PAUL McCAR'™EY: "Thia la me in Ml colour.• (Pie Unda McCartney) XTC tour cancelled XTC'S TOUR II Off. eea... Of 101.W'll'lfl plal'II NYe been pootponed.""'"""''' .. -They ~• hOPlnu- to stidl to ChW t'89Ch9du'-d dates.. bul the angtt'"t illne9a ii IOO MriOut to, ~~~':,.., ~ IO •n 8lf"/ cMtM Ull'lllf Ana(s health It stable," NkJaspo~n. 11cbt holder'I can dalm ...,,bouu"'~ ftorn __ II• .,...,. ..._.. JAPAN: In OM ,,,_ JAPAN SQUASH SPLIT RUMOURS TOUR CONFIRMED JAPAN A RE not tpflttlng up •.• end U1ey",.. golf'l9 on the r011d to prov. ltl Thay lw¥9 c:onflnned ti.Ir btgot,at ewr tour, which klck1 Off In the autumn. lit le befnO lllf'ltlOUt'IOe now to Mop rufflOiUf'I Of • epkt. 8ut they wlll continue tMlr -,le) Or,lcf ______ A__ .,_Y_Moglc~ .u• McCartney's enttU1d '8emboo ~a.le' whkh I• due out ahonty. war ----And he I• du. to ,-oord en EP with Jaipan drummer Stew Ja-naen later In the Spftr19 whlctl wtll tNture • num• Of othw muakl.. n1, ~•=::...Mick Kem el-.o plane • ~ ..,... Mtd I• IJktily to pl1y on the forthcoming Robert ::..i~~~~ n. tout ldcb Oft - 0. Poirt9mouth Gulldhllll on 11Ded "Tug OI W•'- I • Bunnymen Oc:too.r 20 end 21. Then: ..-0yGao,geMatlin-- Bngtlton Dom. 22, O.. egow Sparks pants who last wo,ked wlth A.Pollo 25, Eolnbu,vh McCartney on 1he Beatles Play-a. album breaking _27_2$,_Clty---Ctty HIii ,0 end 31, ~ De n. at,u,n , ..,.-es the ECHO ANO The Bunr,mtn are SPAAKSA£lEASE.-­ ·--·-m"\IIIO'k d ,ome aocoi1,p$f"1CI to tele&M their first alngll this Bi~nghem Odeon 2. 3 and =m 'Ang.t In My Pantt· th!$ ~.,.. tnotud-tng fellow year. 4, Uwe,pool Emp4,. 7 end S. ...nchffter Apoito 1o, 11 • nd All 11 tot\gt on th• album ere i:,~:~: :,~-~l•~ine~~ ---·· the trade a!-■o,en=· ::-::..n:_. 12. Btlstol Colston"-" 14 -bvband-Ron well as mle 1i. .... ...,,, ~ ,, -- London The9"'0UPlllogo<dona l1Mw11e11amfth Odeon 17, 18 o.nenl- -8U0CINllft.,• ...... """ thOrt Soottllh tour ,.,a WNIC. end 11, ........... _.._."The ---Oecllne Atld·-USA. Of and They ptay. Dunfermline Glen e HOW TO BOOK: London Faff Ml, ~-•E"°"Y""" PalliliO(I APl'II Avlemo,e ----- 2'1, tJCMI• CO.- £$.50 •nd tS.50 'Mickey--.- ()op,ey-30.Taln~ and .,. av•lleta.. by po•I "-nbly c.,,.,....,,, ....... .....,, •-"-1a', PO ~3--Monyoc Box 211, London Ntl 5&.W. After lh9 tour Echo And The •l'IOuld be Nfrt wtth • Bunnymen Mart work on thtlr -0,-.-­30p bOoklng 1" IM'f' tldtet. They be made That's life for Hazel third t lbum - Out to,,....... In a.houkl p1yt.blt lhoau1umn lO •J.pen ~·•• HAZEL O'CONNOR bouncee album ~uu.ct 'That'• UM' 10r Thoolngo, -who­ I ln tht 'Bl'Mklr-ai Olaiu' film - -==-~~=~=~~=-~~~~""!!~!!!!~~- - - - - . - .., - -- ... __......Pllrt111CNona new~ MN4 callld ~~~Cow,~' •.a."""', It 1• NiMd •round a KERRANG! =~~--w=.