Mark Oliphant Conservation Park

Mark Oliphant Conservation Park

Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List MARK OLIPHANT CONSERVATION PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : CP212 Species Common name First - Last Record DENNSTAEDTIACEAE Pteridium esculentum Bracken Fern 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 ADIANTACEAE Adiantum aethiopicum Common Maiden-hair 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia Annual Rock-fern 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 PINACEAE Pinus radiata * Radiata Pine 01/09/1993 - 01/01/1995 CUPRESSACEAE Callitris rhomboidea Oyster Bay Pine 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 CASUARINACEAE Allocasuarina muelleriana ssp. muelleriana Common Oak-bush 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 Allocasuarina striata Stalked Oak-bush 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 SALICACEAE Populus nigra * Lombardy Poplar 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 PROTEACEAE Banksia marginata Silver Banksia 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Grevillea lavandulacea var. lavandulacea Spider-flower 22/05/1986 - 29/11/2000 Hakea carinata Erect Hakea 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 Hakea rostrata Beaked Hakea 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 Isopogon ceratophyllus Horny Cone-bush 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Persoonia juniperina Prickly Geebung 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 SANTALACEAE Exocarpos cupressiformis Native Cherry 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 LORANTHACEAE Amyema miquelii Box Mistletoe 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Amyema pendulum ssp. pendulum Drooping Mistletoe 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Amyema preissii Wire-leaf Mistletoe 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 POLYGONACEAE Acetosella vulgaris * Sorrel 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Persicaria decipiens Slender Knotweed 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 CARYOPHYLLACEAE Cerastium glomeratum * Common Mouse-ear Chickweed 17/09/1995 - 17/09/1995 LAURACEAE Cassytha glabella forma dispar Slender Dodder-laurel 22/05/1986 - 29/11/2000 Cassytha pubescens Downy Dodder-laurel 01/09/1993 - 29/11/2000 RANUNCULACEAE Ranunculus lappaceus Native Buttercup 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 DILLENIACEAE Hibbertia exutiacies Prickly Guinea-flower 22/05/1986 - 29/11/2000 Hibbertia incanaaaa 01/09/1993 - 29/11/2000 Hibbertia riparia Guinea-flower 01/01/1981 - 01/09/1993 Hibbertia sericea var. sericea Silky Guinea-flower 22/05/1986 - 22/05/1986 Hibbertia virgata Twiggy Guinea-flower 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Tuesday, 6 April 2004 Page 1 of 10 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List MARK OLIPHANT CONSERVATION PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : CP212 Species Common name First - Last Record GUTTIFERAE Hypericum gramineum Small St John's Wort 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Hypericum perforatum * St John's Wort 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 DROSERACEAE Drosera auriculata Tall Sundew 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Drosera macrantha ssp. planchonii Climbing Sundew 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Drosera whittakeri ssp. whittakeri 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 CRUCIFERAE Cardamine sp. Bitter-cress 17/09/1995 - 17/09/1995 CRASSULACEAE Crassula decumbens var. decumbens Spreading Crassula 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 PITTOSPORACEAE Billardiera bignoniacea Orange Bell-climber 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 Billardiera cymosa Sweet Apple-berry 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Billardiera uniflora One-flower Apple-berry 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Bursaria spinosa Sweet Bursaria 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 Cheiranthera alternifolia Hand-flower 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 Pittosporum undulatum * Sweet Pittosporum 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 ROSACEAE Acaena echinata var. Sheep's Burr 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Acaena novae-zelandiae Biddy-biddy 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Prunus sp. * Plum 01/01/1995 - 01/01/1995 Rosa canina * Dog Rose 01/01/1995 - 01/01/1995 Rubus discolor * Blackberry 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Rubus laciniatus * Cut-leaf Blackberry 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 LEGUMINOSAE Acacia acinacea Wreath Wattle 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Acacia dealbata * Silver Wattle 01/01/1981 - 01/01/1981 Acacia longifolia var. longifolia * Sallow Wattle 01/09/1993 - 01/01/1995 Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Acacia myrtifolia var. myrtifolia Myrtle Wattle 01/09/1993 - 29/11/2000 Acacia pycnantha Golden Wattle 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 Acacia retinodes var. retinodes (swamp form) Swamp Wattle 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Acacia spinescens Spiny Wattle 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Acacia verniciflua Varnish Wattle 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 Acacia verticillata Prickly Moses 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 Bossiaea prostrata Creeping Bossiaea 22/05/1986 - 29/11/2000 Cytisus scoparius * English Broom 01/01/1981 - 01/01/1995 Daviesia brevifolia Leafless Bitter-pea 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Daviesia leptophylla Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 Daviesia ulicifolia ssp. incarnata 