t \'OLli::\lE XXIV. NU:-IBER 11 Group Seeks I :.:-~:::Go:~:::n~c:~: ::i: ..:~ I Survey Shows IRhodes S cholarshi~ :~n~~:l~~~u~~]:)ll~e}~ AUTUMN QUARTER FINALE l·looded and l?cad) JOr lee l•.:i.n.;; I M C Students I in HI 2, ~t'<;;lt•1·,foy in Butte was ;-('J. 0 s Revision Of sk!;:i~tg T~::,d•~;t~~~~~1" J~:tth:0 ~,~~e71~ • • • c•t:it·d as one or t!ll' cqmpt•t itor for the engineering: :;-.hop!:i, \\a~ 1looth.:l1 fv, I I G d H I h Rhode:-. :-- ·ho;arc:h1p from )l l•otan IS APPROACHING RAPIDLY the lir~t tune .. l>Ci.:au::;e Lilt:! .H.'C \\C.... n 00 ea t Eugt·nc ~underFn. )!JS oula, ::-:tu<l1•1li rough it wa::; flooded uc-a,n S,t.Uiu:;. at t ll' :-·ta,e lJnnc1:-.itJ, \",as u. 1 0 <·1- Social Policy 1 ~~~~ni~g,lar~c ~~l~~ot~h:u\~~:cen~~- ~;- tc ed. Thl tv.o n l'n will (•ompetn ~•t .,ew :llethod or Regi tration Formu:ated. Will Take Place Thurs­ skating tnthusun:11.:. v.1.. _,.1.untan~1 .::,ta ....\utu1nn Quarter Free From Con- 1it1hane, J e<·. l l and 1 .. aga:n,t ti: i da) . l'ir.a1 Lxaminations ::,lated to Slart Friday and Last Committee l'ropose:s Elimination 1 A few of the more hardy shck-~no"' . • • . dl'h.• rt~ fron the srntes of ItiaiM Lntil Wednesday .\fternoon Uetember 21 of Otficial Facult) Chapernnes artist::, haH! bra,c<l the cold_ wea.th: tag1ous lllness. HcaJt11 :Sc.:v- . tt~h;n::?ton. On·~ 11 , \\'.roming an,I and have pronoum.:cd the quahty oi the' ice [mportant Unit ol llakot . l·rom th. ruup, f m and !'arty Reports 1 ice ideal. It is hoped that all the st·· will he chosen lo aucnd 0.-..ior•I lini. Final c:xam,nat.on ln!>tru, lion~ Io., 1. Set.:urc trial ~tud.Y carJ, regi - dents will take ild\"antaJ!t! 01 the up --- tJ 1 1 0.1 a ·1,tcr nJ tration card, t:lass auv1ser s caro, (I - A proposed new ocial pol,cy, U,::.­ portunity of using this nnk so th~t .ti A record for the l!XcellcnL'c in ~:u: n·rsity in Eni.;land witH the s ·holar- 1:~i:~;~G;~-;rocec~~'re:d;~/'w~ :, .. ~•. , .. e.tury earn, "1.0<..l auwnw.:.,,le intunrn.- tonunuant:e ut tnc i.:tJ:Stum oi. 11:1,·jn~ may be kept in the be~t of conditio•i dent health h~ls been e.-;.tabli:-.hl·d :.11. ~hip.s. ll 11, one cf lht> s holastH.:ally qua1 ter ha·\·c oeen 1:-.:.ucd by Heg1:.tra1 tion card from cia::.:.. a.Jv,:.~1' at. n1. ol- • H. 1acult} rnt.:nil.lcr~ a::. i;n.11 crone:. a~ during the winter months. :\1. S. C. dui·mg- the autumn quai lcr. hig-hest rankin~ student t•Yc 1 to g-rad-1 11. }kl.all. fie nate1 nity anu soi unt; 1,a1·tw:., anu Ti~~! f~~~1~n!1f:~~!~u~a:nbJceton~~~~~~f.~ late from .:\lcmtarca :-:ta ti 1 ..e.tl•hin~ ..\II e;... ammations mu:-.t be given e. Fill out rei-,'lstration cad anJ muk111g It unnc"-C~;:.aQ 1ur toe c.:ua1x.:1- disea,3es, a sun·cy of health i<.:cunu mathen atics at lhl' X~rl}1 lhk 0 l' cl~rm..:; the perwd .Ft 1<lay, lJcc..:mb~t trial study. card according to directions ones to make a !ut ma1 n.purt a~Lc1 . • a 10, t.o \\ c<lnes<lay, lJ<.:ct:n1ber :!l, 1n- 1-1-,;-4 p11nted on the back of 1 e;,C1s- tne hous~ part1<.•s, 1s ,.H.untana ~tale::. BEST FRESHMAN recently revealed. AR~,IIX llILI. :;t:hool of ;lhnc:-. thi:-. )"l'ar. dus1ve, unle~::,, the rnsuuctoi ha:. oo- trat1on card \.\lake certain that cla:..-. newest mnunlLJUn m SV<:ial 111.c. Ln::i­ Nearly 2,4UO in<.livi<.lual diSJ (msa.t"f 1tamed special au tho ,zatwn to <lo ad\ rnci has ~1gned rcg1:,tration c.:arrJ cussed by the :-.oL'ial cuu11111ttcc at ,. I visits were made durJni{ tnc ltll'cC- otherwise. Each 111structo1 may U>t I before proceeding- furthe1.) recent mct:l1.11g tne pul•~·y \\ a~ ap- rroR CHOSEN months period 1lum. ~lJJLtml.H.!L' Lo iJ.!- Prof.. T'herkelson Descrz"bes German a,; 111any oi the iec1.at1un or labor-j .;. Go to the general library :n DEBA I I 1,rovt.:<l. b}· man;· 01 tnu::,e p1 c::,cnt, au..1 cember. This indicates that tne stu- atory period:; scheduled 1or t.hc.:te la.:;t\ .