THE BRANFOKD REVIEW, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1038 Pago Eight '-hero. Considering certain recent news from "the coast" we think we had THE HOSIE NEWSPAPER IS A THB nOMB TO^VN PAPKR better save this story for another VITAL FORCE IN mnSRH TOWN TIE MOYIE Calender Of Events MAN ABOUT niWNirOKD—NOIITII nUAJJFORD issue. fORTllAVlNO AS IT DOIS IX II llllilllliUKriiiTT^^^ STONY CHEEK—VINE CSOItARD HOTTIPS FOR THE WEEK: The Branford Community Coun­ HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP: MARCH 11th TOWN.... LOCAL DAPPBasTNOS m SHORT HE/\CH — INDIAN NECK Hailed as the most brilliant and cil win hold a eard party March 15 triLVNNlS CORNER — MORRIS Norma Shearer playing checker.'! UY JOHN C. CARR FAMILIAB LANQT3A0B delightful picture In her screen car­ at 8 o'clock In the Community House COVE — EAST 0AVEN wltlv Anita Louise and several ex­ UliiKO—Uonellt St. Miiry'n Jteclory Kunil—-Tryst—8 :;10. eer, LILY PONS' new picture "Hit­ Tabor Ijutliorini'liymrial fund conoei't in 'i'alior Clmrch —*i AND EAST HAVEN NEWS tras between scenes of "Mario' An­ Miss Nancy Lee Poet of East Ha­ ting a New High" will open at the 'i"ri-y(i\inK I'eopie's I'Viiowsliip, Norlh Uranford Keotory. To revive the much discussed Don't try to eat them In their sick toinette". "It Is the first time I've Locw Poll College Friday March 11 ven Is recovering from an attack of AnnuiiiDiniior-.Mi'oliuK, l'ii«l Masler's, in Altlioa Tea Hooni (i;!.") topic of pu.ssywlUows, Joan Pfciff condition. Put them In your tub VOL. X—NO. 49 Branford, Coiinoctiout, Thursday, March 17, 1938 Price Five Cents played the Btunc .since working; on for one week only, with Jack Oakic Cnucert, HiiHl Haven Iligli .Soliool filled with water, and give each a pneumonia. She is In Grace Hospi­ co-starred, and a novel-story plot says there have boon plenty over tal. "The Barrett's of Wimpole Street" I''nx(iii (Irangc, (.'nmnninity lloiisi',8 1'. M. small piece of pepsin gum to chew, the star admitted, John Barrymoro, to winnow admirers among the film around Short Bcacli for a long Tho water Is Important as a fish can on the same set, deep In a game of going public, time, and ho even .saw some In Do- chew only under water. When the Seven songs, ranging from opera­ MARCH 12th Bids Asked For Fine Rendering Music Society chcs.s with Robert Morley. On the comber. fl.sh looks perky again, .snaffle hini School Basketball Team Branford Battery Presents tic arias through classic "novelty" out and put him on your .string. nearby set of "Life On The Water­ Willing Worlcers in Tiiiior Clnireii Of cour.se Short Beach Is farther Brennan's tunes to sparkling modern numbers Don't bo extravagant with the Carrying Mail Of Cantata By Gives Program front." Frank Morgan ongngos John south than the Center. are sung by the shapely diva, who Is MARCH 13th gum; about two cents worth is suf­ supported by such favorites as Eric Bea) at backgammon. So goes the Cantata, Triiiily Churcli ' Andy Corcoran told me once ficient to recondition 'enough fish Service On Way To Providence From Station Trinity Choir Of Group Music 192d Field Artillery Band Blorc, Edward Everett Horton, John old-ta.shloned games In Hollywood, about a boiling spring overhung by to feed six hungry people Howard, Eduardo Clanelll and Lluls Robert Montgomery, whose hobby MARCH 14th bushes, over North Branford way, Albcrnl. Altogether, "Hitting A New Station Scaled proposals for carrying the Largo Consrogfation Enjoys Pres­ At a meeting hold Tuesday eve­ Is gliding, making a date with Ous where robins .stay all winter and Fred Moore thinks he may have High" Is rated as the funniest us As Tourney SpectatorsUnite d States mails (Including par­ ning In tlje home of Mrs. S. V. Os­ At State Armory Tonight BrlcRlelh, script clerk on "The Flr.-il Kotary—1 :()0—ConurcgnlioMnl Clun'ch I'arlors. feed on the gra.ss seed. boon the first to use tho present entation Of "Tho Holy City" well as the most melodic of tho fa­ cel post malls) on Messenger Route Hundred Years" set, to try out the Miinliily Jlcoliiit,', Sliort lleacli Sunsliiiier.s in l''in'li(in.se'2 I'. JI. The only reliable .sign of .spring is form for .scoring basketball games born, Jr.. in Wilford Avenue the mous soprano's screen vehicles. BATTERIES No. 206,145 between the post office lattcrs gilder In the hills, the first Heiioui of Instruelioii, l'\).xoii Clranyo, 8 I', M. the annual announcement by the In the days when the game was new Musical Art Society rendered tho Tho plot deals With tho romance bo Generosity Of Townspeople Makes Possible Trip For at Branford and New 'iTork, New A largo gathering thoroughly en­ day the two can get the same time Brooklyn Dodgers that they are go­ Fred was local correspondent for Haven & Hartford