THE BELFAST GAZETTE, JULY 22, 1938. 255 Probate of said Will and Codicil was on the of her property of every kind and nature to the 24th day''of May, 1938, granted to the said Miss Reverend Patrick Collins, P.P., Eglish, or the Elizabeth W. Foley and Mr. William A. Lawther Parish Priest for the time being at the time of forth of the Principal Registry, King's Bench her death of the Parish of Eglish for the upkeep Division (Probate), of the High Court of Justice in and repair of Eglish Catholic Church, and testatrix Northern Ireland. by her Will and Codicil appointed Stephen Dated this 1st day of July, 1938. McVeigh, of Gort, and Joseph McVeigh, of Roan, both in the County of Tyrone, Farmers, to be the S. J. DIAMOND & SON, Solicitors for the Executors. Executors, 60 Donegall Street, Belfast. And Probate of said Will and Codicil was on the To the Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, and 23rd day of June, 1937, granted to the said Stephen all others whom it may concern. McVeigh and Joseph McVeigh forth of the Principal Registry of the King's Bench Division, Probate, of the High Court of Justice in Northern NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. Ireland. In the Goods of JOHN WARING, late of Dated this 6th day of June, 1938. Aughnahough, Lisburn, in the County of J. H. DONNELLY, Solicitor for the Antrim, Farmer, deceased. Executors, Dungannon; and 2 Wellington NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute Place, Belfast. 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, that the said John Waring, To the Secretary, Ministry of Finance for by his Will bearing date the 16th day of October, Northern Ireland (Charities Branch), and all 1936, after making certain pecuniary bequests, others whom it may concern. bequeathed a legacy of One Hundred pounds to Derriaghy Parish Church to be invested and the income to be applied to the Sustentation Fund of the said Church, and a legacy of Fifty pounds to NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. St. Mark's Church, Ballymacash, to be invested and the income to be applied to the Sustentation In the -Goods of REBECCA GREEN, late of Hawthorn- Fund of the said Church. Testator den, Strandtown, Belfast, Widow, Deceased. devised and bequeathed the rest residue NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute and remainder of his property to his 30 and 31, Vic. C. 54, Sec. 19, that the above-named Executors and Trustees in trust for his wife Rebecca Green by her last Will and Testament during the term of her natural life or widowhood dated the 15th day of December, 1932, made the and on the death or re-marriage of his wife to his following Charitable Bequests :—To the Lisburn Executors and Trustees to realize into cash and to Friends' School, the sum of £100; to the Religious divide same between the following charities, share Society of Friends in Belfast, the sum of £200 and and share alike, viz.:—The Church Missionary to the Belfast Girls' Help Society, the sum of £100. Society in connection with the Church of Ireland ; And Testatrix further bequeathed the residue of the County Antrim Infirmary, Lisburn; the Lisburn Jier property, after payment of all Crown Duties District Hospital, Lisburn; and Dr. Barnardo's and expenses, to the Legatees named in said Will, Homes, London, to be used and applied towards including the said Lisburn Friends' School, the the general purposes of the said respective Religious Society of Friends in Belfast and the chanties. Belfast Girls' Help Society, in equal shares. The The said John Waring died on the 12th day of said Testatrix died on the 19th day of January, 1938, December, 1936, without having in any way altered and Probate of her said Will was on the llth day or revoked his said Will, and Probate thereof was of May, 1938, granted forth of the Principal on the 15th day of February, 1938, granted forth Registry of the High Court of Justice in of the Principal Registry at Belfast to William Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division (Probate), Irwin Bailie, of Bank Chambers, Solicitor's Assist- to Leonard Green, of 102 Ann Street, Belfast, ant, and Adam Kane, Ballymacash, Insurance Director, and Lillian Green, of Hawthornden, Official, both of Lisburn, in the County of Antrim, Strandtown, Belfast, Spinster, the Executors the Executors and Trustees named in said Will. therein named. Dated this 18th day of July, 1938. Dated this fourteenth day of July, 1938. JOHN T. McCONNELL, Solicitor for T. G. MENARY & CO., Solicitors, 12 Executors, Bank Chambers, Lisburn. Mayfair, Arthur Square, Belfast and To the Ministry of Finance (Charities Branch)-, Lurgan. Stormont, Belfast; and all others whom it may To the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Northern concern. Ireland, and all others whom it may concern. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF In the Estate of MARY HUGHES, late of Derrylatinee, PARTNERSHIP. in the County of Tyrone, Widow, deceased. PORTER & McNEILL, BUSHMILLS, CO. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute ANTRIM. 30 and 31 Vic. Chap. 54, Sec. 19, that Mary Hughes, Notice is hereby given that the partnership late of Derrylatinee, in the County of Tyrone, heretofore subsisting between Kennedy H. Porter Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 24th and Daniel McNeill, carrying on business as day of April, 1937, by her last Will with one Codicil Grocers at Bushmills, County Antrim, under the thereto dated respectively the 18th day of above style or firm .has this day been dissolved by November, 1935, and the 6th day of April, 1937, mutual consent, and the said Kennedy H. Porter gave and bequeathed (amongst other legacies) the has retired from the said firm. following Charitable Bequests :— All debts due to or owing by the late firm will 1. To the Reverend Patrick Collins, P.P., Eglish, be received and paid by said Daniel McNeill, who the sum of £100 towards the building of a school will continue the said business under the title of at Derrylatinee. Daniel J. McNeill. 2. To the poor of the Parish of Eglish the sum Dated this 8th day of July, 1938. of £20. 3. To the Maynooth Mission to China the sum Signed by the said of £20. Kennedy H. Porter and KENNEDY H. 4. To the Reverend Patrick Collins, P.P., Eglish, Daniel McNeill in PORTER. the -sum of £100 for Masses for the repose of presence of:— deceased's own soul, and the souls of her deceased Done! F. Boyle, parents, brother and sisters, and all her deceased Solicitor, DANIEL McNEILL. relatives, the honorarium for each Mass to be Five Ballymoney. Shillings, and testatrix, by her said Will, also GAGE & ROPER, Solicitors, Magherafelt, devised and bequeathed the residue and remainder Co. Londonderry..
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