574 PEMBROKE. SOtJ'TH ~., ALES. [tr~LLY'S Tea5dale Joseph Hugh esq. PemJbroke st. Pembroke Dock YEOOUiNRY OAVALRY. Tomibs Frederick Philip esq. Main irtreet Trayler Edwin esq. Albion square, Pembroke Dock Pembroke (Castlemain). A Squadron; Captain Arthur Trayler Jona.s Nelson, Underdown P. Saunders-Davies, commandant; Hon. Maj. E. S. Troughton Oa.pt. W<illiam Henry, Ramsg-ate Saurin, second in command; G. Saunders-Davies, Williams James esq. Llanion terrace, Pembroke Dock lieut.; H. J ones &; ~ WiHiams, quart:Jer-ma~teu ~ Ser­ Willing Samnel Wihiam esq. Main street geant Major William Bodill, drill instructor Wynne Major Mark ,saurin, Mellaston Volunteers. Clerk, William Odyerne Hulm, Main street Magistmtes' sittings are held at the Town hall every 2nd 1St (Pemfb·rokeshire) Volunteer Battalion, Welsh Regi­ &; 4th monday, at 2 p.m.; also at Pembroke Dock, ment (E Co.), Drill hall, Assemlbly rooms, Main st.; every 2nd &; 4th 5aturday, 2 p.m Capt. T. Percy George, commanding; Rev. D. Bowen, ~cting chaplain; Sergeant John D. KelIy, drill C<Jrporation. mstructor 1894~95· Mayor.......COuncil:or John Henry Bowling. Pembroke Union. Deputy Maym--C{)uncillor William Barrow Wall. Board day, alternate thursdays at :2 p.m. at the workhouse Aldermen. The union comprises the following parishes, all in the ~R()bert George -tDavid Hughes Brown county of Pembroke :-Angle, Bosheston, Burton, ~John Jones tJoshua William Morison Carew, Castlemartin, Cosheston, St. Florence, Gum­ ~William Hughes tSamuel Bolt :::lketch freston, Hodgeston, Hundleton, Lamphey, Llanstad­ Councillors. well; Lawrenny Manorbier, St. Mary (Pembroke), St. Mary-In-Liberty, Tenby, St. Mary-Out-Liberty, Tenby, Pembroke Ward. St. Michael (Pembroke), St. Nicholas (Pembroke) or Presiding .Alderman, Robert George. Monkton, Nash, Penally, St. Petrox, Pwllcrochan, Red­ ~Joseph Lewia tWilliam Barrow Wall berth, Rhoscrowther, Rosemarket, Stackpo~e Elidor, ~Daniel Davies *Johu Rixon St. Twynnell, Upton Warren & Caldy &; St. Margaret's ~a1ter Simon *John William Penny Islands. The population of the union in 1891 was tWilliam Cowper HaITis *William George Roch 31,283; area 62,979 acres; rateable value in 1894, tThomas Pagett £125,938 Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, John Pater Ward. Jones, Main street, Pembroke Presiding Alderman, Samuel Boltr Sketch. Treasurer, Henry Soper, London &; Provincial Bank, ~John Henry Bowling !James Valentine Rees Pembroke ~Wi1liam Phillips *William Davies Relieving Officers, Collectors to the Guardians &; School ~Samnel John Allen *Herbert Arthur Jones-Lloyd Inquiry Officers, No. I district, George Tracy, The tJames Davies *James Henry Silcox Green, Pembroke; Ko. 2 district, Thomas Howell John ~lcColl I tAngos J ohns, St. John's hill, Tenb,·• Marked thus ~ -retir.e in 1895. Vaccination Officers, Districts I & 3, George Tracy, The Marked thus::: retire in 1896. Green, Pembroke; District 2, 1111'S. Mary Ann Miller, Marked thus * retire in 10897. Hamilton terrace, Main street, Pembroke Marked: thus t retire in 1898. Medical Officers & Public VacC'inators, No. I district, Wm. Barrow Wall L.R.C.P.Lond. Croft house, Pembroke; Mayor's Auditor, John Rixon, Pembroke No. 2 district, Joshua William Morison L.R.C.P.Edin. Borough Auditors, Richard MiLer, Pembroke & Thomas Hamilton house, Pembroke; No. 3 district, John Griffith Davies, Pembroke Dock Lock M.A., L.R.C.P.Edin. 3 Rork terrace, Tenby; The Corporation meets at Pembroke &. Pembroke Dock Nos. 4- &; 5 districts, Howard David Reynolds L.R.C.P. alternately, on 2nd tuesday in each month Edin. Kensington