Thia La Me in Ml Colour.• (Pie Unda Mccartney) XTC Tour Cancelled XTC's TOUR II Off

Thia La Me in Ml Colour.• (Pie Unda Mccartney) XTC Tour Cancelled XTC's TOUR II Off

PAUL McCAR'™EY: "Thia la me in Ml colour.• (Pie Unda McCartney) XTC tour cancelled XTC'S TOUR II Off. eea... Of 101.W'll'lfl plal'II NYe been pootponed.""'"""''' .. -They ~• hOPlnu- to stidl to ChW t'89Ch9du'-d dates.. bul the angtt'"t illne9a ii IOO MriOut to, ~~~':,.., ~ IO •n 8lf"/ cMtM Ull'lllf Ana(s health It stable," NkJaspo~n. 11cbt holder'I can dalm ...,,bouu"'~ ftorn __ II• .,...,. ..._.. JAPAN: In OM ,,,_ JAPAN SQUASH SPLIT RUMOURS TOUR CONFIRMED JAPAN A RE not tpflttlng up •.• end U1ey",.. golf'l9 on the r011d to prov. ltl Thay lw¥9 c:onflnned ti.Ir btgot,at ewr tour, which klck1 Off In the autumn. lit le befnO lllf'ltlOUt'IOe now to Mop rufflOiUf'I Of • epkt. 8ut they wlll continue tMlr -,le) Or,lcf ______ A__ .,_Y_Moglc~ .u• McCartney's enttU1d '8emboo ~a.le' whkh I• due out ahonty. war ----And he I• du. to ,-oord en EP with Jaipan drummer Stew Ja-naen later In the Spftr19 whlctl wtll tNture • num• Of othw muakl.. n1, ~•=::...Mick Kem el-.o plane • ~ ..,... Mtd I• IJktily to pl1y on the forthcoming Robert ::..i~~~~ n. tout ldcb Oft - 0. Poirt9mouth Gulldhllll on 11Ded "Tug OI W•'- I • Bunnymen Oc:too.r 20 end 21. Then: ..-0yGao,geMatlin-- Bngtlton Dom. 22, O.. egow Sparks pants who last wo,ked wlth A.Pollo 25, Eolnbu,vh McCartney on 1he Beatles Play-a. album breaking _27_2$,_Clty---Ctty HIii ,0 end 31, ~ De n. at,u,n , ..,.-es the ECHO ANO The Bunr,mtn are SPAAKSA£lEASE.-­ ·--·-m"\IIIO'k d ,ome aocoi1,p$f"1CI to tele&M their first alngll this Bi~nghem Odeon 2. 3 and =m 'Ang.t In My Pantt· th!$ ~.,.. tnotud-tng fellow year. 4, Uwe,pool Emp4,. 7 end S. ...nchffter Apoito 1o, 11 • nd All 11 tot\gt on th• album ere i:,~:~: :,~-~l•~ine~~ ---·· the trade a!-■o,en=· ::-::..n:_. 12. Btlstol Colston"-" 14 -bvband-Ron well as mle 1i. .... ...,,, ~ ,, -- London The9"'0UPlllogo<dona l1Mw11e11amfth Odeon 17, 18 o.nenl- -8U0CINllft.,• ...... """ thOrt Soottllh tour ,.,a WNIC. end 11, ........... _.._."The ---Oecllne Atld·-USA. Of and They ptay. Dunfermline Glen e HOW TO BOOK: London Faff Ml, ~-•E"°"Y""" PalliliO(I APl'II Avlemo,e ----- 2'1, tJCMI• CO.- £$.50 •nd tS.50 'Mickey--.- ()op,ey-30.Taln~ and .,. av•lleta.. by po•I "-nbly c.,,.,....,,, ....... .....,, •-"-1a', PO ~3--Monyoc Box 211, London Ntl 5&.W. After lh9 tour Echo And The •l'IOuld be Nfrt wtth • Bunnymen Mart work on thtlr -0,-.-­30p bOoklng 1" IM'f' tldtet. They be made That's life for Hazel third t lbum - Out to,,....... In a.houkl p1yt.blt lhoau1umn lO •J.pen ~·•• HAZEL O'CONNOR bouncee album ~uu.ct 'That'• UM' 10r Thoolngo, -who­ I ln tht 'Bl'Mklr-ai Olaiu' film - -==-~~=~=~~=-~~~~""!!~!!!!~~- - - - - . - .., - -- ... __......Pllrt111CNona new~ MN4 callld ~~~Cow,~' •.a."""', It 1• NiMd •round a KERRANG! =~~--w=.