w a s p JL e a g l e Regimental Journal of The 3rd East Anglian Regiment (16thj44th Foot) Volume 1. No. 3. JUNE, 1960. THE WASP AND THE EAGLE DELVILLE BOND An attractive Writing Paper that perpetuates the name of a great battle and the two Numbers oj Foot which designated the i st and 2nd battalions oj The Essex Regiment. Reproduction of the watermark ASK YOUR STATIONER ABOUT THIS PAPER i GREYHOUND RACING ROMFORD DAGENHAM STADI U M STADI U M TUESDAYS and TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS SATURDAYS 7.45 p.m. 2.45 p.m. FULLY LICENSED RESTAURANT ★ ★ ★ FOR TABLE RESERVATIONS PHONE ROMFORD 6234S --- FULL TOTALISATOR FACILITIES T HE WASP AN D T H E EAGL E Garrard silver models are famous for their extreme accuracy of detail as well as for tine workmanship. Both are exemplified in this model of the wartime Bofors light A. A. gun. Presentation silver, trophies or cups may be supplied from stock or to your own specification. The designers and craftsmen of our military de­ partment are always at your service. GARRARD & CO. LTD. Crown Jewellers 112 REGENT STREET • LONDON • W .l REGENT 3021 (11 Hnei) THE WASP a,d THE EAGLE The Journal oi- the 3 rd East Anglian Regiment. ( 16t h / 44 t h F o o t ) V o l . I. No. 3. J u n e , i 960 P r ic e 2 /6d. <jx>stage extra) J J Free to Regimental Association members. CON ENTS PAGE PAGE Lt.-Col. T. J. Barrow, d .s .o . Frontispiece Mr. and Mrs. P u rser.................................. 146 Editorial ............. i i 7 5th Bn. The Bedfordshire Regiment (T.A.) Notes ................................. 147 The Colonel-in-Chief............. ............. 117 1st Bn. The Hertfordshire Regiment Lt.-Col. T. J. Barrow, d .s .o . ................. 117 (T.A.) Notes ................................. 150 Regimental Diary ............. ............. 118 4fh Bn. The Essex Regiment (T.A.) Notes 150 Regimental Notes ............. ............. 118 459 (Essex) H.A.A. Regiment R.A. (T.A.) Regimental Chapel ............ ............. 119 N o te s...................................................... 152 Christmas Cards ............. 119 The Essex Army Cadet Force Notes 153 N.A.E.R.S.S.A............................ ............. i i 9 The 3rd East Anglian Regiment (16th/ Past Colonels of The Regiment ............. 120 44th Foot) Association Notes 154 Personalia.................................. ............. 121 The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Military Essay Competition ............. 127 Regiment Association N o tes............. 155 Medals .................................. ............. 127 The Essex Regiment Association Notes 158 The Regimental Museum 16th Foot 128 Engagements, Marriages, Births and The Essex Regimental Museum ............. 129 Obituaries 164 The Army Art Society ............. 129 Editorial N o te s......................................... 170 The Royal United Service Home for Girls 129 The Army Cycling Union 170 1st Battalion Notes ............. ............. 130 Regimental Depot Notes ............. 142 Our Contemporaries.................................. 170 \Photograph by Frederic Robinson, Camberley LIEUT.-COLONEL T. J. BARROW, D.S.O. THE WASP AND THE EAGLE 117 EDITORIAL OUR FRONTISPIECE Since the last number of the Regimental Journal, the Regimental Depot at Warley has LT.-COL. T. J. BARROW, d .s .o . been disbanded and all our recruits are now trained at The East Anglian Brigade Depot at John Barrow was commissioned into The Bury St. Edmunds. Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment in August, 1936, and joined the 1st Battalion in ★ * * India in January, 1937. He went with the Regimental Headquarters was fully imple­ Battalion to Palestine in 1938. During the re­ mented on April 1, and it is hoped that the bellion there he carried out the duties of O i/c move of R.H.Q. and The Essex Regiment Night Patrolling Squad and O i/c Armoured Museum to the former Depot Officers’ Mess Railway Trolleys, which preceded trains on the will be completed in July. At present the Mess Jaffa-Telaviv-Lydda-Jerusalem lines. He re­ is in the hands of the Royal Engineers for re­ calls that at the time he was based on tihe rail­ decoration and alterations. It is sincerely hoped way station at Lydda. There was a Sapper sub­ that Present and Past Members of The Regi­ altern also based on the station whose job was ment and the former Regiments will visit us to keep the railways running. Quite recently when ever they are in the vicinity of Warley. John Barrow had dinner with this subaltern in * * * Hong Kong, he is now Major-General Duke, In this number we publish the photographs Director of Personal Services, The War Office. of the former Colonels of The Regiments at the After the usual run of regimental duties John date of the amalgamation: Barrow took over the Adjutancy of the Batta­ General Sir Henry C. Jackson, lion from Capt. Bill Rickman on the outbreak K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. of war and served in that appointment during Lieut.