Hegele's Physicians' Account Record. A Card Index Record in final "In instances the control Records and says the summary: many for Keeping Physicians' Accounts, Appointments, of the is the of life and he dem- Memoranda ; Consisting of a Daily Record Card for Each Day in blood pressure control itself," the Year, and a Yearly Account Card for Each Family or Patient, onstrates that by proper methods of controlling it we may in a Constructed Wood Tray with Monthly, Contained Specially dead. The facts that a Daily, Alphabetical and Open and Closed Account Guide Cards, To- almost resuscitate the decapitated dog gether with an Imported Seal Leather Prescription Book and Card was alive as its vegetative functions for many : Box A 1055, kept regards Holder. Complete $10. Trial Offer $5. Chicago a man died Hegele's Physicians' Account Record. hours, and the partial resuscitation of who had are of the This is not a book, but it takes the place of the books which from fatal injury of the brain, indications possi- bilities the method here The that the most physicians use for the purpose. Card index records are of described. fact taking the place of ledgers, journals and blank books through memoir has received the Cartwright prize, is sufficient evi- that all out the business world to a marked degree because of their dence of its merit. The author is careful to state thus fore- superiority. This card index record is asserted to be an en- his experiments were conducted under full anesthesia, tirely new and modern method for keeping physicians' accounts, stalling the criticisms of the antivivisectionists. records, appointments and memoranda, and if we accept the International Clinics. A Quarterly of Illustrated Clinical Lec- tures and on Medi- warm recommendations of some of the Especially Prepared Original Articles Treatment, prominent physicians cine, Surgery, Neurology, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Gynecology, Ortho- and surgeons who have used it, it will be a valuable addition pedics, Pathology, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Otology, Rhinology, to A is of little value Laryngology, Hygiene, and Other Topics of Interest to Students and any practitioner's equipment. description Practitioners. By Leading Members of the Medical Profession without the cards to illustrate it, so we will merely say that Throughout the World. Edited by A. O. J. Kelly, A.M., M.D., of Wm. Balti- this record seems very accessible and practical and so Philadelphia, with the Collaboration Osler, M.D., simple, more ; John H. Musser, M.D., Philadelphia ; Jas. Stewart, M.D., compact, complete, easily kept and accurate that it is said to Montreal ; J. B. Murphy, M.D., Chicago ; A. McPhedran, M.D., Thos. M. John overcome all difficulties of that bane of existence, Toronto ; Rotch, M.D., Boston ; G. Clark, M.D., entirely Philadelphia ; James J. Walsh, M.D., New York ; J. W. Ballantyne, "bookkeeping," and to stand the test of the courts. There is M.D., Edinburgh : John Harold, M.D., London ; Edmund Landolt, Cor- little to be done, as the record itself is M.D., Paris, and Richard Kretz, M.D., Vienna. With Regular very writing gotten respondents in Montreal, London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Leipsic, up in so complete a manner that it does away with the usual Brussels and Carlsbad. Vol. IV. Thirteenth Series, 1904. Cloth. amount of with the old methods of Pp. 321. Price, $2.00 net. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincitt Co. writing necessary keeping 1904. books and use of signs. This serial appears with its usual excellent collection of Essential of Pelvic Diagnosis with Illustrative Cases. By contents in the of E. Stanmore Bishop, F.R.C.S. Hon. Surg. Ancoats covering special subjects departments gen- Eng., Hospital, eral or- Manchester. And an Appendix on Examination of Blood, etc. By treatment, medicine, surgery, gynecology, neurology, Chas. H. Melland, M.D., (Lond.) M.R.C.P., Hon. Physician Ancoats thopedics, ophthalmology and pathology. The list of authors Hospital. Manchester. Cloth. Pp. 297. Price, $3.00 net. New York : William Wood & Co. 1903. includes not merely American, but also prominent European and This volume, which does not pretend to supplant the reg- authorities, such as Julien, Dyce Duckworth others. It to further to work. ular works on gynecology, is simply a statement of the prin- is unnecessary say anything commend the cipal diagnostic points that are to be observed from the view- The series can be profitably read by the average practitioner. of point the practitioner, who sees the symptoms without A Short Practice of Gynecology. By Henry Jellett, B.A., necessarily a previous knowledge of the disease. The in- M.D., B.Ch., B.A.O. (Dublin University), F.R.C.P.I., L.M. ; Ex\x=req-\ assistant Master, Rotunda Hospital. Second Edition, Revised and ductive rather than the deductive method, is followed, and Enlarged. With 223 Illustrations. Cloth. Pp. 