-on Inl 9htctub or tt. ..,,.. ,.,..,. and itlao MJ•tu,.. ,un Boy The world's most frantic ferrous MEAD GOULD PROMOTIONS Ta ll.,,.,.,_ OK Jf'vre and 0.... fortnightly is expanding fast Doaugha"a-.... BOOK NOW FOR R15 I SIMOII l GARFUNKEL R1• --­.,.._iobeenownnnc and now needs an ROLLING ~6~E~~..f3NCERTIN VI..,.. W1II h ave to wait unttl EDITOR STONES =:=::=:~ July to tee tM pto,gramme.. Appl/~ tlons to: Mke Sharman, Publi• UwtnE.~1112 T~daal"Ollllwww 0.-00 --­ sher, Kerrangl, 40, Long Acre, Lendon o...,.. ...., ~'-'Y Rod WC2 ~.,.'::;~~-pl.ct =:ci:~__, £58 rereleases ELTONJOHN R1 STATUSQUO RIO U..r,._____ In ,,.,,, ...y 11 2...,_ GRO1i11y E23NOORl>IW.LEN, LEIDEN 'Sailing.,.. ' .,_,,,,,_'°"Y ._....... R00 STEWARTS_____ -sa,g· _ .,.,_,,_ £85 ...... ..,.a, £57 27 sen1etlonal aongtl Complete lyrtes Ateurf'\lu)i;\jfy COlc:tl l'lt AccomMOCIMIOn Hiving OJltO "'Young Tul'ks' end guitar chords to every song! Pkl• ll'ICI 'How long' from his l81N I 15 pagN of facts and fotos.. f Ntu,.. 'Tonlghl I'm Youl'I' ab.,m, tht dnslc: Are Friendo Eltctric. - ... hu t'9WIMCI IO an oldie gn,phy Included. n,. Ga,y Numon .,,,.,._'5 Song book, Only £3.95. Don't P•Y £37 &.t....,.ildnolignol mo,1! --•------•••--• ---lltflO ~~~. month American tour - and will ~~~~~"°"' ~~IVi«r now reootdlng • new =-:::.-=..,~~..,-==~,...... w..:illl~l--T,..._fllJOPI_T.M_ ~~-- ....... .... _, .. _...,.__ _ .,.,.,_ maklnQ -...m WMCfl ..... world ~ f'IIIIIIC:f'IN ~ -..· ··-· "'1168 -- or ... _ _, Hro. Of liekM:t ~lttd ...... ··-· :r,;:. 2-- PN,uetid<boX,-quiredR140R1 OR20R100R11 OR150 .I OE.PECHE MOOE r(!lease a new single on April 26, e,,titled 'Meaning Of Love; ifs the socond single to be wrillen by Mat1in Gore, who tOOk aver when to,mor ~ Vince Clarke '8ft to form v.uoo. Depeche_ ..... playing $Oma Amerie3n and Canadian dato$ in May, ralhtt' CLASH: New album than d()ing any show$ In Sritain. UFO: Peterborough appunmce The Clash ready MORE for combat THE Cl.ASH tel&31S& their IOng·awaded new album &rot Flynn"s son who rode ofl lnlo the Jungle on a next month. In Cypica,I Style iftl ♦nttded 'Combat Rock' and Is released on May \4. ~~e=:~~/':.:numbet $iq)ly enlltled 'Ovrtlrpowered =~- By F...-.k: METAL Thi$ time •·s fuse a slngle album - tollowtng The Cla$h have drelMd in veteran proc1UC9r thew adventurous triple LP 'Sandinista' Md tho: UF0 Saxon, Girlschool, headline football festival GlyM Johns IO procb::e the album. Johns ha$ 1 OOUb1e '1.0ndQn Calling.' worked with The Who and 80n John and Na And yet again the track& featu~ tho btnd'$ W()rj( datoe btd( to the Smal Faoes. METAL BANDS galore have been lined up f;,, Peterborou9h will «>- tM fh'$.t 1-GUval Of the fighting )yrics. Titles .nc::klde 'Know YOUI Rigtu' anothor .,._vy rock ttttivat In June. summer. Status Quo headtJne Oonlngton on (the now single), ·StrOOI To Holl' and 'Ghecto "The tlbum fNlU1'86 12 number$, wHdl wil be UFO and Saxon headline the event at Augu:st 21 and Reading Festival o,gani.Sert are Defendant.' (Pf'M)USly Peterborough Football ground - the latest to expected to announce