The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 2001-2011 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 4-21-2006 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2006-04-21 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice2001-2011 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 2006-04-21" (2006). The Voice: 2001-2011. 140. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice2001-2011/140 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 2001-2011 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Wdoster Voice VOL. CXXII, lie ISSUE XXIV Serving the College of Wooster since 1883 Friday, April 21, 2006 "A liberal arts education is supposed to provide you with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas, not a job. Caroline Bird Wooster this incoming cia looks bright Laura McHugh coming in, now through the week of become industry standard to report it." There are many good things about the May 1st." May 1 is National 'This is a very talented group of class of '09," said Chief Staff Writer Gueldenzoph. Candidates Response Date, the cut-o- ff students from all over" he said. Those However, he said that having only 14 Week With a new academic year right day for confirmation. While they have who applied 46 states and represent 45 African Americans in the class stood V around the corner, Dean of only' received 192 confirmations, countries. "The applicant. pool is out as a "marked decrease." Admissions Derek Gueldenzoph gave Gueldenzoph said he is skewed (!lMQSginU& I expecting 530 more towards out of . state," . Gueldenzoph said African American the Voice information on what to expect in the end. said Gueldenzoph. Similar to last alumni and members of Men of for the incoming first-ye- ar class of 'The quality of our applicant pool year's1, class, applicants from out-of-st- ate Harambee helped make targeted 2010. has continued to increase," said represent about 60 percent of the efforts to "make sure we attracted as As of Wednesday, April 19, Gueldenzoph. The students admitted pool with most students coming from diverse a student body as we can." Gueldenzoph said have 2,456 high school so far an average CPA of 3.61 Pennsylvania, Illinois and Michigan. Gueldenzoph said the number of stu- seniors have applied to Wooster. and scored a 1240 on SAT. the . Gueldenzoph said about 60 percent dents from ethnic minorities that Wooster accepted 70 percent of its Although they encourage students to of the applicants appljed for financial applied has gone up since last year. As applicants roughly 1,900 students. take the new version of the SAT, aid with the average merit scholarship of April 7, Gueldenzoph said 72 Of those 1,900, only 192 have sent in Gueldenzoph said the College still falling between $12,000 and $14,000. African American students have been is male-to-fema- deposits. Gueldenzoph said this nor- looks at the old version based on the He said le Reporter and professor Chris the ratio is admitted, a huge increase from last mal for this time of year. 1600 point scale. On the new version, about 50 percent. year's 48. Last 63 Asian and Hedges spoke on Monday year, 53 "It's still early," he said, "We'll typi- Gueldenzoph said they look at the. "One of the major pushes this year Hispanic students were admitted. about the myths and truths of a cally see good number of deposits writing score' but "it has not was to . yet increase our racial diversity. See "Incoming," page 2 war. See pages 1 and 2 for details on his lecture. Primary elections coming May 2 Hedges on . ii mill i in n I .... u 'l i.rvi.) ir Mason and Thomas Shaw are com- peting to go up against long-tim- e " $ -- i ' ' :iS faults , t V V'4 V l ' , lit. ",. K incumbent Regula's 16th district of Students respond to recent i.i seat. Additionally, 40 candidates are controversy in support of running for the Wooster Central Committee, which a "Double Core. " See page 3 for as body repre- all wars sents the City's 24 subdivisions. details. While the primaries are set to take Laura McHugh place soon, the decline of voter - Chief Staff Writer- Voice editors sound their opin- turnout has been the cause for much ions on the immigration concern. According to The Greater Author, journalist and trained theolo- Cleveland Voter Coalition, barely 20 gian Chris Hedges presented a lecture debate. See both editorials on percent of the eligible voters partic on the mythical and addictive aspects of page 4. ipated in the Cleveland primaries in war on Monday, April 17, in Gault 2002. Recital Hall. The Ohio Center for Civic Working for 15 years as a foreign Character contends that reversing correspondent for publications