General Social and Ecojnomic Charactetistics GENERAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Hawaii LIST OF TABLES [Page numbers listed here omit the State refix nu t . P · m ,)(;r w1 nch appear" a• piirt <if tlw piillf,•' rmmr,~•r for m1d1 !''"!!'''· 'fable THE STATE T•hh· 32.-Summary of social characteristics for standard inetr<) J"t · t . 1 · b · d ' · po 1 an Htati~· ll7. ---Iru~1m1.• in J9[fj ;md HHil of p<:!'l111ll"· by eolo1· 1'.li!! 1ca aieas, ur amzc areas, and urban places 0 f 10 000 , more: 1960..................................................... _ • or i'Uitl'. urh11n >W<i rur"l: Hit.~! and I l!ii<"I 33.-Summary of economic characteristics for ·s--t·;;n· ,·1--a.. r·d·····m--·et · --··]·:· · f>8.- --EamirtgH in 1!15ll of !*'l'>l(>l.l., in trw flq.+,rieTH'''":l rwiltiui lld#•f forN» . ·t' 1 ·l · " ' ~ ,rt11xi 1tan by >l(4~.1>tttd ot'r'upatinn gm111m and >l('X, for tht! f:;t11W: liilf;O. s t a t is. tea areas, U1 iamzed areas, and urban placru; of 10,000 or more. 1960................ 6!l.-Typ<" nf inrn,1mt> in HJ!ill of !lt'fW•!lll, for tiil' St11te, 11rbJ111 and rurnl: 4'7 1000 ., 34. -su::;~~tcro ~fo sfo~g6o~n~ ~~i~~~~'.-~"~h~r~~t~~;;;;1~:··r~~ ..urbl>n plat;e~ 70.··-HrH.·iul imd erx.nmnie clum.ewri%1i"" of thr l'"Pldsition for .. tht> 48 Stat,e, by will*; of pbine: lli!llJ .. , .. .. ... _ ' 7'1 35.-Summary of social c\iaracteristi~~;by~ou~ti~;iii~i ····· 48 71.---Sod1<! 11.nd emnomie <-harw•t;•ri,,tir:" of tiw popull1tiun, by l:!l<Jtro· 36.-Summary of economic characteristics, by counties: 1960 48 1x>hW1-nonmet.ro;K1litan rt;~iden«» for ttw Stat.I:•: 1llt10. .. 37.-Age by color and sex, for the State, urban and rural: 19t~J 4~ 38.-N~tivity and parentage, by color, for the State, urban and rural: STANDARD METI.O!'OU'rAN STATISTICAL AllEAS, UIU!ANJZl:1) 960 ................................................................ 50 AREAS, AND URBAN !'LACES Of 111,fi!m Oil MO.RE 39.-State of birth of the native population by c;;io~ ft)r th~Sb;.t~ u~i and rural, 1960, and for the State, l900 to 1950.... ' . '' ian 51 72.--Sr>eial t'harneteri_wtii~E <Jf tbe population, for ~t11mdard rm:tro- 40.-Country of origin of the foreign stork, for the St.at~·: url;ru;-··~d 1mlitan W<tntt'<ticnl ama•, urbanilled arefil,il, 1J.nd urban pla1>t'; rural: 1960..................................................... ,............. 51 of !O,O"JO 1.>r more: 1900.. ... ...... .S4 41.-Motber tongue of the foreign born, for the State ur~;~~- ;md: ~~ l 73.~-f;du<~tion, mnploymtmt wt1>ttm, and "11'foet<"i lat~,r f1,,r,1:0:• ·f;l1~r­ 1~60, and of the forei!\'1-born white, for the State, 1910 to 194t{' 52 aetem1tiCl!l of th<> population, for ~tanifarti metrop1.litan •tati:4iclitl 42.-Residence five years pr10r to census date, by color, for the State ll.l'(Jll.,, urlt1Lniuid are.;_•,1md urt»>nplat;e;iof lf.l,Ornlor rm""': 1\100 115 urban and rural: 1960.................................. ' 74.--0<'Npat:ion µoup and 1·u <if worker of emfikiyed perllt:tll"'· by lilt!X, for wtandurti Iut;tmfx•htan st.11t1,~w·a tU'ellli'I, url.amz.ed .. .. 43.-Ye1~r;[f:~~~~--~t~--~-r~s-~~-'. '.'.~~~'. ~~~--~~-~--~~~~~;:·~~E~;;·;md··;:ur;;-l~ 53 are&~. :i,nd urban pl:H.1't," of 10.(M'~l or more: llitKI . % 7.'i.·--lru:lwitry 11:mup of employed peraom; and irmjnr or-1•upatirm 44.