».' I ; J-1 Contract Rwbtr DAAK11-B3-IH)007 Talk Nuabir 0004 Dalitarjr Ordir Hi»b«r 000) NUT ?HCIMIA ORDNANCE WORKS ENVIROHMEHTAL SURVEY UnUNCBD tfPENDICIS SDPKKTINC DATA ITEMS A003 ADD A004 WVIIOmB!TAL SCIENCE AND INCINEEKING, INC. ;j P.O. Boi E8E CiiotivilU, FU. 32602 o Novnbtr Diitribution liaittd to U.S. Covtrmint Aftnciii only for pro tic t ion of privil«|td info nit ion tvtluttini »ooth«r conand: Noviibtr 1984. KtqiMiti for thii docuMnt auit bt rcfirrtd to: Comandir, U.S. Any Toxic and Hatatdoui Matiriali Agtncy, Abirdttn Proving Ground. Md. 21010-3401. Frtpartd for: U.S. ARMY TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS HATERIALS AGENCY AitniMnti Diviiion Abardttn Provini Ground, Md. 21010-5401 BR3QI007 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX A--ESE FIELD LABORATORY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN APPENDIX B—DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN APPENDIX C--ESE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY SAFETY PLAN AR30I008 o o APPENDIX A ESE FIELD LABORATORY QUALITY ASSURANCE PUN (Reviled 11/07/84) r•**y/ AR30I00„•„.•• 9 QA.l/QAPLAN/TUC.l 11/07/84 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION A-l 2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR QA A-2 2.1 OVERALL PLAN FUNCTION A-2 2.2 QA/QC RESPONSIBILITIES A-4 2.2.1 USATHAMA CENTRAL LABORATORY A-4 , QA COORDINATOR A-6 2.2.2 ESE PROJECT QA SUPERVISOR 2.2.3 ESE SITE MANAGER A-7 ' 2.2.4 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SUPERVISOR A-8 2.2.5 ESE ANALYTICAL OR FIELD TEAM LEADER A-8 2.2.6 ESE ANALYSTS AND SAMPLING PERSONNEL A-S 3.0 ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS CONTROLS A-9 3.1 SAMPLE MANAGEMENT A-9 3.2 SAMPLING A-n 3.2.1 VOLATILES A-15 3.2.2 GROUND HATER A-15 3.2.3 SURFACE HATER A-17 3.2.4 AIR •A-18 3.2.5 SOIL A-18 3.2.6 SEDIMENTS A-19 3.3 SAMPLE PRESERVATION A-21 3.4 SAMPLE PREPARATION A-21 3.4.1 WATEK SAMPLES A-27 3.4.2 SOIL SAMPLES A-27 3.4.3 SEDIMENT SAMPLES A-2B 3.4.4 STANDARD SAMPLES A-28 3.5 8UBSAMPLIN6 A-28 3.6 CONTROL SAMPLES A-29 3.7 REFERENCE MATERIALS A-29 3.8 ANALYTICAL METHODS AND CERTIFICATION A-29 3.8.1 RATIONALE A-29 3.8.2 METHOD CERTIFICATION A-30 3,9 ANALYST CERTIFICATION A-i (Red). *JiJA.l/QAPLA«/TOC.A 2 11/07/B4 O TABLE OF CONTENTS Pagt ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES A-36 4.1 LABORATORY INSTRUMENT QC CONTROLS A-36 4.2 CONTROL SAMPLESA-38 5.0 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE A-41 5.1 FIELD INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION A-42 5.2 ANALYTICAL NOTEBOOKS AND INSTRUMENT LOGBOOKS A-43 5.3 SPECIFIC ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS CONTROL • A-45 5.3.1 METALS SYSTEM CONTROL A-45 5.3.2 NITRITE PLUS NITRATE, SULFATE, AND PHOSPHATE ANALYSES A-46 5.3.3 GC A-46 5.3.4 GC/MS ANALYSIS A-47 6.0 AUDITING AND REPORTING OF Dili .A-48 6.1 SEMIQUAHIITATIVE ANALYSES A-48 6.2 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSES A-50 BIBLIOGRAPHY A-52 (R30IOI.I O A-ii IJA.l/QAPLAN/LOTF.l 11/07/84 LIST OF TABLES TabIt Page 3.3-1 Container!, Prtiarvation, and Holding Tinea A-22 3.3-2 Saaple Container Cleaning Procedurei A-25 4.1-1 Suoaary of Inacrunental Syitena Control A-37 Kequiranenti 4.2-1 QC tequirenenta by Saople Lot A-39 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1-1 Laboratory QA/QC Organization and Function A-3 2.1-2 Field QA/QC Plan Organization and Function A-5 3.2-1 Field Sampling Audit Checkliit A-12 3.2-2 Surface Soil Corapoaite Sampling Method A-20 3,9-1 Typical Certification Audit Page A-34 6.1-1 Arny Data Review Form A-49 flR30IOI2 A-iii ^A.l/tfAPLAN/1.1 09/20/84 0- 1.0 INTRODUCTION Thii document ia the overall ESE Project Quality Control (QC) Plan for aampling and analyiei performed on taaka and contracta for USATHAMA which require compliance with the U.S. Army Toxic and Hasardou* Materiala Agency (USATHAMA) Quality Aiiurance (QA) Program of April 1982. This plan it baaed on and complies with thia USATHAMA QA Program. Specific detaila and deviationa from thia general plan, if any, for a certain talk or lurvey will be deicribed in detail in the Taak Sampling and Analysis Plan or teit plana. Becauie of the detailed nature of the USATHAMA QA Program Plan, thii Project QC Plan includes aectiona that are very limilar to those in the USATHAMA QA Program Plan. ' The specific objectivei of thia plan are to describe in general detail the processes for controlling the validity of the data generated in the aaupling and analyiia efforts; the raecnoda and criteria for detection of } out-of-control situations; steps to be taken to provide timely • corrective action; and how auch actions will be reported and documented. The Project QA Plan alao supports the Dita Management Plan