FOREWORD The Indian theme of this year book was seems an appropriate appelation as Metuch­ suggested by part of our Metuchen High en is the highest point between New York School seal. We recognize the cultural con­ and Trenton. tributions of the American Indian, but our Chief Metuchion, or Chief of The Rolling special interest is in this area. Hills, is believed to have lived in this area Long ago the Indians of New Jersey were three hundred years ago. Early settlers divided among twenty ruling chiefs. The bought this area from the Indians. Metuch­ greatest was Chief Raritan, whose domain en, originally called Metuching, was a town spread along the Raritan Valley. A local built around a church known as the Metuch­ leader named Metuchion had a camp in the ing Meeting House. Many arrows, axes and same section. In those days a chief was utensils that farmers plowed up in this area geographically named for his locality. Me­ further indicate our Indian heritage. tuchion, the Indian word for "rolling hills," from the WALUM OLUM Zhe BLUE LETTER Dedication When selecting the person to whom we would dedicate our yearbook, we thought of one held in high regard by both the faculty and the student body. We chose Miss Mildred Leis, who has aided not only our class but the school in general. Miss Leis is always ready to help, quick to understand and accurate in informing. Cheerful and affable, she is a calm center in the whirlwind of busy school days. As freshmen we learned "When in doubt ask Miss Leis!" As our high school secretary, Miss Leis is the keeper of our records; but we are sure that none of our records is so permanent as the mark her personality has made upon our school memories. Our graduating class wishes to dedicate the 1954 Blue Letter to our invaluable friend, Miss Mildred Leis, who has represented the soul of efficiency and the heart of sympathy through our high school days. 4 Board of Education Here we render the recognition that they so richly deserve to the nine members of the Board of Education, to Mr. Bragner, Superin­ tendent of Schools, and to our Principal, Mr. Schmidtchen, for their untiring work in main­ taining and elevating our scholastic standards. Mr. William E. Bragner Superintendent oi Schools Mr. Paul W. Schmidtchen Principal Mrs. Marian G, Ewing Mr. Floyd W. Gaudet Mr. Roswell C. Groben Dr. Sol Gurshman Vice President Mr. John D, Johnson Mr. Ronald H. Rumsey Mr. Marsh B. Tipton Mrs. Dorothy C. Van Winkle 6 MISS LIEBER ANKER—Upsula College, MR. ALEX AZZOLINA—Julliard School MRS. BEATRICE BOVERS — Trenton A. B .; New York U niversity, M. A; of Music, B. S.; Columbia University, State Teachers College, B. S.—Social Montclair State Teachers College; Ber­ M; A.—Vocal Music, Glee Clubs, Band. Science, Guidance, Bulldog's Bark. litz School of Languages—German, English 11—Guidance, German Club, Bulldog's Bark. MR. F. TRUMAN BUCKELEW—Rutgers MR. CONDIT ATKINSON—Rutgers Uni- MRS. ADEE BENNETT—Alfred Univer­ University, B. S.; Montclair State versity; New Jersey Law School; Jul­ sity, B. A.; C. C. N. Y.—Latin, Guid­ Teachers College—General Science, liard Institute of Musical Arts; Eastern an ce. Guidance, Science Club. Conservatory of Music—Music, Direc­ tor of the School Band, School Dance MISS EVELYN CROWELL—Arnold Col­ Orchestra, Twirlers, Senior Adviser. lege, B. S. P. E.; Rutgers University B. S. E. Ed. — Physical Education, MR. JOHN B; CASSELL—Arnold Col­ MISS MATILDA CODELLA—Montclair Health, Driver Education—G. A. A., lege, B. S.; Seton Hall, M. A.