Large-scale shell-model calculations of nuclear Schiff moments of 129Xe and 199Hg Kota Yanase∗ and Noritaka Shimizu† Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Dated: December 10, 2020) The theoretical uncertainty in the nuclear Schiff moment is an obstacle to set constraints on CP violation beyond the standard model from experimental upper bounds on atomic electric dipole moments. We perform large-scale shell-model calculations of the 129Xe and 199Hg nuclei with realistic effective interactions. To estimate the Schiff moments caused by the P , T -odd πNN interaction perturbatively, we employ the one-particle one-hole approximation to the intermediate states. The Schiff moments of 129Xe and 199Hg are reduced due to the configuration mixing by ∼ 10% from the evaluation of the independent particle model. On the other hand, the reduction is more significant in mean-field based calculations and shell-model calculations with a drastic truncation. In order to resolve the discrepancy in the Schiff moment of 199Hg among several nuclear models, we survey low-energy nuclear structure. The large-scale shell-model calculations reveal that the Schiff 199 1 − moment of Hg is considerably quenched in the second 2 state. I. INTRODUCTION actinide atoms are paid attentions in spite of experimen- tal difficulties because octupole deformation of atomic The permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) of nuclei is supposed to greatly enhance the NSMs [31, 32]. 225 atoms are expected as probes of charge-parity (CP ) vi- The upper bound of the Ra atomic EDM was first olation in beyond the standard model. It is known that reported several years ago [33, 34]. atomic EDMs are greatly enhanced by the relativistic ef- In the present study we concentrate on the 129Xe fect of the electron EDM in alkali atoms [1, 2] and param- and 199Hg NSMs induced by the P , T -odd NN inter- agnetic atoms with similar configurations of electron [3]. actions. Most of many-body calculations for those nu- It has been demonstrated by atomic many-body calcu- clei are based on the mean-field approximation so far. In lations that the enhancement factors are greater than early studies an independent particle model (IPM) is em- 100 in the cesium, thallium, and francium atoms [4–7]. ployed with the phenomenological Woods-Saxon poten- The experimental measurements of the cesium [8, 9] and tial and the spin-orbit correction [35, 36]. Subsequently, thallium atoms [10, 11] presented upper bounds on the the residual interactions were taken into account in the electron EDM. Recently, an experiment is proposed to random phase approximation (RPA) and quasi-particle measure the atomic EDM of francium in spite of its diffi- RPA (QRPA) [37–39]. They performed mean-field cal- culty owing to the metastability of the nucleus [12]. Re- culations in 198Hg and added a neutron to describe the cent measurements using the thorium monoxide molecule ground state of 199Hg. Considering the P , T -odd πNN improved the best limit on the electron EDM by or- interaction, the isoscalar and isotensor channels are sup- ders of magnitude [13, 14]. The current status is de < pressed, whereas the isovector coefficient is still compa- 1.1 10−29e cm. | | rable with results of IPM calculations. However, fully The× CP violation due to the electron EDM must be self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) calcula- suppressed in diamagnetic atoms because of the closed tions of 199Hg itself presented controversial results [40]. configurations of electron [15, 16]. The EDMs of dia- Although the same Skyrme interactions with the QRPA magnetic atoms are alternatively sensitive to the CP vi- calculations are employed, the effects of the residual in- olation in atomic nuclei including the P , T -odd nucleon- teractions greatly reduce the isovector coefficient so as arXiv:2006.15142v2 [nucl-th] 9 Dec 2020 nucleon (NN) interactions. The P , T -odd NN inter- to change its sign. The authors inferred that the soft actions induce nuclear EDMs, but those are completely quadrupole deformation of the 199Hg nucleus might give screened in neutral atoms due to the interactions with rise to the theoretical uncertainty and claimed the neces- surrounding electrons. One of the leading contributions sity of configuration mixing. to the EDM of a diamagnetic atom arises from the nu- In the nuclear shell model, wave functions are ex- clear Schiff moment (NSM) induced by the P , T -odd pressed as linear combinations of the vast number of NN interactions [17–19]. The experimental precision Slater determinants in the restricted valence space. In has been improved for a long time in 199Hg [20–26] and preceding studies, possible configurations are drasti- 129Xe [27–30]. In particular the 199Hg atomic EDM is the cally truncated to evade the sizable numerical cost due most precise measurement among all the particles so far. to a number of active protons and neutron holes of −30 129 The present constraint is dHg < 7.4 10 e cm. Some Xe [41, 42]. That simplified version of the shell model | | × is referred to as the pair-truncated shell model (PTSM), in which the many-body bases are composed of collective pairs of like nucleons. In the PTSM studies, schematic ∗ [email protected] pairing plus quadrupole interactions were adopted. The † [email protected] RPA [38] and the PTSM [42] studies agree in that the 2 NSM of 129Xe is reduced roughly by one order of magni- T = 0, 1, 2 represent the isospin structures of the P , T - tude from the IPM results. (T ) odd vertex gπNN . The other side of the P , T -odd πNN In this paper, we perform large-scale shell-model interaction must be the P , T -even vertex gπNN . Those (LSSM) calculations of 129Xe and 199Hg utilizing real- couplings are contained in istic effective interactions based on the G-matrix inter- actions. The P , T -odd πNN interaction can be treated 1 (0) F0 = gπNN gπNN , as a perturbation. As discussed in the following section, 8πMN we adopt the one-particle one-hole approximation to the 1 (1) F1 = gπNN gπNN , intermediate states, where the residual correlations are −16πMN neglected. A natural progression of the present study is 1 (2) to expand the valence space in the LSSM calculations. F2 = gπNN gπNN , (4) 8πMN where MN denotes the nucleon mass. II. FORMULATION In the infinite pion-mass limit, the one-pion-exchange P , T -odd NN interaction is related to the contact inter- The electric dipole moment (EDM) of an atom is de- action [36, 38, 44] fined by G 1 V = η σ η σ ∇δ(r), (5) C √ 2m ab a − ba b · Z 2 N d = er , (1) e atom − i where G is the Fermi coupling constant and Xi=1 √2 where the summation runs over atomic electrons. The η = g g(0) + g(1) +2g(2) nn Gm2 πNN πNN πNN πNN atomic EDM has a non-zero value only if P and T sym- π metries are both violated in the atomic system. The √2 η = g g(0) g(1) +2g(2) same argument is applicable to the nuclear Schiff mo- pp 2 πNN πNN πNN πNN Gmπ − ment (NSM), which requires P and T violations in the √2 atomic nucleus. The NSM violates P and T symmetries η = g g(0) + g(1) 2g(2) np Gm2 πNN − πNN πNN − πNN of the atomic system through the interactions with elec- π trons. √2 η = g g(0) g(1) 2g(2) . (6) The NSM operator is defined by [43] pn Gm2 πNN − πNN − πNN − πNN π Z The exchange terms are not contained in the expres- e 2 5 2 S = r ri r ri , (2) sion (5) since nuclear wave functions used in this paper 10 i − 3 ch Xi=1 are anti-symmetrized. The contact P , T -odd NN inter- r action originated from the Weinberg operator could be where i indicates the proton coordinates with the elec- as important as the P , T -odd πNN interaction at low tric charge e, and r2 is the mean squared radius of h ich energies [45]. the charge distribution. The NSM of a spin-J state is The nuclear Hamiltonian is expressed as given by the expectation value in the largest projection M = J. H = H0 + V, (7) The NSM can be induced by the P , T -odd NN in- teractions. Considering the one-pion-exchange P , T -odd where H0 denotes P , T -even NNeinteractions. Since the NN interaction, the nuclear Hamiltonian contains the P , T -odd πNN interaction V should be very weak, the following P , T -odd potential: ground state of H is expressed without the normalization as e V = VT , ψ ψ V ψ T =0X,1,2 n n 0 ψ = ψ0 + , (8) e e − E E e mπr Xn 0 en V = F τ τ σ σ ∇ , − 0 0 1 · 2 1 − 2 · r where ψ0 is the ground state of H0 and ψn denotes the Ve = F τ + τ σ σ excited| statesi of the same (J, M = J) and| i the opposite 1 1 1z 2z 1 − 2 h parity. The NSM is then calculated as e e−mπr + τ1z τ2z σ1 + σ2 ∇ , − · r ψ S ψ ψ V ψ i 0 z n n 0 e−mπr ψ Sz ψ = + c.c. τ τ σ σ ∇ E0 En V2 = F2 3τ1zτ2z 1 2 1 2 , (3) Xn e − · − · r − 2 e (T ) where r = r r is the relative coordinate of two nu- = aT gπNN g , (9) 1 − 2 πNN cleons and mπ denotes the pion mass.
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