
THB TMPACT OF I{ILTTARY B,\SE CLOSURES UPON THE LOCAL COI.,TUUNTTY Â thesis presented to the Faculty of Graduate studies ln partial_ fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of l,{aster of City planning by I{ajor D. R. Czop Department of City planning University of l,.lanitoba Iriarch, l9B0 THE ]MPACT OF MILiTARY BASE CLOSURES UPON THE LOCAL COMMUNITY BY MAJOR DAVID RONALD CZOP A thesis sLrbrnitted to the Faculty ol'GradLrate Studies of thc univcrsity.' ol ltiauitob¿r in partial 1ìrlf-illnlcnt of- thc rec¡Lrire rrrc¡ts of thc' degree of MASTER OF CITY PLANNING J o r980 Per¡nission has becn grarrte cl to thc LIIIIìAIì\' OF TIII UNIVEIì- SITY OF N.IANlTOBA ro lt'nd or se'll copics of this thesis, to the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA ro nricrofilnr this thesis and to lcnd or sell copics c¡f'thc l'ilnl. ancl UNIVhRSITY N{ICIìOFILNIS to publish an abstract of'this thc.sis. TIte author reserves other ¡rublicatiort rights. allcl lleithc'r thc' tltcsis nol extellsivc extracts lj'oln it nla\/ bù llrintc'cl or othcr- rvisr rr'plorl rrecil n'il.lrorrt tllc urrllrrtr's rvrittcll ltcrrrrissiorr. For I'laureen TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRAOT oo o" o.....c. o o "o. ôc ô ô c c. c o co o........... o o v ACKNO\^ILEDGEMTf,{TS c. c.... o o.. o. c o... o.. o. ô. .. .. ..... c vi Lrsr 0F FTGURES AND TABLES .......oo..cec.....oo..co, ABREVTATTONS vii c'o c.... o..-..... c-... o... c........ c ô... ix Chapter r rNTRoDUcrrON ..............c.........c.........o t- A. Rationale: Recent Defence patterns :.... I B. l{ethodology . .. .. .. ... .. .. c. .... c c. .. Il+ ]-. Benefit{ost Analysis .......o o.... I5 ?. Input-Output Analysis ....... ... ... L6 3. Economic Base Theóry o.......c....o r8 4. Case Studies .c....-.......ô..c..... 24 rr EXrsrrNG MTLTTARY BASES ..... o....... c o... c...- o- 27 A. Impact Studies of Canadian Forcesr - Bases in Canada .......c......c......... 27 B. CFB Cornwallis ...o...ô....c..........o. Zg C. CFB Halifax ....cô......c............... D. 3i CFB St.Jean .... o o. e ... c... c. .. .. .. .. lg E. CFB Shilo .. o. o .. .... e o o.., o. o...... ... F. CFB Comox .............................c LS G. CFB Kingston .o...........c............c 50 H. CFB London .......................o..... SO J. CFB 59 Trenton .......o.o..........o....c.c 59 K. Obsêrvations ...... o...... c.. c.. ..:.::: (rb M. Conclusions . c c.. o. o........ c o..... e c... 7L II] BASE CLOSURES .............. e. o..... oo o. o o o o o o c o 73 Ao Tntroduction o.... c..... c o. co. o oo o cc c c c. 7i B. Canadian Base Closures ....c......o.oc.o 7L l. CFS Clinton .....oo...ccoooo.o.ccoo 7t+ 2. 9fF ïggursville ..........o.o..... 75 3.Oakville Al*y HQ CENCOI.{ e ........:: i'6 C. American Base Cloêures ... .. .. ... .. : : :: : i6 I. Sampson-Seneca County, New presque_ -":.. Vorf< ". " iS 2. f sle, Iiai_ne o o o .... .. : : gt 3" Greenville, South Carolina :::::::" á'6 4. Romgr New york .. ... c. ...... c ..:: : gS ,. {orkr^Pennsylvania ......ooô..o..o . gO 6. {g"t Smithr';\rkansas ...::]o....... gI 7" Edgemont, South Dakota c....o...... 9Z Page 8. Irlobi]_e, Alabama o....o....c co.oo..o pennsylvania 9l+ 9. ItiddletolJTl., oc c e... o.o 96 ]_0, Roswgl1 , New Mexiðo ...ooc.c..ccoô. 97 D. Observations ...coo............o.o..o... 100 Eo ConClusi-OnS .o....ô...ó co oe ...o.... o.o.. LO7 IV TIIE CLOSURB OF CANADIAN FORCES BASE GIIULI .. O " O r09 À, Historyof the Base Closure ...o..c co..c. 109 B. Town Attitudes and Impacts ..... o. o. c... TL5 C, The Industria]_ park ............ o... .... L22 D. Quantitative l"[easures of Impact ........ L27 E. Discussion .. .. .. c. 138 F. Conclusions ............ o......,..... o o 1l+I V ANALYSTS 0F CASB sruDrES ... .. .. o. '...... ....... Il+3 A. fntroduction ........ c.. ....... o o o... ... Ll+3 B. C]-osure Patterns ...... .... o......... .. l-l+3 C. Factors Effecting Impacts ............ o. Il+7 D. I\[ajor Areas of Impact .................. r49 1. The Housing t.iarket ................ Ll+9 2. Loca-]- Bnplo¡rment .... o.......... ... f5o 3. Retai]- Activities ...,............. L5t 4. Severity of fmpacts ......... o ... o o r52 E. Major Concerns .. o o. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. r r53 1. Dmployment policy ................o r53 2. Communication and Cooperation ..... I5Lt F. Recommendations .. ........,.......... .. L57 1. Policy Changes .o.................. r57 2. Loca]- Actions . o.. ...,.. o .. r... c r59 3. Impl-ications for Future .planning .. L64 JUI'Î,I^RY aa a a a a ac VI a a o o 6 o o o 6 o o o o o o o oQ c e o c c o c e a ca o. c l6B À fntroduction . e. e c... o. c o o r... o o... .. .. 168 B. Existing ltfilitary Base Impacts .. o .. ... 