A practical way to fabricate RACING MANIFOLDS, EXHAUST PIPES, TRAILERS, CANOPY FRAMES, GATES, and many other items. ~ ~-= N.z. o CAR STANDS *ALL STEEL TUBULAR CONSTRUCTION *MAXIMUM LOAD 1000 Kg PER STAND *HEIGHT FROM 330mm to 440mm *7HEIGHT POSITIONS ~ VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF N.Z.(INC.) NATIONAL EXECUTIVE President: N. A. Dewhurst (AucklandI Club Captain: A. D.Storer [Banks Peninsula] Club Vice-Captain: M. K. Holland (Manawa tu) VOL. XXIX No . 145 Hon. Secretary: Clyn t Inns (Bank s Penins ula) Administrative Secretary: Robert Duns, Phone 517-335, Chr istchurch . December 1983-Jan 1984 Club Registrar: Don Bennetts, 714 Hills Road, Christchurch. Executive: Messrs B. J. Barne s (Southland), W. M. Birch 29th YEAR OF PUBLICATION [Wellington]. J. W. A. Newell (Banks Peninsula], N.C. Skevington (Canterbury). IN THIS ISSUE CORRESPONDENCE President's Message 2 Club correspo ndence, including members' CHANGES OF De Dion, 23 Years later 3 ADDRESS, must be sent to Canterbury Opening run 5 The Vintage Car Club ofN.Z. fIne.) r.o. Box 2546, The Suicide Saucers 6 Christchurch. Obituary 10 Members should state 6 figure number from Membership Card. Vintage Racing Fords 11 Intend ing members should write to this add ress . Fall and Rise of 1147 15 All Beaded Wheels corresponde nce and subscribers change of address to P.O. Box 13140. Dunvegan 1983 22 Branch Notes 24 Letter to Editor 31 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITIEE Chairman : Spencer Barnard. Classified Ads 33 Committee: Geoff Hockley, Bruce Pidgeon, Bob Scott, Paul Giesler, Bob Entwistle. Material for publication is the responsibility of this committee and should be forw arded to P.O. Box 13140, CLOSING DATE, FEBRUARY-MARCH ISSUE Christchurch , typed or neatly printed, double spaced on one Editorial Copy - 13th January 1984 side of pap er only. Advertising Copy - 16th January 1984 Reports of restorations, event s, road tests, historical and techn ical articl es welcome. No payment mad e to contributors. The opinions expressed in letters or articles in Beaded COVER PHOTO Wheels are the authors' own views and do not necessarily 1925 3 Litre Bentley owned by Russell Ward. express the policy of the Vintage Car Club of N.Z. [Inc], Photo by Anthony Henry See story on Page 15. PRODUCTION Beaded Wheels is published bi-monthly by Pur se Willis & Beaded Wheel. Is the voice 01 the Vintage Car Aiken Ltd, Christchurch for the Vinta ge Car Club of N.Z. movemenl In New Zealand and 01 the Clubs Whose efforts are fostering and ever widening the .Interest of Inc., at its editorial office, p.a. Box 13140, Christchurch. this movemant and form rallying points for that ever Increasing band 01enthusla.ts. The lasc lnatlon 01age Mailed free to all mem bers of Vintage Car Club. Itsell or revulsion Irom the flashy mediocrity 01 the Subscribers only Annual Subscription (6 issues] $7.00. present day Is draw ing an Increas ing numb... 01 Individual copies and back numbers $1.20. motorists back to the individuali ty, solid worth, and funct ional elegance that was demanded by a more discr iminating generation and It I. to the. e that this magazine I. dedicated. ADVERTISING Rate schedule available on request to Adverti sing Manager, Registered at Post Office Headquarters Wellington, p.a. Box 13140, Christchurch. Phone 67-346. as a magazine. From the'President In Septem ber I had th e pleasure of the points rais ed . It saddens me vintage clubs etc. This qu est ion J of bein g able to visit Gisborne to hear mention of modern poses a possible general pr ovi sion Bran ch on the occas ion of the vehicles bein g admitted to our to do something, not whether or official opening of their ranks, or shabby, poorly not we accept members of th e 'so Clubroom s, to be known as the presented vehicles participating in and so' club in our ranks. Debate "Carlton Rooms". Gisborne our eve nts. Not ju st for the on spec ific applications would Branch is com prised of a group of thought of such possibilities but come later and I have no doubt enthusias ts who have been active also that som e members should that we would then decline some for many years now , first as have so int erpreted what I have application, for anyone of a members of Hawkes Bay, then as said. So