406. Price, $3.75. the plan appears a good one, though it is not new. The book London : J. & A. Churchill. Philadelphia : P. Blakiston's Son & is divided into five parts: 1, Pelvic diagnosis, giving the Co. 1903. This is the second edition of an work, which is a methods; 2, lines of diagnosis, describing the symptoms; 3, di- English very fair example of the briefer treatises on this important agnostic tables, in which the symptoms are grouped and tab- We can not call it an exhaustive one nor recom- ulated to the conditions which should indi- subject. according they mend it in place of the fuller works. While its of cate; 4, illustrative cases to demonstrate the manner in which handling the subject is generally judicious, and the illustrations and the data should be 5, a useful foregoing employed; though are it does meet the brief description of the blood examinations and methods. The descriptions clear, not requirements either of the specialist or of the practitioner. work has an excellent index, in which each subject has given general in parallel columns the pages on which it is treated in the Clinical Treatises on the Pathology and Therapy of Dis- orders of Metabolism and Nutrition. Prof. Dr. Carl von various of work—a which we have not By subdivisions the plan Noorden, Physician in Chief to the City Hospital, Frankfurt a. M. heretofore seen adopted. Authorized American Edition Translated under the Direction of Boardman Reed, M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Gastro-intes- A Text-Book of Legal Medicine and Toxicology. Edited by tinal Tract, Hygiene and Climatology, Department of Medicine, Frederick Peterson, M.D., Chief of Clinic, Nervous Department of Temple College. Part IV. The Acid Autointoxications. By Prof. the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York ; and Walter S. Dr. Carl von Noorden and Dr. Mohr. Cloth. Pp. 80. Price 50 Haines, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Toxicology, cents. New York : E. B. Treat & Co. 1903. Rush Medical College. in Affiliation with the University of Chicago. Dr. Boardman Reed has done a service to American read- In Two Volumes. Fully Illustrated. Cloth. Vol. II. Pp. 750. Price, $5.00. Philadelphia, New York, London : W. B. Saunders ers in having von Noorden's studies translated into English. & Co. 1903. In this little volume the acid intoxications are taken up and The first volume of Peterson and Haines' work on medico- treated as the author's reputation might lead us to expect. legal medicine has already been noticed. This second volume The translation is well done. keeps up the character of the first. The editors have been able The Gazette Pocket Speller and Definer. English and Medi- to obtain a very competent corps of collaborators on the vari- cal. Second Edition. Flexible Leather. Pp. 216. Price 50 cents. ous subjects included. In the first section of the work the New York : The Gazette Publishing Co. This subjects of malingering, questions of pregnancy and venereal little dictionary, which the compiler says is intended diseases, birth, legitimacy, etc., marriage, divorce, malprac- primarily as a speller, is very handy and will doubtles be re- tice, laws relating to insanity and the medicolegal relations of ceived with favor by the general, and especially the medical, the x-rays are all treated of. The second portion is devoted public. Nearly half of the work is a medical dictionary and of it not full to toxicology, as well as the medicolegal examination of the while, course, is so as others, it contains the larger blood, seminal stains, etc. The book is fully illustrated, ample portion of the medical terms which are sought for by the reader in its elaborate references and will undoubtedly be long a for information as regards definitions and spelling. The type is to free from standard work of reference on this subject. good, it seems be errors and is a very convenient vest-pocket reference book. Blood-Pressure in Surgery, An Experimental and Clinical Re- search. The Cartwright Prize Essay for 1903. By George W. The Practice of Medicine. A Text-Book for Practitioners and Crile, A.M., M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, Western Reserve Students, with Special Reference to Diagnosis and Treatment. Medical College. Cloth. Pp. 422. Price, $4.00. Philadelphia By James Tyson, M.D., Professor of Medicine in the University and London : J. B. Lippincott Co. 1903. of Pennsylvania. Third Edition, Thoroughly Revised and in Parts This volume contains the account of Crile's experiments Rewritten. With 134 Illustrations. Including Colored Plates. Cloth. Pp. 1,240. Price, $5.50. Philadelphia : P. Blakiston's Son on blood pressure and shock, and the details fill the greater & Co. 1003. portion of its pages. The practical importance of his results The third edition of Tyson's Practice has been revised in is evident, especially as regards operative surgery.
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