-School enrollment, by age, for the State, urban and rural: 1960 53 group of unemployed pemc111~. by "''X, for 11t.1mdard metro· 45.-School enrollment, by age, for the State: 1940 to 19Cl0 ........ ·· ··· 53 polium ll!tati~tieal areM, urhaniUJ<l amM, and urlmn pl111>e1< 46.-Scl!ool enrollment, by level and type of school, by r.olor, for the of JO,()()() or more: l9!JO .. .. ... .... l'i? State, urban and rural: 1960 .................... 53 76 ... -Inmme in 1959 of famile;; and 1mrson~. lllld weeb workf'.d in 195\J, 47.-Years of school completed by persons 25 y~;;-~~--oi1!";;-~d ~~~~--i;;; for "'tanW.rd rnetrc11-oolitan !!tllti$tieal area%, urbi.nil!ed areM, and folor and sex, for the State, urban and rural, 1960 and 1950,'and urban pl.are% of 10,000 nr more: 196iL..................... .... .. BS or the State, 1940.............................................................. .. ...... 77. -Nrm whit.I:~ p<>pulatirm - Social eluiraeteri1ltit\NI and mnployrrient 48.-Vcteran status of the civilian male population 14 years old and ~,tatU$, for lltJl;;1.1ed ~tar;clard mt>tropolitrui !!t1iti1rtical arM~, urltim .. over, for the State, urban and rural: 1960 , i»ed lmlltm, rmd i:rlmn 11!.af'HI of 10.fK)(J <tr mm·e: HltifL ....... , .. ,. 89 49.-H1usehold relationship, by color, for the St~t~·;·~~l;;m· ;md ~u~; 78.-·Noriwfo~i pripulatlmi · ··Oet•tq.mt;wn group, indu,,.try group, rmd in- 960 .......................................................................................... 56 r-ome m 19.~. for stil.e1~terl !itandard mt•tropolitan "tatiJ<tical ari;,as, 50.-Marricd couples, families, and unrelated individuu.lH, by color, for urbim.il!ed 11.relilll, Md urban t•illt~ of 10,000 or more: l 9fl0 'ill t.he St.ate, urban and rural, 1960and1950, and for the State, 1940 .. 57 79.--Country of ungin of tht> fort~ ~toelt:, for illUtlt'-tOO l!t1mdlitrd IMtl'O• 51.-Cluldrcn ever born to women 15 to 44 years old, by age, color politan mt&tiiotie,al arell.', urhallilll"<! are:.M, and urli1m J1llitt,t'1J of I 0,(~JI or more: 1000 .......... _ .... .. ........ .... ....... ... 'll and marital status of woman, for the State, urban and rural: 80. tongue of the foreign ...],m1; po1>uli•tion, fur oolf:l<'t,ed 1960........................................................................................................ -M oth(:lr Rtand11rd m1•tm1wilit,:a,n i.tatmtir::tl :a,m,.;;, urtotinized 11,r1,•ID1, 1tmi urban r•illt~H 52.-Employment status and selected labor force characteristics, hy of JO J~K·l or more: I 000 91 color and sex, for the State, urban and rural: 1900 ...... .. ..... 59 53.-Employment status, by color and sex, for the State: 1940 to 1960 60 54.-Labor force status, by age and sex, for the State, urban and rural, COUNTIES AND UJlBAN PLACES OF Z,5t>o TO 10,000 1960, and for the State, 1950 and 19,10 .......................................... 60 61 81.-Social imd 1•eimomit' ehilraf'terfatiMi of the 1~.ipulation, for urt.im 55.-Weeks worked in 1959, for the State, urban and rural: 1960 ......... placei; nf 2,fifl() to 10,!KH JIJ{lO ............ .. 92 56.-Persons employed in agriculture and in nonagricultural industriei;, 82.-Socml characteristi,tlli of the fK•!