Contents Papers vetenhet i Gamlakarleby socken 1740‒1800. Rev. by Mikkel Venborg Pedersen 3 Editorial. By Lars-Eric Jönsson 199 Religion as an Equivocal Praxis in the European 5 Tales from the Kitchen Drawers. The Micro- Union. Helene Rasmussen Kirstein, Distinktio- physics of Modernities in Swedish Kitchens. By nens tilsyneladende modsætning. En etnologisk Håkan Jönsson undersøgelse af religionsbegrebets flertydighed 22 Reading the Reindeer. New Ways of Looking at som mulighedsbetingelse for europæiske kirkers the Reindeer and the Landscape in Contemporary position i EU’s demokrati. Rev. by Sven-Erik Husbandry. By Kajsa Kuoljok Klinkmann 40 Sensations of Arriving and Settling in a City. 201 Fieldwork into Fandom. Jakob Löfgren, …And Young Finnish Rural Out-migrants’ Experiences Death proclaimed ‘Happy Hogswatch to all and with Moving to Helsinki. By Lauri Turpeinen to all a Good Night.’ Intertext and Folklore in 56 Returnees’ Cultural Jetlag. Highly Skilled Profes- Discworld-Fandom. Rev. by Tuomas Hovi sionals’ Post-Mobility Experiences. By Magnus 204 Fleeting Encounters with Birds and Birdwatchers. Öhlander, Katarzyna Wolanik Boström & Helena Elin Lundquist, Flyktiga möten. Fågelskådning, Pettersson epistemisk gemenskap och icke-mänsklig karis- 70 Danish Gentlemen around 1900. Ideals, Culture, ma. Rev. by Carina Sjöholm Dress. By Mikkel Venborg Pedersen 206 Finnish War Children in Sweden. Barbara Matts- 92 Narrating and Relating to Ordinariness. Experi- son, A Lifetime in Exile. Finnish War Children in ences of Unconventional Intimacies in Contem- Sweden after the War. An Interview Study with a porary Europe. By Tone Hellesund, Sasha Rose- Psychological and Psychodynamic Approach. neil, Isabel Crowhurst, Ana Cristina Santos & Rev. by Florence Fröhlig Mariya Stoilova 209 Work-Life Orientations for Ethnologists. Elias 114 Between Care and Punishment. Fantasies of Mellander, Etnologiska Kompositioner. Orien- Change and Progress in Ethnographies of Com- teringar i yrkeslivet. Rev. by Tine Damsholt pulsory Care. By Kim Silow Kallenberg 210 Team Spirit in an Arms Factory. Niina Naarmi- 130 “Young Women Dominate the Blogosphere”. nen, Naurun voima. Muistitietotutkimus huumo- Portrayals of Teenage Girl Bloggers in Swedish rin merkityksistä Tikkakosken tehtaan paikalli- Media. By Ann-Charlotte Palmgren syhteisössä. Työväen historian ja perinteen tut- 143 Oil as Heritage. Toponymies and Temporalities kimuksen seura. Rev. by Marja-Liisa Räisänen on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. By Lise 212 RCT Ethnography. Jonas Winther, Making It Camilla Ruud Work: Trial Work between Scientific Elegance 162 Knowing Fatbergs. Waste as Matter, Monster and and Everyday Life Workability. Rev. by Kristofer Mystery. By Blanka Henriksson & Ann-Helen Hansson Sund Book Reviews Reviews 215 Aspects of Collapse – Kollaps. På randen av New Dissertations fremtiden. Peter Bjerregaard & Kyrre Kverndokk (eds.). Rev. by Helena Hörnfeldt 181 Healthier Living. Julie Bønnelycke, Have Fun 217 Integrating Research and Teaching – Tine Dams- Living Healthily! An ethnological study of mu- holt & Marie Sandberg, Af lyst eller nød. En et- seums promoting health. Rev. by Hilary Stan- nologisk undersøgelse af integration mellem worth forskning og undervisning i praksis. Rev. by 185 History and Collective Memory in Football Nar- Sarah Holst Kjær ratives. Katarzyna Herd, “We Can Make New 219 The Art of Listening – Kompetensen att lyssna. History Here”. Rituals of Producing History in Georg Drakos & Helena Bani-Shoraka (eds.). Swedish Football Clubs. Rev. by Birgitta Svens- Rev. by Talieh Mirsalehi son 221 A Nineteenth-century Norwegian Photographer – 189 Using Estate Inventories as Evidence. Niklas Torild Gjesvik, Fotograf Knud Knudsen. Veien, Huldén, Kustbor och det materiella arvet. reisen, landskapet. Rev. by Anders Gustavsson Upptecknad egendom som indikator för kulturell 222 Own Garden – Allan Gunnarsson, Katarina anpassning i sydvästra Finlands skärgård 1700– Saltzman & Carina Sjöholm, Ett eget utomhus. 1900. Rev. by Anders Perlinge Perspektiv på livet i villaträdgården. Rev. by Brit 193 Post Socialist Experience. Jenny Ingridsdotter, Berggreen The Promises of the Free World: Post Socialist 223 Cross-Border Alcohol Contacts – Anders Gus- Experience in Argentina and the Making of Mi- tavsson, Historical Changes in Alcohol Contacts grants, Race and Coloniality. Rev. by Hilary across the Swedish-Norwegian Border. Rev. by Stanworth Eddy Nehls 198 Beyond the Folk and Fashion Dichotomy. Seija 224 Private Archives – Enskilda arkiv. Charlotte Hag- Johnson, I den folkliga modedräktens fotspår. ström & Anna Ketola (eds.). Rev. by Nelly Laiti- Bondekvinnors välstånd, ställning och modemed- nen Ethnologia Scandinavica, Vol. 49, 2019 227 The Culture of Neuroscience – Interpreting the 252 The Urge to Count – Trangen