Bourinot, (Sir) John George Bibliography S(D n % '.-"13- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MEMBERS OK THE ROYAL bOCIETY OF CANADA in- JOHN GEORCxE IJOURINOT. ^DITOR OF THE TRANSACTIONS anh HONORARY SIXRETARY OF THH. ku. ^,, .uLlun. n-^\ oA ^ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA BT JOHN GEORGE BOURINOT EDITOR OF THE TRANSACTIONS AND HONORARY SECRETARY OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY Printed by Order of the Society, May 25th, 1894 \ ^%^' i z 7^03 PREFATORY NOTE. Any imperfections in this bibliograpliy must be largely ascribed to the difficulty tlie editor has experienced, in some cases, in obtaining information from members of the Society, and to his own inal)ility to supply the missing facts in the parliamentary library and other institutions to which he has applied. On the whole, however, the bibliography, which is modelled on that of the American Historical Association, now a branch of the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, will be-fbund as accurate as it is possible to make it, in view of the very range it takes for nearly half a century. It will be, probably, of much advantage to scientific and literary students when they wish to obtain all the literature on certain sub- jects in which many members of the Royal Society have been earnest workers for years. It is proposed to publish each year a similar bibliography of the work of the members of the Eoyal Society, and to include the publications of deceased members, which have not been available for the present volume. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bibliographyofmeOObouruoft BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Bailey, L. W. Bailey, L. W .—Continneii. Notes on New Species of Microscopical Organisms On the Diatomaceous Earths of Maine. from the Para River, South America. Hitchcock's Report on the Geology and Agriculture Boston Journal of Natural Bislory. Vol. VII., No. 3, o/ Maine, 1862. Pp.395. July, 1861. Pp. 3i9-;51, with 2 Plates. Elementary Natural History. New Brunswick Notes on Diatomaceip from the St. .John River. School Series. St. John : J. & A. McMillan, 1887. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. April, 1863. Pp. 94. Report on the Mines and Minerals of New Bruns- Relics of the Stone Age in New Brunswick. Bulletin of Natural History wick. Fredericton, 1864. Pp. 75. Society of New Brunt- wick- Vol. vr., 1887. Pp. 18, with 3 Photos. Mineral Localities of New Brunswick. Extracted Notes on the Surface Geology of Southwestern from No. 3. Nova Scotia. Observations upon the Geology of Southern New Transactions of Nova Scotia Institute of Science Brunswick, with a Geological Map. Printed by Halifax, 1890-91. Pp. 8. the Legislature of New Brunswick. Frederic- On the Acadian and St. Lawrence Water Shed. ton, 1865. Pp. 159. Canadian ftecord of Science, Ja]y, 1888. Pp.16. On the Geology of the Island of Grand Manan. On the Mineral Resources of New Brunswick. Canadian Naturaliaif Vol. VI., No. 1, with Map. Canadian Mining and Mechanical Remew, 1891. Report on Water Supply to the City of Frederic- Geology and Geologists in New Brunswick. Canadian Record of Science, Vol. ii., No. 2, 1886. ton. Frsdericton : H. A. Cropley, 1867. Desmids and Diatoms. The Woods and Minerals of New Brunswick. A American Naturalist, Vol. 1 pp. 505-587, Descriptive Catalogue for Use at the Centennial , with Plate. Salem, 1868. Exhibition in Philadelphia. By L. W. Bailey Fresh-Water Sketches. and Edward Jack, C. fi. Fredericton, 1876. Ibid. Pp. 51. In the Reportaofthe Geological Survey of Canada : The Study of Natural History and Use of Natural History Museums. An Address at the Enccenia Report on the Geology of Southern New Bruns- wick. of the University of New Brunswick. June, 1870-71. Pp. 228. 1872. H. Chubb & Co., St. John. Pp. 23. Geological Investigations in New Brunswick. 1871-72. Remarks on the Age and Relations of the Meta- morphic Rocks of New Brunswick and Maine. On the Carboniferous System of New Brunswick. Bailey and Matthew. 1872-73. (Bailey and Matthew.) Proceedinffa American Association for Advancement Summary Report of Geological Explorations In of Science- Vol. xvni., 1869 Pp. 16. New Brunswick. 1874-75. (Bailey and Matthew.) 6 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF THE Bailey, L/. "W.—Continued. Baillairgg, C— Continued. Report on the Lower Carboniferous Belt of Albert General Report of the City Engineer, Quebec, and Westmoreland Counties, New Brunswick, embracing Koads and Bridges, Markets, Ferry, with Section and Geological Map. 1876-77. Health, Fire, and other departments. Quebec : (Bailey and Ells.) C. Darveau. 1872. Report on the Geology of Southern New Bruns- 8vo., pp. 120. wick. 1878-79. (Bailey, Matthew and Ells.) Geometry, Mensuration, and the Stereometrieal Tableau. Illustrated. Read before the Liter- Report of Explorations and Surveys in Portions ary and Historical Society of Quebec. Quebec : of York and Carleton Counties, New Brunswick. C. Darveau. 