Cambridge University Press 0521630142 - Introduction to Conservation Genetics Richard Frankham, Jonathan D. Ballou and David A. Briscoe Index More information Index Acionyx lubatus see cheetah Alouatta seniculus see red howler autopolyploidy 373–4, 533 acorn woodpecker 331, 516 monkeys autotetraploid 88 Acrocephalis (Bebornis) sechellensis see Alpine ibex Capra ibex 464 autozygosity 257, 533 Seychelles warbler Amazon basin, extinction rates, birds average heterozygosity 48, 533 adder Vipera berus 36, 286, 300, 306, 5 401 Amazona vittata see Puerto Rican parrot B allele, blood groups 167–8 additive genetic variance 109, 110–11, American bison see bison backcross 273, 533 533 Ammodramus maritimus nigrescens see Baiji dolphin 345 additivity 533 dusky seaside sparrow Baird’s beaked whale Berardius bairdii Aepyceros melampus see impala amphibians 472–3 African wild dog Lycaon pictus 65 allozyme diversity 62 Balaenoptera endeni see Bryde’s whale Agrostis tenuis see bent grass genetic distances, means/ranges Balaenoptera musculus see blue whale Ailuropoda melanoleuca see giant panda 69 Balaenoptera physalus see fin whale Aix sponsa see wood duck percentage endangered 3 balancing selection 199, 204, 534 Aleutian goose Branta canadensis amphidiploid 533 bald eagle Haliaeatus leucocephalus 352, leucopareia 464 amplified fragment length 464 Algonquin wolf 369 polymorphism (AFLP) 55–6, Bali starling Leucopsar rothschildi 345, allele frequency 48, 73–4, 139–41 64–6 496 computer simulation 193–4, Amur leopard Panthera pardus orientalis bandicoot, Eastern barred Perameles 195–6 425 gunnii 61 divergence over time, population Anas laysanensis see Laysan duck (teal) Banksia brownii see Brown’s banksia fragmentation 319–20 angiosperms, polyploidy 29 Banksia cuneata see matchstick banksia equilibrium 171–2 Anser caerulescens see snow goose barnacle goose Branta leucopsis 117 favourable allele 142 Anser fabalis see bean goose barred owl Strix varia 15 genetic drift 179–87 Anthoxanthum odoratum see bunch bat, ghost Macroderma gigas 487 inbreeding 260 grass bay checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas and migration 169–73 Aotus trivirgatus see owl monkey editha bayensis 30, 130, 506, and mutation 158–60 Apalachicola rosemary Conradina 509 recessive allele 62 glabra 345 bean goose Anser fabalis 464 alleles Arabian oryx Oryx leucoryx 67, 184, 354, Bebornis (Acrocephalis) sechellensis see deleterious 60–1 385, 425, 431, 464 Seychelles warbler directional selection 215 case study 466 bee-eater 117 effective number 201 Arabidopsis thaliana see thale cress bent grass Agrostis tenuis, tolerance to effectively neutral 214–16, 327 Argyroxiphium sandwicense var. heavy metals 129, 148, 170–1, lethal 261–2, 275–6, 293–4 sandwicense see Mauna Kea 212 mismatch analysis 481 silversword Berardius bairdii see Baird’s beaked allelic diversity (A) 48, 62, 80–3, 533 artificial insemination 442 whale Allen’s rule, clines 170 Aruba Island rattlesnake Crotalus Bergmann’s rule, clines 170 alligator, American Alligator unicolor 345 Bidens, Hawaiian 345, 494 mississippiensis 65 asexual species 414–16 bighorn sheep Ovis canadensis 332, allopatric speciation 372, 533 associative overdominance 219–20, 513 allopolyploidy 237–9, 373–4, 533 533 small vs. large populations 33 allotetraploid 89 assortative mating 85, 533 binomial distribution 534 allozygous 257, 533 Astragalus see sentry milk-vetch binomial sampling 180 allozymes 61–2, 533 Astrocaryum mexicanum 513, 514 biodiversity diversity 219 Attwater’s prairie chicken conservation 2–3 electrophoresis 49–50, 52 Tympanuchus cupido attwateri defined 2 heterozygosity 246 345, 352 bioresources 2 indicators of hybridization 411 Australian bush rat Rattus fuscipes 217 biparental inbreeding 494–6, 534 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521630142 - Introduction to Conservation Genetics Richard Frankham, Jonathan D. Ballou and David A. Briscoe Index More information 608 INDEX birds Brown’s banksia Banksia brownii 272, preservation following extinction allozyme diversity 62 415 in wild 420 avian malaria 498 brush-tailed bettong Bettongia reintroductions 448–70 extinction rates 4 penicillata 354 shortage of space 337 Amazon basin 5 Bryde’s whale Balaenoptera endeni stages 422–3 genetic distances, means/ranges 69 472–3 zoos 421–2 heritabilities of fitness, body size, buffalo, African Syncerus caffer 65, 127, Caretta caretta see loggerhead turtle bill size 117 486 Caribbean flamingo 354 inbreeding depression 282 bullfrog (American) Rana catesbeiana carrier frequency 83–4 percentage endangered 3 354 Castanea dentata see chestnut, sex determination 497 bumble bee Bombus terrestris 39 American birthweight, humans, stabilizing bunch grass Anthoxanthum odoratum Catalina mahogany Cercocarpus selection 149–50 465 traskiae 345, 411–12 bison