SPECIAL SEDITION TRIAL EDITION ! Deal. Ars.. Ir. cHRIST. o aa, . '*o ft 714 a copy. of Il 23.our .infaaorze l:vor trArt.': fo.c lho Ci srial ba a goVolludat. tr.a aoce saner to 13.saie vho tolsiIt is. o poltUaa - tar. Trior We, The Mothers, Mobilize For America, sn s, D inc. HICAGO 5, ILLINOiS cRic WEI3sier 7126 Vaoing Pravari AI At ice p4r. •■••••••••••••••••••,........•••■••••••■•......0*.• 110ba end W.r; 5rnin if.gs aS 7Ar THE ANTI-NAZI BULLETIN Official Publicotionsof the Non-Sectarion Anti-Nazi League "kit to Champion Human Rights, inc. VOL 1X—No. 3 JULY-AUGUST, N44 -40-= ••■_,•Pow. fixes NH, BER ONE Var-SiCA OD "(ft PRESERVA110$ of VAERICO 1DEVENDOCe osvolo, To in c.,xst Itosl 1 /pledge enogionee to the nig of rite finked (ratan one Nasio. Ster;e4 ofliberty Amerce and to ibe Republic f tefach and Mace for an AMERICA! SPEAKS SRO lya July-August, 1944 Page Two THE ANTI-NAZI BULLETIN Our Cover Design More Than Conviction of 29 On the cover of this issue of The Anti Nazi Bulletin is a display Needed to Halt Fascist Flood of headlines from a few of the many subversive publications recent- ly distributed in the United States, whose publishers have so far not of Propaganda by Subversives been brought to trial. A few of them are under Federal indictment, use a distorted image of it as a but none have been punished, and most of them are still spreading Winning of _Battle in Federal Court Should shield for their misdeeds. their propaganda poisons today, in the midst of war. Their agita- Prove Spur to Further Attack On Fight Aids Nazis , tion constitutes an ever-present danger to the minds of unthink- Spreaders of Hate in 1J. S. Quite the contrary: we see in all ing, easily-amused persons. of this public beating of editorial Court Asher's THE X-RAY, of Muncie, Indiana, still attacks breasts a considered attempt on the By Prof. James H. Sheldon part of the "isolationists of 1945" freedom and liberty, and spreads anti-British, anti-Russian, and Just as we go to press startling news has come, concerning po- to get the American people to close anti-Semitic propaganda in weekly editions, just as before the war. litical over-turns in Germany and Japan. their eyes to the fact that this Leon D'Aryan's BROOM joins With William Kullgren's AMER- We have had no such good news of great reverses affecting the war originated with the Nazis and has been ably fought for them, not ICA SPEAKS, to preach religious dissension along the Pacific plans of Hitler's political allies still hard at work among the peo- only in the field of battle, but also Coast, and these publications currently print articles or correspond- ple of our own country. in the political field. "Hitler Salutes His American Mouthpiece" is the title of a ence by sedition-trial figures like Elizabeth Dilling, Lawrence Den- The way in which James J. splendid brochure just issued by thelD Laughlin and other defense attor- nis, Henry Klein, and Ellis O. Jones. The publishers of all three Veterans of Foreign Wars (Mo.) punishment is a routine matter of neys have repeatedly made "mo- of these papers were indicted in 1942 for conspiracy to commit sedi- The Veterans are worried, just as law enforcement. The public un- tions" which were clearly intended tion, but they apparently feel that nothing can happen to them is the Anti-Nazi League, about derstanding of what this war Is all for the columns of the Chicago what they call "The Isolationism about which ought to result from Tribune and its friends, rather than until the present case is disposed of. THE CROSS AND THE of 1945", the apostles of which were the dramatic evidence that the Gov- for the consideration of the Court, FLAG, Detroit monthly which claims a fabulous circulation; is pub- planted among our people by the ernment is presenting is, however, is an example of this effort. We are lished by Gerald L. K. Smith, former Ku Klux Klan organizer and Germans and their American fel- a vital part of winning the war. informed, indeed, that on more than low-travellers, long before Pearl For that reason, this entire issue one notable occasion the texts of Silver Shirt member. It continues to assail every American leader Harbor. Along with "Hitler's of the Anti-Nazi Bulletin is devoted these "defense motions" were ac- who has run afoul of the Nazi and Japanese war lords, and attacks Mouthpieces" are lasted people like to a review of the sedition conspir- tually known to the Chicago Tri- England, Russia, Negroes, Jews, and democrats indiscriminately, Wee. Dudley Pelley, Gerald L. K. acy Case. bune before they were known to the Smith, Mrs. Elisabeth Dining, Ger- Judge, Credence