>Uiatinn, for 1~•1mt~: ll!fl<I c,3 by class of worker and sex, for the State, urban and rural, 83.--Edurmtion. eu1ploym1•nt ~tatu•. •i•t•.-1 llil.1r force 1fam1r-t1•ris· 61 amd 1960, and for the State, 1950 and 1940 ............... till!< of the populatinn, for 1x1untirns: 1960.. ,.. .. <;,:. 57.-0ccupation group of employed persons, by sex, for the State, 62 84.--{kwupntinn ~oup and d!Ul:i of work1;r of 61tl)1k•VIMi f'ltlf.'l<Jllil. bv ll<'.1x, urban and rural: 1960 ................................................................. _., .... for tl!}unttt'''" 19611 . .. - _ . •. 'J5 58.-0ccupation group of employed persons, by color and sex, for the 63 8.5.-lndu8try grrmp of tm1pl<>ytd Jll'l'llOnffl and major Of'!'Upatim1 grnup of State, urban and rural: 1960 ........................................................... Ullemployed peTllOnH, fiy l<t:lX, for l\l>U?ltie~: !llfl(I .. ...... % 59.-0ccupation group of employed persons, by sex, for the State: 64 86.·-ln1>:1rrie in 1959 of familie>< 11ml 1ier>«'>l.l.~, 11r1d wook~ worked in 1959, 1940 to 1960........................................................................... ·· for CX>Ullti!l'8: l!l!JO. ... .. ... ... ., 97 60.-Major occupation group of the experienced unemployed, by color 65 87. ·------Non whit<; rw1p11hition----:::k1ei1tl ch11rnr·tt»ri"tit'll nud eniptnyrnent 1.itatu•, and sex, for the State, urban and rural: 1960 ........................... for selt,'<'.:t.l:d 1~mntit"4: 19fKl .. ... r;g 61.-Industry group of employed persons, by color, for the State, urban 88.--N<.nwhi~· r~•pulation --·01•t·u1111ti1m group, indu~try group. und iil· and rural: 1960.......................................................................... ...... 66 !'(>Ute lil lll.:'.1\J, for !lt>kwuld (~JUll tieis: l 9fllL . 'N 62.-Industry group of employed persons, for the State: 1940 to 1960 ... 68 89.---Cttuntry of i;rigin of tlw fomign •t<wk, for ~led<'d t~mnti+\il: 19tl0 100 63.-Place of work of workers during the censtis week, by color, for 90 . .,.. Mother tongu~ of th•• fort1ign --boru po_pul11.tion, for i!ek;rt•~i eoun- the State, urban and rural: 1960 ......................................... ·· ....... f:R tieil: 19!~L ....... .. 100 64.-Means of transportation to work of workers during the census week, 91.----Ruml (l<:>pul!ttinn·--:~o;,i!J.l 1111d rc~mmnir ch11raeteri1.1t,i!.'!<, for N1tmtk"': for the State, urban and rural: 1960 ..................................... - 69 rnrn1 -· .. ,...... _ . 101 65.-lncome in 1959 of families and unrelated individuals, by color, 92.-RuraH11rm l"'Pulation-- Age, l'lt'X, and lu.i11i!i11hold n.1lation1<hip, for for the State urban and rural: 1960 .............................................. 69 wlo<1.ed munt11,,;: 1960 ... .. .. .. 10;: 66.-Income in 1959 and 1949 of families and unrelated individuals, !l:l.--Rural·-farm J.•ipulation--.. :-\iwinl and t11~JI1011Jil' dmrar·tnl.lltic:s, for for the State, urban and rural: 1960 and 1950 .................... '71 llf'lect.ed ruunti11'<: l9Gfl ... 103 APPENDIX 'I'ahle C-1.-Number of persons and households in sample, for the Statc,,b~ siie c;f phi.i;e: 1960 , C-2.-Percent of nonresponse and allocation for selected characte~™:''~' for the ::it,atR, by ~1zC' of pl:t<'': Hl!~I .
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