THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 blt7#No.23 M^^hmltWbllege 501 S|38th SfiErie Ba.$t6546 W&ygl5,2003 News Year in Review fea- tures highlights of Fun at Beach Bash 2003 2002-2003 Merciad articles. Many Mereyhurst students?attend SAC's Spring Fest Page 3 ings, and concerts from two bands By I won a Petruczynik - Water Side, and Noetic, who was Contributing Writer the winner of t h e battle if the bands. Opinion The only bad thing that students mentioned was the fact that it fin- "And Another ished earlier than advertised. A lot Thing..." tallies up *-Pig roast. Hamburgers. Hot dogs. of people didn't have a chance to the real value of a Dunk Booth. Tattoo painting. Sand enjoy the fest in the afternoon college education. castles. Go carts. Water balloon hours, and counted on late evening Page 4 fights. events like roasted pig, but missed Does it sound like an amusement it because organizers decided to park? No, it is Mereyhurst's Spring shut down early. "It was the only Fest. Last weekend, on May 10, the, small black spot on the fantastic last "fun event*' before finals took Spring Fest. I had really great time place. Despite the worries caused and I hope there will be more events by bad weather and rain, Saturday like this one in the future,'* said A&E| turned out to be a beautiful, sunny Fedenets. A year-end look at day. The number of students who came to enjoy the fest was surpris- upcoming summer Many ingly high. "The place was packed, Mereyhurst blockbusters coming there were lines for every activity, M students Jody Mello/Merciad pbotograher to a theater near you. said Kelly Collins, a member of the came out to Page 6 SAC board who was one of the or- G a r v e y ganizers of the event. When asked Park to why so many people attended, she have some answered that "it was free, interac- fun in the tive and there were lots of thing to sun at do." She also said that it was diffi- Spring Fest Features cult to get the exact number of peo- on Satur- Interior Design par- ple, because that kept coming and d a y . tici p a t e s in Design going, "but as far as I can say- there Above, a Charette, event were at least a couple of hundred." student brings in local interior slides The most popular activity was the down the design professionals slip and slide. It was fun for those slip and to j u d g e . who took part in the fun activity, slide In the Page 5 but also for those who were watch- Grotto. ing. "It was something you Right, wouldn't expect to have at such B§a n d s Sports I event on campus," said Sarah played all Men's Rowing team Fedenets day long in ends on a winning Other attractions included draw- G a r v e y Park. weekend. ing caricatures, ROTC physical fit- Page 7 ness tests, a cookout, tattoo paint- Jody Meito/Merdad phctog rafter Laker Lacrosse plays Trustees extend Limestone College in NCAA semifinals. Outstanding graduates awarded appointment of Page 8 President Garvey By Jess Tobin Contributing Writer Final Exam Schedule Spring 2003 It's that time again. Meeting Time Exam Time Time to give out the senior awards. Hard working, honorary TTH 8:00-9:55 AM 8:00 AM students receive these awards for TTH 10:05-Noon 10:15 AM all of t h e i r dedication they have given to Mereyhurst College in their time TTH 12:10-2:05 PM 12:30 PM spent here. TTH 2:15-4:10 PM 2:45 PM The highest award given at Mer- eyhurst College is the Carpe Diem Re photo TTH 3:00-4:55 PM 2:45 PM Award. The board of trustees of Merey- hurst College voted Thursday, May TTH 3:30-5:25 PM 2:45 PM It is given in the sprit of the Sis- ters of Mercy for their determina- 8, to extend the appointment of Dr. TTH 4:00-5:55 PM 2:45 PM tion and courage. It is given to a William P. Garvey as president of student who has seized the oppor- Mereyhurst for the contract peri- TTH 6:10-8:05 PM 6:00 PM od July I 2003 to June 30, 2006. tunity" with the highest intellectual Kriaten Maillard/Conlnbuting photographer accomplishments that has offered Receiving senior awards are (left to right) Jen Kons, Joe The announcement was made by Meeting Time Exam Time a lot to the college in their four years Howard and Danielle Aloshen.