"Published byAuthority — Vol:XXXIV, No.45.7" TeJULY,2006. Price sane General Notice 177 of 2006. GeneralNotice 186,of 2006. =: a . SOCIAL WORKERSs ACTouarrER 27:21]: * oT‘ATEPROCUREMENTBro)ARD Appointment of Members to, the.Céuncilof|SocialWorkers. / Tenders Invitede Tiis hereby notified that thie’Minister of‘Public Service, Labour andSocial Welfare has, in terms of section 3of the Social Workers “Fenders¢‘faust beenclosed in sealed envelopes,‘endorsed ‘on ‘the. outside Act [Chapter 27.21},appointed—- oe a, . with! the. advertised tendér nvinber, description; closing date and must |. be posted in time tobé sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causeway or Phillip M. Bohwasi- delivered by hand to.the Principal Officer, State. ProcurementBoard, Fifth Floor, Old - SibongileDamasane Reserve Bank Building, 1, Samora Machel Avenue, Barare,“before 10.00 am. on the » Edwell Kaseke Closingdate a Langton Makoni ~~ . Ta Josphat MuzondiwaMathe -° ~* 7 oo "BM. USHEWOKUNZE, Sidney Gozho Mhishi —. vevo cor le Ss } Je7.2606 “Principal Officer“Stwe Procurement Board. AssacTawonanyika Mukaro” iron Tender number Jasper Musimbe ty Mildred Sandi’ POSB.01/2006. Partitioning.ofoffices,:“installation “ofccounters as members of the’Couseil of Social Workers for aperiod offour and electrification:Documents forthis tenderare obtain- years with effect fiom the 15th May,2006. able from the:Administration: and Procument Manager, . , LC.MUSEKA. Office 5N4, Fifth.Floor,” People’s. Own:Savings’ Bank . " .Seérétary for PublicService, - Dae (POSB) Head Office, corner Central ‘Avenue and’Third, 7-7-2006. ‘ Labour and Social Welfare. 4 Street,”-Hararé, upon payment‘ofa non-fefundable de-. ‘GeneralNotice 178 of2006. ° posit fee of $1: 000.000 Persset. ‘Theclosing¢dateis-“8th , August, 2006 . pots _ MINES AND MINERALSAct (CHAPTER21:05] -.- General Notice”181° 1006.” . Special Grant No. #533:‘Gweru Mining:District/ CONSTITUTION;OF ZIMBABWE/POLICEACT IT is hereby notified: that the Minister ‘of Miries and Mining 1 So | _ Developmenthas,with the authorisationofthe Président,in termsof . [CHAPTER}11:10} me section 301 of the Mines ‘and Minerals Act’ [Chapter 21:05}, - Extension off Period of Service for the Commissioner of Police issued Spécial Grant No.4533 toExporien Mining (Private) Limited. for a period offive years with effect from 7thnTuly, 2006:t06th fly, ITiisshereby notified thi HisExcellency the Presidenthas,in 201 1,inclusive. ‘ : | terms of section 93(2)° of the‘Coristitution’ as read with’ the oTNDLOVU, ‘proviso of section 6(2)-ofthe.-Police’ Act: {Chapter 11:10}, 7-7-2006. ‘Seretaryffor Minesanda MiningDevelopment! . extended for twelve months witheffect from1st September, 2006,the term ofofficeof‘Atigusting ' General Notice 179 of 2006.- Chit,asContmissioner of Police. - PREVENTION OF CORRUPTIONAct(Caer9:dia M. MATSHIYA, “ Revocation ot Declaration.ofSpecifiedPets0t " 12006: SeteforHome Affairs.’ THEMinister ofJustice,‘Legatand Parliamentary Affairsinterms | ‘General Notice. 182 of,2006."f ofsection6(2) ofthePréventionofCorruption Act [Chapjer9:16],has revoked the declaration of Mr. Julius Bright Tawona.Makoni, STATEPROCUREMEN "‘BOARD - was declared who as a’‘specified person undérGeneral Notice‘345Aof |" 2004, publishediinthe: Goveriment Gazeiteofthe 9th July,2004. Tenders invitéd , P, A. CHINAMASA, “‘Teaders inust becencloséd i sealed envelopes, endorsed 62° on the outside. ‘Ministe of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs. with the sdiveitised tender number, description; closing date and must * tte ZIMBABWEAN GOovERNMENT Gazerre, 77H Juty, 2006 be posted is time to be sorted into Post Office Box NumberCY 408, Causeway or 34, Data mex Technologies (Private) Limited. delivered by hand to tbe Principal Officer, State ProcurementBoard, Fifth Floor, Old *- wn BOs Daylin Business Services (Private) Limited. oo Reserve Bank, Building, 76, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10,00 a.m. offthe 36. , Denwere Enterprises (Private) Limited. closing date. EM. USHEWOKUNZE, O37. “ Deveam Enterprises (Private) Limited. : F-T-2008 PrincipalOfficer,State Procurement Boatd, 38... Distinct Enterprisers (Private) Limitéd. "39: - Document Support Centre (Private) Limited. — Tender number : 40. “Barly Peak Enterprises (Private) Lirhited. ZRP. 12/2006. Harare. Supply and delivery’ of sewirig machings.. AAL _ Electroforce Wholesalers (Private) Limited. Ministry of Home Affairs/ZRP. Documents and speci-:.[-"oe* EuchoIndustries (Private) Limited. fications for the tender are obtainable from.the Senior, , Bxporien Mining (Private) Limited, trading as Exporien StaffOfficer (Quartermaster), Office 35, Police General’' * Marketing. Headquarters, comer SeventhStreet/Josiah Chinamano Faithstel Investments (Private) Limited. Avenue, Harare, upon payment of a non-refundable | 45. ‘FamateTrading Company (Private) Limited. deposit of $200000,00; per set of fenderocoments,The:} ’ Farpark Enterprises (Private) Limited. closingdate is 8th August, 2006.. 