fEB 1 � 1981 UniYersity Archives Mustang Daily Tuesday, February 10, 1981 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Volume 45, No. 58 Poly pair vie for city's mayor position BY RALPH THOMAS to "take the city by force." He called it a "grass-roots Staff Writer campaign." Two Cal Poly graduates have devised a "scheme" to Patton said he would like to see more involvement in run as partners for the mayorship of San Luis Obispo. local government and this was one of the main purposes James Patton, 22, and Victor Churchill, 24, both former of their effort. officers of the United Black Student Awareness Council, - '.'I think peopleshould be more concerned," he said. said they are confident they can win the municipal elec­ tio}Js,March 3, even though they are write-in candidates. He said another factor the two have considered is their opponents in the race. He said many people do not want "I think the chances are real, real good that we will win Melanie- Billig because she is a woman and Floyd Hit­ by a landslide," said Patton. chcock entered the race just so Billig would have an oppo­ Patton -called their effort a "very well thought out nent. scheme." If they were to win the election, according to Ci­ On major issues Patton said the two differ from the ty Attorney George Thacher, they would not able to other candidates. Of the development issue, he said house take office as co-mayors. building permits should be given for sites below the 400- But there is one way the two might win the mayorship.be foot level. He said they will present their stands on such As stated in the Telegram Tribune: issues to the media throughout their campaign. "If they managed to win the election the legally cer­ Patton freely expressed his confidence, despite his be­ tified winner could decide that it would politically ing young and black. He added they are going to try possible to take office. The successful candidate could hardest to appeal to Cal Poly students. ■ ua ng Dally-Vince Bucci then be sworn in, resign, and ask the councilbe to electim­ a "We're going with.thebasic assumption that in human File photo of James Patton, former UBSAC replacement-either Churchill or Patton.'' existence we feel there are two kinds of people-those president, who, along with Victor Churchill, is Patton said the idea was conceived last October. He that influence others and those that are influenced by running for mayor. said they plan to use mostly the media in their campaign others-we feel we are the former type," Patton said. KCPR's 'Open Channel' debate City council candidates clash over SLO growth BY DAVE BRACKNEY to "preserving the natural environment well with many people." Drucker said as serving on the mayor's task force on Staff Writer and historic character of our communi­ she has performed well as a member of resource inventory in 197 4. Local city council candidates clashed 1 ty." the planning commission. Drucker said Ron Dunin, a current member of the last Thursday on how to solve San Luis Settle made local headlines last fall she had no sure-fire solutions to the Obispo's housing problems while ap­ city council, urged listeners to help re­ when he was voted off the city planning issues facing San Luis Obispo, but is elect him, pointing to his past communi­ pearing on KCPR's radio program, commission, a move he said encouraged willing to "listen and learn from other "Open Channel." The five candidates ty achievements. A former Citizen of to run for city council. people.·· the Year, Dunin spoke of his services as each presented their views on how to "I think I can offer an objective point provide more housing for local residents Following Settle, candidate Ron vice mayor, president of the Uptown Bearcehim told the audience the most of view with other's concerns," Drucker Association and member of the as well as Cal Poly students without said. "We must work at finding areas of destroying the city's environment. portant issue facing the city was "how Chamber of Commerce. He assured to protect the quality of life here."im­ agreement and compromising on areas listeners he's "made no provisions to The candidates also informed KCPR However, Bearce said "moderate" or of disagreement." any special interest group."' listeners why they should be elected to "limited" growth was not the answer to Follo"'.ing Drucker, Glenna Deane the San Luis Obispo Council March 3rd. this. Bearce said the city must find Dovey told listeners she was running Dunin said he believes it is "self Perhaps the most familiar candidate "creative, environmentally sound ways because of her concerns over housing, destructive" for San Luis Obispo to to Cal Poly students, political science to develop land." transportation, hillside development maintain a no-growth policy, and sup­ ports regional planning of new cities. professor Allen Settle, opened the pro­ In addition, Bearce said many of the and energy conservation. Dovey said gram by informing listeners of his past city's parking and transportation she was also concerned that city council New housing is necessary, Dunin said, pro­ to "prevent first-time home buyers from involvement in city government. Settle blems could be solved by increased bus members "break city rules to favor said that since 1974, he has served on ridership. special interests," which she said was being priced out of the market." the city council, the city planning com­ espcLially true during budget hearings Bearce said greater use of buses could last spring. During their hour on the air, the can­ mission, housing task force and the en­ help prevent ''hazier skies, increasing didates received only one question, com­ vironmental review committee. These pavement and congestion, noise, street Like Settle, Dovey said she "agrees ing from a caller concerned about the postions, Settle said, qualified him for a widenings and safety worries." He said on the no-growth stance." She called shortage of student housing near Cal city council position. his experience as a business owner and San Luis Obispo "one of the last bas­ Poly. AU five candidates agreed that Settle said the city's growth should community worker qualified him for the tions of 'a nice community'." Future there is a need for more housing on and not be allowed to exceed its ability to council, as well as having grown up here. planning, Dovey said, should be done on near the Cal Poly campus. Settle said provide necessary services. Settle said Candidate Sylvia Drucker told "a long range basis.". She cited her part of the answer to the housing crunch such growth could also result in increas­ listeners she would be a good council qualifications as past president of the might come by locating a fraternity­ ed taxes, and stressed his committment member because of her "ability to work Local League of Women Voters, as well sorority row on campus. Plans drawn to renovate library BY TOM CONLON Staff Writer Plans are being drawn up to complete­ ly renovate the Dexter Library annex so it can be used by the art and architec­ ture departments for classrooms, labs, and faculty offices, said Cal Poly's ex­ ecutive dean. Douglas Gerard said the concept drawings for the project were approved by the California State University and Colleges board of trustees on Jan. 28, but getting the estimated $2.2 million needed for construction from the state could be a problem. Because funding for the project was not included in Governor Jerry Brown's proposed budget for fiscal 1981-82, both houses of the state legislature have to approve an amendment to the budget before Poly can receive funds. The legislature will vote on a revised b�dget in the latter part of July, Gerard srud. Please see page 4 Page2 Mustang Dally Tuesday, February10, 1981 Republican to resign after arrest Polish workers occupy factories WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Workers in the JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Rep. Jon Hinson, R·Miss., Newsline southwestern Polish province of Jelenia Gora occupied arrested last week in a Washington men's room and factories and offices in a general strike Monday and a charged with attempted oral sodomy, intends to resign, top Communist Party leader lashed out at leading an aide said Monday. dissidents during a meeting of the policy-making Cen­ "His intention is to resign," administrative aide Mar· Prisoner to leave Iran Tuesday tral Committee. shall Hanbury told the Jackson Daily News from By The Associated Press In Bonn, the West German government's chief Washington. "We're in the process of getting the spokesman, Kurt Becker, described a threat of Soviet American writer Cynthia B. Dwyer's release from paperworkury done now.'' military intervention in Poland as "undiminished." Iran was delayed Monday by lack of a travel document, Hanb , Hinson's top aide, said the 38-year-old con· U.S. intelligence officials in Washington have reportd but the State Department said the problem apparently gressman had "no option other than resignation" after Soviet and East bloc· troops massed near Poland's was resolved and said she might leave Tuesday. his arrest in a men's restroom of a congressional office wy borders. Mrs. D er was detained at the last minute Monday building last Wednesday. In Moscow, the Soviet news agency Tass charged by Iranian authorities and the plane that was to carry "I'll ad�se him on the timing and the proper way to that Solidarity recently has stepped up "subversive her to freedom after nine months in prison on espionage go about it ..
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