~ POSTAGE · PAID ~ AUSTRALIA THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE RETURNED & SERVICES LEAGUE WA BRANCH (INCORPORATED) PATRON: THE GOVERNOR OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA HIS EXCELLENCY MAJOR GENERAL MICHAEL JEFFERY AO. MC AUTUMN, 1995 LESf WE FORGET As we remember, with deep gratitude, those who suffered pain and gave tflelr lives for us; let us resolve to do all In our power to preserve the freedom we hold today. Anzac Day Parade Assembly o:reos inside Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs HELP FOR VETERANS The Department of Veterans' Affairs recognis~s that Veterans and War Widows want to remain independent and in their own homes for as long as possible. The Department has several programmes that will give information and help you use local community services to maintain your independence: • Advice about your local community • Day Club Development • Joint Ventures Programme • Volunteer Support programme • Respite Care Assistance • Carer Support Programme • Hostel Development Programme • Health Promotion Programme The Department continues to provide a wide range of benefits including pensions, allowances and health care. If you want to know more. please call the Veterans' Advice Network 366 8444 Country Callers Toll Free .. 1800 113304 LISTENING .POST Conten~ Page PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 3 Publishers Returned & Services League W.A. Branch (Incorporated) ANZAC DAY ASSEMBLY ARE AS 9 Anzac House P.O. Box Y3023. 28 St Georges Te.rrace East St Georges Terrace Perth. W.A. 6000 Perth, W.A. 6832 STATE CONGRESS REPORT 11 Tel: 325 9799 Fax : 325 7432 GOVERNOR VISITS HOLLYWOOD VETS 19 , RSL & MINES DEPT HONOUR VETS 21 THE HEALTH OF THE NATION 23 REUNIONS 37 BOOK REVIEWS 43 HISTORY OF THE 2/5th COY 45 I DEFENCEISSUES 53 Editorial Editor/Chairman: , VETERANS' AFFAIRS 57 Mr J. Surridge Deputy: MrG. Tanner LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 61 Committee: Mrs B. Clinton, Mt;S. J. Dowson, LOST TRAILS 63 Messrs J. Babbage. T. Lloyd, B. McCienaghan, P. White Co-opted Members SUB-BRANCH NEWS 65 Messrs E. Hinchliffe, R.D. Mercer, L.J. Owens WOMEN'S AUXILIARY 71 . Sub-Editor UNIT ASSOCIATIONS 73 Mrs Pat Elphinstone LAST POST 80 Advertisers Westralian Publishers, PO Box 74 Claremont, W.A. 6010 Deadlines Tel: 383 4966 for Listening Post Contributions Typesetting/Composing 31 January for Autumn Edition Action Press, · 30 April for Winter Edition I 0 I Catherine Street, 31 July for Spring Edition Morley, W.A. 6062 31 October for Summer Edition Tel: 276 5266 If possible submissions should be typed, doubled spaced. Printer Photographs can'be black and white or colour glossy. Swanweb, This is your journal and contributions are welcome 102 Bannister Road, · and should be addressed to: Canning Vale, W.A. 6155 The Editor Tel: 455 3l788 Listening Post RSL P.O. Box Y3023 East st Georges '18rraoe Opinion expressed by contributors in articles and reproduced articles are Perth W.A. 8832 tl)e lndfvldual opinions of such contributots or the authors of such reproduced attictes (as the -case may be) and nor necessarily those of the COVER: RSL. Leslie Bowles Reproductlgn of articles (or extracts) contafned In Ustening Post is The Man wUh tht Donuy 1941 welcomed provided the source Is acknowledged. bronze 68 x 34.5 x 45cm AWM408 . Listening Post- Autumn 1995-P•ge 1 50 years on -we salute thent. Fifty years ago, the horror that was World War 11 finally ended. In commemoration of this historic event, the Royal Australian Mint proudly announce the 199S Six Coin Set. A limited release. These legal tender coins, available in brilliant proof or ut~circulated qualjty, are a lasting and valuable cele- bration of our country's freedom; and to the people who gave us that freedom. And, for many people, Sir Edward 'Weary' Dunlop's selfless actions reflect the enduring compassion, and indeed the courage, of all Australians. In tribute, the Royal Australian Mint has dedicated the 199S commemorative SO cent piece to his memory. 'Six Coin Proof Set $60.00. Each coin is struck up to 4 times and has a delicate mirror-like background with frost- ed images. Only 4S,OOO specially packaged proof sets will be made. Six Coin Uncirculated Set $15.00. Struck on specially prepared blanks at a very slow rate and l acquered to·prevent tarnishing, uncirculated sets are presented in a high quality sealed card. Both sets include the commemor ative SOc coin and the Se, lOc, 20c, S1 and S2 designs currently in circulation. Um:irculated Coiu Given the historic significance of this release, demand Stt 115.00 ~ is expected to be high. To secure your commemorative ~ 199S Six Coin.,Set, please call the toll free number. •~ . ~ FREE CALL 008 808 624 ROYAL AUSTRALIAN Mim(1 Page 2-Uatenlng Post- Autumn 1995 On 14 August 1994 the Prime Minister launched the Monthly, October 1994, an Federal Government's "Australia Remernbe'rs• pro- editorial headed •oh, What gramme to commemorate the 50th afiniversary of the a Lovely War! - The Keating end of World War ll. As we are now a ·few months into Plan for Election '95". This 1995, I think it appropriate· to speak on this matter. l(rticle, a copy of which 1 The idea to encourage all Australians to remember attach, is very disturbing. 