1873. 1882-84. Pp. 31. 8to., pp. 44. Explorations and Surveys in Portions of the Geometric, Toise, et le Tableau St^r^ometrique. Counties of Carleton, Victoria, York aud North- lUustr^e. Lu devant la Soci^te Litteraire et umberland, New Brunswick. New Series, Vol. 1. Historique de Quebec. Demonstration et dis- 1885. Pp. 29, with Map. cussion de la formule par I'Abbe Maingui, de Explorations in Portions of the Counties of Vic- rUniversite Laval. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1873. toria, and Restigouche, New Northumberland 8vo.,pp. 66. Brunswick. 1886. (L. W. Bailey and W. Mc- Cle Synoptique ou abr^gee du Tableau Stereome- Innes.) Pp. 17. trique. lUustree. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1874. Explorations and Surveys in Portions of Northern 8vo.,pp. 16. New Brunswick, and Adjacent Areas in Quebec Abridged Key to Stereometrieal Tableau. New and Maine. 1877-78. (Bailey and Mclnnes.) System of Measuring all Bodies—Segments, Frusta and Ungulse of such bodies—by one and In the Transactions of Royal Society of Canada : the same rule. Illustrated. Quebec: C. Darveau. On the Physical and Geological History of the 1874. 8to., pp. 16. St. John River, New Brunswick Abstract. Vol. I., Sec. 4, 1882. Cle du Tableau St^r^om^trique illustr^e. Prece- d6e du toise des surfaces, tables, etc. Quebec: On Geological Contacts and Ancient Erosion in C. Darveau. 1874. Southern and Central New Brunswick. Vol. ii., 8vo., pp. 226. Sec. 4, 1884. Berthuzabel, ou Le Diable Devenu Cuisinief. On the Silurian System of Northern Maine, New Com^die en un acte (episode de la guerre Brunswick and Quebec. Vol. iv.. Sec. 4, 1886. d'ltalie de 1859) jouee par la Cie Maugard i la On the Physiography and Geology of Aroostook Salle Jacques-Cartier et deux fois a la Salle de v.. Sec. 4, 1887. County, Maine. Vol Musique, Quebec. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1873. On the Progress of Geological Investigation in 8vo., pp. 20. New Brunswick. Presidential Address. Vol. Reports on Sections of the then so-called North VII., Sec. 4, 1889. Shore Railway (now the C.P.R.) between Quebec and Montreal. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1874-5-6. Folio, 10 each. Baillairg^, C. pp. The Proposed Improvements in the Estuary of surl' Astronomic, I'Optique, Conferences illustr^es the River St. Charles, Quebec. Quebec : C. la Pneuraatique, I'Acoustique, 1' Atmosphere, Darveau. 1873. les Vents, les Courants, la Vapeur et la Machine 8vo., pp. 10. vapeur, la Mecanique, etc. ; de deux heures k Toise des Surfaces illustree. Quebec : C. Darveau. chacune en moyenne, dans la Salle des Seances 1875. de I'Ancien Parlement du Bas Canada, rues 8vo., pp. 58. devant des audi- Lamontagne et Port Dauphin, Supplementary Report on the North Shore Rail- 800 personnes. Quebec : C. Dar- toires de 700 k way (now the C. P. R.) between Quebec and veau. 1848-56. Montreal. Quebec : E. Vincent. 1875. 8vo. pp.14. Le Calorif^re : Chauffage a I'air chaud. Illustre. , Quebec : Bureau et Marcotte. 1863. Rapport Supplementaire de I'lng. de la Cit^ de 8to., pp. 23. Quebec sur le chemin de fer du Nord (aujourd'- Nouveau traite de Geometric et de Trigonometric hui le C. P. R.) entre Quebec et Montreal. rectiligne et spherique. Toise des surfaces et Quebec : E. Vincent. 1875. volumes. Tables logarithmiques et sinus, etc., 8vo., pp. 15. naturels. Ouvrage illustr^. Quebec ; C. Dar- Report on the Fire-escape Appliances and Facili- veau. 1866. ties of some ninety-six Public Buildings of 8vo., pp. 88. Quebec and Environs, including Schools, Col- Rapport Gin^ral de I'lng. des Ponts et Chaussees leges, Convents, Theatres, Lecture and Music de la Ville de Quebec, embrassant les d^par- Halls, Manufactories, Hotels, Churches, etc. tements du Feu, des Marches et Halles, de la Folio, pp. 105. Traverse du Fleuve, de la Police, etc. Quebec : The Proposed Dry Dock in the Mouth of the C. Darveau. 1868. River St. Charles. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1876. 8to.,pp. 96. 8vo., pp. 4. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Raillairj;^, C.—Contintied. ItaillairK^, C—Continued, Report on the Piles Branch of the N. S. Railway. La veine liqulde contract^e. Conference lue de- Qnebec : C. Darveau. 187(5. vant la Society Royale du Canada, Sect, iii., ^ Folio, pp. 8. Ottawa, 188.5. Rapports .sur le chemin ile fer du Nord (aujourd'- Quebec, passe, present, futur. Quebec : J. Gin- hui le C. P. R.) entre Quebec efc Montreal. gras et Cie. 1885. Quebec : C. Darveau. 1874-5-6. 8vo., pp. 8. Folio, pp 8 k 10 en moyenne. The Aqueduct, Quebec. Tables of pressures, to the Stereometricon, illustrated ; mensura- Key heights, etc. Quebec : E. Vincent. 1856. tion of areas, tables, etc. Quebec : C. Darveau. 8to. ,pp. 7. 1876. Rapport sur le nouvel aqueduc de Quebec. Que- 8vo., pp. 228. bec : E. Vincent. 1885.
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