let me try again. number of good reasons. ' But a sub branch, and )atte rly On e of th e qu esti ons posed wa s without such pr ovision in our enjoying hill bran ch ··status. t hei r Do we need an official rul es we are powerless to even clubroom s are a cre dit to them, acceptance an y lon ger for P.W. consid er such applications. On the being very we ll fini shed, (largely vehicles? If yes , then the status othe r hand there may' not be any by voluntary efforts and virtually qu o remains , namely a fairly cases to con sid er for years to freehold) and have been kept length y process for the ow ner to come , but I believe we should be relati ve to their immedi at e needs, gain official approval of his in a positi on to say yes or no if and which has no doubt been a fact or vehicle in order to be eligible to when asked. 111 ensuring th e succes sful participate 'in calendar events. If Th er e are as always , two side s completion of th e project. not, then the vehicle is eligible by to these points and informed · Congratulations to Gisborne virtue of its age, subject only to its discussion is necessary. Notice of members, it was nice to see their gen eral appearance and condition mention has been lodged to bring · neighb ouring branches suppo rting being up to standard. Thi s the first matter up for vote, the rthern too. standard, which is gen erally the seco nd is simply a talking point at Two topi cs hav e recently been responsibility of the organiser of thi s stag e. I hope the above is of getting an airing around the an event or th e Club Captain, is assistance and rest assured, we branches, arising . from some already applied to veteran, are not about to accept mod ern · recent points in these notes and vintage, and post vint age vehicles. day vehicles or clubs int o what is the.Annual Conferenc e. Although Another question was -Would und oubtedly New Zealand's best ·it is good to ' see and hear them it be desirabl e to include provision Club for enthusiasts who love discu ssed , it concerns' me that in our Club rules to ena ble the their old vehicles. -some members and perhaps even V.C.C. N.Z. to act as "moth er" branches, ma y not be fully awa re club for some of th e one mak e NORMAN DEWHURST College FORD SPARES New Ford parts From 1928 On­ 195 NEW WINDSOR ROAD, AVONDALE PHONE 674-857 AUCKLAND - Postal enquires welcome! PAGE TWO never smo ke d and uses abo ut a J pint of Castrol GTX oil per 500 'Denny' De Dion odd mil es. It is always extremely easy to start even in the morning afte r a 23 Years Later heav y frost. On e has to set th e de­ compressor control (knob below radiator] pull sma ll kn ob besid e by Rex Porter de-compressor (to tick le th e ca rburetto r, ther e is no cho ke). kn eel down and spin cran k­ " Beade d Wheels" March 1958 gears. Th ere is a lon g bus hing in han dle couple of turns and it runs. told the story of bringing hom e th e clutch and all ball bearings in Release de-compressor. If one the remains of a 1907 one cy linde r th e gearbox, w ith the top inp ut fails to releas e th e de -compressor , 8 hp De Dion Bouton and the shaft, not eve n running in th e oil. it still ru ns smoothly but is ve ry December 1960 issue rec ounted The car has nev er been tra ilered lacking in power . the restoration . Now 23 yea rs but was d riven to Club events at Th e drive to any eve nt is as later we ca n give an ac count of its Wellington , Wan ganui, Haw kes much pleasure as th e event itself, performan ce and th e pleasure Bay, Palmerston No rth , and dow n speci ally so if th e weathe r is nic e deri ved from thi s car. It ha s been to South Island for th e 1972 and the hood ca n be low ered. If it driven 13,000 odd m iles since th e Int ernational Rally . On th e latt er re-build, and now runs better than eve nt we were three weeks on the eve r. Qu ite a pleasure to drive, road an d ad ded no water to th e eve n if a bit slow and tediou s up rad iator. It does 35 to 40'mi les per hills at 10 mph, but on the flat a gallon of standa rd pe trol, plus a good 30 mph is maintained littl e upp er-cy linder oil. It has 1907 De Di on Single cyli nder 8 h.p. effortlessly, or w ith a following wind or slight down grade , 40 mph can be reach ed.
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