Floppy To USB Floppy drive code Revision Date ‐ 06/21/2013 Please refer to the PLR CODES (USB CODE) when ordering your drive.(s) If multiple drives for different machines are to be ordred, please specify the codes and quanitites. We also request that you provide the make and model of the equipment to be upgraded Machine Type PLR CODE *** MEANS SPECIAL ORDER ONLY ‐ Add $200 XXXXXXX ABB Equipment USB‐A001 Accu‐press 7608 Press Brake USB‐A001 Accurpress ETS2000 USB‐A001 Accurpress ETS3000 Brake Press USB‐A001 Acramatic 2100 USB‐A001 www.FloppyToUSB.com Acu‐rite Mill USB‐A001 Addison DB76 USB‐AYYY Aeroflex 2399B Spectrum Analyzer USB‐EYYY Aeroflex 6844 Microwave System Analyzer USB‐EYYY Aerotech U21 USB‐DYYY AGIE 200D USB‐DXXX AGIE 300D +H USB‐D002 Agie 350HSS EDM USB‐D001 AGIE AC 100D USB‐D002 AGIE AGIECUT 100D USB‐D002 Agie CD 300 Wire Eroder USB‐B002 AGIE EDM USB‐D001 AGIE PDM AT‐1U USB‐D002 AGIE Wire Machine USB‐A001 AGIECUT 100D USB‐D002 AGIECUT 250HSS USB‐D002 3 ½ floppy drive to USB flash drive reader upgrade AGIECUT 250HSS USB‐D002 Eliminate your need for 3 ½ floppies and 3 ½ disk drives!!! AGIEMATIC‐C USB‐D002 Our 3 ½ floppy disk drive to USB flash drive reader converter will seamlessly replace your Agilent USB‐A001 existing floppy drive with an independently operated USB flash drive reader. No additional Agilent 35670A USB‐H005 changes to your system are needed besides removing the existing drive and replacing it with Agilent 54621D (Slim Drive) USB‐FXXX this drive. “Plug and Play”. Easy installation and no drivers required, no system configurations Agilent 54622D USB‐FXXX needed and no debugging required. If you can replace a floppy disk drive, you can install this Page 1 of 19 http://www.FloppyToUSB.com Agilent 54642A USB‐FXXX device. The device connects to your existing power and data (ribbon) cables. Agilent 7405A USB‐FXXX The soundless drive emulates your existing floppy drive to act as if the floppy drive was never Agilent 86142B USB‐FXXX removed. This drive will replace most any existing 720k/1.44MB capacity IBM format floppy Agilent 8753D USB‐FXXX drive or your money back. Do away with the painfully slow and obsolete floppy disks. Not only Agilent E4402B USB‐FXXX will this device work in PCs but, it will also work in machinery or devices that still use floppy Agilent E4403B USB‐FXXX drives. This device completely replaces the universal floppy drive of computerized system. If Agilent E4407B USB‐FXXX you are not certain this device will work in your equipment, then just ask! 1 Year Warranty. Agilent E4411B (Slim Drive) USB‐FXXX This device also emulates NON IBM type drives (TEAC, etc) and can also be setup as a DRIVE 0, Agilent HP8751A USB‐D001 DRIVE 1 configuration Agilent Infinium 1.5GHz USB‐FXXX Akai S01 sampler USB‐D017 Akai S900 USB‐D002 Allen Bradley USB‐A001 BLACK BOX ‐ INDICATES THE 3 1/2 FLOPPY WILL NOT WORK ON YOUR MACHINE. YOU Allen Bradley Controller USB‐A001 MUST ORDER ‐ HTTP://WWW.TEWH.COM/USB.PHP ‐ FOR THIS MACHINE ALPS – DFP723D15C USB‐A001 Alps DF354H090F USB‐D010 Alps Electronic Co USB‐H009 Additional Notes: Amada Brake Press USB‐A001 Customer may need to modify control panel or Z Amada Brake Press HFE220‐4 USB‐A001 chassis Amiga 500 