era Publi calton of the American Crafts Council James Gros See page 2 Second Class Postage Paid at New York, NY and at Additional Mailing Office . ... - ".-.- . _. _._.- ._-_._--_._._----_._-------- CRAFT WORLD of Craft Horizons ACC NEWS Vol. XXXVIII No.4 Rose Slivka, Safari Off Editor-in-Chief Patricia Dandignac , OPEN to Africa Managing Editor Michael Lauretano, DOOR Fertility dolls and ceremonial Art Director Samuel Scherr masks, metalsmithing and pot­ Edith Dugmore, tery-these are some highlights Assistant Editor As of the April issue, you may of "The Art and Tradition of Michael McTwigan, have noticed that I revised the Editorial Assistant West Africa," a three-week tour heading of this column from of Senegal, Ghana, Togo, and Ni­ Isa bella Brandt, " Open Windows" to " Open Editorial Assistant geria (August 2-27, 1978, and Door," since I felt strongly that Anita Chmiel, January 7-31,1979). Sponsored Advertising Department the ncw and proper direction of by ACC and Art Safari, Inc., the the American Crafts Council tour is led by Art Safari codirec­ Editorial Board should invite an easy access to Junius Bird tor James Gross and fiber artist Jean Delius Arline Fi sc h the flow of information and ideas, Eleanor Dickinson. For the Au­ Persis Grayson not only within the U.S. but also gust tour contact, posthaste: 1924-1978 Robert Beverly Hale abroad. An open door is an invi­ Steven Adler, 800-223-0694, toll Lee Hall tation to exchange and growth. frce; or write ACC/ Art Safari. Pol ly Lada-Mocarski Another equally significant Jean Delius, jcweler and associate Harvey Littleton change is this month's CRAFT professor at New York State Col­ Ben Ra eburn HORIZONS with its section of lege at Oswego, died suddenly Ed Rossbach CRAFT WORLD. As we announced MCC Vouches on June 7. May Natalie Tabak in June, CRAFT WORLD will now Aileen O. Webb to Reach Out Jean was a symbol of spirit and Frans Wildenhain appear every month to provide enthusiasm for the craft world. our members with more complete MCC's Cultural · Voucher Pro­ She gave endless volunteer hours Published monthly, exce pt January, Ma rc h. and May, and c0pyrighted 1978 by the and current coverage of crafts gram is an ever-expanding effort to craft organizations and activi­ Ame rican Crafts Council, 44 West 53 events and news. to bring crafts to the community. ties. There was never an ACC or St reet, New York, NY 100t9. Te lephone: 2 t2-977-8989. Aileen O. Webb, Honorary A more frequent publishing Now more than 28 neighborhood WCC confercnce, an Ithaca or Chairman 01 the Board: Barba ra Rockefel· sched ule is a service that has been organizations are involved. Rhinebeck craft fair that Jean did ler. Chairman: Jack Lenar Larsen, Vice­ Cha i rman; Samuel Sc herr, Presid en t: very much needed; we hope that In a highly successful after­ not attend, giving her time into Laurence Maloy, Execu tive Vice-Presiden t: it meets our readers' need for in­ school program at St. Patrick's Nicholas B. Ang ell, Secretary; R. Lei gh the late hours of the night, often Glover, Treasurer; Joseph P. Fallarino, crcased awareness of what is hap­ Ccnter, which is run by the Po­ working after most people had ASSistant Treasurer. Trus tees are: Nicholas pening across the country. It re­ licc Athletic League, artist Nobu B. Angell, Glenda Aren tzen, Sandra Blain, wearily departed. For 30 years DaVid Finn , Dorothy Garwood, Bernard S. flects our continuing efforts to Siraisi taught an enthusiastic she was a member of ACC, serv­ Glass man, R. Leigh Glover, Georgia Gough. providc the best possible scrvices group of children to make lino­ Adele S. Greene. Al an R. Gruber, Drewry ing simultaneously on the board Hanes. John H. Hauberg. Sa muel C. John­ for craftspeople and the public. leum-block prints. of trustees and the executive com­ son. Brent Kington, Jack Leno r Larsen, Sarah Tomerlin Lee, Sa m Maloof, Bridget mittee (1970-73). In 1976 she McCarthy, Carolyn M lnskoll, Ted Nieren­ was made a trustee emerita. Jean be rg, Mary Nyburg , Rober! O. Pelerson, Barbara Rockefeller, Sa mu el Sc herr, Carol ACCCALENDAR was also a past president of Buf­ Sinton, Aileen O. Webb. W. Osborn Webb. July 8 "Young Americans: Fiber/ Wood/ Plastic/ Leather" opens at falo Craftsmen, and on the board Hon orary Trustees are: Alfred Auerbach, John L. Baringer. August Heckscher, DeWill Huntington Galleries, WV. of New York State Craftsmen. Pe terk in, Dr. Frank Stanton. May E. Walter. Jean's contributions to educa­ Tru stees Eme riti are: William Alexander, 22 "Young Americans : Clay/Glass" opens at Museum of Contem­ Charles Counts, Jean Del ius. Ma rk Elling­ tion wcre also great : She devel­ son, Arl ine