-on Inl 9htctub or tt. ..,,.. ,.,..,. and itlao MJ•tu,.. ,un Boy The world's most frantic ferrous MEAD GOULD PROMOTIONS Ta ll.,,.,.,_ OK Jf'vre and 0.... fortnightly is expanding fast Doaugha"a-.... BOOK NOW FOR R15 I SIMOII l GARFUNKEL R1• --­.,.._iobeenownnnc and now needs an ROLLING ~6~E~~..f3NCERTIN VI..,.. W1II h ave to wait unttl EDITOR STONES =:=::=:~ July to tee tM pto,gramme.. Appl/~ tlons to: Mke Sharman, Publi• UwtnE.~1112 T~daal"Ollllwww 0.-00 --­ sher, Kerrangl, 40, Long Acre, Lendon o...,.. ...., ~'-'Y Rod WC2 ~.,.'::;~~-pl.ct =:ci:~__, £58 rereleases ELTONJOHN R1 STATUSQUO RIO U..r,._____ In ,,.,,, ...y 11 2...,_ GRO1i11y E23NOORl>IW.LEN, LEIDEN 'Sailing.,.. ' .,_,,,,,_'°"Y ._....... R00 STEWARTS_____ -sa,g· _ .,.,_,,_ £85 ...... ..,.a, £57 27 sen1etlonal aongtl Complete lyrtes Ateurf'\lu)i;\jfy COlc:tl l'lt AccomMOCIMIOn Hiving OJltO "'Young Tul'ks' end guitar chords to every song! Pkl• ll'ICI 'How long' from his l81N I 15 pagN of facts and fotos.. f Ntu,.. 'Tonlghl I'm Youl'I' ab.,m, tht dnslc: Are Friendo Eltctric. - ... hu t'9WIMCI IO an oldie gn,phy Included. n,. Ga,y Numon .,,,.,._'5 Song book, Only £3.95. Don't P•Y £37 &.t....,.ildnolignol mo,1! --•------•••--• ---lltflO ~~~. month American tour - and will ~~~~~"°"' ~~IVi«r now reootdlng • new =-:::.-=..,~~..,-==~,...... w..:illl~l--T,..._fllJOPI_T.M_ ~~-- ....... .... _, .. _...,.__ _ .,.,.,_ maklnQ -...m WMCfl ..... world ~ f'IIIIIIC:f'IN ~ -..· ··-· "'1168 -- or ... _ _, Hro. Of liekM:t ~lttd ...... ··-· :r,;:. 2-- PN,uetid<boX,-quiredR140R1 OR20R100R11 OR150 .I OE.PECHE MOOE r(!lease a new single on April 26, e,,titled 'Meaning Of Love; ifs the socond single to be wrillen by Mat1in Gore, who tOOk aver when to,mor ~ Vince Clarke '8ft to form v.uoo. Depeche_ ..... playing $Oma Amerie3n and Canadian dato$ in May, ralhtt' CLASH: New album than d()ing any show$ In Sritain. UFO: Peterborough appunmce The Clash ready MORE for combat THE Cl.ASH tel&31S& their IOng·awaded new album &rot Flynn"s son who rode ofl lnlo the Jungle on a next month. In Cypica,I Style iftl ♦nttded 'Combat Rock' and Is released on May \4. ~~e=:~~/':.:numbet $iq)ly enlltled 'Ovrtlrpowered =~- By F...-.k: METAL Thi$ time •·s fuse a slngle album - tollowtng The Cla$h have drelMd in veteran proc1UC9r thew adventurous triple LP 'Sandinista' Md tho: UF0 Saxon, Girlschool, headline football festival GlyM Johns IO procb::e the album. Johns ha$ 1 OOUb1e '1.0ndQn Calling.' worked with The Who and 80n John and Na And yet again the track& featu~ tho btnd'$ W()rj( datoe btd( to the Smal Faoes. METAL BANDS galore have been lined up f;,, Peterborou9h will «>- tM fh'$.t 1-GUval Of the fighting )yrics. Titles .nc::klde 'Know YOUI Rigtu' anothor .,._vy rock ttttivat In June. summer. Status Quo headtJne Oonlngton on (the now single), ·StrOOI To Holl' and 'Ghecto "The tlbum fNlU1'86 12 number$, wHdl wil be UFO and Saxon headline the event at Augu:st 21 and Reading Festival o,gani.Sert are Defendant.' (Pf'M)USly Peterborough Football ground - the latest to expected to announce their bill shoftty. The M<)tt'le,r number, '$eon Flynn; tell$ the tale al :::i~:notflheMC::O': 81'1tlCU)08(j) be aet up tor thla yea(a heedbanging season. tr.cliti<M'IAI bank hOllday dltes remain the same They .,. Jolned by Amerlelln banctt Molty - but the Ofg&nfNrs know they will hav& to Hatchet and Y&T - who make their debut p1,III ovt -a 11 the stops to beat Oonlngton and Btltlsh app,Nrance - a, well as Glrl.schQol, Pe-tet'borough. Tyger• Of Pen TM9. Bu~l.e and Diamond M illon KeynN Is also to have another Hm. lllstlval this yaar, while promol8nl an, Haircut's The two-day festivat ls ffll9d for June, 12 and COf'lsidOring using Port Vale at a ,ue tonow1·ng 13 and the venue haa a 30,000 capacity. The the suooess of Motorheed'a appearance there orgam..,.. promiM It will havo .i1 tf,. fllcilttles last yo.\<. of established sites. Day out Other band$ are e.xpe,eled to be addrtd, but e HOW iO BOOK: Tictcf#IS •ro ta.50 •nd tf'9 ones already announced form the nucleus avtj'-,bl• from the foolbeH ground. Furthe,t ol th& 11ne,-up. detalls are expocted Shortly. HAIRCUT 100'8 'fatllMtio DaY' $il"lglo 1$ out OS a picture CISC lhiS week. The dsc featuroe a live YOr'$ion or 1flei song and has a C()IOur still oC their latest \/ldeo on It. 'Ski Cl\b'......., is __ on ttw flip sidO 11nd ha, the Haircvts' S&G Wembley But t.,int: will haVO to snap It up qulQcty. The for single is in a lmiled edition and will noc be prt$$0d agail') .nor IN$ b3l<:h Is $Old: ouL SIMOO ANO Garfunlii:9' aro to It I~ hl1$ $U¢h M play 8ritain-cl'leif t1rst conce'1. '9fidge Over Troubled Water,' here to, ovw 10 years, and ·..somowtird Bound.· T~ appENW" al L.ondocfs massive Werrbley Stadium on • HOW TO BOOK; T IC:Qls 00$1 are Adam's new goodies June 19. trs expeded to be £9.80 and available t,,,, post similar to their rtiOtnt concert al from S&G Promoli0n$, PO 8o>< New York's Central Park, 4NZ. London WIA "4NZ. ADAM ANT re.asea hla l'M'W down to a 1hre.plece for thie Adtm has i.-, a\idftlonlng Simon And G811Unkel spl1 ln ChoQIM, 0( po$1.8I OtdetS alngle nelCl month •.• tnd n·a N>COnl. new membera all ant week Ants 1971. Paul Simon continued cl shOUld be made pe)'able lo c:-.15-d 'Goody Two S'hoes'I and tl'Mt nei~k 9houkl It now looks • ff dn,,rrwner be announced shof'tly. W009$srul ~ee, as a solo The eing,. - t xcluatvely Teny~ Nfatl hae been artist fflle Art Gari~ •nt .......Entertalnmeru lld., and .....t reveei.ct by RECORD uckad along wt'lh baPlat into acting, Only reoenlly did wilh a SAE. MIRROR two WNks ago - Is "Adam hM ffn11hed - Gaf)' TlbH. auditioning ancl I belleve tw they gel together again, Information 0\/91 the phOne ntlffted on ilay 7. Now lhOy'-..e shot straight to can t>t Ob4ained by 11ng1og On the 8 &Ide la anottier hMchONn!hene.w the top aQlin eftor relONing 0 1·37'9 3301. naw numbM' entttted 'Red membe,..,'" aald • lhtlr '\.Ive In Central Patk' Tickets will also be on sale on Scab,' apoke9:man.
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