—Physi­ State Teachers College, B. A.—Junior Red Cross, Cheerleading, Intra-murals, cal Education, Health, Varsity Club, High Science—Junior High Science Senior Adviser, Physical Education De­ Track. Club, Seventh Grade Adviser. partment Chairman. MISS RUGH CHRISTENSEN — Mont­ clair State Teachers College, B. A.— MR. FRANCIS X. CONSTANTINE—Up­ MISS ELSIE DENNY—Rider College, General Mathematics, Algebra, Senior sula College, B. S.; New York Univer­ B. S.—Commercial—Senior Adviser, Mathematics—Freshman Adviser. sity—World History—Student Govern­ Secretarial Assignments, Bulldog's m ent. Bark. MISS FLORENCE de VRIES—Newark MRS. LAILAH FELDMAN — Montclair MISS CAROL FLOMERFELT—New Jer­ State Teachers College; Rutgers Uni­ State Teachers Colleae, B. A.—English sey College for Women, B. S.—Physi­ versity, B. S. Ed.; University of Michi­ III, Public Speaking. cal Education. Intra-murals, Senior gan, M. A. Ed.; Trenton State Teachers A dviser. College, B. L. S.—Librarian, Library MR. MORTON GRAHAM—Trinity Col­ Council. MR ARCHIE ELLIOTT—University of MRS. PATRICIA FLOOD — Georgian lege, B. A.; Columbia Teachers Col­ Nebraska, B. S.; University of Colo­ Court College. B. S.—History, Geogra­ lege, M. A.—French—Guidance, French rado, M. S.; Columbia University, M. phy—Junior Hall Patrol, Guidance, Club, Assembly Committee. Language A.—Mathematics—Junior Advisor, Na­ Adviser to Supreme Court. Department Chairman. tional Honor Society, Mathematics De­ partment Chairman. MRS. MILDRED HILLEY-SWANK — Temple University; University of Penn­ MISS LOUISE HAITSCH—Upsula Col- MR. HENRY A. HASSEL—Trenton State sylvania; Rutgers University — Com­ lege, B. A.; New York University, M. Teachers College, B. S. Ed.—Indus- mercial—The "Hub", Blue Letter. Bull­ A. — English IV-V — Senior Adviser, trial Arts, Carving Club. dog's Bark, Senior Adviser. Commer­ Literary Club, English Department cial Department Chairman. C hairm an. MR. GEORGE HARTLAND—Arnold Col­ MR. RAY HERB—Lebanon Valley Col­ MISS ANNE WINIFRED HYDO—Rider lege, B. S.; New York University, M. lege, B. A.; Penn State; Rutgers Uni­ College, B. S.; Columbia University; A.—Director of Athletics. versity, M. Ed.—U. S. History II—Guid­ Rutgers University, M.Ed.—Commercial ance, Social Studies Department —Guidance, Future Teachers, Senior Chairm an. Adviser, F. B. L. A. Club. MR. DANIEL JACKLER—New York Uni­ MR. G. ELWOOD JONES, MISS LORRAINE KEMBLE — Trenton versity, B. S., M. A.-*--American History State Teachers College, State Teachers College, B. S.—Physi­ —Supreme Court, Co-ordinating Coun­ bia Teachers College, M. cal Education, Health—Intra-murals, cil, Junior Adviser. University—English III, Junior Adviser. lish. Blue Letter. MRS. HANNAH JESSEN—West Chester MR. JAMES KELLY—Montclair State MR. CLIFFORD KILIAN—University of State Teachers College; Rutgers Uni­ Teachers College, B. A. — English — Dubuque, B. S.; University of Wis­ versity, B. S. Ed. — Mathematics — Baseball, Basketball, Junior High Ad­ consin; Columbia University, M. S.; Junior High Adviser, Homeroom Club. v iser. Montclair State Teachers College, Woods Hole Marine Biological Institute —Biology, Chemistry, Biology Club, Chemistry Club, Senior Adviser, Science Department Chairman. MISS JOHANNA KUZMICH—New Jer­ MR. JOHN MARCASON—Trenton State sey College for Women, A. B.