3, Fieldcraft‘Trading(Private)Limited: Finmark Marketing:(Privatey Limited. : General Notice 183 of 2006. FirstPack Marketing(Private) Limited.- Fragrance Trading (Private) Limited. PROCUREMENT ACT [CHAPTER 22:Tay Glutton Investments (Private) Limited: Grassgrove Investments (Private) Limited. Approved List of Suppliers - _ Hammerloan Investments (Private) Limited. Head & Tail Stationers (Private) Limited. NOTICEiis hereby given,in termsofsection 25(1) ofthe Procure- : ICTL (Private) Limited. nt Regulations, 2002 (Statutory Instrument171 of2002), that the - Jarotel Consumables,trading as Direct LT. (Private) Linatied. “companies listed in the Schedule are approved tenderers for the . ‘Jobfin Investments (Private) Limited.’ supply and delivery ofcomputer spares and computer consumables Kanbro Enterprises (Private) Limited. from 1st June, 2006 to 31st May, 2007. " Kastomark Investments (Private) Limited. ' _ Any otherinterested suppliers mayapply to the State Procurement King Enterprises (Private) Limited.: Board for inclusion on thelist. Kotrum Enterprises (Private) Limited. In terms of section 25(3) ofthe Procurement Regulations, 2002, the . “Laniview Enterprises (Private) Limited. Board reservesthe right to add orremovefrom the listany person whom. LargeMussel Enterprises (Private) Limited, tradingasMintech the Board considers no longer suitable to undertake Government Lazrnar Trading (Private) Limited. Legetops (Private) Limited. contracts. Leghorn Investments, trading‘as R,K Hardware (Private) . This notice repealsGeneralNotice 149 ofthe 6th May, 2005. Limited. E. M. USHEWOKUNZE, ’ Lifestone Marketing (Private) Limited. 7-7-2006. ° Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. Lobster Enterprises (Private) Limited. Lockmar Computers, (Private) Limited. SCHEDULE . M & HEducational Suppliers (Private).Limited.. — Market-Plan Office Machines(Private) Limited. Accercom Investments (Private) Limited. Mavich Investments (Private) Limited.. - a ‘Afnet Computer Systems(Private) Limited. - MecerIT Distribution (Private) Limited. AIT Distribution (Private) Limited. _ Meclec Investments Enterprises (Private) Limited. Alchester Enterprises (Private)Limited. ' Megacel Trading (Private) Limited: 7 Alouvine Investments (Private) Limited. Moretex Trading (Private) Limited. Alternatives Incorporated (Private) Limited. ‘Munhumutapa Business Machines (Private) Limited. B.P.Enterptises (Private) Limited. ” ' Nasraq Trading (Private) Limited. B.P. Gavaza Marketing Services. - Natlink Systems (Private) Limited. -- Bacdale Investments (Private) Limited. - Nearview Investments (Private) Limited.. Bavemar Trading (Private) Limited: Netalink (Private) Limited. Beckland Investments, trading as Datalink Zimbabwe Nofilam Trading (Private) Limited.© (Private) Limited: . Noska Trading (Private) Limited. __ Benbas Investments (Private) Limited. _. Oldgate Enterprises (Private) Limited.. Blue Mount Enterprises (Private) Limited. Oliatro Investments (Private) Limited,trading as Sico Bluffwood Investments (Private) Limited, trading as Kanburn Suppliers.. Distributors. - Coy .. Open Networks (Private) Limited. Bolbec Invéstments (Private) Limited. aod, Outech Investments (Private) Limited, trading asas Empire. - Bothways Marketing Services (Private) Limited. Commodity Brokers. 7 \ Branchycome Investnients (Private) Limited. - . OutmageEnterprises(Private) Limited, Brimex Eniterprises (Private) Limited. - - _ Panashe Enterprises (Private) Limited. Bruyoc Trading(Private) Limited. .’. ;, Peak Systems (Private) Limited. Buggenhout Investments (Private) Limited. .Peca Procurement(Private) Limited. .. Bulk Tech Enterprises (Private) Limited... .. Philador Investments (Private) Limited. Care Business Suppliers (Private)Limited... Piketburg Services (Private) Limited. CatromarAgencies (Private) Limited. ‘ Ponliéne Enterprises (Private) Limited. : -Cledwyn Enterprises (Private) Limited. PowerSix Rewinders(Private) Limited. cs . Cleomass Solutions (Private) Limited. Progressive Furniture & Hardware(Private) Limited. 2 . Commendablé Technologies (Private) Limited. Quicktec Solutions (Private) Limited: | . Compurite Systems (Privaté) Limited. Romatec Industries (Private) Limited. Computer ConsumablesCo.(Private) Limited. -“Rophat Investments (Private) Limited; Comtec Systems Solutions(Private): Limited. Royalmark Trading (Private) Limited... Country Estates (Private) Limited.. —- ‘ Sador Trading-(Private) Limited, trading as Alliance . Creative Computers (Private).Limited. .- - "Marketing, Cripston Investments (Private) Limited. : 2.” _Sashwill Distributors (Private)
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