» The rpt 1 VOLUME 78, NO.6 I (WANNA)RAQ AUGUST 24,1990 RicOversized freshmaen clas Threshes pushes colleges to limit of their capacities r already made at least a mental com the past two years didn't receive the [87]," said Hanszen O-Week Coordi- will have no overflow." by Kurt Moeller mitment to one school, you have to small classes they expected. In nator Ed Warren. However, Warren New policy for S/E applicants assume there's going to be some- March, Will Rice College was told its said, "We're still overcrowding "This year there has been a Due to an extremely high rate of thing less." freshman class would have 10 less quads," citing five overcrowded greater emphasis on trying to attract acceptance by waiting list students In previous years, the Office of students because of WRC's on-cam freshman quads and two transfers people who are committed to the offered admission, this year's fresh- Admission did not go to the waiting pus housing shortage. forced to live off-campus. sciences" as admittees in the science man class is slightly larger than in- list, so they had idea what to expect, "There really wasnt much of a Most coordinators told of trans- and engineering divisions, Steb tended, in turn causing room over- Stabell said. Nationwide, many break for us, which meant that we fer students or visiting students who bings said. "The idea is to pick a few crowding at some colleges. In a pol- schools have gone to their waiting had sophomores who voluntarily were kicked off-campus. Jones has people, who if nothing else, are icy change, the Class ot1994, which lists because fewer students than overcrowded [to allow freshmen to six such, Lovett two, and WRC three. wonderful at science...Generally, we has a higher percentage of males usual are accepting offers of admis- live on campus]," said WRC Orienta- Many also said their college's look for many attributes." than in the recent years [see related sion, according to an article in the tion Week Coordinator Chris housing problem had only been re- The policy, which stems irom a article, page 4], saw students ac- June 20 Chronicle of Higher Educa- Briggs. WRC Master Ed Doughtie solved in the past few weeks. Baker request by S/E departments, is cepted in the science and engineer- tion. stated, "It was smaller [than last O-Week Coordinator Carolyn Aman aimed at combating rising attrition ing divisions more for their strong Overcrowding, Grad House year's], although it was larger than said initially four rooms were over- rates in those majors. "The key was talent and commitment than their Due to the "bump," colleges that we had planned." crowded and two were reserved for trying to get a higher yield among overall attributes. had taken large freshmen classes "We do have a lower number scholarship athletes, but now "we SEF FffOSH PAGE 5 664 vs. 640 vs. 582 Fewer students, 582, accepted Rice's offer of admission than the 640 the Office of Admission hoped for and expected. But because of the many people drawn from the waiting list, 664 undergraduates are new- comers to Rice this fall. The unanticipated students have not forced any freshmen to live in the Graduate House, as happened two years ago, but a survey of Orienta- tion Week coordinators revealed that some transfers have been forced to live there and some freshmen have been housed in overcrowded rooms. "We're within three percent of the goal," Vice-President for Student Affairs Ronald Stebbings said. "On the other hand, it's putting serious pressure on the colleges." "We believe that the university operates best at a certain size," Steb- bings said. "We have the resources to teach so many classes, weVe got the professors, weVe got the space," Jones accents their matriculation cheer with an aenal assualt of paper plates which have written on them the offical Jones motto, JIBA (Jones Is Bad Ass) he stated, adding that any unused capacity would increase the cost for students. Because of the shortfall, "We say Rupp, Yu, Attwell speak to matriculating class of '94 we must go ahead and make some further offers," he said. In early May, A thunderstorm only slightly Honor Code to academic life at Rice, students' attention to an inscription university itself, with both physical the Office of Admission called 106 dampened the traditionally rowdy saying that the code allows students on Lovett Hall. "Love, beauty Joy and changes and administrative ones. students from the waiting list to offer matriculation ceremony Tuesday to assume both freedom and respon- worship are forever building, un- Rupp said students have the right them admission, said its director, night, when the Class of '94 offi- sibility. building, and rebuilding in each to expect Rice to improve. "At Ron Moss. cially entered the university. Spencer Yu, president of the Stu- man's soul," the inscription reads. times you would prefer that course 82 of those accepted, 30 to 50 Vice President for Student Af- dent