is given to such re- earning for its publisher a citation by the Veterans of Foreign Wars ald P. Nye, Col. Robert McCormick, llinindicted Vocal ports by the fact that more than a as "Hitler's American Mouthpiece". MONEY is the New York It is altogether possible to win Frankly, we are a great deal dis- year ago, certain members of coun- front for a horde of "Money" clubs all over the country, devoted battles in Normandy and among turbed. We are disturbed by the sel for the defendants were openly the isles of the Pacific, and still evident fact that large groups. of trying to raise large sums of mo- to proving that we are sure to go bankrupt ipstead of winning the lose the war — in the, sense of fail- Americans are not disturbed by the ney, net to hire more attorneys to war. MONEY lately got a new publisher after its founder, who was ing to make the world any safer daily revelations in Judge Eicber's look up law, but to secure nation- once chairman of the America First Committee's Speakers' Bureau for freedom than it won in 1914, courtroom. wide publicity for the propaganda when Hitler became dictator of We are disturbed, too, by the which their clients hoped to be able at Brooklyn. N. Y., was sent to jail for draft evasion. THE GAEL- Germany, or in 1941, on the eve vigorous and skillful efforts of to spread throughout the country, IC-AMERICAN, once a healthy, nostalgic paper devoted to the of Pearl Harbor. "Hitler's Mouthpieces" to substi- from the platform of a witness- cause of Irish freedom, lately fell into near-bankruptcy, and came There are two separate tests of tute false issues for the real issues chair in it United States Court. how near we are to winning the under control of interests which have made it a potent organ of in this case. Hoffman Helps War. Thus, no sooner had the Grand Coughlinite propaganda and Christian-Frontism ready to cooperate One of them is the news from Jury returned its indictment in Meanwhile, because they did not with "Peace Now" and similar groups. WESTERN VOICE, pub- the battlefronts and from inside January, 1944, than Col. McCor- feel that it would be helpful to Germany and Japan. mick's Chicago Tribune cried out their cease to have the facts of lished by Harvey H. Springer, of Colorado, is typical of many this alleged conspiracy come out Propaganda Peril in defense of the accnsed propa- anti-democratic, racistic propaganda papers, published under the gandists (who had already been in public, politicians with a see- guise of religious fundamentalism. WESTERN VOICE and THE The second test is the news from permitted to operate during more m-el of strong support for the iso- inside our own country, as to how lationist., pro-appeasement position, DEFENDER (Winrod's paper, for whose propaganda efforts he was than two whole years of war) succeesfut or unsuccesaful the en- .-"The" 'citizen who ndr trorr4=s' made every effort to seep-the indicted) regularly exchange editorial texts, and reprint material emy's Fifth Column of political re- fled and outraged by the govern- Thus, Congressman Clare E. Hoff- from THE CROSS AND THE FLAG. serve-trope has been. If these for- merles conduct may fancy him- man (R., Mich.) actually flied a ces can keep their foothold, and self a believer in liberty, but he's House Resolution to investigate WOMEN'S VOICE, Chicago organ of the ultra-isolationist gain control of American public kidding himself " several organizations that had been "Mothers" organizations, is directed by Mrs. Lyn Clark Van opinion or of an effective bloc of Senator Nye, outstanding "Amer- helpful to the Department of Jus- votes, they are in a position to tice, for their temerity in digging Hyping, head of We, The Mothers, Mobilize for America, Inc., ica First" politiman, had already steal from us the fruits of our declared on the floor of the Senate: into the doings of many of these whose letter-head appears beside the publication. Many times ex- victories in Matte. "Most of those involved in this very propagandists who are now posed by the Anti-Nazi League, "The Mother Racket", with groups Reich Propaganda Misdates alleged conspiracy.. are no more on trial! The public response given to the all over the country, is the subject of an excellent article in the cur- Gm:libels has repeatedly boasted of guilty of conspiracy than I am." this fact, and declared that the The Cross and the Flag; organ progress of the sedition conspiracy rent WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION. Nazis would take advantage of our of the ex-Silver-Shixter Gerald L.
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