EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELP- HIA, SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1!)20 13 From A "CREATIVE DANCER" Moviegrams ON CINEMA AND VAUDEVILLE BILLS NEXT WEEK Theatrical Bills Screen to Patron John Qluran Combines Inventiveness for the Coming Week jOinrrf en Stmmlty Con pony ( Amrirm .. Skill .. ,n wli.it - extreme With Technical OV'l 11 CUIUinv The art of dancing does not lie alone 1 ln ord''r to VftmP HTe In stage rlrl il for whom she Vaudeville stepping about the ballroom or m.n,ber of the 'MW It Is the combination of grace. can? KElTIfH Harry Fox and Five Belles, rhythm or and her "In come- motion and crentlveness. MWhT. n ConitMIW Talrrmrtw Roes musical comedy, with a dancing although many dancers have earned J her newest .Tohn dian ; Resrrn '" " Rlnner." as star Hersrhel Meniere, some reputation for th"lr work on the T OB riroduetlon, which pianist ; Popular J. Rosamond John- stage, there are few who possess grace mahket gnucrr v lata ITShown Ml. next week. son and synco- at Inimitable Five, In and ability to execute steps, who arc innAV-'THM- Hlur, will ' pnmump or ; iwr tvplcal vprap aaasaaaaaaaaL 3S flk F & Hr W - '9EWLi$Xffl'j&f iM pation Jay Dillon Parker, proficient in - and" h n""" 'r" i f Cr and Betty the art of creative dancing. I I nnlv" variety y1 krfr 'mLfm In skit ; the Tuscano Brothers, Jug- Vaudeville .' imK I'Klltl.KM rreMSrM 1 contains several dancers of ' ':.' victim's npnrlment. with glers ; Hurry Mavo, songs ; ,,k. lef Loralne note who create their numbers. Among Jlitlnn of helnit noticed at least Howard nnd Verne Sadler, comedy the proficient In this line Is John 'Slu- - ,hVhethr';. e accomplished tar songs, nnd Paul,' Levari and Miller, ran, who 'question. Need-- ! recently formed a partnership CONSTANCE or Is another comedians; other acts; news pictures. with "la Petite'' Marguerite, gild WJIO . .!iv Intentions were earnest, offer1 her OhOHK-dnnc- es -- will one of the feature attractions 7'Lte'Bt whlrllKlna Miss Talmadpce H;wel Green and Her Boys, In her .... at Keith's next week. the . avilowa. Artcraft Review, musical When last seen here, f In . company, llurnn was UarjoXMMton "and Oor.ess MM review u ive Ferguson and support of Bessie Clayton novelty scenic .ict ; Hughes and Bebrow, burnt as a TALMADGE ; dancer. Since then he In corkers Eckert and Moore, skit ; has appeared CURWOOD, author Joe one of the musical shows on Broadway in A vkw pirn IBB TAMES OlilVKR Sadie D'Ller, chuckles; Thorn- as a dancer. "The Courage of Marge O'Doone," ton. Flynn and company, vocallstn ; featured The dance revue J f Adelnidc he Is now presenting in vaudeville Is which will he "hown in ii.ii.ire ' and Dwyer, toe dancers; something more has reached the Louis Mender comedy, and than a series of evolu- IN --P hi'O nexi wbt:i. Trio, SEARCH .i..II.. L, tions. It Is a combination of techni- 1....1.". in mm,fcn realistic novels the Hall Brothers, athletes. cal skill and snow-covere- d n oun-isln- s creative ability. Miss and stories of the CKOHS AKIN mu- Marguerite Is a discovery of his. waste places of the Cana-Ma- n "The Lovo Note," and sical ; stories are In de-n,- comedy Ash and Hyman, come- OFA SINNER Northwest. His , pictures, nnd have a dians Hart, Stone and Wagner, One of Budg" for motion comedy songs ; "Wroe't Mr Oar--no- d PaOl and Georgia JULY D. W. (irtirriTH'g with the film mihPo Eight-year-ol- Sylvia l best-know- n Hull, skit, anil the Regals. acro- S ilomou Is one of the writers Three J,i7;r " "THK IDOL DANCEB" north country bats. Lait half has Wroe's Buds and billed as 'The Hnbv The child wild nnlmal and Jean Sothern, is booked In the "Wroe's Huds of 1920" ".P1 Three pictures made from his movie star. Coun-Irv- for the entire season, and Is at present novels are "Back to clod's " BROADWAY -- Wroe's Buds, Juvenile playing at the various iicighboihouit and "The River's Knd," both of dancers ; .lean ; success when Hothern, movie star vaudeville houses of this city. which scored a tremendous Hcotty I'rovan, violinist ; "Love ffipALACEjB shown In Stanley Co of America thea- Notes" ,md movie. "The City of tres rcnently. and "The Courage of Masks," with Robert Warwick. Willie Marge o'Poone." Solar Is there the latter half. Vltagrmpn was one of the first pro- QHAND - ducers to appreciate the value of Mr. "Hits and Specks." musical Curwood's stories for photoplays, and Comedy: Hert llnw.ir.l comedian: Cycling ; W00DSIDE already has given five of them to the McNuf.ts, wheellats Grace 4 and Bddle Parker, dancers, and All Children Are Mr Curwood