AAB 85 18 Issue 17

AAB 85 18 Issue 17

Doc NTSB AAB 85 18 Issue 17 Doc NTSB AAB 85 18 Issue 17 TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE l . Re_port No. 2.Government Accession No. 3.Recipient's Catalog No. NTSB/AAB-85/18 I PB85-916918 4. Title and Subtitle 5.Report Date Aircraft Accident Briefs - Brief Format Julv 12. 1985 U.S. Civil and Foreign Aviation 6.Performing Organization Calendar Yerir 1QA~ - Tc;.c;.11P N11mht:lr 17 Code ]. Author(s) 8.Performing Organization Report No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10.Work Unit No. Bureau of Field Operations National Transportation Safety Board 11 .Contract or Grant No. Washington, D.C. 20594 13.Type of Report and Period Covered 12.Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Approximately 200 General Aviation and Air Carrier Accidents Occurring in NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD 1 n O 'l ; n D,...; o +: C' I'\.,..., ... + Washington, D. C. 20594 14. Sponsor Ing -Agency -Code 15.Supplementary Notes 11>.Abstract This publication contains selected aircraft accident reports in Brief Format occurring in ll.S. civil and foreign aviation operations during Calendar Year 1983. Approximately 200 General Aviation and Air Carrier accidents contained in this publication represent a random selection. This publication is issued irregularly, normally eighteen times each year. The Brief Format represents the facts, conditions, circumstances and probable cause(s) for each accident. File Numbers: 3201 through 3368 18._Di>trd'bution Statement 1 7A~,~t~S~d'ccident, probable cause, findings, This ocument is available certificate/rating. injuries, type of accident, type to the public through the operating certificate, flight conducted under, National Technical Infor­ accident occurred during, aircraft damage, basic mation Service, Spring­ weather field, Virginia 22161 19.Security Classification 20.Security Classification 21 .]lo_. of Pa~_es 22.Price (of this report) (of this page) UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 337 NTSB Form 1765.2 (Rev. 9/74) The Bationa1 Transportation Safety Board, in accordance with the provisions of Tit1e VII of the Pedera1 Aviation Act of 1958 (as a.ended) and Section 304(a) of the Independent Safety Board Act of 1974, has detel:'llined the probab1e caose(s) of the accidents reported herein. This publication is issued eighteen (18) ti.es per year and contains approxiaately 200 U.S. and foreign aircraft accident/incident reports arranged in state and date order. The enclosed COll!llputer briefs are the reports of the Bationa1 Transportation Safety Board and thereby subject to the 1:hdtations of 49 USC 144l(e) vh:ich states: "'No part of any report or reports of the Board, re1ating to any accident or the investigation thereof, sba11 be adaitted as evidence or used in any so.it or action for damage growing out of any aatter aentioned in such report or reports."' In reading these reports, it should be borne in mind that they are produced direct1y fron records on magnetic disk by e1ectronic data processing equipment. Due to spacing 1:hdtations a number of abbreviations are uti1ized in the narrative section. Therefore, caution shou1d be exercised in reading this section on the Briefs of Accidents. Co11isions between aircraft are treated as one accident. An ana1ysis is done on each aircraft invo1ved in a co1lision. This produces t:vo aircraft accident records per accident. Consequent1y, vb.en coap:i1ing infoD111ation on accidents invo1ving co11isions between aircraft, the nmllher of accident records will e:n:eed the nmllher of accidents. The Briefs of Accidents contain the essentia1 infor1111ation which fulfill most requirements of persons using these reports... However, for those having a need for more detailed infonmtion, the origina1 f actua1 reports are on f :il.e in the Washington Office of the Bationa1 Transportation Safety Board. Upon request, these reports wi.11 be produced c01111111ercia11y for a fee to cover reproduction and postage. The cost wi.11 be assessed per printed page and photograph(s) reproduced. Copies of aateria1 ordered wi.11 be mai1ed f roa the Washington business firm that ho1ds the current contract for c01111111ercia1 reproduction of the Board's pub1ic files. Bi11ing is also direct to you by the same company ... -II- Orders for this aat:eri.al will also involve a user serrice charge by t:he Boa.rd for special services. This charge is in addition t:o the cost: of cOB11ercial reproduction of aat:erial and vi.11 be included in the bill from the coma.ercia1 reproduction f ira. Requests for reproduction sbool.d be forwarded to t:he: National Transport:at:ion Safety Board Public Inquiries Section, AD-46 800 Independence Avenue, S. V. Vashingt:on, D. C. 20594 -III- TABLE OF conmns Page Foreword II Table of Con~en~s.......... IV Kxplana~ory Rotes.......... V AIRCRAFr ACCIDKRTS File Order Listing......... IX Briefs of Acc:ldents •••••••• 1-321 -IV- DU'UllTIONS The defini.t.ions cont:a:ined in CFlt , Part. 830 ... 