United States Patent (19) | 11, 3,976,083 Schmidt (45) Aug. 24, 1976 54 BRASSIERE HAVING SIMULATED NPPLES 76 Inventor: Jakob E. Schmidt, 934 Monroe St., FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS Charlestown, Ind. 47 1 787,498 7/1935 France................................ 128f 463 22 Filed: Feb. 27, 1975 Primary Examiner-Werner H. Schroeder 21 Appl. No.: 553,779 Assistant Examiner-Moshe I. Cohen Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Pollock, Vande Sande & Priddy 52 U.S. Cl.................................. 128/425; 128/463 5i Int. Cl.’............................................ A41C 3700 58) Field of Search ........... 128/425, 462, 463, 465, 57 ABSTRACT A brassiere is disclosed having cups which are pro 1281479, 480, 481,505, 510; 21267, 67; 3/36 vided with a nipple-like protuberance simulating the 56) References Cited bulge of a natural nipple. The nipple-like bulge or pro tuberance may be a built-in component of the bras UNITED STATES PATENTS siere, usually situated under the fabric of the cup; a 2,082,503 6fl937 Meadows............................ 128/481 component which is permanently attached to the ex 2,08,205 2/938 Martin ...................................... 3136 ternal surface of the brassiere cup; or an individual 2,543,499 2/195. Kausch ..................................... 3136 structure which may be attached to or detached from 2,563,241 8f 95 Herbener............................ 2/267 X the brassiere cup at will, by means of several linkage 2,669,79 2/1954 Steiner................................ 28/463 and attachment mechanisms. 3285,247 If 966 Morin.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28/479 34()4()7 9/1968 Pittman........................... 128/48 X 8 Claims, 45 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 sheet 1 of 9 3,976,083 F.IG 1A PRIOR ART FIGIBPRIORART U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 Sheet 2 of 9 3,976,083 a 222 al at 62 U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 Sheet 3 of 9 3,976,083 FIG 4C FIG 4D ZAzéayiNY ge2A as2 N alta Act en 9 5222222zzzzzzzzesS.N St.2 54 FIG 6 U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 Sheet 4 of 9 3,976,083 U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 Sheets of 9 3,976,083 ZZZZ2 LazzaA SeeSaeew Yawawa Nect Araswarass FIG 9 I08 OO 54 aS.Z14 ZZZZC52 412t22 U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 Sheet 6 of 9 3,976,083 FIG OA FIG OB If4 ASN132 2 24 s 26 N's lo 28 129 54 ZZaZZZZZ aZ 42742 AAA y &RS SSNS EYa R 23&ta U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 Sheet 7 of 9 3,976,083 FIG 16A 54 4. 202 a 3. SSSYNEE-ne ANAas U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 Sheet 8 of 9 3,976,083 266 SaewNWAV FIG16C U.S. Patent Aug. 24, 1976 Sheet 9 of 9 3,976,083 FIG 21 4KZZZZZZZZwYAXAAYYYYYYYYXY.Yavassaw Reese re-ere ZZZZ 22 ...attazz IN Sayits YasY 9::: - 4 s S. 248,256 Wax SaaSax FIG 26 3,976,083 1 2 the attachment of nipple simulators. The nipple simula BRASSIERE HAVING SMULATED NPPLES tors may have a permanent attachment to the cups of the new or old-type brassiere or they may be attached BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION to or inserted into the cups temporarily, in a variety of Since the development of the lady's brassiere in the ways. late nineteenth century, brassiere designs have been in accordance with some embodiments of the inven promoted which lift, separate, pad and otherwise shape tion, the desired nipple protuberance may be provided the human female breast; but, incongruously, until by a nipple simulator which is enbedded in the materi quite recently brassieres have been designed to mask or als or fabrics forming the cups of the brassi re. In this hide the location and eye appealing shape of the nipple () way, the nipple simulator itself is invisible, being cov of the breast. In more recent times, the so-called natu ered by the fabric of the brassiere cup. Only the result ral look or “braless' look has achieved great popular ing nipple bulge is obvious on the surface of the bras ity, particularly among younger women, with the result siere. In brassieres having a padding or a lining, no part that the absence of a nipple impression on the bodice of of the simulated nipple can be seen even from the in the wearer's garments is frequently considered undesir 15 side of the cup. But in brassieres, having no cup lining, able as being unrealistic and unnatural. a small part of the attachment mechanism may be visi Aesthetically, the absence of the nipple protuberance ble on the interior surface of the cup. on her outer garment may be a source of anxiety or The simulated nipples according to this invention embarrassment for the lady who wishes to give the may be made in many sizes and shapes and from a great appearance of today's natural