1 CopyrigHt,,Jf'. M. Lupton, MVVVOXVJLV "^-^sm^l J. WHITE, PubHsher. 18 Chambera Street, - - - - BOSTON, MASS, PRICE as GENTS i BEST JOKE and COMIC BOOKS PUBLISHED OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD These Books contain the. best Up-lo-date Jokes, Stories and Monologues, Short Stories and Toasts told on the Vaudeville and Minstrel < Stage by Mclntyre and Heath, Willis P. Sweatman, Charlie Case, Ben Welch, Joe Welch, Dave Warfield, Otis Harlan, Little Chip, Lew Dockstader, Nat Wills and over one hundred other prominent comedians. 1. New Jokes by Old Jokers, No. 1, 2. New Jokes by Old Jokers, No. 2, 3. New Jokes and Monologues by Best' Jokers, No. 3 New Jokes and Monologues by Best Jokers, No. 4 5, New Jokes ain^ Monologues by Best Jokers, No. 5 New Jokes and Monologues by Best Jokers, No. 6 (new) 7. Dan Feely's Original Jokie Book (new) 8. New Hebrew Jokes by Best Jokers (new) 9. On a Slow Train (original story) 10- On a Fast Train, Through Texas, by Irv Ott IL The Fun Doctor 1^. New Minstrel and Black-Face Joke^ Book 13. New Vaudeville Joke Book 14. New Tramp Joke Book 15. Red Wagon Stories (very funny Circus Stories) 16. New Dutch Jokes IT. New Irish Jokes, sinfl. Monologues 18. New O>mbination Joke Bock 19. New Italian Jokes and Recitations 20. New Polite Vaudeville Joke Book 21. Told on the Train (new and original) m et the a^cvs bsoks sent pos^iaid for Ut per copy or S bMks for Ili^dL or 12 tkr $2iM^ pottpidi J. WHITE, Publishers 18 Chambers St. ^ « - - |- BOSTON, MASS. ii — — THE MYSTIC ORAOLE; OR. THE ler. COMPLETE FORTUNE-TELLER AND DREAM BOOK j to tiu' BOOK THE FIRST. at the merldiftn, and slightly if the sun different is nearly going out of the sign. life she Write down the day of the week, soe *ind whether it is a lucky day or not, the <^if ZODIOaOIOGY. ^state of the moon, the nature of the planets, and the iutluence descriljcd next, Or, the Science of foretelling Events hy and you will, by making your observa- a consideration of the Signs of the tions, ascertain your future destiny with Zodiac, the Sun and Moon, and the very little trouble. Q^th Planetary System.—With Lists of Thus from a judicious and accurat^an born observation of the position of the planets^, Luclcy and TJnluchy Days and Presages g. timid drawn therefrom,- at the moment when we first respire th6|.(jiy ^e breath of life, may easily be gatliered ^jg (jeal- has That man at the moment of his birth what kind of existence our destiny --sation, propensities will receives the lurking principle of death decreed for us—what '3-tem- distinguish our career—what pursuits ivior will mark our way, and what success we **The young disease, that must subdue , he our ex- at length, may reasonably expect to attend itely to our Grows with his growth, and strength- ertions. Thus an education suited h in- talents may be ens with his strength," particular genius and affec- given us, and we may thereby be enabled iake a to turn many of those distinguishing pe-and. is as acknowledged an axiom as that ^. culiarities, which more or less stamp oe will be nothing in this world is immutable—and the beings of the human species, 4 and candiJ it is as fully acknowledged by daily ob- *^* advantage and happiness, that ^ to cleanli- servation and experience, that the fate j^^ of this necessary information '" 4'\Ym. desires. of every person in existence is written come the sources of our wre)^/r.-Qmibial joys, in the heavens, at the time of each of and misery. ihe will their births—and that the sun, moon, We are enabled to afford our readerMndustri- and stars, have a visible effect upon the some useful and entertaining discoveries future occurrences of our lives, by shed- on the effect of the planets over the ding their genial and malign influence race of man ; and as the Sun is the most the moment of our first en- upon us at powerful and conspicuous, we t?haU pro- trance into it. In order, therefore, that ceed to mark his way through the dif- any person may learn from a consid- _^ ferent signs of the zodiac, and to show eration of the situation of the sign of the effect of his revolutions, beginning, the heavens at the time of their birth, for the sake of enabling our readers what is contained for them in the book more readily to find what they may fate, it will be necessary for them to of want, with the month of January al- nativity the manner of do- cast their — though the ancients began their year in ing this is as follows: March. Having ascertained