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Enquiries Kirsty Grant (03) 9427 73 11 booU.I offer I Ageing Well Ageing Surprising guideposts to a happier life from the landmark Harvard study of adult development Well By George Va illant 'To know how to grow old is the master work of wisdom, and one of the m ost difficult urpn s in~ g uid epost~ to .1 happier life chapters in the great art of living', wrote Henri Amiel in 1874. from the landma rk H arv.Jrd stud y This historic publishing event is the first book ever to evaluate ageing scientifically. of ad ult developmen t In an unprecedented series of studies, Harvard Medical School has fo llowed 824 subj ects-men and women, some rich, some poor- from their teens to old age. Harvard's George Vaillant now uses these studies-the most complete ever done anywhere in the world-and the subjects' individual histories to illustrate what is involved in reaching a happy, healthy old age. Ageing Well is a classic account of how we live, bu t also of how we can live better. Thanks to Scribe Publications, Emel<a Street has 10 copies of Ageing Well to give away. Just put your name and address ~c~l s0 on the back of an envelope and send it to : Eureka Street K.J March 2002 Book Offer, PO Box 553, Richmond VIC 3121. <)> O:s;: co' > ElJREKA STREE I3::)> :~ "-'Zzm cO 3::"' c:J"' mC ;<:lc:J "' c:: :s;:n )>> 2~"'"' "'"'a_,aY' "' I m )>_, V>"' )> z 0 CO M MENT _, I m 4 Amin Saikal Risky signals 0 5 Andrew Hamilton Wrong policy 0 [) 6 Francis Sullivan Debating the rebate -< LETTERS COVER STORY 8 Gavan Breen, Keith Carlon, 22 Religion, September 11 and the war Ren ata Zecchin aga inst terrori sm Rowan Ireland ties them all together. THE MONTH'S TRAFFIC 10 Juliette Hughes Only insure BOO KS 11 Michael Hogan In a word 34 The short I ist 13 Anthony Ham Street life Publisher Andrew Ham ilton 51 Reviews of Dominican Spirituality, Editor Morag Fraser 14 Juliette Hughes Margaret Rose Rabbit-Proof Fence, The Lord of the Ass istant editor Kate Manton 14 Kym Holthouse Seeing white Graphic des igner Siobhan Jackson Rings (CD ), The Picador Book of General manager M ark Dowell African Stories and An Intelligent Marketing Kirsty Grant Person's Guide to Catholicism. Advertising representative Ken Head COLUMNS Subscription manager Wendy Marlowe 35 The o ne that got away w ith it Editorial, producti on and admin istrati on 7 Capital Letter Peter Mares reviews Suharto: ass istants Juli ette Hughes, Paul Fyfe 51, Jack Waterford Boats, leaks, loyalties, A Political Biography by R.E. Elson. Geraldine Battersby, Ben Hider, Susa nnah lies Buckley, Kate Hird, Mrs Irene Hunter 37 The ca ndid pen Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg 12 Archi medes O' Kelly 51, Perth: Dean Moore, Sydney: Philip Harvey reads Gwen Harwood's Edmund Campion & Gerard Windsor, Tim Thwaites Mobile groans Selected Letters. Queensland: Peter Pi erce 15 Summa Theologiae United Kingdom Denis Minns OP 38 Talk about us j esuit Editorial Board Peter L' Estrange 51, Andrew Hamilton About m arriage Andrew Hamilton's take on the Andrew Bullen 5), Andrew Ham ilton 51 21 By the W ay Deakin, Barton and Boyer lectures. Peter Steele 5), Bi ll Uren 51 Patrons Eureka Street gra tefu lly Brian Matthews Suddenly last summer 40 Lyri c rea list acknowledges th e support of 46 W atching Brief Peter Craven reviews Bernhard C. and A. Ca rter; th e tru stees of th e es ta te of Miss M. Condon; W.l'. & M .W. Gurry Juliette Hughes Philosophical drift Schlink's Fligh ts of Love. Eureka Street magazine, 155N 1036-1758, 41 A ll in order Australia Po t Print Pos t approved Paul Tankard analyses Louis N owra's pp349181 /003 14, is published ten times a year by Eureka St reet Magazine Pty Ltd, FEATURES Abaza: A Modern Encyclopedia. 