FRIDAY, Volume 86, Number 76$1.00 MOUNT PROSPECT JUNE 3, 2016 ******FrRI OT 0018A**C',071 MT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY 10 S EMERSON ST STE 1 0000083 rvi i i 1111 11 1 k;iaiaas Great Catch! Prospect's Brendan O'Brien makes a spectacular diving catch for an out against Warren on Wednesday, June 1 in the state's Class 4A baseball tournament. Coveragecontinues on page 14. (Dion Martorano/The Journal) Separation Agreement Nears For Strait! Ex -Mgr. Earned Strahl have been working out some type of separation $15,000 Bonus agreement ever since, which is expected to include a severance Community Day Creates Bridge Before Let Go package. After the village board ap- By RICHARD MAYER proves an agreement with For Residents, Service Providers Assistant Managing Editor Strahl, Cassady said he expects staff and elected officials not to By DENISE FLEISCHER stations on Camp McDonaldJendreas, a very involved local Mount Prospect Village Man-discuss any details of the agree- Lifestyle Editor Road just east of Elmhurst. volunteer, have taken the lead ager Michael Cassady said he ment or reasons why Strahl is no Prospect Heights Lions Clubin coordinating the event. is optimistic that a separationlonger working for the village. Prospect Heights Communi-sponsors the event and serves AccordingtoKaren agreement with former assistantIt is likely to be a similar situa- ty Day serves as abridge for lo-up a pancake breakfast, for aSchultheis, deputy city clerk, manager David Strahl will betion to how the village handled cal families and the police andfee, with pancakes, sausage,the Prospect Heights Park presented to trustees for theira separation agreement with fire departments, park district,bacon and orange juice. District, police department, approval at the Tuesday, June ex -manager Michael Janonis in library and other organizations Club members are teamingcity hall and local organiza- 7 village board meeting. April 2015. Trustees approved that serve the public. up with the Prospect Heightstions come together to meet Strahl's last day of servicethe agreement that compensated This year's event is slated forFire Protection District to hostthe community and explain with the village after 22 yearsJanonis over $200,000, but did 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 4 Community Day. Tim Jones,the services they offer during was April 8. The village and (Continued on page 8A) at the city's main police and firedeputy fire chief, and Marcia (Continued on page 8A) See Our Ad! Plus Money Saving COUPONS! 847-952-181www.sewernplumbingecom Page 2A Friday, June 3, 2016 I The Journal www.journal-topics.com Residential Care Ending AtMaryville By LAUREN BARRY especially as DCFS plans toestablished a wide range ofRyan's letter. She added thatprogramming," Heyden said. Journal & Topics Reporter provide even less funding incommunity programs, Hey -Maryville will aid DCFS in itsWhen asked if residential 2017. den said. These include: thegoal to place children in fostercare would ever return to After over 130 years of By the end of August, all ofCrisis Nursery, where parentshomes rather than residentialMaryville, she said, "needs providing residential care tothe 68 teens currently in resi-can have children from birthcare facilities. continue to change in society, children in need, Des Plaines -dence at Maryville facilitiesto age 6 stay temporarily; the "We are speaking withand we're certainly open to based Maryville Academy, inwill be placed in foster homes,Children's Healthcare Center,DCFS about possible futureit." a letter from Executive Direc-said Heyden. The Des Plaineswhich transitions children out tor Sister Catherine Ryan tocampus at River and Centralof long hospital stays; the Jen donors, announced this weekroads is home to 31 of theseSchool, which offers special CALL NOW 1-800-254-7349 it will no longer offer theresidents, while 29 live at theeducation programs for teens service. Bartlett location and eightage 13-19; the Behavioral "Maryville has alwayslive at the Chicago shelter.Health Clinic, opened last changed with the needs ofMaryville has already closedyear to provide mental health society," Assistant Executiveintake for new residents. and substance abuse treatment Director Cheryl Heyden told Maryville was founded asfor children and their parents; the Journal & Topics. St. Mary's Training School forand CYO after -school pro- She explained that, over theBoys in 1883 by Archbishopgramming that aims to cut 60-60-60Sale! past decade, Department ofPatrick A. Feehan, accordingdown gun violence. Children and Family Servicesto the academy website. At About half of the students 60% OFF Installation! (DCFS) has provided lessfirst, the school provided shel-enrolled at the Jen School 60 Months No Interest! funding for Maryville's resi-ter and training for boys