\l(Jntana hall. 1here secur~ clas,:; card:1 1L b hoped that 1t will c, cntually tit !dents are aware of the_bcnetits which Conditions To Bozeman Rotarians li,e ~a,, as are needed. lrom class ca,d lme. (:;ect,oned COUISe put into iotcc at college :.--ot:1al tunc­ )lillet l(eller _Selected for Honor }~~t~!:lt~nder~::ci~>l'~~:~~~sto J~\ee'i~~: Hch.::,,t1ation will be held 'lhu:sJay , cards from se..:tioning officer:-., unsee- 1 tions. Conclust0n ments of seemingli· simtl!e ail ;.en1.s. Uc.:cmter 15, rn!t,H.en tnc hour::; 01 tioned course car<.1:-; trom the unse.:"- It is not prupo;:$e<l that nu acult) at of Frosh- oph- ol . , . ,· h, r ~ 1 .· , " . a. m. to li 111. 1 and 1 to f> JJ. m . .10r all tior.ed cour:se table at end of section- nrnmber t>c pri.:::ii.:nt, but \\Ill I.Jc prescn~ omore (ontest This year tho lumlth program r.,chun Im~re~s1ons. 1ccc1, e>d. ~f t t\ l1~e n per:-o~a pudc r1;~o_r_i,..... tne. (,.t>rn~a-n:- in Istudents returning for the \\Jnttr ing· lme.J \ lnese dass cards mu.... t as gue:::.ls an<l not <.1::i lorm~d rc1irc:.cnt· with physical examination~ fur ali Getma_n), durrn~ _n }~~ir lu spe.nt seemg that then ut~ .. ltt't~ aie a.I- ,wartcr. correspond exactly with the cou :.e:-. ativcs of "_J.U:.. l,runuy." ..1n~ 1u<:a oc­ freshmen studenLs dut m,:.r Freshman a~~ndmg the t:m,crs,_tr. at. Berlm, wa~·:;. ~lc1..1~: and ~l~.i.: _c<,n:·"~!~•ra~ .• 1~n 1:- Procedure will be somewha~ differ- ai .. pca1·,ng 011 registration carJ an·l hmd tht! propu!>cd cnane,e 1::> 1.i,at tnt Putting up a clean case against ca~- \Yeek. These t::xaminatH,11::. \\..:re g,v1.:n \\Cl~ told to. th~ Hut.lr) c:I;-1b h) a.h,a_y::,, grHn t.o c,e) 0111<.:1,1! 11.:i;ula· icnt irom t.nat 01 Iurm<.:r t.n,e.s in ttiat muH be filied out in ink by the stu- faculty menwers im·1teu will be aotL cellation of war d~bts, the fteshmar, in conjunction with the department ui. P1ofes~or Eric 1hcrk<.lscn, 0.1 .:\lon- t10n. Jstudent.s will secure class ca1d::i from dent himseli". Print e,erything.) n:- J to m1r.g-le witn tnc otner guLsts p,e.s· debate team defeated the ~opho.nore:-. physical education. 'lnroug:n the ge.1- tana t>tate college, at a luncheon There are two att1tuJe:s Jis1,layc~1. ~1 1.:ia::.s ...:ard lmc m tht: general library 4_ Present registration card, c:lass cnt and get much mul c cnJo) men .. OUl by a two to one decision of tne ju<lge erous cooperation of ten lo.:al p;Jy:,,1- cently. among the people, not only a111oag, at }lontana hall a.ftcr tncy have hlll·u l·uid~, mrectory card. and automobllt oi their evening;:-, a::. Wl!ll a!> t:.'i.lllrnat­ -Ptofessor~ .Jlcndenhall, CaµJwn an<I cians, the entire class was l'a1..:tully I n answe~ to the que.-.t1un a_~ to ho\\ Ithc~useh-cs Out tu stran~er~. une _,:.- Ivut. rc.,,,isuauon 1.:at'(iS an...1 tr.al stuuy in~,Jrmation card to registrat.on com­ mg- the "watchrnan ' 1oca trom then Good-to wm the last of the mtercla~ ... examined in three days. To the ph),- Germany . impressed him. lrom . its thea· . court.csy and au a1.>1e n1anri..-1 c.:ar<ls al:'-oilling to uueet,on:, vn t,ar.:r.. nnttee in cgisttar's oth ... c. 1 1 presence. scraps. sicians' findings the colleie healt,1 topograph1tal aspect, anJ 1t.:- phys1l'al among n1e;nds, wn1lc at otnc:r t,u1c::i ut the regi:strat1on card. I . ·l>te-(The treasurer will re- Although thb move may at Lirst Millet Keller oi Libby .a pledge Ol service added other tests, in ordt· appearance, P,·otb-501' 'lhe heh-en tnc_y ...11s1J,a.y an a..1ugall~e and 1·uuc- '!here: wdl be no tla~.:es held on c(he no fe~ on registration day. :seem a bit radical anti too mut:n 111 al:­ Sigma Alpha Epsilon tratermty. wa:- that a complete knowledge ot t,1e :U,•· stated it. was ve~·y 1,lcasrn.::·. 'll~e ! ncss hard to un<ler::.tanJ. lhe pcu ,ie 1.: i~tration day. The tre~urer \\ill nol require a 1 1 0 cordancc with the tunes. a1.:t:u1 ding to adjudicated the best frc::--hman <le bater dent's physical ~tat.us could be ob- country. is attruc~l\-e _from. a.
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