300 Victoria Street Ri chm ond VIC 3121 16 Po licy at the end of the line PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 3 121 Tel: 03 9427 73 '11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 Moira Rayner on the chroming email: eureka®jespul).jesui t. org.au controversy. THEATRE http:// www .eurekastree t. com. au/ Res ponsibility for ed itori al content is 18 Recovery 42 Fine w ea riness of the fl es h accepted by Andrew Hamilton 5), Meg Gurry tracks the fraught Peter Craven reviews Sweet Bird 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond transition from serious illness of Youth. Printed by Doran Printing 46 Industrial Drive, Braeside VIC 3 195. to well-being. © j es uit Publica tions 2002 29 Blood matters Unsolicit.ed manuscripts w ill be returned FLASH IN THE PAN only if accompani ed by a stamped, Matthew Klugman reports on the se lf-addressed envelope. Reques ts for history and the politics of donating 44 Reviews of the films Intimacy; permi ss ion to reprint material from th e blood. The Shipping News; Iris; Mulholland magazine should be addressed in writing to the editor. Drive; Hearts in Atlantis and Lumumba. This month: Cover des ign by Siobhan Jackson. PO ETRY Graphics pp10, 16-17, 18- 20,22-23,25, 28 Chris Wallace-Crabbe Old Friend, 29, 30, 39, 40 by Siobhan Ja ckson. SPEC IFIC LEV ITY Cartoon p11 by Dean Moore. At Sixes and Sevens, A Language Ph otograph p42 by Jeff Busby. of the Eye. 4 7 Joan Nowotny Cryptic crossword COMMENT: 1 AM I N SA I KAL Risky signals E "mNT Geo,cc W. BusH's b"nding of!<an , l<aq the decision of his judicial supporters by pardoning and North Korea, in his State of the Union address on and releasing a reformist member of the parliamen t 30 January, as parts of an 'axis of evil' was simplistic who had been jailed for being ou tspoken against the and out of focus. It confused terrorism with weapons hardliners. This was not necessarily a major victory of m ass destruction, and indicated that the State fo r the reformists, but it does signal that the reform ­ D epartment is being upstaged by the military in run­ ists' strategy for peaceful and incremental change in rung American foreign policy. It can only undermine Iran is moving forward. The alternative to this strategy the position of reformists in Iran, the process of is violen ce and bloodsh ed-something which Presiden t Khatami wants to avoid. President Bush 's description of Iran as a terrorist state, despite President Bu sh's description of Iran as a terrorist state, despite the country's opposition to the Taliban the country's opposition to the Tali ban and a/ Qaeda ... could and al Qaeda and its acquiescence to America's campaign against terror in Afghanistan, could easily easily play into the hands of the hardlin ers. play into the hands of the hardliners, prompting many reformists to support the hardliners' call for national dialogue between the two Koreas and the political un it y agains t the U S threat. It could also put taming of the N orth Korean regime. It could also help Am erica's allies, most of which (including Australia) the Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, to tighten further have lucrative trade with Iran, in the embarrassing his hold on Iraq. position of having to defy Washington, as many of President Bush ignored the political complexities them have already done. of these states and the differences between them . It is Similarly, President Bush's la belling is unlikely true that a sm all, unelected hardline fac tion has more to help the cause of reconciliation between the North influence than it deserves in the Iranian power and So uth Koreans, or create an atmosphere whereby structure. T he group, with w hich Iran 's suprem e Seoul and Washington could build on the gains made political-religiou s leader Ayatollah Khaman ei is by the Clinton administration on the diplomatic front. identified, has m anaged to m aintain its original While the North Korean regime is tyrannical, it is also control of a number of state power instrumentalities, well armed, with a possible nuclear capability. To especially the arm ed and security fo rces, as well as isolate it further could have two im portant conse­ the judiciary.
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