look but, due to the variety of materials. There is also a wide selection of uncovered appearance of the particular individual's mechanisms for attaching the simulated nipples to the breast or other matters, is unwilling to go without a conventional brassiere. Since the natural nipple of the brassiere. female breast occurs in a surprising variety of sizes, Thus, it is apparent that simulated nipples for a bras ranging from that of a small pea to that of a sewing siere would offer an acceptable compromise for ladies thimble, the simulated nipples according to the inven who do not wish to go without a brassiere and a wel tion are provided in a great variety of sizes, to balance come release from the subconscious effects of the sup the symmetry of a given brassiere and to suit the desires pression brought on by wearing brassieres of the types of a particular wearer. Thus, there may be variety of variously available, which obliterate the nipple. The choices from the petite size which provides a mere hint normal female nipple of a non-parous woman is too soft of a protuberance to larger sizes which provide a signif in its non-erected condition to produce a noticeable icantly more noticeable protuberance. protrusion through the fabrics of a brassiere and an Although the natural breast nipple is considered by outer garment. Even in cases where the nipple does many to be attractive when viewed with the back have sufficient firmness, as in parous women, it usually ground of the female breast, it loses something in ap has too soft a foundation in the underlying substance of 35 peal when viewed as a structure of its own, apart from the breast to impress a protrusion in multiple layers of the breast. For this reason, the invention does not nec overlying fabrics. Instead of creating such a protrusion essarily strive to make the simulated nipple look like it sinks into the yielding aerolar tissue of the breast the real thing. While some of the embodiments of the glands. invention do have the appearance of the anatomical 40 nipple, many of the embodiments may include struc OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION ture having beauty in its own right. In any event, the An object of the invention is to provide a brassiere structure of the simulated nipples according to the having a simulated nipple which will produce in the invention is chosen to suggest the appearance of the part of the outer garment overlying the breast, an ele normal nipple under the sweater, blouse or other outer vation that suggests the presence behind it of the nor garment of the wearer. Obviously, a great variety of mal breast nipple. materials may be used in the manufacture of the simu Another object of the invention is to provide a bras lated nipples including plastics, rubber, wood, glass, siere having a simulated nipple which will enable ladies porcelain, mother-of-pearl, cloth, ivory, stainless steel, not wishing to go without a brassiere to have a more brass, copper, pewter, silver, yellow and white gold, desirably shaped bosom which has the outward appear 50 platinum, semi-precious and precious stones, and the ance of the naked or unaided breast covered by a single like. outer garment. The basic form of the simulated nipple according to A further object of the invention is to provide a bras the invention is comprised essentially of two parts, a siere having simulated nipples which gives the lady the stud and a base. The stud is a short, cylindrical struc benefits of the necessary lift, beautifying separation ture, representing the nipple of a natural breast and and form adjustment of the conventional brassiere having an exterior profile similar thereto. The base or while, at the same time, effecting the modern braless or support upon which the stud sits and to which it is natural look by providing an attractive, though simu sometimes rigidly attached, is an essentially circular lated nipple protuberance. Also another object is to plate corresponding approximately in size to the natu provide separate attachable-detachable nipple simula ral aerola, the pigmented circle surrounding the natural tors, for the new and the old brassieres. nipple. The stud provides the mass or bulk on the exter nal surface of the cup of the brassiere according to the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION invention, which creates the bulge in the outer garment The illusion of the presence of a breast nipple under of the lady and the illusion of a natural nipple behind the blouse or sweater is created by the nipple-like ele 65 the bulge. vation at the appropriate location on the brassiere. This In some embodiments of the invention, the stud is elevation is formed by the nippled brassiere herein covered by the fabric of the cup.
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