#3 COMPLETE OVER 5.000 Coverage in Newt and People in Sprlngflsld Circulation - - - Reod It in the Sun Read the Sun Each Weak VOL. XXV—No. 43 OFFICIAL NEWSFAFEB THE SPRINGFIELD SUN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1950 TOWNSHIP OF SPBIKGFIBLD 10* A COPY, $3.50 BY THE YEAR Cautions BdL Pupil Transport LISTEN Contract Awarded Board Believed in Full Accord Somerset Bus Co. of Mountain- To Go Easy side, was awarded the contract for ransportation of Springfield stu- dents to school during.the next term by the Board of Education On Spending Tuesday night. Total cost will be On Reduced School Referendum $5,919.85. It was tho only bid re- ceived. Supervising Principal Benjamin When Are They Going To Get Started? With 10 Months Newswanger reported the Sunday Members To Heed Results School rooms at Springfield Meth- Left Anderson odist Church were gradually tak- ing shape for use by lower grade Of Town PostCard Survey Says Be Careful pupils when school reopens on Although its members refused to disclose details of Thursday, September 7. current plans, there are indications the Board of Educa- Members of the Board of Acting on recommendation of tion has "sharpened its pencil" considerably, based, on the FRIENDS!' Education were advised Howard Smith, chairman of the recent post card' survey, with regard to the cost of the Tuesday night by District building and grounds committee, next new school referendum it will submit soon for public }lerk A. B. Anderson to pro- the board authorized hiring of a vote. \ It looked for e time as though eed with caution on further janltress to work 25 hours a week the Chambor of Commerce would At least three hours of Tues- expenditure of funds for the at $1 per hour. day night's meeting of tho Board have to ubandon its second annual The Recreation Committee was Lauds School Bd. "Now You Can Suy It In Spring- balance of the school year of Education was devoted to dis- granted use of the James Caldwell cussion of tho school building field" campaign because of the ending June 30, 3951. With gymnasium without charge for to- Korean wur, but Charles Moore, about 10 months to go, An- For Card Survey program. During most of that night's (Thursday) talent show L. S. Stevens of 778 Mountain fund chairman of the drive, re- derson said there still re- performance. time tho board listened to Dr. ports merchants arc still going avenue, complimented tho Board Felix J. McCormlck, associate di- for the plan in a big way . mains an expendable balance of Education Tuesday night for rector of tho Institute of Field the local storekeeper whoso front of only $23,500. Township Soldier :arrylng his post card survey plan Studies, Teachers Collego, Colum- display window doesn't carry the But that was before the board to what ho termed a successful bia University, N. Y. McCormlck black and red banner showing negotiated a school bus contract conclusion. Steven's letter to tho In War Theatre board follows: offered to survey Springfield's he's participating in the campaign at approximately $6,000 and" the school needs at a foe of $100 per will be in the minority, says hiring of a janltress at about $1,- WITH THE FAR BAST AIR "I was much impressed by the Moore ... Moore, together wjth FORCES—Sgt. William Schwanke, splendid report and able analysis day plus expenses. The board 000, bringing the schpol bank roll took no action, but unofficially his assistant, Bill Geljack, toured down to $16,500. eon of Mr. William Schwanko of submitted by the Post Card Survey the business area this week and 6 Maipcs avenue, has reported for Committee1 at your last 'special' directed District Clork A. B. An- received pledgee in four out of Anderson estimated it would duty with the Far East Air Board of Education meeting. It derson to check with other near- every fivo stores , . this moans have to cost the board about $5,- Forces In Japan. Arriving in the seemed to me that tho survey has by municipalities on tho results Springfield will be in for a hum- 000 for light, water, heat, gas, and Orient the 23rd of July, Sgt. definitely shown the wishes of the of the institute's surveys in thoso dinger of a shopping spree, bar- possible additional janitor and Schwanke has been assigned as voters — a desire for a school in a communities. ring unforseen developments, school supplies between now and a. heavy equlpmont driver with lower price range without the pur- from September 8 to Soptomber ne>ft Juno, bringing the balance one of the motor vehicle squadrons chase of additional land. Throughout tho discussion, with down to about $11,000. Then with Dr. McCormlck reference was 22 with hundreds of/dollars in of FEAF. "Because I have a personal in- prizes going to the