M.Phil/ Pre Ph. D Botany Paper I : Research Methodology in Botany Unit I Experimental design- Basic principles of experiment: Experimental unit, sampling unit, Experimental error, replication, Generalization andrandomization,control (3) Fundamentals of research: Characteristics of research, classification of research (pure research, applied research, descriptive, experimental, historical etc.) (2) Research process: Steps and elements, selection, analysis and statement of the problem. Literature collection and citation, bibliography. Writing skills- Preparation of research report, presentations, writing grant proposals.(10) Unit II Data analysis- variables,numerical,categorical.(3) Central measures (mean,medium,mode). (2)Dispersion measures (range, standard deviation), probability co- (10) relation and regression, Binomial position and normal distribution, parametric and non parametric tests t- test, f-test, chi-square test, ANOVA.(10) Unit III Microscopic Techniques: Light microscope: Resolving power and magnification, Phase Microscope, Fluorescence Microscope, Confocal Microscope,Micrometry. (5) Electron Microscope: Transmission and scanning techniques for E.M. Spectrophotometer: Electromagnetic spectrum, construction of calorimeter and spectrophotometer, Applications. Analytical techniques- GC-MS, HPLC, FTIR, Maldi, Raman, etc.(10) Unit IV Algal cell culture- Algal culture, Seaweed mariculture. (3) Fungal culture-Fungal culture media. (2) Protoplast and apori culture Plant cell Culture-Cellular totipotency (4) Cytodifferentiation Somatic embryogenesis Preservation techniques- Histochemical and cytochemical preservation (2) Herbarium Molecular biological Techniques- Gene amplificationandPCR (4) Molecular Probes, DNA fingerprinting Reference Books: P.N..Arora and P.K. Malhan (1998). Biostatistics. Himalaya Publishing Bombay. P.S.G. Kumar (2004). Research methods and statistical techniques B.R. publishing Academy, Udaypur,192. G.B.N.Chainy, G.Mishra and P.K.Mohanty(2004) Basic Biostatistics. Kalyani publisher. N.Gurumani (2006).Research Methodology for Biological Sciences.MJP publishing, Chennai. C.R.Kothari(2004). Research Methodology- Methods anfd Techniques, New Age Publ. WielyEasten, 1985. Dawson, Catherina(2002). Practical Res. Methods. New Delhi. UBS Publ. Kumar Ranjit(2005). Res. Methodology. A step by step Guide for Begianers. Singapore, Pearson Education. M.Phil/ Pre Ph. D Botany Paper II: Recent Trends in Botany Unit I: Viruses, Bacteria, Algae and Fungi Viruses, their structure, classification and viral plant diseases. Bacteria, Structure, recent classification and bacterial plant diseases. Algae-phylogeny and recent classification, Phycocolloids. Fungi-recent classification and phylogeny, fungal biotechnology.(15) Unit II: Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany Evolutionary trends in gametophytes and sporophytes in Bryophytes. Evolutionary trends in Pteridophytes with respect to stele, sori, sporangia, gametophyte and recent trends in classification of pteridophytes. Gymnosperms and their distribution, evolutionary trends in sporophylls and gametophytes. Diagnostic features of major fossil group viz. Psilophytales, Sphenophyllales, Cycadofilicales, Bennettitales, Cordaitales.(15) UnitIII: Angiosperms, Biodiversity, Anatomy, Embryology, Palynology and Ethnobotany Recent trends in classification of Angiosperms, taxonomy and conservation biology. Role of anatomy, embryology, phycology and ecology in taxonomy. Scope and interdisciplinary approach in Ethnobotany. Role of tissue culture in Biodiversity and in conservation.(15) Unit IV: Ecology, Physiology and Cytogenetics Systems ecology, Environmental software, Remote sensing, Environmental impact assessment, climate change and risk analysis. C3, C4 and CAM pathway of Carbon fixation. Genetic Engineering in crop plants, Gene transfer techniques, characterization of specific genes, Gene isolation methods, direct and indirect gene transfer methods. Production of transgenic for biotic and abiotic stresses quality improvement. (15) References: Smith A. J. E. (1982). Bryophyte ecology, Chapmen and Hall, Landon New-York. Udar Ram (1976). Bryophytes in India. ed. by P. Primlane, New Delhi, Chronic Botanica. Vanderpoorten, A. (2009). Introducition to Bryophytes. Cambridge University Press, Edt. 1 Vashishta, B. R. (1986). Bryophyta. S. Chand and Co. Ltd. , New – Delhi. Wood, A. J., M. J. Oliver and D. J. Cove (2004). New forniters in Bryology – Physiology Molecular Biology fna Functional Genomics. Springer. Birehost, D. W. (1971). Morphology of vascular plants. Macmillon New York. Bower, F. O. (1923 - 1928). The fern Vol. I – IV. Cambridge University Press Cambridge UK. Rashid, A. (1991). An introduction to Pteridophytes. Hutchinson vaiv London. Trivedi, P. C. (2002). Advances in Pteridology, Pointer publication. Jaipur, Vashishta, P. C. (2001). Pteridophyta. S. Chand and Co. Ltd. New Delhi. Beddome, R. H. (1863). The ferns of South India. Grantz Bros. Madras; Reprinted 1970. Misra, R. ansR.R.Das(1971). Proceedings of the school on plant ecology. Osborne, P.L.