{Missing from the photo are: William C. Sennett, chairman of t h e of school. board, who said, "The board is MWF 8:00-9:20 AM 8:00 AM Jess Montana, Casey Kilroy, Chantell Hemsley, Krlsten Brown , Casey Kilroy, a Political Science Heather Pease, Michelle Logsdon, Megan Cvltkovlc, Melissa pleased that Dr. Garvey has agreed MWF 9:30-10:50 AM 10:15 AM and Music Theatre double major Chasse, Nevln Welte, and Kevin Tidgewell. to the extension and we feel fortu- from Irwin, Pa. is receiving this nate to have his continued leader- MWF 11:00-12:20 PM 12:30 PM award. Casey is part of the Young Chantell Hemsley will be receiv- has given unselfishly of time, ener- ship and vision guiding the mission MWF 12:30-1:50 PM 2:45 PM Democrats Club where she directs ing the Bishops Award. The Bish- gy, talent and loyalty to the college. and future of the institution." all of the clubs existing in the 18 ops award is the highest academic •f. The award goes to Jennifer Kons, Dr. Garvey began his presidency MWF 2:00-3:20 PM 5:00 PM counties in the northwest region of honor given by the college and the a Religious studies and English I d- in 1980, and is responsible for tak- ing Mereyhurst from a college of MW 6:10-8:05 PM 7:00 PM Pa She has been an intern at the Erie Catholic Diocese, to the grad- ucation (7-12) dual major. She car- office of Allen Kukovich as well as uate who ranks first in the class. ries a 3.7 G.P.A. She participated in 1,200 students to an expected en- an intern at his campaign headquar- She is an adult student here ai Mer- the border awareness experience in rollment next fall of 4,000 on two Index ters. She was also part of the Pro- eyhurst College carrying a 4.0 in her Anthony New Mexico and Juarez, campuses. duction staff and talent escort at the Double Major of Religious studies Mexico, the women's intercultural Over Dr. Garvey's 23-year ten- News 1 Washington Center in Washington, and Psychology. center, and a teaching assistant to ure, the college has shown dramatic News L...2 D.C. Jg i* Chantell has been on the deans I ist grades k-12 in La Escuia de San changes in its physical plant as part On campus she is a part of the since 2000. She has been involved Jose located in Plant City, F.L. of a $40 million building program News, 3 Ambassadors Club, Pi Sigma Alpha in Pax Christi, the Philosophy Club, She was the student co chair of that has shaped the modem-day Opinion % 4 and the musical theatre department. Students for a free Tibet, the Psy- "The mind, body, and spirit con- Mereyhurst. Features... 5 In addition, Casey has done plenty chology Club and the Coalition for nection," and the "What on earth "The trustees of Mereyhurst Col- of community service and teens the advancement of peace and jus- are we doing." She works as a tu- lege congratulate Dr. Garvey on this A & E. 6 against tobacco use and underage tice through education. She also tor at the Mereyhurst Writing cen- vote of c o n f i d e n c e by the board and I Sports 7 drinking. "I feel that I am a very studied abroad last summer in In- ter and is a Sunday school teacher we look forward to supporting him Sports 8 positive person. I wake up every day dia. at Saint Luke Parish Church in Erie', in his work to continue the vision with energy and a smile living it to The Carolyn Hermann Service Pa. m. of Mereyhurst," Sennett added. the fullest with a good outlook on Award is the prestigious honor pre- Please see Awarded on Page 2. Information provided by Mary my life." &< sented to the graduating senior that Dalv, Board Secretary. PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD MAY 15,2002 NEWS To contact: newsmerciad(3)inercvhurstedu Case Western Shooting Man takes on personal war at university, police say; one dead Keeping spam at the minimum By Andrea Misko, Ed Meyer By Tim Madigan and Phil Trexler Knight Ridder Newspapers Knight Ridder Newspapers There is no guaranteed way to avoid spam. CLEVELAND - He spoke out But you can reduce the volume by avoiding an insidious device known as a spider, which scans against the U.S. war with Iraq, Web sites, chat rooms, newsgroups and online calling it immoral and illegal. He directories, scarfing up e-mail addresses that used his personal Web site to are sold in bulk to e-mail spammers. plead for peace and equality in at Case Western How do you steer clear of this digital bug? the Middle East and in his native Try not to display your e-mail address in pub- KRT India.
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