their bill shoftty. The M<)tt'le,r number, '$eon Flynn; tell$ the tale al :::i~:notflheMC::O': 81'1tlCU)08(j) be aet up tor thla yea(a heedbanging season. tr.cliti<M'IAI bank hOllday dltes remain the same They .,. Jolned by Amerlelln banctt Molty - but the Ofg&nfNrs know they will hav& to Hatchet and Y&T - who make their debut p1,III ovt -a 11 the stops to beat Oonlngton and Btltlsh app,Nrance - a, well as Glrl.schQol, Pe-tet'borough. Tyger• Of Pen TM9. Bu~l.e and Diamond M illon KeynN Is also to have another Hm. lllstlval this yaar, while promol8nl an, Haircut's The two-day festivat ls ffll9d for June, 12 and COf'lsidOring using Port Vale at a ,ue tonow1·ng 13 and the venue haa a 30,000 capacity. The the suooess of Motorheed'a appearance there orgam..,.. promiM It will havo .i1 tf,. fllcilttles last yo.\<. of established sites. Day out Other band$ are e.xpe,eled to be addrtd, but e HOW iO BOOK: Tictcf#IS •ro ta.50 •nd tf'9 ones already announced form the nucleus avtj'-,bl• from the foolbeH ground. Furthe,t ol th& 11ne,-up. detalls are expocted Shortly. HAIRCUT 100'8 'fatllMtio DaY' $il"lglo 1$ out OS a picture CISC lhiS week. The dsc featuroe a live YOr'$ion or 1flei song and has a C()IOur still oC their latest \/ldeo on It. 'Ski Cl\b'......., is __ on ttw flip sidO 11nd ha, the Haircvts' S&G Wembley But t.,int: will haVO to snap It up qulQcty. The for single is in a lmiled edition and will noc be prt$$0d agail') .nor IN$ b3l<:h Is $Old: ouL SIMOO ANO Garfunlii:9' aro to It I~ hl1$ $U¢h M play 8ritain-cl'leif t1rst conce'1. '9fidge Over Troubled Water,' here to, ovw 10 years, and ·..somowtird Bound.· T~ appENW" al L.ondocfs massive Werrbley Stadium on • HOW TO BOOK; T IC:Qls 00$1 are Adam's new goodies June 19. trs expeded to be £9.80 and available t,,,, post similar to their rtiOtnt concert al from S&G Promoli0n$, PO 8o>< New York's Central Park, 4NZ. London WIA "4NZ. ADAM ANT re.asea hla l'M'W down to a 1hre.plece for thie Adtm has i.-, a\idftlonlng Simon And G811Unkel spl1 ln ChoQIM, 0( po$1.8I OtdetS alngle nelCl month •.• tnd n·a N>COnl. new membera all ant week Ants 1971. Paul Simon continued cl shOUld be made pe)'able lo c:-.15-d 'Goody Two S'hoes'I and tl'Mt nei~k 9houkl It now looks • ff dn,,rrwner be announced shof'tly. W009$srul ~ee, as a solo The eing,. - t xcluatvely Teny~ Nfatl hae been artist fflle Art Gari~ •nt .......Entertalnmeru lld., and .....t reveei.ct by RECORD uckad along wt'lh baPlat into acting, Only reoenlly did wilh a SAE. MIRROR two WNks ago - Is "Adam hM ffn11hed - Gaf)' TlbH. auditioning ancl I belleve tw they gel together again, Information 0\/91 the phOne ntlffted on ilay 7. Now lhOy'-..e shot straight to can t>t Ob4ained by 11ng1og On the 8 &Ide la anottier hMchONn!hene.w the top aQlin eftor relONing 0 1·37'9 3301. naw numbM' entttted 'Red membe,..,'" aald • lhtlr '\.Ive In Central Patk' Tickets will also be on sale on Scab,' apoke9:man.

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