September 9-15, 2016 Your Neighborhood — Your News® SERVING PARKCHESTER, HUNTS POINT, FORDHAM SOUTH, GRAND CONCOURSE, FORDHAM NORTH, BRONX NORTH, CO-OP CITY BRONXDALE AVE. HIT AND RUN Morris Park man killed by 2 vehicles BY ARTHUR CUSANO Bronxdale Avenue near Barnes “I call it a racetrack, be- Police are still seeking the Avenue when he was struck by cause everybody speeds,” he driver of a van that struck and a light-colored van traveling said. killed a 65-year-old Bronx man westbound on Bronxdale Av- Signorile said there had last week, and raising new enue. The elderly gentleman been talk in the past of add- questions about road safety in was fl ipped into the air and hit ing more traffi c lights or other Morris Park. again by a dark green Honda speed deterrents, but nothing The accident occurred Tues- Odyssey that was traveling had been implemented. day, August 30 at around 9:15 eastbound. “They should put speed p.m. at the intersection of The driver of the Honda a bumps,” Signorile said. “I hope Bronxdale Avenue and 33-year-old woman, remained this is a wake up call to our Barnes Avenue, where re- at the scene. However, the elected offi cials.” sponding offi cers found the driver of the van fl ed in the ve- Community Board 11 dis- victim, later identifi ed as long- hicle westbound on Bronxdale trict manager Jeremy Wer- time neighborhood resident Avenue. neke said he was not aware of Ralph Fino, unconscious and Morris Park Community any plans for traffi c or safety unresponsive due to trauma to Association president Tony Si- adjustments on the road in the the body. gnorile said speeding was not a near future, but said the is- He was taken to Jacobi rare occurrence on Bronxdale sue could be discussed at the Medical Center by ambulance Avenue, especially where the board’s Thursday, September. where he later died. road curves between Morris 22 meeting. According to the NYPD, Park and Rhinelander ave- Councilman James Vacca the man was walking across nues. Continued on Page 59 Edgewater’s Great Debate The Edgewater Park Athletic Association celebrated its centennial Bronx remembers Sept. 11’s 15th anniversary Labor Day Weekend Olympics from Friday, September 2 through Sunday, September 4 with such time honored local traditions as BY PATRICK ROCCHIO ber coordinating the event. on Wednesday, September 14 the always creative baby parade and various sporting events. In our borough the fallen “There is not one person on between noon and 2 p.m. ‘The Great Debate’ fl oat’s Tara Butler dressed as Democratic fi rst responders and civilians the Jacobi CAB who disagrees Elected offi cials, judges and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gained enough votes to of the terrorist attacks on Sep- about having this remem- FDNY and NYPD personnel earn third place in the competition. tember 11, 2001 will not be for- brance every year,” said Lask. have in past years attended the See more photos on page 32. Photo by Laura Stone gotten. Lask said that some Jacobi event commemorating Septem- A group of events honor- staff members have family or ber 11, 2001. TOP BRONX NEWS STORIES ing the memory of 9/11 victims friends who died in the 9/11 ter- “We cannot forget the terror on the 15th anniversary of the rorist attacks, and that the best attacks of September 11, 2001 HOOD BOR - YO The Bronx Times horrifi c events of that day are way to remember is the annual that took the lives of thousands IGH UR E N On-Line $-"44*'*&%4'035)&#30/9 being hosted in the borough on ceremony. of individuals from around N E R W and around Sunday, September The Jacobi event takes place the world and right here in the U Your world is O S 11. this year on Sunday, Septem- Bronx,” said Diaz. “About 143 Y ® At Jacobi Medical Center, ber 11 at 8:30 a.m. at the foot of of those individuals who lost 24/7... NOW home to a permanent memo- the hospital’s 9/11 Memorial their lives during September so are we. rial listing the names of the Garden, which is next to Build- 11th were people who either borough’s victims, the Jacobi’s ing 2. The CAB is asking that lived or worked right here in ÜÜÜ°LÝÌiðV Community Advisory Board is attendees arrive by 8:15 a.m. our neighborhoods.” unanimous in its commitment A remembrance hosted by In Throggs Neck, an annual 5)&-"5&45#30/94103544$03&4 to an ongoing, annual event Borough President Ruben Diaz sunset remembrance event at marking the tragedy, said Syl- Jr. and the Supreme Court of '00%t)&"-5)t5&$)/0-0(: via Lask, a Jacobi CAB mem- Bronx County will take place Continued on Page 59 A CNG Publication • Vol. 22 No. 37 www.bxtimes.com