2 apply vb.en used in this Aircraft Aecident.s An occurrence associated wit.b the operation of an aircraft which t:akes place bebireen the ti.lie any person boards t.he aircraft: wit:b. the int:ent:ion of flight: unt:il such thle as all such persons have disembarked, and in which any person suffers deat:h or serious injury as a resu1t of being in or upon the aircraft or by direct: contact: wit:h the aircra.f t or anything at:t:acbed or in which t.he aircraft receives substantial ua11111a1K~=· Fatal Injury .Any injury which results in death with:in 30 of the accident: ... Serious Injury Any injury vhi.ch l) requires b.ospit:alizat:ion for .ore than 48 hours, rit:h:in 7 days from t.b.e date the injury vas received; 2) results in a fracture of any bone fractures of fingers, t.oes 9 or nose); involves lacerations vhi.ch cause severe b.eaorrbages 9 nerve, 1BOscle, or tendon involves injury t:o any int:ernal organ; or 5) involves second or t.hird degree burns affect:iog aore than 5 percent of the body surface. Substantial Damage l) Except as provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, substantial aeans damage or st:ro.ct.ural failure which adversely affects the structural st::rengt:b., perforaance, or flight: characteristics of the aircraft lll and which would no1n121.u replacement of the affected coaponent. lia:it:ed to an enginest bent fairings or saa11 punctured holes in the skin or fabric, or propeller blades, da.age to landing gear, vb.eels, tires» , engine accessories, brakes,. or vingtips are not: considered Damage" for the purpose of this part:. Occurrence relates to the illlllediate circmast:ance of the event. Occurrences are nmabered in descending order and relate to the phase of operation... Some of occurrences are as follows: -v- Gear Co1lapsed Collapse of t:be 1aruUng gear due t:o 11echanical fai1ure other t:ban mal.funct:ion of t:he rettact:ing aechaniSB.. TYPE OF OPEllA.TIHG CD.TlPICAD/'IYPE OF OPJWAnOR -- - -- - ----- The type of operating cert:ilicat:e/t:ype of operation refers t:o t:be purpose for which t:be aircraft is being operated at the ti.lie of t:be accident:.. This type of operating cert:ificat:e is broken int:o biR> categories. These categories are: I.. GKRERAL AVIATION 'Ibis operating certificate refers to operations invo1viog U.S. and foreign aircraft: owned and operated by persons, businesses, corporations, et: cetera.. This category a1so includes puh1ic use aircraft... To further define General Aviation operations we have c1assified the fo1lovi.ng: Persona1 F1ying by indiridwtls in there mm or rented aircraft: for pleasure, or persona1 t:nmsport:at:ion not: in furtherance of t:he:ir occupation or collpCIDy business .. Business The use of aircraft: hy pi1ot:s (not receiving direct: salary or compensation for pi1ot:ing) in connection with their occupation or in t:he furtherance of a private business .. Corporate/Executive Operations The use o.f aircraft: owned or 1eased, and operated by a corporation or business f iTilll for the t:ransport:at:ion of personne1 or cargo in furtherance of t:he corporat:ion-s or fiD11-s business, and which are f10li1D by professional. pi1ot:s receiving a direct: sa1ary or coapensation for piloting.. Instructional F1ying Refers t:o f1ying accomplished in snperrlsed training under t:he direction of an accredited inst:ruct:or. Ot:her F1ying Inc1udes other kinds of f1ying not: covered under t:he other broad categories. In some instances t:be criterion of direct: financia1 return way or may not: be present .. -YI- 2. All CllllIER This operating certificate refers to al1 operations conducted for direct financial return except instructional flyi.ng. It includes Doaestic/l'lag A:ir Carriers. Supple.enta1 Air Carriers. A11 Cargo Al.r Service A:ir Carriers, Collllillllllercial Operators. Air Travel Club. and Corporate (14 en 125) operations. Also included in th.is category are Co1111oter Air Carrier and On-Demand A:ir Taxi operations. Airframe/C0111ponent/Systea l'ailure/Ka1£unction Occurrences resulting f rm111 failure of any part of the airframe/component/system while in flight or in aotion on the ground. Excludes failure resulting froa contact with another airplane or object. or i.apact with the grooud 9 or damage froa landing gear collapse or rel:raction. Powerplant - Loss of Power Occurrences of engine failure or aa1:function for any reason. Includes engine stoppage. power interruption, or pa&er loss. actual or siao.1ated. PHASE 01' OPEKATIOB The phase of operation relates to the partico.lar seg11ent of the flight or occurrences during which the circm111Stances of the accident occur. CAUSES ARD KKLATKD l'AcmKS In deterain:ing probable cause(s) of an accident.

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