Is a descendant on hlf movies. Invited to the father's side from Captain Marryat, - novelists of his day. WALTON HOOF Pearl Regay. sensa- TOY Vjft" NFXT wit "T one of the famous tlonal dnnrer from the Parisian must HUNT palaces; Homer Sisters, versatile, Wednesday, From 1 to 3 P. M. of Its other claims to singers and dancers ; Nina Payne, In Cos- Toys 1 attention, Cecil B. De Mllle's "Old the somewhat different dance: 300 Civen Away FREE :7 COURAGE OF New," which will be shown mopolitan Trio, operatic selections. Come Early and Cat Wives for and Helaine Lynn, singing comedienne.: a Valuable at the Arcadia, next week, will prove j O'DOONE f) en attraction to women becnuse of the NIXON- - Patterson, dancers OR IjARGE bealMy gowns Hlmber and TOY GAME rlchneRM and of the worn and singers ; Moore and Flelda, vo- by the women players. The gowns form calists the Broadway Four, singing Continued Success as fine display of the creation of comedians; Bernard and Ferris, skit; ME$ OLIVER modistes as has ever been jfe fhlon.'ibl Walter Knufmann and two surprise Rodia's Concert CURWOOD shown in motion pictures. features in addition to the movie, Band WV Vj, The gowns were chosen and arranged "Love Harvest," with Shirley Mason. fcv Altihari'ita Hoffman, costume dlrec-- 1 GIUSEPPE RODIA, Conductor tor of the Famous Players-Lank- y GERTRUDE studio Many of the gowns are Parisian MacDONELL creations, and their cost. It la said. Novel Fan Dance at Walton KOPRANO nmountod to much more than the aver-ag- e Vacation time from the legitimate Enjoy the Pleasure of feature picture costs ln Its entirety. theatre often permits the appearance man-ageme- a of elsewhere. Tbe Chase the Duck & In i W-- mary wckpohu JPOBKKT WARWICK entertainers Tumble LOVELY, who plays the maw. MtAJttimm&gu9m of the Walton Roof Is there- o. "CITY OF MASKS whose LOUISK In Orphan," 'William fore able to present a dancer Every Night "The Rivoli a.ncf work has attracted much attention, Firework Friday Enrnum's latest picture, which will be ' was taught from a next week, Vr ' .v.-v- m. ""!jr&atFmif-m- a tj Broadway I'earl Kegay. She seen at the Victoria has a - ;n be very Intelligent fluffy llttlo white dog, child to dance, A new dance will Guide to m one In which fans are used to carry out CHESTNUT ST. Chips. Photoplays F' 7 prince In of ffiuw is nothing this canine pet likes In a fashionable summer colony the story of a lost search There a5 I resort present Br K3 his Payne will accompany --- 2l beloved. Nina better than to his mistress for the Week to Come I and make strenuous efforts to break a eccentric hmm up. -- PtadT somewhat different and CIIITM r .ST. Bel. MXTF.KNTJi to the studio nrd watch her make i . - " LeMir rvir Into the swift society set. BO LastTiy... D A-- dance. 1 Having don" this for several months, MAR.iORIE,RAMbtAU I imes ontsht BO Reld In "Blck according SYLVIA SOLOMON MAsTGUERITE PALCHO, pB- -a JJLJL"rf the flulTv poodle, to Miss STANLEY "In Search of a Sinner" THE NKXT WBBK Lovely, ha amassed enough Intelli- nnds FORTUNE TEUEE wrtK'WROUS BUDS" (.SINGER) Constance Tnlmadge as the - gence to distinguish between the good seeker. 8h has a husband who is Crewrtiufc"-- Cno5S KUC"" Colonial wis nrcPTBH w and had mnl(e-u- p so good that she .wants her second vwrnwyTTB CECIL B. DeMILLE'S Lovely tell It In her own spouse to be Kruer-so- n AILV-M- Let Miss a wild man. John 3 SHOWH T5. U5 I vc fat words: and Anna Loos are responslblo LAVIHH I'Riini (Tinv "Chips has been my devoted friend so for the funinaklng. Vi liEfl. MON. MAT. long that t do not know what I would PALACE vOU "The Courage of Marge HL M.r.'nria Pamk,. m do without him When I am making up O Doone" Is a James Oliver Curwo?d my Chips will sit on a story Fy1 OLD for part chair which dials with the great out- Ch-i- UW IN THE COOLEST PLACE lid "Th,. WIVES near me, watching every move. Really, doors of the Forhm T.ll.r" something more North. Several thrilling I believe h has than episodes unfold the story, which was &JJM - ffflBfl THE MUSICAL COMEDY AM) MOTION PICTURE STAR! the usual animal instinct. directed by William Smith. Nlles i J "' B The Academy of Welch and Pauline Starke are in the Ml BlsnBS Sfc ws Music FOR NEW mllK art of the stage "make-up- " cast. ARCADIA "Old OWlNrj TO THK DMDBUALLT I.ARcif X peached new state of perfection Wives for New" Is a HARRY VI MnER OF APPLICANTS A PASCINATIVt; ROMANrC FOX KoR RKNTAI - revival of the popular photoplay pro- AND HIS FIVE T when M.'irjorle Rambeau, In "The For- flpjgEBJJBjk.
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