—Eng­ Teachers College, Rutgers University, lish, World History — Freshman Ad­ M. A.; New York University—Indus­ MRS. MILDRED MINOR — Rider Col­ viser, Bulldog's Bark. trial and Fine Arts—Industrial and lege, B. S. Rutgers University—Com­ Fine Arts Chairman. mercial—School Bank. MR. LAWRENCE LITTMAN — Rutgers MR. GEORGE MICKETT—Rutgers Uni­ MR. JOHN MORGAN—Montclair State University, A. B.; Montclair State versity, B. S.. M. Ed.—Co-ordinator of Teachers College—Physics, Algebra, Teachers College, A. B., A. M.—Eng­ Guidance. Co-ordinator of Co-curri- lish II—Sophomore Adviser, Senior General Mathematics—Junior Adviser, cular Activities—Psychology Club. Integral Club. Play, Footlighters. MR. PAUL NIELSEN—Rutgers Univer­ MISS MAXINE ROCKOFF—New Jersey MR. JOHN TOTIN—Rutgers University, sity, B. S.; Columbia Teachers Col­ State Teachers College at Newark, B. A. B., M. A.; Temple University—Eng­ lege, M. A.—Science, Visual Aids De­ S.; Columbia University School of lish—Football. partment—Visual Aids Club. Painting and Sculpture—Art—Art Club. MRS. JEAN VAN SICKLE—New Jersey MISS ANN PINDA—Jersey City State MRS. BEVERLY SAVIDGE—New Jersey Teachers College; Montclair State College for Women, B. S.;—Cooking, College for Women. B. S.; Syracuse— Family Living—Hostess Club, Sopho­ Teachers College, B. A.—Mathematics, Home Economics—Sewing Club. Science—Seventh Grade Adviser. more Adviser. MR. ROBERT A. WITHEY—Rutgers Uni­ MRS. EMILY CURRIE—Monmouth Mem­ versity. B. S.—World Geography— orial Hospital School of Nursing; Seton MISS ANNA CORNELL—Rider College Football, Basketball, I. R. C., Guid­ Hall—School Nurse. —Administration Secretary. an ce. DR. JOHN WITMER—Penn State Col- B. S.; Long Island College Medi­ MISS MILDRED LEIS—High School Sec- MISS JANET STORER—Assistant Clerk cal Hospital, M. D.—School Physician. retary. to Administration. Class Officers CHARLES FITCH GLORIA AHEARN "Charlie" "Gloria" Charlie is enthusiastic about out­ An immaculately groomed fashion- door sports, basketball, and experi­ plate, a shining smile, a mirthful menting with cars. An elegant pixie, all rolled into one gal, is dresser, our Mr. Senior Class Presi­ Gloria. Eyes sparkling like twin dent, with his suave manners, is sapphires, Gloria creates a cheerful going places. "Young and tall and atmosphere wherever she goes. This very handsome." pretty little miss deserves all she President oi the Sophomore and asks of life. "Like a cricket, happy, Senior classes. Courtesy Patrol, Blue active." Letter. Footlighters, Glee Club. Vice President of the Freshman, Senior Play. Basketball. Bowling, All Class Dances. Sophomore, Senior Classes, Blue Letter, Bulldog's Bark, Legislature, Courtesy Patrol, G.A.A., Glee Club, Senior Play, All Class Dances. BARBARA CHRISTOPH "Bobsy" 'A carefree smile shall lead the way"—if Bobsy's not at a football or basketball game, she's probably reading one of Zane Grey's western books. Her dependability won her the position of Senior Class Treasur­ er, but most of us think of Bobsy as a carefree personality. Senior Class Treasurer. Courtesy Pa­ MARILYN BAUMLIN trol, Blue Letter Business Manager, "Marilyn" P.T.A., German Club, I.R.C., Literary "She dwells in a world of happiness Club, Senior Play, Basketball, Base­ ball.
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