ResearchKonstfack Week 2016 1—5 Feb. 16.00 The Arrested TIME: practical knowledge, and to help an artist to develop a pedagogy 16.00 AlgOrithms explained FOR artists experiences, performance and performativity as part of the prac- with questions on what constitutes a political act in filmmaking, Anette Göthlund is Professor at the Department of Visual Leino-Lindell is a half-time PhD student, and the other half FiguratiONS OF Otherness in order to become herself conscious of the why, what, and how AND Other NORMAL peOple tice of design research. Hållander will in her presentation address and if filmmaking can be a space where social and political nego- Arts and Sloyd Education at Konstfack since 2005. She holds she works as a high school teacher in design. She also has a Konstfack lecture by Mara Lee of her own intuitions, and to be able to share this consciousness lecture by Bart Haensel her research project’s two different tracks: the first track examines tiations can take place. Bauer holds an MFA from Malmö Art a PhD in Communication from Linköping University and the background as project manager in museum art education. Research with others. All facticity is already theory, as Walter Benjamin the politics of crafts and the second track concerns crafts strate- Academy, and between 2007 and 2010 she did Cinema studies interdisciplinary research department Tema Kommunikation One of the crucial arguments in Mara Lee’s PhD thesis The proclaimed quoting Goethe, and so is also all artistic facticity. The world is ruled by algorithms. But what is an algorithm? gies; whereby relations between craft and countermovements are at Stockholm University. Her work has been exhibited widely, (1997). With a background in art history and visual culture Ulla Lind is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Visual Week Writing of Others: Writing Conceived as Resistance, Responsibil- The question is, how to elicit theory from the facticity of an Opinions about the definition seem to differ, but we can safely addressed. Also as a parallel intent in Hållander’s presentation is including festivals and exhibitions at institutions such as 56th studies, her research has combined this with youth culture, Arts and Sloyd Education at Konstfack, with a PhD in ity and Time (Glänta, 2014) articulates that time and temporal- artwork. To demonstrate how an intelligent and theoretically state that algorithms are the working parts of software. Algo- to discuss how corporal and bodily experience could be used as a Venice Biennale, international exhibition; Showroom, London; gender studies and ethnography. Recent research projects focus Educational Studies. Trained as an art teacher, her research ity might add to our understanding of the idea of the stranger, minded artist does it, Irina Sandomirskaja will show some frag- rithms are largely invisible and yet, they determine a large part tool and a method. Here the methodology of auto-ethnography Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven; Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm; on knowledge, performativity and location. She is a teacher in background is in Child and Youth Studies, Art Education, 2016 and that non-chrononormative temporalities can function as ments from Dziga Vertov’s 1928 masterpiece, A Man with a of our private lives. Who will I love? Do we cluster bomb this will be important. Bard College Annandale-on-Hudson, New York; Kadist Art and co-funder of the international master’s programme Nordic archived and contemporary child drawings as visual cultural ‘No longer are we surrounded by fields, woods, rivers, but by strategies of resistance for bodies that are defined as deviant or Movie Camera. This is a film that Vertov produced specifically in Afghan village? Do I need a raincoat today? Who cures my The workshop will focus on the participants’ own Foundation, Paris; Frankfurter Kunstverein; CAC Vilnius; Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA), and the master’s and social history. Current research interest is also performa- signs, labels and trademarks: this is our universe.’ The words strange. By describing the stranger temporally — and not only order to reflect, in a pedagogical manner, over the what, why, and depression? What shall I read next? Will I be at work on time? experiences, and how that can be used in the context of craft and Kunsthalle Nürnberg; Stadtgalerie, Kiel; Casino Luxemburg; programme Visual Culture and Learning with orientation Art tive social science, learning in and with visual culture and post- of multi-faceted scholar Jacques Ellul uttered in the 1970s are in terms of space — new and unexpected intersections emerge, how of film, a great work of art and a great piece of theoretical More and more questions, mundane and existential alike, do design research. We will share experiences, using transversal and Tallinn Art Hall. Education. Her teaching is focused on research methodologies, humanist educational philosophy. She is responsible for and more relevant today than ever before. The majority of human- which compels us to redefine our habitual