Association, let students know Rupp carried his theme of "build- requirements be reduced, that more than anticipated. "That's fairs Ronald Stebbings presided that Rice gives each of them a chance ing, unbuilding and rebuilding" standards be relaxed just a little, where the bump is," Moss stated. over the event, welcoming stu- to "set their own course." He listed through the speech — and eventu- that tuition not be raised so much," "We anticipated the yield to be a dents and introducing speakers. many ways a student could get in- ally the audience chanted the words he said. "But on the crucial point, third to a half [of the number He opened the ceremony by de- volved at Rice. with him. He applied them not only we should not differ."Near the called]," Moss said. Dean of Admis- scribing matriculation, sgying, Quoting John F. Kennedy, he to the individual but to Eastern Euro- close of his speech Rupp quoted sions and Records Richard Stabell "We have very few formal events at said, "Ask not what your university pean countries and the United from T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets. stated that figure was used because Rice." can do for you, but what you can do States, saying "We are not rising to "We shall not cease from explora- "the overall yield is just slightly Two student leaders then took for your university." This was that challenge [of rebuilding] with as tion/And the end of all our explor- under 50 percent If that's the ideal the podium Chap Attwell, chair of greeted by guffaws from the audi- much imagination and discipline as ing/Will be to arrive where we condition, then with this less than the Honor Council, spoke first He ence. Eastern Europeans are marshaling." started/And know the place for ideal condition where students have emphasized the importance of the President George Rupp drew The theme applied as well to the the first time." Pub has license! Opening date as early as Wednesday former member of the Pub Control by law to send a representative to Pub Control Board will still exist to the Pub's picnic license, which en- by John Allen Yates Board. inspect the new license. Moreover, a advise the holder of the license as it ables colleges to charge for campus V and W formed this summer plumbing problem with one of the always had. Crawford was unsure. parties providing alcohol, may be Willy's Pub does have an alcohol after the university discovered that sinks is threatening to keep the Pub Sanborn and Johnson were un- restricted because of liability prob- license and is expected to open for Texas law prohibits an institution closed under the health code, ac- available for comment lems. Darrell Hanson, former Lovett business the first week of classes. from operating an alcohol establish- cording to Jackson. While the work Asked about a price increase, College social coordinator who ac- Although earlier estimates had put ment through its employees. It is request was ordered last week, Hendren said, There is some specu- quired a picnic license from the Pub off the opening until Tuesday, Sep- independent of the university, and Jackson was unsure if the work could lation we may have to [raise prices] "at least three times a semester," tember 4, Head Bartender Terri merely leases space in the Rice be completed until the end of the first at some point due to the new ac- explained that the use of the picnic Caldwell said, "We plan to be ready Memorial Center. week of classes. counting costs because the Pub is no license is "in the best interest of the Wednesday [August 29]." Previously, the Pub and Valhalla Student concern has centered on longer under the university's sys- student body" and without it "we will A corporation, V and W Permits licenses were held by then-proctor two questions: "Will the Pub be tem." Hendren agreed that the in- see a big proliferation of private and Incorporated, has been formed to Ed Holt- open?" and, "Will it be any different?" crease in minimum wage provided floor parlies for which the university hold the license. Organizational According to V and W President Responses td the second question an additional burden. Jackson de- may be just as liable." problems within the corporation are Sarah Nelson Crawford, the prob- depend,on who is asked. nied any need for an increase. Hendren said, "Because we are delaying the Pub's opening. The five lems with the opening come from the Previously, the Pub Control Concerning policy changes, relatively certain the TABC [Texas person company consists of three fact that no one on the corporation Board determined Pub prices, hired Crawford said she didn't know, while Alcoholic Beverage Commission | university employees and two stu- knows anything about running the the manager, allocated funds and Jackson maintained that "students will be breathing down our necks, we dents: Director of Student Activities Pub.
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