1 and, in particular, to tharik all who fought in World War find this very damaging {of ll and all who remained at home and kept Australia the spirit and meaning of running is to be applauded. It is anticipated that there the planned commemora- will ~e many ceremonies throughout this commemora- tions and write to ypu ask- ~surance tive year, and I hope that many co.untry towns, metro- ing for youz: that politan councils, sub-branches etc.· will become , all these statements, as indicated, are false I believe it is involved. It may be the last chance for us to say "thank important that I should be able to assure the· RSL you• to those who were involved, and who are alive membership of the fidelity .of the intent of the today. Government Unfortunately certain people have considered that Sir, I ask you for your support in helping.me in this the Federal Government is using. this commemoration damaging public relations exercise -that is currently as its nationalist platform. for the republican issue, or being run by ~ome of the media. that it intends to focus on the event as a vote catcher I am, yours sincerely, for the next Federal elections. As the time of writing W.B. (VIGGER1 ]AMES this report I am still being · asked about the Government's "hidden agenda" behind the commemo- National President ration. The National President has suggest that it may The Prime Minister's reply follows. be appropriate to reprint his letter of 4 Oct.6ber 1994, Dear Major General James to the Prime Minister, and the PM's reply of 24 October. Thank you for your letter of October 4. Dear Prime Minister You most certainly may tell your members that the Australia Remembers programme is not .part .of any I write in relation to the planned celebrations to political campaign in 1995. I read Glen Milne's article commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ending of in The Australian. It is not the first time he and other World War-Il and particularly to remember those who journalists have seen in government ambitions some fought and. died, and their families, to make Australia dark purpose, or some more complex goal than was free in August 1945. The celebration now known as ever dreamt of outside the Press gallery. I would have KAustralia Remembers" was, ofcourse, opened by you at though~ for instance, that I have already made it pretty the Australian War Memorial on 14 August this year. plain that I want Australians to know more about the The RSL and ex-Service community are very keen to war against Japan than they presently do. Probably half ensure this commemoration is all that it is meant to be. a dozen of my speeches as Prime Minister express that However, many·are disturbed by press statements indi- sentiment These were unquestipnably battles in a war cating that the Government's plan for the celebrations for Australia - and without reservation I believe all is really a political p~an to use IIA_ustralia Remembers" to Australians should know about them. U Glen Milne or achieve victory at the next election and also further anybody else chooses to translate that into a political promotion for the co.ncept of Australia becoming a strategy there is very little anyone can do about it The republic. An article by Glen Milne, Channel 7's political same applies to The Independent editorial corresponden~ in a recent article in The Australian says You can tell your members that the Government "t-he Victory in the Pacific Celebration will does not want 1995 to pass without a proper com- look. to the past as a source for inspiration for memoration of the war's end, and that we will not be the. republican spirit The \.P Memorial will also letting it pass in order to deflect the cynicism of the make an attempt to re-cast Keating as a qui{ltes- Press. It will be a very sony day for the country when sentially modem Austnilian Prime Minister, iden- governments· allow ourselves to be paralysed with fear tifying him~elf vyith the war against Japan and the every time an article of this kind appears. ...- direct defence ofAustralia rather than the impe- 1 enclose some of the speeches I have given on the rialist WcUS in the past" subject of the war in the Pacific - and, for the informa- More recently, in a copy of The Independent tion of any who believe I discriminate against so-called Listening Post- AUtumn 1995-Pege 3 Sand groper "' wouldn't be dead Garden Equipment Hire and Delivery for quids.
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