s.AT013kre TnoWATIR CONDITION 9=G TAW Charlie V 4:05;6x. 12:22 a.u. U.,S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA STORAGE ASHDRZ 6:53 vio. 10:58 p.m. 14.1 Million Gallons Phone 9-5247 Date JRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1969 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) ion I.an s In Guantanamo Bay GUANTANAMO BAY--Members of the American Le- gion National Security Commission-- 130 men strong- stormed the beaches of the Base yes- terday. Their mission, of course, was a peace- ful one. The Legionaires are in Guantanamo Bay. on an Atlantic Fleet tour that has included Norfolk naval installations and ships and all types of commands. Disembarking from one of Guantanamo's ferry craft, the Legionaires hit the beach at the Morin Center for an orientation briefing by the Base Commander, RAdM J.B. Hildreth. They went aboard the USS Roosevelt where they observed day and night flight operations and other shipboard exercises. Members of the American Legion's National Se- The National Security Commission is the Le- curity Commission arriving here yesterday. gion's policy-making body on matters pertain- - Ing td the security of the na- tion. As such, the committee Laird Announces $3 Billion Defense Cut is very influential in mili- WASHINGTON (AP/PRTS)-- Defense Secretary Melvin Laird an- tary policy making and is made nounced yesterday that $3 billion will be cut from the United up of men of national promi- States' current military budget. Laird said the cut would nence. mean a 100,00-man reduction in Armed Forces manpower. The Legionaires will leave Pentagon sources said later the final total might be closer uantanamo Bay today for Alan- to 200,000 men, since Laird's announcement dealt only with the ta, Ga. first installment-- $1.5 bil- lion-- of the buget cut. Laird eqid the cutbacks were g In Blus Ridge flood 31 Vad 32 MiSsm braced for trouble as the made necessary by military Ravaged towns in western Vir- James RiVer passed flood stage. budget reductions made in Con- ginia's Blue Ridge foothills Two persons drowned in south- gress counted a rising-toll of dead ern West Virginia, where ram- He said yesterday he would yesterday from the state's paging streams left the tour- not then announce any closings most lethal floodwaters in 33 ist-packed ragion choked with of U.S. military installa- wrecked homes, swamped roads tions, but sources said later By late Wednesday, 38 per- and smashed bridges. that some bases would be soha'were known to have per- In Virginia, rivers flowing closed. ished and 32 others were miss- down both the eastern and west- One of the ships to be de- ing in the flash flooding from ern sides of the Blue Ridge commissioned as. z :result of torrents of rain touched off Mountain chain inundated towns the cutback is the battleship by the remnants of Hurricane and villages almost before res- USS New Jersey, recommissioned Camille. isents could be warned of im- last year for $22 million. Larger ceRies to the east pending peril. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, August 22,71969 MIAMI (P/AFRTS)--Influenced by her killer CANTERBURY, England (AP/AFRTS) -- The World Camille, Hurricane Debbie aimed her 110-mile- Council of Churches urged in their meeting per-hour fury at Bermuda yesterday after fu- here Wednesday that the United States restore tile attempts by scientists to 'subdue the diplomatic relations with Cuba. storm with chemical bombardments. The Council also said the U.S. should end The National Hurricane Center said Debbie its economic embargo on Cuba. The council was pulled to the north toward the island re- called on Latin American governments to re- sort by the dissipating Camille, which left establish diplomatic and trade relations with hundreds dead along the Gulf Coast and milli- the Communist-ruled island. It pointed to the pns in damage. economicstress to which Cuban people are be- - Apparently unaffected by the bombardment ing subjected. with one ton of silver iodide from 13 Navy jets, Debbie surged toward Bermuda pushing OCEANA, Va. (AP/IFRTS)--The Coast Guard re- gale winds and massive tides before her. ports Wednesday that 29 persons rescued from the Atlantic off Cape Henry, Va. The rescued WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- Secretary of State had beeniaboard a charter boat that sprang a William P. Rogers declared there is nothing leak six miles out to sea and sank in rough very special about the secret military contin- waters. gency agreement with Thailand. The 27 passengers and crew of two took to Rogers says the United States actually has life rafts and were taken to the Oceana Naval joined in such secret plans with allies all Air Station. Two helicopters and three Coast over the world. Guard cutters aided in the rescue. Rogers emphasized at a Washington news con- ference Wednesday that the U.S.