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Haddleton* Accepted 00th January 20xx Uretdione (temperature and catalyst controlled) and disulphide (REDOX controlled) functionalised polyurethanes have DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x been described and the reversibility of these bonds tested . The polymers have been synthesised with reversible covalent groups present throughout their backbone developing routes to reversibly degradable polyurethanes. These www.rsc.org/ materials degrade and reheal in response to different external stimuli, which supplies a proof of concept for controlling the molecular weight, and therefore, the physical properties of a polyurethane. Further, a unique route to an alternating block copolymer is also discussed that utilises a mixture of disulphide and uretdione functionalised polymers as the reagents to form a thiourethane. The dramatically reduced safety hazards of dealing with the functionalised polymers, in comparison to the free isocyanate and thiols, could be of great interest to industrial application for current drives towards safer routes to polyurethanes. demonstrating dynamic vinylogous urethane chemistry platform. Introduction This allows for precise control of the exchange reaction giving materials that can be processed with short relaxation times, Since their discoveries in the 19th and early 20th centuries, showing only little creep at application temperature.27 The isocyanates and polyurethanes have grown to be amongst some disulfide bond can be relatively easily incorporated into polymers. of the major chemicals produced worldwide with the market This bond may then be broken by a variety of mechanisms, and the growing approximately 5% year on year.1 Polyurethanes consist released thiols can be readily oxidised back to the disulfide. As the of a wide range of materials (thermosets, thermoplastics, foams disulfide bond can be cleaved by a nucleophile, there are a wide etc.) that are produced from a relatively simple selection of range of possible reducing agents.24 In this current work tributyl diisocyanates and a polyol (e.g. toluene diisocyante (TDI), phosphine (Bu P)28-29 was used due to its relative stability towards methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI)).1-2 Important physical 3 oxidation and high affinity to sulfur.30 The reformation of the properties of polyurethanes arise from the phase separation of disulfide bond may also be achieved by a number of mechanisms.24 their hard and soft segments.3 However, a major drawback in Herein the effective and efficient oxidation by the metal catalyst the synthesis of polyurethanes is the requirement for high iron(III) chloride (FeCl )29 was chosen for this work. toxicity isocyanates, which are in the process of being 3 There are various industrial products that contain blocked discouraged by REACH,4-5 particularly given the 1984 Bhopal isocyanates, which can be deprotected at a given temperature disaster.6-7 utilising the weak reversible bonds between isocyanates and a Reversible bonds between different functional groups have been variety of functional groups.31-32 Below the threshold incorporated into polymers, utilising reversible covalent,8-11 non- temperature, the isocyanate is in a bound form, reducing its covalent,12-13 and self-healing chemistries,14-17 which have been reactivity and toxicity. Since blocked isocyanates are less incorporated into polymers to provide reversibly degradable/self- sensitive to nucleophilic attack the storage lifetime of the healing materials.18-22 Similar materials are now often referred to as product is also increased. The equilibrium reaction between the vitrimers.23 A reversible reaction that has been studied is the binding / release of the isocyanate is driven by the removal of oxidation of thiols to disulphides and the reverse reaction reducing isocyanate through further reactions and the removal of the back to thiols, which has important uses in biological systems.9 These small blocking molecule. An excellent example of a blocked bonds have been successfully incorporated into various reversibly isocyanate that does not use a small blocking group is an crosslinked and biodegradable polymeric systems.24-25 Du Prez has uretdione. recently reported vitrimers based on the amine exchange of In addition to reacting with nucleophiles, the isocyanate vinylogous urethanes26 and has expanded this with functional group is capable of dimerising to form an four membered ring functional group, a uretdione.33 Dimers of aromatic isocyanates can be formed upon the addition of a a. University of Warwick, Department of Chemistry, Library Road, Coventry, CV4 34 7AL, UK. E-mail: [email protected] b Lubrizol Corporate Research, nucleophilic catalyst, such as a trialkyl phosphine. Uretdiones 9911 Brecksville Road, Cleveland, OH 44141-3201 have been described in literature since 1858 with the reported †Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: Detailed experimental 35 procedures. See DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x synthesis of a phenyl isocyanate dimer, which involved a This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1 Please do not adjust margins Please do not adjust margins ARTICLE Journal Name phosphine catalyst. The reaction has been shown to be controllable by quenching the phosphine catalyst with an alkylating agent such as benzyl chloride.34 Isocyanate dimerisation/uretdione formation is an equilibrium reaction, with the conversion to dimer increasing as temperature decreases. Uretdiones are indeed relatively stable, which has been demonstrated by the TDI dimer not dissociating back to TDI monomer until it is heated to >150°C in the absence of a catalyst.36 However, the presence of a catalyst can significantly reduce the dissociation temperature.1 To the best of our knowledge there have been no reported studies of uretdione groups being used for the synthesis of reversibly degradable/dynamically covalent materials or of their combination with disulfide bonds. Figure 2 GPC trace of a disulphide functionalised polyurethane with reversibly Results and Discussion cleavable groups placed throughout the backbone (linear disulfide polymer) (Mn – 12,000 g mol -1) Disulfide functional reversibly degradable polyurethanes and efficient route to the synthesis of a controllably degradable polyurethane. The reaction between hydroxyethyl disulphide and toluene diisocyanate was carried out in THF for 2 hours at 40°C, using dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL) as catalyst (Figure 1). This proved -1 successful giving a polyurethane with a Mn of 12,000 g mol . 1H NMR and GPC analysis showed that the disulphide group had been successfully incorporated throughout the backbone of a polyurethane (Figure 2), and subsequently the potential cleavage of these groups through the reduction of the disulphide to thiols with tributylphosphine was examined. Upon the addition of tributylphosphine at 40°C a decrease in Mn (12,000 to 1,500 g mol-1) was observed, with the majority of the polyurethane degrading (Figure 3). Although there are multiple oligomers apparent from the GPC trace, these most likely correspond to low molecular weight species (dimers, trimers etc. possibly being rebound through exposure to air while analysis is being carried out) with the majority of the disulphide groups having successfully been cleaved. This displays a simple Figure 3 Reduction and degradation of disulphide functionalised polyurethane (blue trace) (Figure 2) using tributyl phosphine as the reducing agent down to thiol terminated oligomers (red trace) There are multiple routes for the oxidation reaction to recombine the small dithiol containing compounds back to higher mass disulphide polymers, thus reforming the high mass polyurethane chains (Figure 1). Perhaps the simplest method is through bubbling with air, which can give rise to the recombination of the thiol groups.24 However,
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