
15564 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. SFA>TE},fBER 23, By 1\fr. u:r..~ERHILL: . Petition of Local Elmira Heights of Sacramento, Cal., praylng for tile retention of the Sacra­ {N. Y.) Socialist Party, favoring maintaining strict neutrality mento River project in the river and harbor bill, which wa or­ by United States Government in European war; to the Commit­ dered to lie on the table. tee on Foreign Affairs. He also presented a memorial of Marine E!lo-lneers' Beneficial Also, petition of the National Association of Vicksburg Vet­ Association, No. 35, of San Francisco, Cal., remonstrating erans, relative to appropriation by Congre s for reunion of against the enactment of legislation to suspend the navigation veterans at Vicksburg, Miss.; to the Committee on Appropria-: laws, which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. tions. He al o presented petitions of Tent No. 26, Knio-bts of .Mac­ By Mr. YOUNG of North bakota: Petition of citizens of cabees, of San• Diego; of Street Car Men, of Oakland; of Local Chaffee, N. nak., protesting against war tax on gasoline; to the Lodge No. 18, Fraternal Brotherhood, of San Diego; and of the Committee on WaYs and Means. West Side Literary Society, of Los .Angeles, all in the State of California, praying for the enactment of legislation to pro-.;-ide pensions for civil-service employees. which were referred to the SENATE. Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment. 1\lr. NELSO~ presented memorials of sundry citizens of Pine, WEDNESDAY, Septembe'r 23, 1914. Carlt.on, Washmgton, and Hennepin Counties, all in the State The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian. of Mmnesota, remonstrating against national prohibition, which The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. fol1owing prayer : .He also p~esented a petition of sundry citizens o:. Minneapolis, Almighty God we lift our hearts to Thee, we trust, . in a :\fmn., praYing for the enactment of legislation to provide for spirit of worship and of obedience and of true reverence for the retirement of civil-service employees, which was referred Thy holy name. If we have been enabled to think in the terms to the Committee on Civi1 Service and Retrenchment. of truth, 1t is because of the revelation Thou hast made to us. He also presented a memorial of sundry citizens of St. raul If we abide in the spirit of brotherhood, it is by the inspira­ and. Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota, remonstrating tion of Thy own spirit. If we are able to discern the right agamst the proposed incrense in revenue tax on cigars, which from the wrong, it is be-cause Thou hast made known unto us was referred to the Committee on Finance. Thine own eternal and changeless will. From Thee cometh every He .al~o presented a memorial of the International Bowling · good and perfect gift. Thou art the author of all truth and of Association, of St. Paul, 1\Iinn., remonstrating against an in­ all life. We worship Thee. We pray that Thy holy presence ternal-rev-enue tax on bowling alleys, which was referred to may be with us and that Thou wilt guide us in the performance the Committee on Finance. of eYery duty of life. For Christ's sake. Amen. He. also presented a petition of the officers of the Philippine The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ Sco.uts, P.raying for the enactment of legislation providing for ing of the leo-islative day of Friday, September 18. 1914, when, their retirement the same as officers of the Reaular Army on request of ::\Jr. LEA of Tennessee and by unanimous consent, which was referred to the Committee on Military Arrairs. ' tlle further reading was dispensed with and the Journal was BILLS INTRODUCED. approved. THE POTTERY INDUSTRY. Bms were introduced, read the first time, and, by unanimous consent, t11e second time, and referred as follows : The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ By Mr. JOHNSON: cation from the Secretary of Commerce, transmitting a copy of A bill (S. 6517) granting an increase of pension to Daniel W. n summary of results in the inquiry into the cost of produc­ Smith (with accompanying papers); and tion in the pottery industry, etc., together with a copy of a A bill ( S. 6518) granting an increase of pen ion to Char­ letter sent by him to the President of the United States ex­ lotte A. Crowell (with accompanying papers); to the Commit­ planatory thereof. which, with the accompanying papers, was re­ tee on Pensions. ferred to the Committee on Finance. By l\fr. SMITH of South Carolina : MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. A bill {S. 6519) to amend an act entitled "An act to amE'nd . A message from the House of Repre entatives, by D. K. Hemp­ section 27 of an act approved December 23. 