such as (c'H . this decline in voter interest and par- The New York Times, The Christian M ticipation is .imperative, that i Science and noting Monitor National Public voting is fundamental to "building j Radio, Hedges has first hand experience stronger communities, restoring a I with the psychological effects of war. -- ense of qvic responsibility and i "After 60 days of combat, 98 percent pride, and demonstraing ... princi- j of surviving soldiers suffer from psy ples at the very core of what it chiatric injuries," he said. Studies show means to be a citizen." that the remaining percentage of sol- Although the deadline has passed to diers have a penchant towards violence. -, in As part of the Greek Week tra- vote the primary, students who are j "War wi)es out delicacy and tender-- interested in ! dition, Wooster's Greek mem- registering to vote for ness," Hedges said. "It renders the indi-- the general election in November j vidual obsolete." In war, "all things, bers host their annual lip sync should contact the Wayne County ! including human beings, become contest. See page 5. Board of Elections. : objects to gratify." Those who are voting for the ! In a separate interview, Hedges upcoming primaries are reminded to talked about how his upbringing has A Wooster citizen displays candidate support for Republican provide one form of ID at their affected his stance towards war. His am party member Matt Miller, running against Ralph Regula for respective polling location. parents were both social activists. His For more information on j father, Republican Congress seat (Photo by Mac Buehler). specific a WWII veteran, became a paci-- polling locations, hours and absentee ! fist after the war. As a child watching faces challenger Matt Miller, with voting policies, visit the Board's Web j soldiers in AlexCacioppo marching an Independence Ohio congressman Jim Carmichael site at http:wayne.sssnet.com. Day parade, his father turned to him Charles Fischer running unopposed. Central Normal office hours for the Wayne j and said, "Never forget. Most of those Voice Staff Committee posts up for vote are County Board of Elections are ; guys were in the back, fixing the being sought by Martin Frantz (for Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. until 1 trucks." Hedges said he was raised "in a The Wayne County primary elec- the 1st Ward), Beverly Shaw (for the 4:30 p.m. home where war was seen for the abom- - .Arts previews the upcoming tions on May 2 will determine which 2nd Ward), Dorothy. J. Ginther (for For more information on the May : ination that it was." Wooster Jazz, Orchestra and candidates compete in the November the 3rd Ward) and Thomas G. primary, visit the Ohio State Hedges asserted that war is misrep-- ' Concert Band concerts. See 7 general election. In addition to Maurer (for the 4th Ward). Department's Web site at ! resented in America. "We live on page 6 for details. selecting the candidates running for In the Democratic primary, Tom http: www.sos.state.oh.us. j images and slogans that perpetuate our federal, state and district offices, the vanity. We cannot see ourselves as oth- primaries will also determine the Relay for Life an annual success ers see us. ... Only the vanquished outcome of several important issues. know war. ... They know the lies the landau Voters will decide three communi- victors hide." Memorials, statues, ty initiatives concerned with alcohol parades, bumper stickers, and "thick, self-appoint- sale issues. One such initiative will ed memoirs of amoral determine if the Three Amigos statesmen who make war but don't Restaurant and Cantina can sell understand it" all misrepresent the real- "wine and mixed beverages and spiri- ity of war, said I ledges. However, "the -- tuous liquor" from 10 a.m. through words of the vanquished come later," he J midnight. said, or perhaps not at all. Additionally, other initiatives are In a contenixrary context, Hedges concerned with whether to allow for talked alxwt the war in Iraq and how Men's Tennis lost to Allegheny "off premise consumption" of alcohol the media is perpetuating an image, "a 5-- from Hawkins Market on Sundays feel unreal- 2, bringing their losing good story," that is grossly and whether to allow alcohol to be streak up to three games. The istic. He calls this misrepresentation sold from 10 a.m. through midnight "the myth of war." According to slide is their first three-gam- e anu on sunuays at rreeuom roous. I ledges, the American public only sees March ' '.T" N losing streak since Beyond local issues, voters will r "neatly packaged video clips fed to the 2002.
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