by providing documentation of the limit! of precision, accuracy, and sensitivity ot all analytical systems generating data and by providing mechanisms for documentation of the validity of all reported data, Some environmental surveys and other tasks assigned under this contract may require the development and documentation of certain lemiquanti- tative and quantitative analytical methods for all phases of the project. The analytical aystems controls and data validation procedures deicribed in this QC Plan will be employed to ensure valid, properly formatted data defining the precision, accuracy, and sensitivity of each method. AR30IOI3 O A-l QA.l/QAPLAN/2,1 11/07/84 2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR QA The QC Plan functiona according to the USATHAMA central-laboratory/ field-laboratory concept, Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. (ESE) acta ai the field laboratory, which is monitored by the USATHAMA Central Laboratory QA Coordinator, The overall QA/QC organisation to provide valid data to the Commander of USATHAMA is shown in Fig, 2,1-1, The function of the plan and QA responsibilities of each of the project participants are outlined in the following subsectioni, 2.1 OVERALL PLAN FUNCTION Fig. 2,1-1 depicts the nanner in which the ESE Project QA Supervisor monitors the conduct of the,sampling and analytical effort. In thii poaition, the QA Supervisor is not directly subordinate to anyone reaponsible for sampling and analysis; the supervisor reports to the ESE Project Manager, Within the flow of the project scheme, the QA Superviior monitors the receipt of samples and the organization of samples into analytical lots and ensures that appropriate QC samples are included, The specific responsibilities of the QA Superviior are detailed in Par, 2,2,2. The analyst performs the analyses of samples and control simples and submits results to the Analytical Team Leaders for approval, The Data Assistant enters the data into the ESE data handling system, where preprogrammed QC checks are run and a printout is generated. The QA Supervisor monitors the QC results, approves results which are in control, and updates QC criteria and control charts, At this point, any analytical problems and out-of-control situations are identified by the QA Superviior and corrective action is recommended, Subsequently, data are reviewed by the ESE Project Manager within the overall context of the sampling and analysis program. If questions are encountered, they are resolved before further data processing, AR30IOU A-2 sUl g •~> .... Ul = 55 I i UlZ sisi Ii I o 2 ! en° il o AR QA.l/QAPLAN/2.2 11/07/84 Approved data are transcribed into the U,S, Army format and entered at Level 1, The Project QA Superviior validates the Level 1 data by verifying the accuracy of the analysis and transcription of a data subiample, Thia ia repreaented in Fig. 2.1-1 by the dotted linea pasting back from the validation step to the sample, The nanner in which the Project QA Superviior monitor a the field effort it shown in Fig, 2,1-2, Thii figure shows that the Project QA Super- viior monitors the logging-in of samples, checks copies of field notebook entries and logiheeti, and reports any inconaiatenciei and/or omiisioni to the Field Team Leader. The QA Superviior also monitors the QC and calibration data submitted to tupport field teati and analysis. The field data will consist of three types of data files: (1) the field drilling: file, (2) the ground water stabilized file, and (3) the map file. In addition, certain field sampling information must be collected and entered into the chemical data files. ,-;J7v '-^X Field data which have passed the QC checks are passed to the Data Assistant for direct entry to the U.S. Army system. Validation of field data is performed by the QA Supervisor in the same manner as for laboratory results, 2,2 QA/QC RESPONSIBILITIES 2.2,1 USATHAMA CENTRAL LABORATORY QA COORDINATOR The Central QA Laboratory will monitor the QA/QC activiti.es of the field laboratory to enaure the quality of the generated data, The USATHAMA Central Laboratory QA Coordinator therefore has the following responsibilities in fulfilling this objective: 1, Provide technical evaluations of QC plans submitted by performers, as required. QC plans are to be developed according to this USATHAMA QA Program. 2. Provide technical evaluations of laboratory facilitiea and capabilities, as required. AR3•••••••-0 1016 . Q A-4 ••'••• Ul 0 J g^ zz AR O " SO* , vlRecJJ QA.l/QAPLAN/2,3 11/07/84 3. Manage the QA activities required for the preparation of standards and the evaluation of methods, 4. Maintain the analytical reference material repository.
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