til å telle: Objekti- Brain in Society. Cultural Reflections on Neuro- vering, måling og standardisering som sam- scientific Practices. Kristofer Hansson & Marcus funnspraksis. Tord Larsen and Emil A. Røyrvik Idvall (eds.). Rev. by Eddy Nehls (eds.). Rev. by Kristofer Hansson 230 The Housemaid in Pre-War Swedish Film – Ulri- 254 Ethnological Reflections on New Nordic Food – ka Holgersson, Hembiträdet och spelfilmen. Jordnära. Etnologiska reflektioner över ny nor- Stjärnor i det svenska folkhemmet 1930- och disk mat. Yrsa Lindqvist & Susanne Österlund- 40-tal. Rev. by Siv Ringdal Pötzsch (eds.). Rev. by Håkan Jönsson 231 The Textile Industry of Central Jutland – Kristin 256 Dogs and Humans in the North – Dogs in the Holm-Jensen, ULD ‒ Historien om den midt- North: Stories of Cooperation and Co-Domesti- jydske tekstilindustri i det 20. århundrede. Rev. cation. Robert J. Losey, Robert P. Wishart & Jan by Viveka Torell Peter Laurens Loovers (eds.). Rev. by Ingvar 236 Communal Singing in Denmark – Fællessang og Svanberg fællesskab. En antologi. Stine Isaksen (ed.). Rev. 258 Ecology and Culture in a Solid Danish Cultural by Gunnar Ternhag History – Bjarne Stoklund, Læsø Land. Økologi 237 Processes of Change in the Faroes – Jóan Pauli og kultur i et øsamfund 1550–1900. Anders Joensen, Maðkur, mykja, trimpil, betong og mad- Møller, Signe Mellemgard & Marie Stoklund rassa. Rev. by Ingvar Svanberg (eds.). Rev. by Birgitta Svensson 239 Seven Centuries of Eating Out – Håkan Jönsson 262 Black Books in Norway – Ane Ohrvik, Medicine, & Richard Tellström, Från krog till krog. Svenskt Magic and Art in Early Modern Norway. Concep- uteätande under 700 år. Rev. by Mats Hellspong tualizing Knowledge. Rev. by Ulrika Wolf-Knuts 241 Ethnological interpretation and analysis: Towards a more open research process – Etnologinen tul- 264 Encounters and Acts of Parting in a Multicultural kinta: Kohti avoimempaa tutkimusprosessia. Juk- School Environment – Pia Olsson, Kaikki vähä ka Jouhki and Tytti Steel (eds.). Rev. by Jenni erilaisii. Yläkoulun sosiaaliset suhteet (All a little Rinne bit different. Social relationships in a lower sec- 244 Memories as Processes – Ingar Kaldal, Minner ondary school). Rev. by Maija Mäki som prosesser – i sosial- og kulturhistorie. Rev. 265 The Culture of Walking – Susanne Österlund- by Katarina Ek-Nilsson Pötzsch, Gångarter och gångstilar. Rum, rytm och 245 The History of Tourism in the North – Turisme- rörelse till fots. Rev. by Daniel Svensson historia i Norden. Wiebke Kolbe (ed.), under 267 Kitchen of Dreams and Everyday Life – Köket. medvirkning av Anders Gustavsson. Rev. by Eva Rum för drömmar, ideal och vardagsliv under det Reme långa 1900-talet. Ulrika Torell, Jenny Lee & 249 Valued Treasures From the Archives – Kirjoit- Roger Qvarsell (eds.). Rev. by Henrik Ranby tamalla kerrotut – Kansatieteelliset kyselyt tiedon 269 Dressing the Perfect Gentleman – Mikkel Ven- lähteinä. (Told by writing – Ethnological surveys borg Pedersen, Den perfekte gentleman – Mænd, as source material). Pirjo Korkiakangas, Pia Ols- stil og idealer i verden af i går. Rev. by Philip son, Helena Ruotsala & Anna-Maria Åström Warkander (eds.) Rev. by Maria Vanha-Similä 271 The Sami Winter Village Theory – Thomas 250 Incidental Ethnic Encounters – Satunnaisesti Wallerström (med bidrag av Ulf Segerström och Suomessa. Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 97 (Inci- Eva-Maria Nordström), Kunglig makt och samis- dentally in Finland) . Marko Lamberg, Ulla Piela ka bosättningsmönster. Studier kring Väinö Tan- & Hanna Snellman (eds.). Rev. by Eija Stark ners vinterbyteori. Rev. by Jukka Nyyssönen Editorial By Lars-Eric Jönsson At the Nordic Ethnology and Folklore urban environments. The article deals conference in Uppsala in 2018 we held a with rural out-migrants and how they deal general meeting to discuss how to frame with their new city life. Turpeinen ac- the conferences more firmly in the future. knowledges emotional and affective as- One of the suggestions was to establish a pects of their reactions to the new urban network of Nordic ethnologists and folk- environments and attachment to their lorists that can work as an informal but places of origin. He also shows how his still an organizing body for the conference informants (re)created bonds with their and a hub for dissemination of informa- origins not only through practices but also tion. Beyond this we discussed the possi- via certain objects. The mobility and mi- bilities to connect Ethnologia Scandinavi- gration theme is followed up by Magnus ca more closely to the conferences and the Öhlander, Katarzyna Wolanik Boström network. The owner of the journal – The and Helena Pettersson, who have studied Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy for people working
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