-General Sir Geoffrey W. Howard, the campaigns in Lemnos, Syria, Tobruk and K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., D.L. the Iraqi Rebellion. During 1942/43 he served and as Training Officer of the Battalion and later as Brigadier G. H. Wilmer, d .s .o ., m .c . 2 i/c. He was appointed Column Commander We take this opportunity of thanking them for the Chindit Expedition in Burma and later for their loyal support and keen interest in the took over command of the 1st Battalion from new Regiment. Lt.-Col. Eason. For his services with the ex­ pedition he was awarded the D.S.O. THE COLONEL-IN-CHIEF Relinquishing command in November 1945, he returned to the United Kingdom and A Regimental Christmas Card was sent by attended the Staff College Course in 1946. At the Colonel of The Regiment to Her Majesty the conclusion of the Course he was posted to Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, Colonel- the Airborne Forces as G.2 H.Q., Airborne in-Chief, and the following gracious acknow­ Establishments and later held the appointments ledgment was received from Her Majesty’s of Parachute Training Officer, G.S.O.2 Air and Private Secretary: B.M. 16 Independent Parachute Brigade Group, C l a r e n c e H o u s e , S .W .i . serving in the U .K., Cyprus and the Canal Zone. December 24, 1959. In 1952 he attended the course at the Joint My Dear General, Services Staff College, at the end of which he Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother has rejoined the 1st Battalion in the Canal Zone. In bidden me to write to tell you how pleased Her 1953 he returned home and took over com­ Majesty was to receive your Christmas Card. mand of the Regimental Depot from the late The Colonel-in-Chiej desires me to send her Major Eric French. On completion of his com­ warm good wishes for Christmas and the New mand in 1955 he rejoined the 1st Battalion again Year to you, to Brigadier Paton and All Ranks as a Company Commander, in 1956 he was ap­ of the 3rd East Anglian Regiment (i6th/44th pointed 2 i/c and in 1957 promoted Lt.-Col. Foot). and appointed to the command of the Battalion, Yours sincerely, which was then in Goslar, B.A.O.R. Soon after M a r t in G i l l i a t . his assumption of command came the news of Lt.-General Sir Reginald Denning, the impending amalgamation and to Lt.-Col. K.B.E., C.B., John Barrow and Lt.-Col. Willie Waite, com­ Colonel of The 3rd East Anglian Regiment, manding 1st Bn. The Essex Regiment, fell the (i6th/44th Foot). onerous task of arranging all the details of the amalgamation of the two Battalions. How well they carried this out is borne out by the happy A R T IC L E S and N O T E S for the and successful manner in which the amalgama­ December, i960, issue should reach the tion was carried out in June, 1958. Lt.-Col. — Editor by November 1, 1960. — Barrow was appointed to the command of the new Battalion and later brought it home to be I i 8 THE WASP AND THE EAGLE stationed at Warley, where the amalgamation September 24 London Branch, 16th Foot w as finally sealed with the Presentation of Regimental Association — Colours on May 30, 1959, by Her Majesty Silver Jubilee Dinner and Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, Colonel- Dance, Barrington House, in -O iief. A day, which all those who were Gresham Street, London, privileged to take part will never forget. On E.C.2. parade the new Battalion, under the command The Association of Sergeants of Col. John Barrow, showed all how worthy a (Past and Present) All successor it was to its fine old forebears, the Battalions The Essex Regi­ 1 6th and 44th/56th Regiments of Foot. ment — Annual Dinner, After a rather hectic stay in England where Ilford. preliminary jungle training had to be sand­ September 30 The Hertfordshire Regiment wiched between many ceremonial occasions, tihe Dinner Club Annual Battalion left at the end of the year for Malaya. Dinner. A fte r a period of jungle fighting training in Johore, the Battalion arrived at Ipoh in November 20 Regimental Remembrance Northern Malaya to join the Commonwealth Day—Kempston Barracks, Brigade who are still engaged on active service, Bedford. (Admission to chasing the remaining Communist terrorists Church by ticket). w h o inhabit the jungle in that part of the world. April 29, 1961 6th Bn. The Bedfordshire H ere the time came for Colonel Barrow to hand Regiment (1914 - 1918) over the command of the Battalion and in Annual Reunion Dinner. January, i960, he was succeeded by Lt.-Col.
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