Fi sch. Dr. Ricl1 ard Gonzalez, porary Crafts. oped an innovative craft program Marian Heard, Bernard Kester, Waller H. Ki lham, Harvey Littleton, Dorothy Mere dith, August 9-13 Pacific States Craft Fair at Pier 2, Fort Mason, San at the YWCA in Buffalo (1952- Franc is Merrill, Ruth Penington, Florence 58); in 1964 she received a U.S. Pell it. Dona ld Reitz, Kenneth Shores, Francisco, CA (Aug. 9-10: wholesale; 11-13: retail). Ramona So lberg. Paul Soldner, Edward Office of Education grant to study Wormley. Membership rates: St8.00 per the role of crafts in education and ye ar and 11igher, includes subscription to CRAFT HORIZONS. organized a very successful semi­ Address unsolicited material to the Ed itor­ Our Friends and Members nar; under a grant from the Sloan in·Chiel, CRA FT HORIZONS, 44 West 53 Street, New Yo rk. NY 10019. Ma terial wi ll Foundation to ACC, Jean re­ be handled with care. bu t the magazine Continue Their Support of ACC searched crafts and geriatrics. assumes no responsibility 10r it. Manu­ scripts will be returned only if accompanied Craft enthusiasts continue to anonymous contributors. Jean always shared her knowl­ by se lf-addressed, stamped envelope. Sec · edge and talents, and gave of her ond c lass postage paid at New Yo rk, NY, show their support of ACC with Contributions of $100 and and at additional mailing office. The com­ generous contributions. Here are over came from : S, A. Bendheim time to help others, often at the plete contents 01 each Issue of CR AFT sacrifice of her own work. Her HORIZONS a re indexed in the Ar t Index the most recent gifts made, which & Co., John A. Carver, Con Edi­ and Reader' s Gui de to Pe riodical Literature, are in addition to membership son, Rene di Rosa, Gilman Foun­ hundreds of true friends in the availabl e in pub lic libraries. Book rev iews pu blished in CRAFT HORIZONS are indexed dues. With limited space, we are dation, Susan Green, Alan R, craft world will miss her. It is im­ in Book Review Index. Mic rolilm edition is unable to list our sponsor mem­ Gruber, Goran Holmquist, Jack possible to realize that Jean will avai la ble fr om University Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road . An n Arbor, MI 48106. bers at this time. Lenor Larsen, Laura K. Lada­ not be at Craft Fair Ithaca this Microfiche ed ition is ava i lable from Bell The following contributed Mocarski, Nancy M . McNeil, August or the WCC Kyoto Con­ and Howe ll. Periodical De pt., Old Mansfi eld Road, Wooster. OH 44691. For chang e of $1,000 or more to ACC: Best Judith Nelson, C. David Robin­ ference in September. What Jean address. give old add res s as well as new Products Foundation, Barbara O. son, Guillermo Rodriguez Beni­ Delius did for the craft commu­ with zip code number; allow six weeks for change to become efle ctive. Addres s all Rockefeller, Laurance S. Rocke­ tez, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, nity in her too short lifetime will subscription correspondence to: Member· feller, Carol Sinton, Mrs. Paul Nancy W. Way, Mrs. Frederick always be a source of inspiration ship Departmen t, Ame rican Cra fts Council, 44 West 53 Street. New Yo rk. NY 10019. Wallis, and donations from two Weisman, and Janet C. Wilson. to us . -PAUL SMITH 2 G&MEDIA Paper Meet CREATIVE Draws 450 AGING '·It's only a paper moon, but we Nestled in the backwoods of like it that way." This was the southeast A labama stands a huge enthusiastic response of the 450 antebellum mansion. Since 1975 participants at the confcrence this rustic setting has becn the Paper: Art and Technology, held home of artists and writers, who at thc San Francisco Museum of come to work for three weeks at Modern Art (March 23- 25). the Creekwood Colony for the Attracting printmakers, paper­ Arts. a 100-acre retreat in Hurts­ makers, paper artists, publishers, boro. Director Ann Davis re­ St/(,i/a Hie-hoi {l,4agda/ellll A I>lIhlll/owicl conservators, and collectors, the cently contacted CRAFT WORLD conference had something for to tell us about two 'craftsmakers evervone. Prescntations in­ who havc worked with Creek­ Fiberworks Fireworks cludcd: 'The Chcmistry of Pa­ wood artists: N.E. Smith- "an per," Dr. Roy Whitney of the In­ A network of shared aspirations, as a singula r force in the rebirth old potter who, for 47 years, has ideas, and resources-this was stitute of Paper Chcmistry; "Care of tapestry and Gerhardt Knodel dug and milled Alahama clay, t he outcome of the Fiberworks suggested t hat our history allows and Conservation of Paper," thrown pots on his homemade Robert Futernick; "Thc Aesthetic Symposium at Fiherworks.
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