E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 No. 124 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, proud to have him as our guest chap- called to order by the Honorable BRIAN PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, lain today. Washington, DC, September 19, 2013. SCHATZ, a Senator from the State of f Hawaii. To the Senate: Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby PRAYER LEADER appoint the Honorable BRIAN SCHATZ, a Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s ator from the State of Hawaii, to perform The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- opening prayer will be offered by Rev. the duties of the Chair. pore. The majority leader is recog- Kenneth Kolibas, pastor at St. Joseph PATRICK J. LEAHY, nized. President pro tempore. Church in Raritan, NJ. f Mr. SCHATZ thereupon assumed the The guest Chaplain offered the fol- SCHEDULE lowing prayer: chair as Acting President pro tempore. Let us pray. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Mr. REID. Mr. President, following Dear Lord in Heaven, You blessed the pore. The majority leader. my remarks the Senate will be in a pe- creation of this great Nation of men Mr. REID. Mr. President, I yield to riod of morning business. The majority and women and today I ask for the con- the junior Senator from New Jersey to will control the first 30 minutes and tinuance of Your support and guidance speak about the Chaplain today. the Republicans will control the second of the women and men of the Senate. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- 30 minutes. Following morning busi- Bless them with the wisdom necessary pore. The Senator from New Jersey. ness we will resume consideration of S. to make tough decisions concerning f 1392. our Nation and its well-being. Guide WELCOMING THE GUEST f them toward keeping our Nation CHAPLAIN ECONOMIC RECOVERY strong, free, and generous. Help them to use their talents and gifts to benefit Mr. CHIESA. Mr. President, I rise Mr. REID. Mr. President, it was our Nation and come to the aid of today to recognize my pastor, Father about five decades ago that Vice Presi- those in need. May they be the best of Ken Kolibas, who is joining us here in dent Humphrey predicted it was pos- teachers as role models for the future Washington today. sible to eradicate poverty in America. generations of our country. Please I am honored and delighted that Fa- In fact, this is what he said: ‘‘We can bless them with good health and the ther Ken Kolibas, pastor of the Church banish hunger from the face of the ability to do the work that is brought of St. Joseph in Raritan, NJ, is serving Earth.’’ That was in 1965. before them. Amen. as our guest chaplain today. Father Today, in 2013, there are more than 50 Ken is the pastor and spiritual leader million people living in the United f for the people of St. Joseph’s and for States—including 150,000 families in the larger community. Nevada—who don’t know where their PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Father Ken began his working career next meal will come from. In the rich- The Presiding Officer led the Pledge as a small businessman in New Jersey. est country in the world, one in six is of Allegiance as follows: When he was 23 years old, he opened in danger of going to bed hungry to- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Ken’s Flowers and Gifts in Carteret, night, and half of those people are chil- United States of America and to the Repub- NJ. He quickly became a respected dren. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, leader of the business community. But But despite these sobering numbers— indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Father Ken later received and an- and despite these difficult economic swered the call to ministry, and he now times—House Republicans have turned f dedicates his life to our spiritual their backs on American families growth. His commitment and gen- struggling to put food on the table. It APPOINTMENT OF ACTING erosity to the members of our parish is is true the bill being considered in the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE unwavering, and his door is open to House of Representatives today would The PRESIDING OFFICER. The anyone who seeks his guidance. save $40 billion. How would it save that clerk will please read a communication The Church of St. Joseph’s is nearing $40 billion? By snatching food out of to the Senate from the President pro the conclusion of its year-long celebra- the hands of millions of the neediest tempore (Mr. LEAHY). tion of its 100th year. We are fortunate children and their families. The assistant legislative clerk read at St. Joseph’s to have Father Ken as Why are there people on food stamps? the following letter: our pastor and our leader, and I am We have tried to create a safety net so ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6611 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:32 Sep 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19SE6.000 S19SEPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S6612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 19, 2013 these people have at least the basics of good piece of legislation that will Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I being able to have a meal during the make America like all modern nations ask unanimous consent that the order day. and have health care for everybody, for the quorum call be rescinded. House Republicans are determined to with rare exception. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- gut the nutrition assistance program Watching the Republican Party self- pore. Without objection, it is so or- in the name of austerity, even though destruct—and that is not coming from dered. 9 out of 10 recipients are families with me; that is what pundits are saying all f children, senior citizens, or people with over the country—would be good polit- disabilities. These needy Americans ical theater, to watch them self-de- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY aren’t exactly living a life of excess on struct—and that is what they are LEADER the government’s dime. They get about doing—if there were not so much at The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- $4 in food assistance each day. stake. pore. The Republican leader is recog- One of my favorite things I like to do The economic consequences of a gov- nized. in Nevada and here in Washington is to ernment shutdown are deadly serious. go grocery shopping. It is such a diver- Even today, when I had my news brief- f sion for me. I love going grocery shop- ing—the Republicans are openly fight- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST— ping to look around, buy things. ing against each other now. Senate Re- S. 1514 Landra and I are without our children publicans are saying, Well, we know we Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I and our grandchildren—we live alone— don’t have enough votes to get rid of ask unanimous consent that the Sen- but we still buy food and I enjoy that ObamaCare, but let’s send it back to ate proceed to the immediate consider- so very much. So I have a good idea the House and let them hang tough. ation of Calendar No. 191, S. 1514, the how much $4 will buy, or $4.50 to be The House Republicans are saying, Saving Coal Jobs Act. I ask unanimous specific. That is enough money to buy, Why aren’t the Senate Republicans consent that the bill be read a third if one is lucky, a pound of hamburger. doing it themselves? time and passed without intervening They have different grades of ham- The consequences of a government action or debate, and the motion to re- burger. They have the expensive kind, shutdown are deadly serious. The eco- consider be laid upon the table. the not so expensive, and then the nomic consequences of a first-ever de- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- cheaper kind. Even for the cheaper fault on the full faith and credit of the pore. Is there objection? kind, $4 couldn’t buy a pound of that United States are deadly serious. Look Mr. REID. Mr. President, reserving most of the time. A gallon of milk what happened last time they threat- the right to object, I know how impor- costs about four bucks. So a person ened this: The stock market dropped tant coal is to the States of Kentucky, couldn’t buy them both on the same 2,000 points. We lost our credit rating. West Virginia, Indiana, and a lot of day; a person certainly couldn’t buy It dropped. States feel very strongly about coal. hamburger and milk on the same day. Anyone listening to this doesn’t have It is possible to make important re- We will be happy to work with the Re- to take my word for it. The U.S. Cham- publican leader and others who are forms to both farm and food stamp pro- ber of Commerce, not noted for being grams without balancing the budget on concerned about the coal issue in the this base of liberality in the country, United States to come up with a proce- the backs of people who are hungry.
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