(2000). Tropical ecosystems and ecological concepts. Cambridge University Press. Robert, J. Reimold and Willim, H.Queen(1974). Ecology of Halophytes. Synge, H. (1981). The Biological aspects of rare plant conservations. John Wiley and Sons. Willis, A.D.(1973) Introduction to plant Ecology. YoavWaisel (1972).Biology of halophytes L. Taiz and E. Zeiger (2002) Plant Physiology (Second Edition) Simauer Associates Inc Publishers Sunderlands,Massachusetts H.W. Heldt (1997) Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Oxford UniversityPress W.G. Hopkins (1985) Introduction to Plant Physiology John Wiley and Sons, Inc. NewYork Methods in Enzymology Colowick and Caplan Academic Press,New York Coombs, Hall, Long and Scurlik (1985) Techniques in Bioproductivity and Photosynthesis, Pergmon Press,Oxford Hall, Sccurlik, Bolhar, NordenKamf, Leagood and Long (1993) Photosynthesis and production in a Changing Environment. A Field and Laboratory Manual, Chapman and HallPublication Buchnan, B.B., Gruissem, W. and Jones, R.L.(2000) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. I.K. International Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, Mumbai,BangaloreSmith, J.E and D.R.Berry. 1978. The filamentous fungi. Vol-I Industrial mycology. Voll-II Development Mycologym, Edward Arnold Publ.London Taiz, 1, and E.Zeiger. 1998. Plant physiology, sinquerAssocinc. publ. NewYork. Trehan. K.1994. Biotechnology, Wiely Eastern Lte, NewDelhi. Vaidya, J.G 1995 Biology of the fungi, SatyajeetPrakashan,Pune. Vyas, S.C.1992. Hand Book of Systemic fungicides, Vol-I,II,III,Tata Mc-Graw Hill NewDelhi Ray Samit and A.K.Ray (ed.) 2006. Biodiversity and Biotechnology. New Central Book Agenc(p.) Ltd. Kolkata; India. Singh Gurucharan 2010. Plant systematic: An Integrated approach. Science publisher. USA. Judd, W.S., Campbell, C.S., Kollogg, E.A., Stevens, P.F. and Donoghue M.J.2008. Plant systematic: phylogenetic approach. Sircuier Associates, Inc. Futuyma D.J.2009. Evolution. Sinauer Associates, INC. Publishers, Sunderland. USA. Groom, M.J., Meffe, G.K. and Carroll, C.R.2006. Principles of conservation biology. Sircuier Associates, Inc.Etelka leadlay and Stephen jury (ed.) 2006 Taxonomy and plant conservation M. Phil. and Ph.D. Paper III (Special) Recent Advances in Plant Physiology Unit-I 1. Lipids- structural and storage lipids and their functions. (5) 2. Amino acid biosynthesis and assimilation in plants. (5) Unit-II 3. Secondary metabolites- Role of natural products in plant defense, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. (5) 4. Development of transgenic plants for abiotic stress tolerance Phytoremediation. Stress Proteins in plants- HSP, osmotin, PR, BSIPS, salt-, cold- and UV light- inducedproteins. (5) Unit- III 5. Organic and biodynamic farming- concept, principles, Best typesof composite herbal preparations, Botanical biopesticides and their applications. (5) 6. Free radicals and site, source and mechanism of free radical scavenging. (5) Unit- IV 7. Hormonal regulation of plant growth and development, signal Transduction (4) 8. Role of PGR in agricultureandhorticulture (3) 9. Status of Plant Physiology ResearchinIndia (3) References: L. Taiz and E. Zeiger (2002) Plant Physiology (Second Edition) Simauer Associates Inc Publishers Sunderlands,Massachusetts H.W. Heldt (1997) Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Oxford UniversityPress W.G. Hopkins (1985) Introduction to Plant Physiology John Wiley and Sons, Inc. NewYork Methods in Enzymology Colowick and Caplan Academic Press,New York Coombs, Hall, Long and Scurlik (1985) Techniques in Bioproductivity and Photosynthesis, Pergmon Press,Oxford Hall, Sccurlik, Bolhar, NordenKamf, Leagood and Long (1993) Photosynthesis and production in a Changing Environment. A Field and Laboratory Manual, Chapman and HallPublication Buchnan, B.B., Gruissem, W. and Jones, R.L.(2000) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. I.K. International Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, Mumbai,Bangalore Journals Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology Trends of Plant Sciences Plant Physiology Physiologia Plantarum Journal of Experimental Botany Indian Journal of Plant Physiology Paper III Recent Advances in Mycology and Plant Pathology Unit-I 1 Current scenario of Mycology and Plant Pathology in India 02 2. Role of Fungi in Biotechnology: Selection, Production formulation and Commercial use of fungi in biocontrol of plant diseases, insect and weeds. Ganomedicines. (8) Unit-II 3. Molecular techniques for Identification
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