holders of auditor and legal fees, to say In military service first In 1042, made by eevoral board members, nothing of the bill for the two terest in this problem (our boy is particularly Clifford Waiker, winning purchase tickets. Sgt. Schwanko was In the Euro- one of those children affected by school elections, slated for- fall pean Theatre from August of that the double session in tho Chisholm president, to "the decision mode "If only they'd permit un to and next February, that figure year until July of 1945. Ho holds School) I feel that the referendum last Tuesday night." At the close grab our picks and shovels and would be reduced considerably. the European - African - Middle Sure this picture was posed, but it tells showing the entire development was com- should be presented as stipulated of the session with tho research break ground ourselves, we'd Anderson, • in a written report Eastern Service Medal, with six by the voters themselves — and as head, Wttlkcr said,- "I guess wo ;he story of the anxiety on the part of pleted yesterday. Sporting those forced still go ahoad an the basis of be natliiOcd," Hay the impatient to the board, said a careful study battle stars. During that time he quickly as possible. It does not 1 merchants in the Morris avenue has been made of the expendi- participated in combat In Algeria, svery merchant in Springfield with regard expressions of bewilderment are, left to seem necessary, in my opinion, to last Tuesday night's session.' His business area with regard to tures authorized to date against French Morocco, before Naples to the three million dollar Revolutionary right, Milton Keshen, owner of the Beacon obtain tho advice of an 'expert' ad- colleagues appeared to agreo the threw million-dollar Revolu- the 1950-51 budget appropriations. and Foggla, in the Northern Ap- Square development. Business men have Hill Company; Milton Billet, owner of Mil- visor at additional expense to the whole-heartedly. tionary 8 "j li u r e Development The report included a comparison ennines, as well as in the Rhine- voters — the post card survey has The "mystery" of "that moot- ... fear that the Korean situ- of figures and several sheets of land campaign; Romc-Arno cam- been waiting for the project to materialize ton's Liquor Store; Thomas W. Lyons, pres- given us the truest and most direct Ing" was cleared up somewhat ation may still halt the project statistics showing complete de- paign and the campaign for for many years and now that it appears ident of the Chamber of Commerce; Harry advlco obtainable as to what the by Walker aftor the board ses- Is continuing to worry business- tails. Southern France. peoplo who will Havo to provide sion ended shortly after midnight, closer to reality than ever before, another Boughner, owner of Boughner's Variety 1 men who have looked to the do- "Please note," said Anderson, Prior to coming to Japan, Sgt. war has developed to cast a shadow on the Store, and William Geljack, owner of Gel- tho funds arethinklng. giving rise to tho belief school vclopmcnt as thn beginning of "that the amount needed for Schwanko was at Mitchell Air "It is my impression that tho members aro now working on an a new era Insofar us local buy- transportation of pupils is not Force Base tn New York. whole setup. At press time today plans jack Brothers Jewelers, (photo by Bob voters will give us our much- entirely aiew plan of^ action. ing IK concerned . sweating eluded in current expense as tho Smith) needed school if the funds re- Walker, who declared no definite H out like this is rough, we were still going ahead for ground breaking contract has not been awarded at ceremonies. The huge and expensive sign quested are adjusted to a consid- announcementi would be mado know that, but wo suggest you the date of those figures. Also I Charles F. Lawler erably lower amount and If tho pending crystallzation of all relax .. one of these days we'll would call your attontlon' that the building site Is on presently owned plans, did admit the new referen- V all wake up to find a couple of instruction proper appropriation Honored at Dinner JANET K.LAYHG property. In this way the Immedi- dum probably would bo for hundred; workmen and a hnlf- has only a balance of $18.23 for Charles F. Lawler; of 151 Short Hew Clark Seat ate problem would bo' solved by "much loss" than tho request for doicn or Bo steam shovels plow- the school-year 1050-51, Hills avenue, who .retired after Halsey Cites Rise WINS SCHOLARSHIP the next school year — and -addi- $550,000 which was previously.' Ing away at the corner of Mor- fifty years of continuous service tional expansion could bo deferred beaten.
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