tolerance to heavy metals 129, 148, catastrophes 504, 515, 534 American Bison bison 176 170–1, 212 Cerastium fischerianum var. molle 66 European Bos bonasus 176, 184, 425 butterflies, Finland, extinctions 31, Cercocarpus traskiae see Catalina Biston betularia see peppered moth 313 mahogany black lion tamarin Leontopithecus Cercocebus atys see sooty mangabey chrysopygus 430 California condor Gymnogyps chafer beetles Prodontia modesta and P. black sea bass 490 californianus 61, 83, 134–6, 143, bicolorata 367 black stilt Himantopus novaezelandiae 184, 260–1, 352, 431, 444–5, 496 Chamaecrista fasciculata 387 345 case study 467 Chatham Island black robin Petroica black-footed ferret Mustela nigripes 99, chondrodystrophy 83, 134–6, 260–1, traversi 184, 302, 400 184, 352, 425, 431, 463 444–5 cheetah Acionyx lubatus 61, 159, 300, case study 466–7, 517 genetic disease, management 444–5 431, 485, 517 black-footed rock wallaby Petrogale California spotted owl Strix occidentalis chestnut, American Castanea dentata lateralis 13, 34–6, 285, 315, 316, occidentalis 14–15 38, 148, 402 401–3, 408 Canada goose Branta canadensis 117 chi-square test 77–8 island and mainland populations canine distemper virus (Morbillivirus) chimpanzee Pan troglodytes 64, 80 34, 408 499, 515, 517 eastern Pan t. schweinfurthii 472 loss of genetic diversity 285, 315, Canis lupus see gray wolf chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) 237, 534 316 Canis rufus see red wolf Choeropsis see pygmy hippopotamus reintroductions 13, 401–3 Canis simiensis see Ethiopian wolf chondrodystrophy, condors 83, 134–6, blackcap Sylvia atricapilla 129 Capra ibex see ibex 260–1, 444–5 blood groups, B allele 167–8 capricorn silvereye Zosterops lateralis chromosomal diversity 59–60 blue whale Balaenoptera musculus chlorocephala 509 Cichlidae 372, 375 472–3 captive population breeding cinereous vulture 431 Bombus terrestris see bumble bee programmes 419–47 CITES (Convention on International Bos bonasus see bison extent 420–1 Trade in Endangered Species) Bos gaurus see gaur founding 423–4 503 bottlenecks 19, 183–7, 304, 482–5, genetic adaptation in captivity clade 534 533 452–9 Clarkia pulchella see evening primrose Branta leucopsis see barnacle goose genetic changes in captivity 452 Clethrionomys glareolus see bank vole Branta canadensis leucopareia see genetic deterioration 455 clines 167, 169–73 Aleutian goose genetic goals 352–7 cloning 442–3 Branta canadensis see Canada goose genetic management 427–39 clover Branta sandvicensis see nene (Hawaiian growth 426–7 rose Trifolium hirtum 460 goose) inbreeding depression 108, 428 white Trifolium repens 129 Brassica sp. 62 avoiding 431–5 co-dominance, defined 48, 534 Brazil, Atlantic forest fragmentation management of groups 439–41 coalescence 475–80, 534 309 maximizing Ne/N 430–1 effective population size 485 bridled nailtail wallaby Onychogalea maximum avoidance of inbreeding coalescence times 478 fraenata 65 (MAI) 431–41 coancestry 433, 534 brown bear Ursus arctos 332 minimizing kinship 433–9 see also kinship Pyrenean race 480, 498 plant propagation 420–1 cobra, blacknecked 354 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521630142 - Introduction to Conservation Genetics Richard Frankham, Jonathan D. Ballou and David A. Briscoe Index More information INDEX 609 collared flycatcher 117 crow see Mariana crow; raven dog, hybridization see Ethiopian wolf collared lizard Crotaphytus collaris 381, Cryan’s buckmoth 391 (simian jackal) 462 cryopreservation 442 dog see African wild dog; colonial pocket gopher Geomys colonus Cuvier’s gazelle Gazella cuvieri 287 dominance, degrees of 140–1 12, 217–18, 378 Cynomys spp. see prairie dogs dominance variance 109, 111, 122, 535 Columba mayeri see Mauritius pink Dorcas gazelle Gazella dorcas 270–1, pigeon Daphnia see water flea 301 computer simulation 28–30, 193–4, Darwin’s cactus finch Geospiza Drosophila melanogaster see fruit fly 195–6, 253, 507–9 scandens 117, 243, 244, 484 Dusicyon fulvipes see Darwin’s fox allele frequency 193–4, 195–6, 253 Darwin’s fox Dusicyon fulvipes 345 dusky seaside sparrow Ammodramus PVAs 507–9 Darwin’s medium ground finch maritimus nigrescens 367, 490, condor see Californian condor Geospiza fortis 115, 117, 129, 244 504 Connochaetes see wildebeest DDT control 400 Conolphus subcristatus see Galapagos deer mouse Peromyscus maniculatus 39, Eastern barred bandicoot Perameles iguana 288, 289 gunnii 61, 244, 345 Conradina glabra see Apalachicola deleterious alleles 60–1 ecological exchangeability 389–91 rosemary deleterious mutation 162, 198 ecosystem services 535 conservation biology 9 demographic history, and population value 1–2 Conservation Breeding Specialist size 480–5 ecotypes 129, 535 Group (CBSG), IUCN 534 demographic stochasticity
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