USB‐D017 W May need internal modifications such as bracket Anilam 3200MK USB‐A001 Anilam 4200T USB‐A001 V Include Adapter Anilam 6000M Quantum S1000D USB‐A001 Anilam Controls USB‐A001 T ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ APB‐5620W USB‐D005 ASM EPI E2000 USB‐D001 ASM Epitaxial Reactor USB‐B002 ASM Epsilon chemical vapor deposition system USB‐D001 Atari 1040STe USB‐D002 Autolink DR1000 USB‐A001 Babylock Ellageo USB‐EXXX BabyLock ESG2 USB‐EXXX Barudan 7XX BLACK BOX Barudan 8XX BLACK BOX Barudan BEAT 900 ('A' Drive) USB‐A001 Barudan BEAT 900 ('B' Drive) USB‐A005 Page 2 of 19 http://www.FloppyToUSB.com Barudan BEDT USB‐B002 Barudan BEDY, BEVY series USB‐B002 Barudan BEDYHE USB‐B002 Barudan BEMS, BEMR, BEM, BEMY, BENT series USB‐B002 Barudan BEMX series USB‐JXXX Barudan BENS, BEN, BENY series USB‐E004 Barudan BEVT USB‐B002 BIESSE USB‐D013 Biesse 321 Rover series #93 USB‐D013 BIESSE ROVER 20 USB‐D013 Biesse Selco EB110 USB‐D013 Billion Injection Moulding Machines USB‐A001 Bonas USB‐AYYY BOSHERT CNC USB‐D012 Bostomatic BD‐12 USB‐D010 BostoMatic SPCII CNC USB‐D010 Bridgeport 812 USB‐HYYY Bridgeport CNC Torq Cut TC3 USB‐A001 Bridgeport EZTRZC USB‐A001 Bridgeport Lathe ‐ EZ‐Path USB‐A001 Bridgeport Mille ‐ EZ Trax DX USB‐A001 Bridgeport Milling Machine EZ‐Trak USB‐A001 Brother 3100D USB‐EXXX Brother AF‐110 USB‐D005 Brother BAS 300E USB‐A001 Brother BAS 311A USB‐D002 Brother BAS 311E USB‐A001 Brother BAS 311F USB‐A001 Brother BAS 412 USB‐A023 Brother BAS 415, 416, 423 USB‐A018 Brother BE‐0901E‐AC USB‐EXXX Brother BE‐1201B‐AC USB‐A018 Brother BES‐120 USB‐EXXX Brother BES‐1210AC USB‐A018 Brother BES‐916AC USB‐A001 Brother Pacesetter ULT2002D USB‐EYYY Page 3 of 19 http://www.FloppyToUSB.com Brother ULT2001 USB‐EXXX Brother ULT2002D USB‐EXXX Brother ULT2003D USB‐EXXX Burny 3 USB‐B008 Burny 5 FD‐235HF USB‐B007 Bystronic CNC Laser USB‐A001 Cannon MD3522 USB‐H026 Capod Mill USB‐BYYY CEM SPA USB‐D001 Centroid M400 USB‐D012 Centurion control USB‐A001 Charmille Roboform 30/31 USB‐D010 Charmille Sinker EDM USB‐D010 Charmilles 440 cc NOTES Charmilles Robofil 200 USB‐D010 Charmilles Robofil 2000 USB‐D010 Charmilles Robofil 2020 USB‐B002 Charmilles Robofil 290 USB‐D010 Charmilles Robofil 300 USB‐B002 Charmilles Robofil 310 USB‐B002 Charmilles Robofil 40 USB‐D010 Charmilles Robofil 400 USB‐B002 Charmilles Robofil 4020 USB‐D012 Charmilles Robofil 440 USB‐A001 Charmilles Robofil 510 WEDM USB‐D010 Charmilles Robofil 6020‐1 USB‐D010 Charmilles Roboform 20 USB‐D002 Charmilles Roboform 50 USB‐D002 Charmilles Roboform 55 USB‐D002 Charmilles Roboform CT200 USB‐D010 Chinon FZ‐357 USB‐A001 Cincinatti Arrow 1250C USB‐A001 Cincinnati VMC‐750 USB‐A001 Citizen LR102061 USB‐EXXX Citizen LR102061 MN USB‐DYYY Citizen OSD USB‐DYYY Page 4 of 19 http://www.FloppyToUSB.com Citizen OSDB Floppy Drive USB‐BYYY Citizen OSDB‐25C USB‐DYYY Citizen OSDB‐25G‐U USB‐DYYY Citizen OSDC‐29C USB‐B002 CM402 Panasonic equipment USB‐A001 Cognex 3100 USB‐D007 Commodore Amiga 500 drive USB‐D017 Computer or laptop with slim floppy USB‐EXXX Computer with regular sized floppy USB‐A001 Cosmos Machinery International USB‐A001 Cybelec DNC 80 USB‐A001 Daewoo Puma 6s USB‐D002 Delem CNC Press Brake Control USB‐A001 Delem