-Thai agreement NEW YORK (AP/JWRTS)--Two Penn Central Rail- was a contingency plan 'nd that it would never road trains-collided head-on Wednesday night become operative without the approval of both near Darien, Conn., killing four people and governments at a time of crisis. injuring 31. Rogers added that if obligations to another One train was carrying commuters and the country threatened* to involve the U.S. in other was empty except for its crew when they another war, the Nixon Administration would crashed on a single track. consult Congress for advice-- and when appro- A railroad spokesman said the collision ap- priate, for consent. parently occurred because one train had not pulled off a siding to allow the other topass. DETROIT (AP/JFRTS) -- AFL-CIO President George Meany says the labor organization will LOS ANGEBES (AP/AFRTS)--Police report that oppose the confirmation of Appeals Judge Cle- narcotics were found in the home of actress ment Haynsworth to the Supreme Court. Sharon Tate, but officers denied that the bod- Meany said the South Carolinian nominated by ies of Miss Tate and four other victims of the President Nixon is "hostile to workers and Benedict Canyon murders were mutilated. Negroes." A police spokesman said more than 200 per- sons have been questioned in the case and many PRAGUE (AP/AFRTS)--Police opened fire Wednes- others are being sought for questioning. day with -submachine guns over the heads of an angry crowd during a riot near Wenceslas Square. Earlier, the crowd had thrown stones at the police. Wednesday marked the first anniversary of W Guantanamo Gazette the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia .Eye witnesses said the firing Wednesday night last- RAda J.B. Hildreth ed about two minutes. The violence broke out ComNavBasePublic Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach as the Czech government was assuring the peo- ple that quiet had been established. Editor J02 Mike Nash .JO3 Phil Jordan Riot police crashed through barricades-- set Staff stitera J03 John Bell up by about 500 young demonstrators-- and scat- tered most of them with tear gas. The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is publishe according to the About an hour after the trouble broke out, rules and regulations for ship and station newspapers as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of the Naval Base Public Affairs Offiper. It is printed )lice chased the small remain- four days a week at government expense on government ig Czechs. Ten helmeted ri- equipment. The opinions or statements in news items through. There were numer- that appear herein are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Depart- no official word was given as ment of the Navy. injured. Pages Missing or Unavailable Friday, August 22, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette Page 7 SPORTS NEW YORK (AP/AIRTS)- The Cincinnati Reds, sparked by Johnny Bench's three-run home run Back.E. and- Al Jackson's late-inning relief help, moved back into first place in the National Perhaps the single most important happening League West Thursday night by beating the St. in the history of the Public Works Center Louis Cardinals 5-3. since 1952 has been its reorganization. The victory boosted the Reds one-half game The Center was established Aug. 1, 1956. ahead of the Los Angeles Dodgers, who lost 2-1 Its predecessor was the Public Works Depart- to the Philadelphia Phillies. ment of the Naval Station. A Secretary of In the only other National League action, Navy notice of June 1956 established the Cen- the Atlanta.Braves beat the Chicago Cubs 3-1 ter and assigned it the mission of providing and the San Francisco Giants edged the New public works, public utilities and transport- York Mets 7-6 in 11 innings in day games, and ation support, including engineering and ad- the San Diego Padres nipped the Montreal Expos ministrative support and services. 1-0 in 10 innings under the lights. With approximately 1,150 employees at the Steve Kealey, making his first major league time, the Center provided public works support start, pitched a seven-hit 2-0 shutout for the to all Naval Base activities. The Naval Air California Angels over the powerful Baltimore Station, Naval Hospital, Naval Supply Depot Orioles. and Marine Barracks, however, continued to In the only other American League game maintain their own public works organizations. scheduled Mickey Stanley's leadoff home rum A second consolidation occurred in October in the eighth gave the Detoit Tigers a 7-6 1960, when all public works functions (with victory over the Seattle Pilots. the exception of the Marine Barracks) were transferred to the Public Works Center. The Marine function was transferred early in 1961., The following is a brief resume of PWC act- ivities prior to the above reorganization: COMPUTER CORNER In September 1952 the causeway between Wharf By Bud Goode Baker and Paola Point was reopen following Tony Cloninger had only two strike outs in the first eight inn- ings against the Dodgers last week.
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