168 C. Base C]-osure Impacts .. o. o.. o. c.. c e ... .. r69 D. Cl-osure of CFB Gimli, I,fanitoba ........o L69 E. General Closure Patterns .. .. .... .. .. .. L7o F. Factors Effecti_ng Impacts ........o..... L7t G. It{ajor Impacts and Concerns ........o..c. L7z H. Recommendations .. c... ... o c c........ o... L7z FOOTNOTES ..aa a 17l+ BIBLIOGRAPHY o a o a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a c a aa a a a aooaaaaacaa aaat L82 ABSTRACT The impacts of military base cl-osures upon local- communiti-es are investigaged us_ ing comparative case study analysis. A case study of the closure of CFB Gi.rrrli is presented with a review of case studies of the impacts of existing military bases arrd a representative sampling of base clo- sures studies. Base closure patterns, cl-osure i-mpacts and factors effecting im- pacts are identified. Recommendations presented include federal policy changes and local community actions for recovery" vl_ ACKNOWLEDGE\,IENTS I wish to express my appreciation to the many individuars and agencies who herp and cooperation were critical- to this study. fn particurar r wish to ack- nowledge the cooperation of the Department of Nationat Defence and Air command Headquarters of the canadi_an Armed Forces. r aJn indebted to l.{rs. B. crewe of Air command Property Management who was extremel-y helpful in researching files and documents. For their invaluabl_e assistance a¡d kind cooperation r wourd like to thank His lVorship l'{ayor T. K. Arnason, the l,layor of Gimli, l'[anitoba; i{rs. vio]-et Einarson, city councillor and former Mayor of Gi¡rti; and, coronel (retired.) James F, Dunlop, former Base commander of cFB Gimri and curyent Resident Manager of the Gimli rndustrial park. r al_so would like to thank my wife, I\iaureen, and my daughter, Vanessa, for their patience and understand.ing. vl_l_ LTST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure Page lo Defence Budget as percentage of total Government spending I 2. Capital Acquisition program 1976-LggL 10 3. Capital Acquisition program L977-L992 1I l+. Capital Acquisition program lg7ï-Lggj L2 5. Location Map - CFB Conwallis 3L 6. Location Map - CFBf s Halifax and Shearwater 35 7 " Location iliap - CFB St. Jean 4z I, Locatíon }tap - CFB Shilo l+6 9 " Location }lap - CFB Comox )¿ 10. Location l,4ap - CFB Ki-ngston 57 ll-. Graphs - Employment at CFB Kingston; Population in Kingston Ãd 12" Location l.lap - CFB London 6o 13" Graphs - Employment at CFB London; Population in London 6t 1/+" Location l{ap - CFB Trenton 6t L5. Graphs - Employment at CFB Trenton Population at Bellevil-le and Trenton 6b l:6" Site lr,lap - Gimli, Irlanitoba 110 17. Location Map - CFB Gimli 111 18. Site Pl-an - Gimti Industrial park r25 l-9. Bar Graph - Population of Gimli L3L 20" Bar Graph - Dnployment; Employers L32 vl_l_1 Figure Page 2L. Bar Graphs - Food and Beverage Outlets; Furniture and AppJ-iance Outlets l-33 22. Bar Graphs - Apparel_ Outlets; Automotj_ve Outlets and Servicing l-3t+ 23" Bar Graphs - Buil-ding l4aterial and Hardware. General Merchañd.ise L35 ?l+ " Bar Graphs - Professionals; Other Outlets L36 Tabl-e Page l. Existing Mititary Base Characteristics ( Summary) 6g 2. It{ilitary Base Cl_osure Characterj_stics ( Summary) LO2 3. Least Squares Best-Fit Line CharacteristÍcs for Indicators Showing Significant Shifts l-39 t_x ABREVIATTONS ADG: Air Defence Group AFB: Air Force Base (American) AI^IACS: Airborne Vitarning and Control Systems Canex: Canadian Base Exchange CBNCOI{: Central Command CF: Canadian Armed Forces CFB(s): Canadian Forces Base (s) CFS(s): Canadian Forces Station (s) CNR: Canadian National_ Railways DE"vtl: Distant Early V,iarning DND: Department of National Defence (Canadian) DOD: Department of Defence (American) FRBD: Federal Regional Bconomic Development HQ: Headquarters LRPA: Long Range Patrol Aircraft It{Q(s) : }'larried Quarter (s) NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization NORAD: North American Air Defence OEA: Office of Economic Adjustment 0REA: operational- Research and Ànal-ysis lìstabl-ishment OTH: Over the Horizon RII: Rural l"{unicipality ROAMA: Rome Air t"{ateriel- Area ROCC: Regional Operational Control Centre UnS.: United States USAF: United States Air Force Chapter I INTRODUCTION The ai¡n of this study is to identify the impacts of rniritary base closures upon rocar communj-ties, rt wil-I describe the patterns of actions and reactions to rnilitary base cl-osures and make reconmendations to deal with the adverse impacts of such actions. A, Rationale: Re_cent Defence patterns rn the past decade, the escarating costs of defence, coupred with the ¡rursuit of detente between East and. Inlest, has led many groups and individual-s to embark upon the assessment of the impacts of defence spending. Iliany of these studies have been cond.ucted. as a prelud.e to disarma- ment. They often dear with the impact of defence spending upon national or regional economies, focussing primarily upon defence production.
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