01/09/1993 - 29/11/2000 Dillwynia hispida Red Parrot-pea 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Dillwynia sericea Showy Parrot-pea 22/05/1986 - 22/05/1986 Genista monspessulana * Montpellier Broom 01/01/1981 - 01/09/1993 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Tuesday, 6 April 2004 Page 2 of 10 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List MARK OLIPHANT CONSERVATION PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : CP212 Species Common name First - Last Record Gompholobium ecostatum Dwarf Wedge-pea 01/09/1993 - 29/11/2000 Hardenbergia violacea Native Lilac 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Indigofera australis var. australis Austral Indigo 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Kennedia prostrata Scarlet Runner 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 Platylobium obtusangulum Holly Flat-pea 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Pultenaea acerosa Bristly Bush-pea 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Pultenaea daphnoides Large-leaf Bush Pea 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 Pultenaea involucrata Mount Lofty Bush-pea 11/04/1979 - 01/01/1995 Pultenaea laxiflora Loose-flower Bush-pea 22/05/1986 - 29/11/2000 Pultenaea pedunculata Matted Bush-pea 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Trifolium sp. * Clover 01/09/1993 - 17/09/1995 Ulex europaeus * Gorse 01/01/1981 - 01/01/1995 Vicia sativa ssp. sativa * Common Vetch 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 OXALIDACEAE Oxalis perennans Native Sorrel 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Oxalis pes-caprae * Soursob 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Oxalis purpurea * One-o'clock 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 GERANIACEAE Geranium retrorsum Grassland Geranium 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Pelargonium littorale Native Pelargonium 17/09/1995 - 17/09/1995 TREMANDRACEAE Tetratheca pilosa ssp. pilosa Hairy Pink-bells 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 STACKHOUSIACEAE Stackhousia aspericocca ssp. "Cylindrical Bushy Candles 01/09/1993 - 29/11/2000 inflorescence"(W.R.Barker 1418) RHAMNACEAE Spyridium parvifolium Dusty Miller 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 THYMELAEACEAE Pimelea humilis Low Riceflower 01/09/1993 - 17/09/1995 Pimelea linifolia ssp. linifolia Slender Riceflower 22/05/1986 - 29/11/2000 Pimelea octophylla Woolly Riceflower 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Pimelea phylicoides Heath Riceflower 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 VIOLACEAE Viola sieberiana Tiny Violet 01/09/1993 - 01/01/1995 MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus baxteri Brown Stringybark 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Eucalyptus cosmophylla Cup Gum 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Eucalyptus fasciculosa Pink Gum 01/09/1993 - 29/11/2000 Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. leucoxylon South Australian Blue Gum 01/01/1995 - 01/01/1995 Eucalyptus obliqua Messmate Stringybark 01/09/1993 - 29/11/2000 Eucalyptus rubida ssp. rubida SA:R Candlebark Gum 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. viminalis SA:R Manna Gum 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Leptospermum continentale Prickly Tea-tree 22/05/1986 - 29/11/2000 Leptospermum lanigerum Silky Tea-tree 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Species with National or State conservation ratings are followed by a code - (AUS: ) for Australian and (SA: ) for South Australian status. For details of conservation rating codes refer to the end of this list. Introduced and alien species are followed by an asterisk "*". (NC) = Non-current use of name - reflects the name used when data was collected and may equate to one or more names in current use. Tuesday, 6 April 2004 Page 3 of 10 Preliminary Flora List Interim Flora Species List MARK OLIPHANT CONSERVATION PARK (NPWS) Reserve code : CP212 Species Common name First - Last Record Leptospermum myrsinoides Heath Tea-tree 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 Melaleuca armillaris * Bracelet Honey-myrtle 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 ONAGRACEAE Epilobium ciliatum * Glandular Willow-herb 17/09/1995 - 17/09/1995 HALORAGACEAE Gonocarpus mezianus Broad-leaf Raspwort 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Gonocarpus tetragynus Small-leaf Raspwort 22/05/1986 - 29/11/2000 UMBELLIFERAE Daucus glochidiatus Native Carrot 01/09/1993 - 17/09/1995 Hydrocotyle callicarpa Tiny Pennywort 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Hydrocotyle foveolata Yellow Pennywort 17/09/1995 - 17/09/1995 Hydrocotyle hirta Hairy Pennywort 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Platysace heterophylla var. heterophylla Slender Platysace 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Xanthosia pusilla Hairy Xanthosia 22/05/1986 - 01/09/1993 ERICACEAE Erica arborea * Tree Heath 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 EPACRIDACEAE Acrotriche fasciculiflora Mount Lofty Ground-berry 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 Acrotriche serrulata Cushion Ground-berry 11/04/1979 - 29/11/2000 Astroloma humifusum Cranberry Heath 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Epacris impressa Common Heath 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Leucopogon concurvus Scrambling Beard-heath 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 Leucopogon virgatus Common Beard-heath 11/04/1979 - 01/09/1993 Lissanthe strigosa Peach Heath 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1993 PRIMULACEAE Anagallis arvensis * Pimpernel 17/09/1995 - 17/09/1995 OLEACEAE Olea europaea ssp.

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