GoFor To More Our Blog Information To See Our Weekly Visit Specials!Us At VistVisit Our Our New www.bronxdentistny.comNEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com GOT IMPLANTS DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT COME SEE US (718) 547-5280 2 BRONX TIMES REPORTER, SEPTEMBER 9-15 BTR $22 million, 91-unit rental planned for Mott Haven BY ROBERT CHRISTIE class to high-end residential Construction has begun on options in the Bronx because a new 12-story, 91-unit build- there is a lot of demand to live ing in Mott Haven. in NYC. The $22 million project, Weissman mentioned that which will go up at 329 E, 132nd JCAL has constructed other Street, will be constructed by properties in Mott Haven. JCAL development and the Keith Rubenstein, owner Altmark Group. of Somerset Partners, is cur- Joshua Weissman, presi- rently working on high end dent of JCAL, said the com- residential towers in Mott Ha- pany is very “bullish on the ven at 2401 Third Avenue and area” and added the company 101 Lincoln Avenue in addi- “believes in the south Bronx.” tion to a new food market at 9 Weissman said the public Bruckner Boulevard. transportation in the area is As more high-end develop- great and praised the neigh- ments are built in the south borhood’s proximity to Man- Bronx,the gentrifi cation issue hattan. will continue to be debated. He added the architecture Supporters of more high- of buildings in the neighbor- end development praise the Rendering of 329 E. 132nd Street in Mott Haven. Photo Courtesy of JLL hood make it feel like “old safer environments in the school New York City.” Bronx and suggest there The project is being funded will be more jobs and money dian rent in the Bronx rose by from 19.1 percent in 2010 to 11 he said. by First Niagra Bank. thrown into the community. 17 percent from 1990 to 2014. percent in 2014. “As part of that commit- Tracy Dembicer, fi rst vice Distracters fear the aver- In the Mott Haven/Melrose Rubenstein said he and his ment, we want to help achieve president for First Niagra’s age rent will price some native area and the Longwood/Hunts company are trying to work longstanding community commercial real estate group, new Yorkers out of the neigh- Point area, rent increased by with the community and pro- goals by providing good lo- said the bank was excited to borhood. 28 percent. vide jobs in the south Bronx. cal jobs and new public open join Mott Haven’s “ongoing re- An NYU Furman Center In the past six years, the “We believe in embracing space along the waterfront. vitalization.” study, released earlier this median rent in Mott Haven is the history of the south Bronx Our team is proud to have met In addition, she said there spring, has been used multiple $782, jumping from $715 dur- and respecting the heritage of and worked with local resi- has been growing interest in times this year to suggest areas ing 2005-2009. its residents and community, dents and advocacy groups the redevelopment of the area. like Mott Haven in Community The study also showed un- while also creating much- and we will continue building Developers have been ea- Board 1 are gentrifying. employment in the Mott Ha- needed opportunities for lo- that positive dialogue every ger to construct more middle- According to the study, me- ven/Melrose area dropped cal families and businesses,” step of the way,” he added. JAMPOL PAINT – HARDWARE & SUPPLY Contractor & Apt. House Supply Plumbing U Electric U Building Material Established 1905 WE WILL FREE 10% OFF MATCH & BEAT DELIVERY For Senior Citizens, ANY PRICE Veterans, NYPD & FDNY 678 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, NY 10462 Tel: 718-829-0866 U Fax: 718-829-0932 U Email: [email protected] BTR BRONX TIMES REPORTER, SEPTEMBER 9-15 3 ple that can help you out with the Measuring 560 feet long, 42 job. There is always someone to feet wide and weighing more around back you up if you need help. than 16,500 tons, a nuclear-pow- The USS Nevada is one of ered propulsion system helps town the Navy’s 14 Ohio-class ballis- push the ship through the wa- Your Neighborhood — Your News by Patrick Rocchio tic missile submarines. ter at more than 20 knots. Mail: Bronx Times 3604 E. Tremont Ave., The Bronx Times Reporter Assemblyman Benedetto warns Bronx, NY 10465 will gladly publish your an- To Subscribe: nouncements. of Vermin Control mail scam (718) 260-4595 Send announcements, along General Phone: with photo, to: Bronx Times Assemblyman Michael number, a Whitestone, (718) 260-4595 Reporter, 3604 E.
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