and commonsensical thinking that teaches us how an artwork can produce reality and not need humans to have them answered. Because there is an dialogues as a method, combined with individual practice. theory, visual culture and visual ethnography. co-funder of the international master’s programme Nordic kind lives in an era characterised by visual messages. Through language use, and in extension: our artistic and literary practice. at the same time reflect itself and the reality it produces. algorithm for that. Adam Bergholm has a transdisciplinary education in graphic Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA), and the master’s the constant presence of technology, messages are unresist- The presentation will focus on one of the temporal figurations Bart Haensel shows many examples of algorithms at 10.00 HOW WE share design, art and architecture, with a background in graffiti writing. Bart Haensel teaches various media related courses at the programme Visual Culture and Learning with orientation Art ingly projected into our bodies, becoming tales that direct our presented in Lee’s thesis, namely ‘The Arrested Time’. She work, on and off line. And how these principles can be used to with Palle Torsson Since 2015 he is a PhD candidate at the Konstfack and KTH Design Academy in Eindhoven. In Amsterdam he works at Education. perceptions of the world. On a global scale, this influences will also perform a short poetry reading that highlights the create works of art. Algorithms are here to stay, so you better get Royal Institute of Technology’s joint doctoral programme ‘Art, The New School, a private college for creativity and business. the concept of reality and choice. Of consumption, solidarity intersection of queer temporality, gender and race. to know them. Remember Big Brother is family, too! This workshop continues until 12.00 Friday Technology and Design’. At the Interaction Design Faculty of Kobe Design University Katji Lindberg has a background stretching from artistic and ideology. There is no way to think about politics without Wednesday Feb. Maximum participants: 8. Room: Wickmans in Japan, he organises workshops about discovery and technol- practice towards philosophy. She is based in Stockholm where involving aesthetics and technology. 3 17.00 Mingle To join the workshop you need a laptop and a cell phone Luis Berríos-Negrón was commissioned artist at the 3rd ogy. Next to education, he researches and consults for artists she has been working as an art critic, teacher in reflexive At Konstfack, all of the main subject areas within Research Views II Biennial of Art of Bahia in 2014. In 2013 he represented Ger- and the creative industry. At the moment he works with artist writing and also as a freelance writer. She has an MFA from the field of visual arts and design — Design, Craft, Interior Svarta Havet The goal of the workshop is to make the participants think about many in the São Paulo International Biennial of Architecture, Barbara Visser on the feature documentary The End of Fear Konstfack, a Master’s Degree in Practical Knowledge from Architecture, Visual Communication, Art and Visual Studies Tuesday Feb. the possibilities of sharing. On the one hand we have the possible was resident in the Size Matters Project at the ZHdK, and was about the destruction and restoration of Barnettt Newman’s Södertörn University and she has also studied in France and and Art Education — represent specialised knowledge and 2 9 .15 Introduction and programme overview utopia of open source and increased freedom on the Internet. On Danish International Visiting Artist. In 2012, he exhibited with painting ‘Who’s afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue?’. Norway. She is currently finishing her PhD at Konstfack and experience which form a wide base for research about our place Research Views I by moderator Johanna Rosenqvist Thursday Feb. the other hand we have a dystopia of 1984 coming true with the Paul Ryan in his Threeing project at Documenta 13, and in Ute the University of Nordland, Bodö, with the working title On in the world and how we navigate in relation to our artefacts Svarta Havet 4 Snowden revelations. Some hackers say we have lost the war of Meta Bauer’s Future Archive at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. Annika Hellman has a background as a visual art and Artistic Reflexivity, Through the Lenses of Subjectivity, Embod- and images, to history, the future, desires and resistance. 9.30 The POlitics OF the camera Practising Research freedom. Instead of relying on the grand narrative of freedom we His most recent work was the installation Earthscore Specularium media teacher. In September 2013 she received her licentiate iment and Materiality. Her theoretical interests are feminist In an age of great global political turbulence, knowl- 10.00 Introduction and programme overview presentation by Petra Bauer Parallel workshop programme must turn our focus to more concrete day by day and case by case at Färgfabriken, exhibited in the autumn of 2015.
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