R, R., including joyed the presentation ot Arthur following program of group music Concert By Military Unit Will Bo Principal Attraction Of oft. Maureen O'SulUvan spondl.ng tweon Miss Pons & Howard, and CHARGED MARCH IBth ing to be right up there this sea­ the New Haven Register and used Boys As Reward For Splendid Performances During exchange of mails between Branford Caul's cantata, "The Holy City" by under the direction of Mrs. Wil­ every spare moment supervising the with the Ingenious scheme through Gala Saint Patrick's Day Affair—Drill By Branford son. to send in the seores for a town Season—Will Also Visit Factories In Providence, and Short Beach post offices, each Trinity choir nt Trinity Church Sun­ liam L. Rice. Interior decoration of the master which Onkle seeks to have her "dis­ league which played In tho Tryst. way, as often as required, will be re­ Battery And Dancing Will Follow—Military Notables covered" by Ills publicity—seeking jSirtliilMy I'arly, Aii.xiiiary CiircDraii-.Sundquisl Tost in Armory Washing and Polishing day evening. The cantata was dir­ Two pianos, "March of Honiage," bedroom In her new homo. She Speaking of Branford people who He worked up a summary form Returning Home Saturday Night, ceived by Postmaster Joseph H. employer, Horton. These two thomos liraul'ortl (,'oniniiMiily lloiiso, Curds, Mjioiisored by Community ected by Mrs. Harold O. Baldwin Wagner, Gladys Pratt, Isabel Mac­ Will Be In Attendance. planned the color scheme hersoir. step out evenings I went to the Con for convenience, the Register print­ Driscoll until 3 P. M, March 22, wlio also accompanied at the piano. arc Interwoven with tho story In a Leod, Andrea Van Wlo, Dorothy Dan Clark Oablo, currently playing the Council 8 1'. M. gregatlonal Players meeting Mon ed it, and other papers followed Orankcase Service The members ot Branford High hilarious fashion, and they lead to This service will not bo let for a H. E. Clarke of New Haven was lelson; chorus, "Salutation," Qahici A gala St. Patrick's Day affair title role In M G M's "Test Pilot," Hast Iluvon Oardcn CJIul), llaganian Library day night, the Branford-East Haven suit. , School championship basketball :iurprl»lng results Strangers Ask stated period, and no written con­ the guest tenor. Other soloists In­ and "Venetian Love Song," Nevin; will bo hold at the State Armory to­ tolling an Inlorvlewcr that ho re­ game at tho Arena Tuesday night, ACCESSORIES team left by auto al noon today for Sewing Machines Miss Pons, a singer with Howard's tract witli bond Is required. Propos­ cluded Mrs. C. N, Baxter, Mrs. B. F. soloist, Clara Crawford; and chor­ fuses to part with any gifts sent to and Bank Night last night. Tonight A boy put electric service on the Providence, Rhode Island where night under the auspices of tho orchestra In Paris, yearns to be an MARCH 17th Charles Baxter als must bo made at a yearly rate Reeves, Mrs. W. H. Crawford, sol- us; "Scherzo" from "Sonata,' Rub­ him by any fan. As a result, ho hos I have a teachers' meeting at theblin k the other day down Meadow Needed For Work Branford Battery, with tho 102nd opera star and quarrels with How­ Telephone 886 they will be spectators at the New for all service, required, and per­ pranos; Mrs. W. L. Rice, Mrs. Edwin instein, Margaret Fouser, violinist; had to build a storeroom to accomo­ High School and Friday and Satur- Street way when his kite caught sons wishing to bid should Inform Field Artillery Band as tho moln ard when she tries to get an aud Dinly iMooro Supper, I'-ast Haven Doniocratie Club England tournament held today, Robinson, contraltos; Willis H. Dorothy Danlolson, pianist; vocal date gifts sent to him which arrive iday I shall be back at tho Arena, it across the wires. ;m Main St. Branford For Autograph themselves of the amount and char Pratt, Jr., and William Reynolds, lence with Horton, a pompous big Jjunclieon, 1'2::10 in Armory, MuKon IJogors Corps tomorrow and Saturday at Brown duet, "Laughter Wears A LlUlod Town Hall attraction. daily. James Stewart planning a I we la.st that long. Vincent Klernan, local manager acter of the service, as the accept­ ba.sses. The oliolr Included; Misses n game hunter and opera patron. University, The trip comes as a re­ Gown," Bransconibo, Ahco Collins This will bo the first time In many flying vacation to Mexico City. Ho If I am around the house Sunday for the Conn. Light fc Power Co., The story starts like a detective ed bidder will bo required to per Harriet Gilletto, Mlchelln Desidor- Ookle, Horton's press agent, works and Ruth Oliver, A rcciuest has been made for two years that our town has had tho expects to complete tho round trip MARCH 2l8t I wonder if my dog will growl at me.
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