house, Pembroke Dock Officers of the Oorporation & Urban S'anitaTy .Authority. Superintendent Regis.trar, John Jones, Main street, Pem­ Town Clerk & Clerk to Urban Sanitary Authority, Wm. broke; deputy, Arthur George Owen Mathias, Main Odyerne Hulm, Main street street, Pembroke Tre-asurer, John WO'Odrow Cross, L. & P. Bank, Pembroke Registrars of Births & Deaths, Pembroke sub-distriot, Borough Accmmtant, Henry S()per, L. &; P. Bank, Main Geo. Tracy, Green, Pembroke; deputy, Mrs. George street, PemibrGke Tracy, The Green; Roose sub-district, Miss Laura L. Medical Officer of Health, Howard Dvd.Reynolds L.R.C.P. Griffiths, Neyland; deputy, Mrs. Griffiths, Neyland; Edin. Kensington house, Bush st. east, Pem'broke Dock Tenby sub-district, ThOJIlas Howell John Johns, Borough Surveyor, Wm. Thomas, Barton place, Main 8t I St. John's hill, Tenby; deputy, Mrs. Thomas H. J. Sanitary Inspector, Collector &; Gas Examiner, Thomas Johns, I St. John's hill, Tenby George Hancock, 37 Bush street, Pembroke Dock Registrars of Marriages, Richard Harwood Treweeks, Oollector of Rates, Cha,s. Wes~ey Lawrence, Pembroke Dck Main street, Pembroke; deputy, John Rowe, Main street, Collector of Water Rents, John Thomas, Eas'tend square Pembroke; James Rogers, jun. Warren street, Tenby; Bailiffs, George Davies & Michael Carroll deputy, James Rogers, sen. Warren street, Tenby Hall Kee.per, Mary Leach Workhouse, a building of stone built in 1837 to hold 200 Town Oriel', George Davies, Main 5tre-et inmates, Charles Flutter, master; Rev. David Bowen RA. chaplain; Joshua Wm. Morison, medical officer; Highway Board. Mrs. Mary Ellen Flutter, matron; Miss Mary Twigg, :Meets at Town hall on 2nd saturday in January, April, schoolmistress Ju:ly &; October, at 2 p.m , Clerk, William George Roch, Main street School Attendance Committee. Surveyor. William Thomas, Barton place, Main street Meets at Union Workhouse, Pembroke, on thursdays Public Establishments. (monthly), at 1.30 p.m Assembly Rooms, Mark Nicholas, hall keeper Clerk, John Jones, Main street, Pembroke County Police 8<tation, Westgate, JoIbn Hart, sergeant; Attendance Officers, George Tracy, The Green, Pembroke fue local force consists of I superintendent, I sergeant & Thomas Rowell John Johns, I St. John's hill, Tenby &; 4 constables Inland R.evenue Office, Main st. ;In. Wm. MUI-phy, officer Market House, Main street, Mrs. Mary Leach, keeper Rural District Council. :Monkton Burial Ground, Monkton, Richard Deane Gil- Meets at Town hall, Pembroke, on last monday in month, bertson M.A. clerk to the board at 1.30 p.m Pembroke &; Pembroke Dock Infirmary &; Dis.pensary, Clerk, John Jones, Main street, Pembroke Wesley squaore, J. W. Morison, Edward .Ar~ent Saun­ Treasurer, Henry Soper, London &; Provincial Bank, del'S, Howard David Reynolds &; James Fenton Stam­ Pembroke per M.D. medical officers; Rev. D. W. Jenkins, sec.; Medical Officer of Health, Joshua William )'Iorison Mrs. S. Evans, matron L.R.C.P.Edin. Hamilton house, Pembroke Pemlbroke & Pembroke Dock Savings Bank, Main street; Inspector of Nuisances &; Surveyor, William Thomas, Arthor George Owen ~athias, actuary . Barton JXace, Main street, Pembroke Bt. Michael's Burial Ground, Upper Lamphey road.; Wm. H. O. M. Bryant. clerk to the /board; James HoweUs, Public Officers. sexton Certifying Factor'y 8drgoon, Joshua William Murison Stamp Office, Posh ()ffice, Miss Lettice' Bird,'disrtribtit'or L.R.C.P.Edin. Hamilton house Town Hall, Main street, ~Irs. Mary Leach, keeper Clerk to the Commissionera of Taxes, John Jones, Main &~.
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