livingwere also Maryville residents, to dential program, and recentlyon the street. It expanded as anaccording to Heyden. If they decided to end its Shelterorphanage for boys and girlsare placed in foster homes $60 Gift Card with Estimate! Care program. DCFS has cutin the 20th century, housingclose to the Des Plaines cam- $23 million in residential andthousands through wartimepus, they would be welcome institutional care this year,and the Depression. After theto continue their education at Our Metal according to Ryan. Though 1950s, the school adopted theJen School. Roof Lasts a Maryville has invested $33name Maryville and shifted "Maryville will expand Lifetime! million in the past 10 years,its focus to caring for abusedits early childhood devel- according to Heyden, it canchildren. opment and in -community www.1866GETAPRO.com no longer sustain the program In recent years, Maryvilleyouth services," according to Si'es.-WIMORTGAGE Neighbors Make Offer MASTER On Township Building A division of loanDepot, LLC By TOM ROBB transactions. Sweeney said Trustyour hone financing needs Journal & Topics Reporter before the sale or purchase of any township property could witha local professional Elk Grove Township trusteesbe finalized, it would require approved the potential sale ofa vote of Elk Grove Township their Youth Services buildingresidents at a special town in Mount Prospect and hired ameeting. real estate broker to help con- DiMucci owns Golf Plaza solidate the township's threeII at Golf and Elmhurst roads, buildings into one. immediately to the east of the Township Supervisor MikeYouth Services building. As Sweeney said township offi-reported in the Journal & Topics cials are in talks with officials in April, DiMucci was expected of the DiMucci Companiesto meet with Mount Prospect who made an undisclosedofficials to discuss plans to offer to purchase the Youthredevelop Golf Plaza II, in- Services building at 401 Golfcluding possible construction Rd., Mount Prospect, just westof a freestanding Walgreens NMLS#588201 of Elmhurst Road. drug store. Branch Manager / Senior Loan Officer Township residents would At their May 23 meeting, have final say in any real estate (Continued on page 11A) Direct (708) 372-3980 807 W. Devon Avenue BERKSHIRE Stanley J. Walgreen HATHAWAY Broker, eCertified, e -PRO, SFR, SRES Park Ridge, IL 60068 HomeServices Starck Real Estate mones©mortgagemaster.com 300 W Golf Road MountProspect, IL 60056 www.mortgagemaster.com/jmjones 0 847.255.3900 I C 847.652.7005 [email protected] StarekRE.eorn N StanWalgreen.com loanilspot.corn. LL (1: thlva Modimge Masisr: 102 Ekn Sipset, tAialpolq. MA 02021. Tslepiwn# fi(*.e50-ok. F;» 500435S-4200. 42 oq1k vnentet Nh4l3 IC*174457 (tywymniScCilliLIMIC:10., D(91) IL ReS4Ktid A member of the frambise rat= of Safi AfillUttes, LLC 1A0lIgw!Liceme MB 6S50746 MoNeo Mailer Nsticnai LENDER www.journal-topics.com The Journal Friday, June 3, 2016 Page 3A Business Owner's Video Prompts Concerns In MP By RICHARD MAYER the village's B5 zoning district.feel secure, or for those with Assistant Managing Editor Our findings concluded thata fetish. we did not have a legal basis On display in the store are A YouTube video showing ato deny a business license.props and tradeshow pieces, Mount Prospect business ownerIn April, Tykables received awhich include a tall rocking wearing a diaper recently gotbusiness license and openedhorse, modular building blocks, Multi -colored building blocks fill front window of Tykables, located the attention of local residents in early April. We are currentlyan oversized high chair, a ball along Northwest Highway just west of Central. (Journal photo) and village officials. reviewing whether Tykables'pit and a 7 -foot crib. After receiving several calls present operations are within In his YouTube video, Wil-but emphasized it is a medi- Director of Community and emails from residentsthe terms of their business planliams shows all of those dis-cal supply operation first andDevelopment Bill Cooney regarding Tykables, a medicaland applicable village codes.plays and encourages people foremost. said once the village further supply company for adults atWe will keep you posted onto enter the business. Williams In the future, Williams said inreviews Williams' operation, 512 W. Northwest Hwy., Vil-our investigation." said if someone came in to pickaddition to diapers, he intendsthe village will determine if lage Manager Michael Cassady According to Tykables ownerup products, they could try outto sell various clothing suchany further action needs to be issued a letter to the communityTodd Williams' business plan,the ball pit, crib or high chair,as adult "onesies", undershirtstaken. What that action might this week. the store is primarily beingbut would not
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