DA‐24 cnc USB‐B002 Dinema FDU 2 USB‐A001 DISCO DFD‐651 USB‐B002 DISCO DFD‐640 USB‐B002 Dornier Air‐Jet Loom USB‐A001 Dornier PTS USB‐A001 Dynapath Control Panel USB‐A001 Elecsys 2010 USB‐D021 EMI Test Receiver ‐ Rohde & Schwarz USB‐DYYY Engel Kempo PFD35 USB‐A001 Engel machines (Rubber Injection Systems) USB‐A001 Ensoniq ASR‐10 USB‐D020 Ensoniq EPS USB‐D011 Ensoniq Mirage USB‐D002 Epson 340 USB‐A005 Epson PC‐286UX USB‐H026 ESAB L‐Tec: Avenger 2 plasma Cutter USB‐A001 ESAB VISION 2000 USB‐A001 ETC lighting console USB‐A001 ETS3000 Brake Press USB‐A001 EZTrak Machines USB‐A001 Fadal Vertical Machining Center USB‐A001 Fadal VMC 3016HT USB‐A001 Page 5 of 19 http://www.FloppyToUSB.com FANUC USB‐A001 FANUC 16M USB‐D010 Fanuc 16P USB‐D010 Fanuc 180iP USB‐D010 FANUC 21M USB‐D010 Fanuc Series 15‐M. USB‐D010 FANUC X‐312 Floppy Reader USB‐B002 Fardinge VMC600II USB‐A001 FEIYA USB‐A001 Fryer MB‐10 NOTES Fryer Milling Machine USB‐D006 FSI Mercury Sprayer Machine USB‐A001 Fujitsu FMR‐50 USB‐HXXX Fukuhara F‐SEC‐UY USB‐B002 G&L (Giddings and Lewis) CNC Mill USB‐D028 G&L 8000‐B USB‐D028 G&L CNC Mill USB‐A001 GE Electrocardiograph MAC 5000 USB‐EXXX GEM WK2 Keyboard USB‐A001 GEM WK8 Keyboard USB‐A001 GEM WS‐400 Piano Workstation USB‐DXXX Gespec USB‐A001 Giddings & Lewis 8000B USB‐A001 GNNettest CMA4000 OTDR USB‐EXXX Graphics Microsystems, Inc Controller USB‐A001 Greco USB‐A001 Greco LC‐OEMKT USB‐A001 Gyro 20 Compactor USB‐A001 HAAS HL2 Lathe USB‐A001 HAAS Machine USB‐A001 HAAS Mini Mill USB‐A001 HAAS SL10 USB‐A001 HAAS SL20 Lathe 1999 USB‐A001 HAAS TM‐2 USB‐A001 HAAS VF2 Mill USB‐A018 HAAS VF7 w/ Mitsumi D359T6 USB‐D022 Page 6 of 19 http://www.FloppyToUSB.com HACO ERM40200 USB‐D001 Happy Embroidery Machine USB‐B003 Hass VF1 with Mitsumi D359T6 USB‐D001 Hass VF3‐ SS USB‐A018 Hitachi 345Q EDM USB‐D010 Hitachi Analyzer 911 USB‐B002 Hitachi Analyzer 917 USB‐B002 Hitachi Elecsys 2012 USB‐B002 HITACHI MARK 90 CNC DRILLING MACHINE USB‐D010 Hitachi Roche Elecsys 2010 Rack USB‐B002 Holzher Eco Master 7113 CNC USB‐A001 Holzma HPP‐81 USB‐D010 HOMAG CNC USB‐D005 Honeywell DL 900 USB‐A001 HP 8546A EMI Recievier USB‐D001 HP Agilent 0950‐2782 USB‐EXXX HP8751A Agilent USB‐D001 Hurco BMC ‐ 20 USB‐A001 Hurco BMC ‐ 2416 USB‐A001 Hurco CNC USB‐A001 Hurco Ulitmax III USB‐A001 Hurco VM1 USB‐A001 Husqvarna Designer USB‐EXXX Hypertherm EDGE Oxifuel Cutting Machine CNC USB‐A001 IBM Drive USB‐A001 IFR Aeroflex 2399B USB‐EYYY IGM Robots USB‐D019 IGS Machine USB‐A001 Index G200 USB‐A001 Index G200 CNC Mill USB‐D013 Index G200 W/ Siemens C200‐4 Control USB‐A001 ION ATOM Soundmaster USB‐A001 Jacquard Bonas S500 USB‐D005 Jacquard Data USB‐D002 Jacquard Stubli JC4 USB‐D014 Jacquard Stubli JC5 USB‐D011 Page 7 of 19 http://www.FloppyToUSB.com Japax ELVY USB‐HV09 Johnson & Johnson VITROS USB‐D001 Juki 740 USB‐D001 Juki KP‐620 SMD USB‐A005 Kawai Q‐80 USB‐D002 Kawasaki AD controller (UX120 robot) USB‐D010 Kawasaki Robot AD USB‐D010 Kawasaki robotics USB‐D010 KB10 CNC Tube and Pipe bender USB‐H015 Keins Tube Bending Machine USB‐B002 Komo CNC USB‐A001 Korg 01W/FD USB‐D002 Korg DSM‐1 USB‐D002 Korg Trinity USB‐D001 Korg Triton Classic USB‐D001 Krauss‐Massei USB‐A001 KURZWEIL
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