbury DC/12/1629 Steeton Rock Road Storrington A5 Cowfold, DC/12/2221 Beehive Bentons Lane Dial Post Horsham Shermanbury and West Grinstead 6. Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as urgent because of the special circumstances DCS121218 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL (SOUTH) COMMITTEE 18th DECEMBER 2012 Present: Councillors: David Jenkins (Chairman), Sheila Matthews (Vice- Chairman), Roger Arthur, Adam Breacher, Jonathan Chowen, Philip Circus, David Coldwell, Ray Dawe, Brian Donnelly, Jim Goddard, Ian Howard, Gordon Lindsay, Chris Mason, Brian O’Connell, Roger Paterson, Sue Rogers, Kate Rowbottom, Jim Sanson Apologies: Councillors: George Cockman, Andrew Dunlop, Liz Kitchen DCS/85 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 20th November 2012 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. DCS/86 INTERESTS OF MEMBERS Member Item Nature of Interest Councillor Chris DC/12/0687 Personal – he is a member of the Mason same club as the applicant Councillor Jim DC/12/0687 Personal & prejudicial – he lives in Sanson Monastery Lane and is also a member of the same club as the applicant DCS/87 ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no announcements. DCS/88 APPEALS Appeals Lodged Written Representations/Household Appeals Service Ref No Site Appellant(s) DC/11/2631 Spring Acres, West End Lane, Mr T Tingey Henfield DC/12/0136 The Annexe, Church View, The Mrs Lavinia Bunyan Street, Thakeham DC/12/1225 21 West Street, Storrington Mr Irfan Yildiram DC/12/0342 24 Oakfield Road, Cowfold Mr Joe Dorman DC/12/0930 Land Rear of Waterside House, 17 Mr Brent Dowson Lower Street, Pulborough DC/12/1418 Henfield House, Croft Lane, Henfield Mr and Mrs M Lewis Development Control (South) Committee 18th December 2012 DCS/88 Appeals (cont.) Appeals Lodged - Written Representations/Household Appeals Service (cont.) DC/12/0317 Yaffles, Rock Road, Storrington Mr John Matuszewski DC/12 0908 Walden Hall, Cowfold Road, West Mr David Bostock Grinstead Appeal Decisions Ref No Site Appellant(s) Decision DC/12/1227 Oaklea, Harborough Gorse, Mr Clive Phelan Dismissed West Chiltington DC/10/1457 RMC Engineering Services Cemex Allowed Ltd Workshops, Storrington Road, Washington DCS/89 PLANNING APPLICATION: DC/11/2334 – THE PART DEMOLITION OF THE EXISTING FOOD STORE AND SOME ADJACENT SHOP UNITS IN OLD MILL SQUARE INCLUDING SOME SHOP UNITS, OFFICE SPACE, A RESTAURANT AND A GARAGE; AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN EXTENDED FOOD STORE INCLUDING STORAGE, PLANT AND SERVICE AREAS, TOGETHER WITH ANCILLARY FACILITIES INCLUDING A 2 LEVEL CAR PARK SITE: OLD MILL SQUARE, STORRINGTON APPLICANT: MR MARK DAWKINS ON BEHALF OF WAITROSE & KIAFIELD PROPERTIES The Head of Planning & Environmental Services reported that this application sought permission for the extension of the existing food store with an increase of floor area from 1,410 square metres to 3,221 square metres to accommodate a foodstore, storage, plant and service areas. The proposal included an additional car parking level to provide a total of 217 parking spaces and the provision of customer toilets within the store, which would be made available to the general public. During consideration of the application there had been a number of amendments, most significantly that Old Mill Drive would not be closed to traffic. A new mini- roundabout at the North Street junction and upgrading of the pedestrian crossing in the High Street were also proposed. The site was located within the centre of Storrington to the north of the High Street. The application site was a brownfield site within the defined built-up area of Storrington, which was identified in the Local Development Framework Core Strategy document as a village considered capable of accommodating some expansion, in-filling and re-development. 2 Development Control (South) Committee 18th December 2012 DCS/89 Planning Application: DC/11/2334 (cont.) The National Planning Policy Framework 2012; Local Development Framework Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP13, CP15 and CP17; Local Development Framework General Development Control DC8, DC9, DC12, DC34 and DC40; and the Storrington Old Mill Drive Diamond Planning Brief SPD 2008 were relevant to the determination of this application. There was no planning history relevant to this application. The responses from statutory internal and external consultees, including their initial comments and final comments in respect of the amended plans, were considered by the Committee. In particular, the comments of the Head of Public Health & Licensing regarding air quality and those of the County Surveyor in respect of traffic generation were noted. Additional comments submitted by the applicant were also reported. In particular, they had raised concerns regarding a number of the proposed conditions and it was suggested that, if the application was considered by Members to be acceptable, these could be addressed during the delegation period. Storrington & Sullington Parish Council raised no objection to the application but had expressed a number of concerns relating to design and detail. Thakeham Parish Council had commented on the application and West Chiltington Parish Council objected to the proposal. 266 letters of objection, 61 of support and 17 of comment together with a petition of objection containing more than 1400 signatures had been received. Three members of the public spoke in objection to the application, one member of the public and the applicant’s representative addressed the Committee in support of the proposal. A representative of the Parish Council spoke on the application, expressing support in principle. Members noted that no objection had been raised to the proposal on policy grounds, highway safety and capacity or environmental grounds. Whilst some concerns had been expressed regarding the visual impact of the extended store and the service yard walls on the character of the small intimate riverside space, Members considered that a more acceptable landscaping scheme could be secured by condition. In this respect, it was noted that the applicants had submitted amended plans replacing the proposed timber boarded fence on top of the service yard wall with railings, which was considered to be more appropriate. The applicant had agreed to contribute through a planning agreement towards public realm improvements to Old Mill Drive which would further enhance linkages with the shopping accommodation within the High Street and the wider village centre. It was noted that there had been extensive discussion between officers and the applicant since the submission of the application and the applicant had sought to address most of the concerns that had been raised by local residents. 3 Development Control (South) Committee 18th December 2012 DCS/89 Planning Application: DC/11/2334 (cont.) Members acknowledged that there were strong local feelings both for and against the proposal but considered that the application as amended was acceptable in principle, subject to securing a planning agreement and amendments to the proposed conditions. RESOLVED (i) That a planning agreement be entered into to secure the appropriate financial contributions towards the resurfacing of Old Mill Drive, air quality mitigation measures, off-site highway works and a Low Emission Strategy Agreement. (ii) That, upon completion of the agreement in (i) above and the amendment of the proposed conditions as reported, application DC/11/2334 be determined by the Head of Planning & Environmental Services. The preliminary view of the Committee was that the application should be granted. DCS/90 PLANNING APPLICATION: DC/12/0851 – RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF USE FROM AGRICULTURAL TO EQUESTRIAN STUD FARM, KEEPING OF HORSES INCLUDING RETENTION OF
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