1913. and known as stead, its enrolling clerk, announced that the House bad passed the Federal reserve act"; to the Committee on Banking and .a bill (H. R. 16136) to authorize exploration for and disposi­ Currency. · tion of coal, phosphate. oil, gas, potassilllll. or sodium, in which By l\Ir. SHEPPARD: it requested the concurrence of the Senate. A bill (S. 6520) temporarily reducing salarle of per ons in PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Federal service. The VICE PRESIDENT presented a memorial of the Com­ The VICE PRESIDENT. To what committee will the Sen­ mercial Exchange of Philadelphia, Pa., remonstrating against ator from Texas have the bill sent? legislation pro-riding for GoYernment ownership and operation Mr. SHEPPARD. I have made the notation on the bill that of merchant vessels in the foreign trade of the United States, it go to the CommJttee on the Judiciary. which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. The VICE PRESIDENT. Why ought it not to go to the Com­ He nlso presented petitions of sundry citizens of Erie and mittee on Civil Service and Retrenchment? Valencia. in the State of Pennsyl\ania; of New . Concord, l\lr. · SHEPPA.RD. That reference is entirely satisfnctory Ol1io; of Boyden, Iowa; of Decatur. Ill.; of Fond du Lac, Wis.; to me. of Walton, N. Y.; and of Albuquerque, N. Mex., praying for the The VICE PRESIDENT. The bill will be referred to the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment. polygamy, which were referred to the Committee on the Judi­ By Mr. McLEAN: ciary. A bill ( S. 6521) gr:mting an increase of pension to Ellen Mr. JONES. I present a telegram, in the nature of a me­ Garlick (with accompanying papers) ; morial. from 0 theater and mov-ing-picture owners in session A bill ( S. 6J22) granting an increase of pension to Canie .M. ocptember 22 in Seattle, Wash., vigorously remonstrating Case (with accompanying papers); and $100 a <rainst the passage of the bil1 licensing theaters yearly A bill ( S. 6523) granting an increase of pen ion to Sarah El under the new emergency tax bill. I move that the telegram H. Bartlett (with accompanying papers); to the Committee on be referred to the Committee on Finance. Pensions. The motion was agreed to. By l\lr. BORAH: .l\lr. JONES presented a petition of sundry citizens of the District of Columbia, praying for the passage of the omnibus A bill { S. 6524) granting an increase of pension to Amanda claims bill. which was ordered to lie on the table. Baxter (with accompanying papers); to the Committee on Mr. PERKINS presented memorials of sundry wine growers Pensions. of San Jo e, Napa, Healdsburg, and Sacramento, all in the By l\Ir. SIDELDS : State of California, remonsh·ating against the proposed tax on A bill (S. 6525) for the reUet of Randall H. Trotter; to the ·wines, which were referred to the Committee on Finance. Committee on Military AffaJrs. He also pre ented a petition of the Chamber of Mines and A bill ( S. 6526) for the relief of the heirs of James Newman Oil of Los Angeles, CaL, prnying for the enactreent of legisla­ (with ac<;ompanying papers) ; to the Committee on Olaims. tion to suspend the operation of the mining laws requiring an­ UNITED STATES RAILWAY 00. nual labor for 1014, which was referred to the Committee on Ur. JONES. I haYe the draft of a bill which . eems to ha\e Mines anu Mining. been prepared with con iderable care. It was sent to me by a He nl o pre entoo a telegram in the nature of a petition from gentreman whom I know. It relates to a very important mntter. V. S. :McClatchy president-of the California Recl:.tmation-Board, I desire to introduce the bil1 by request~ , in order that it mny 1914. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. .15565 haxe such conslneratlon as it merits· before the Committee on TIME-MEASURING DEVICES, ETC., TN GOV'ItRNMENT ltMPLOY. Interstflte Commerce. The VICE PRESIDENT. The morning business is closell. The bill ( S. 6516) to merge all railrollds of the United 1\fr. BORAH. 1\lr. President, before the close of morning States, to hecorne the property of a railrond corporation to be business I desire to ask the indulgence of the Senate for a few k11own ao the United States R11ilwny Co., was read twice by its moments with reference to some petitions which I want to ' title nnd referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. present. 1\Ir. JONES. In connection with the bill I ask leave to print There is pending before the Senate the bill ( S. 5S26) to pre­ in the RECORD the letter tmnstnitting H to me.
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