the exact time of JANUAKY. your birth, and the hour in which yoti entered this transitory life, procure a Aquarius, or the water-leai sr. Moore's Almanac of the year, which will direct you to the sign that then reigned, About the twentieth of tha month the the name of the planet, and the state of sun enters this sign : a man born at this the moon; particularly observe whether period will be of an unruly, restless, will the sun was just entering the sign, fickle, and boisterous disposition ; whether it was near the end, or what be given to odd whims and strang^t anything, how- was its^yarticular progress : if at the fancies: wiir undertake e ">eginning, your fate will be strongly ever difiicult, to accomplish any object 3- anctured with its properties, moderate -^he may hr.ve in view ; not content^<l l«>nf .f- aOU, JV-1^'>^ . _.A V, ,_*, XXI iiie she will — 8 THE MYSTIC ORACLE. •w. In "dnl" place; soon aftronted—slow to (moderately addksted to Its pleastiteej^he forgive; suspicious and always imagin- will be a kind, affectionate father, a ing danger, and, instead of endeavoring good husband, a sincere friend, and of to subdue trouble, meeting it balf way. an industrious turn. born at In life he will be moderately successful, A woman the same time and enjoy a portion of happiness. In will be modest, chaste, good-tempered, love he will display an amorous disposi- cleanly in her habits, industrious, and charitable in love she will faithful, tion, and be passionately attached to his — be will mistress, until she yields to his wishes, and in life she be rather happy than otherwise, but be little concerned about or marries him : he will then grow indif- affairs will ferent, and rove until some other object worldly —she make an ami- fixes his attention. able mother, be decently fond of her hus- A woman born at this time will be of a band, and moderately given to the joys studious, industrious, and sedentary dis- of Hymen. l)osition—will be much attached to the APRIL. employment she is brought up to; in TauruSy or the Bull. love she will be constant and moderate About the twentieth of the month the she will make a kind and tender mother, sun enters this sign: a man born at this and an affectionate wife. time will be of a strong and robust con- stitution, faithful to his engagements, in- FEBRUARY. dustrious, sober, and honest, but prone PisceSf or the Fishes. to anger—in life he will be ardent in his pursuits, but will meet with many vexa- About the twentieth of the month the tions and disappointments—in love he sun enters this sign : a man born at this will be extremely amorous, much given time will be designing, intriguing, selfish, to women, of a jealous disposition, liable unfaithful to his engagements; he will to infidelity to the marriage bed, but on be mean, and subservient to those whom the whole a good husband, and a kind he thinks he can make useful to his father—he will be extremely desirous of ^chemes; but his end once obtained, he roving in the world, and establishing a " ^ take every opportunity to injure reputation. in will be oetray them: poverty he A woman born at this period will be of in prosperity tyrant /cophant, a a courageous and resolute disposition, of equals inferiors. In life ^^^^y to and an industrious turn, impatient of con* generally be unsuccessful, al- ne**wiU trol, desirous of praise, and not easily though for a time he will often appear to daunted, fond of domestic life, much at- will care- have succeeded: in love he be tached to those pleasures that are con- less, indifferent, unsteady— wUi and he sistent with virtue, fond of her husband, father, and an unkind make a severe indulgent to her children, and a sincere husband. friend, and liberal benefactress—^she born at the same period will A woman will be happy in the connubial state, be of obliging manners, delicate in her and pass her time with much satis- Ideas, sincere In her friend- open, and faction. ships, an enemy to deceit—in love she MAY. will be faithful and moderately inclined to the joys of Venus: she will be affec- Gemini, or the Twins. tionate to her family; make a good and About the twentieth of the month tender mother and be a prosi)erous and the sun enters this sign: a man born at ^cellent wife. this period vrill be of an undaunted courage, of a sweet and cheerful tem- MARCH. per, of a lively imagination, stern iu his resentments, though not easily pro- , Aries^ or the Ram.
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