•ppp mm* mmmmmm vV';:';\'"". QUOTE j "We. must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang s&par- tfMr&foy, Jvne 22 ,...<. 155 82 O.qo 1 'frJdftyOJun^ 33 ,.....,.52 81 0.00* •?.••...-' ateiy. '. fp'ftwW; **«»« 24 "-P5 ?3 0'°° —Benjamin Franklin giiMUfy^'June 35 67 81 0 1» at the signing of the >M<MMAy. Ji^ne 26 65 84 Declaration of Independence. j3ai«?<tay, June 27 60 8R ' vj^dltttylay, Junt>,28 GO 84 Plus >M)| /JlUNDRED.IsflNTH YEAR—No. 3 .14 Pagers This Week '.>. Supplements CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1978 15c per copy SUBSCRIPTION: $6.00 PER YEAR J *' * »•»»••<••'• « «• *,—.«> . L ! , ••' •'•••• ' ''."•'- , • —_ n tries Sought for Sidewalk Art Fair ; Craft demonstrations, hand­ ment should include a table and made art work, retail bargains, easels to display work. Be pre? and an auction will line the Chel­ pared for rain with a waterproof sea downtown business district as covering. 5) Artists are encouraged mes fifth annual Chelsea Sidewalk to be present whenever, possible to festival is held this Aug, 4-5. discuss and demonstrate their *c the auction will be held on Fri­ crafts. Displays should be limited day, Aug. 4 at 8:30 p.n>. with maHy to' three media forms. puabie itenis donated by Chelsea the Sidewalk Festival is,juried |jfet#iarits v$/fpr/s/iieV^ ^ and w^rks should be presented (in |A|lar^a; artists are inyited -'1ft picture or original •form) to the 1)^: yei^ ^Sidewalk Festival if Chelsea^Jury Committee at U8. S, Chelsea Fairgrounds promises to in the Chelsea. Fairgrounds Serv­ pit* ' pjrt>dwcts ^re hand-madel Main St.' Ask for; Karen < Johnson. be the area's, hot . spot fuesday, ice Center, or the poxed lunches Kralfbh&irw<>mariyfor the event, Deadline for reservations is' Fri­ July 4, as members of the Her­ may be ordered lor take-out. A §aten>M^ ! day, /July ,21: /Cancellations in bert J. McKune Post No. 31 Of the VaMety of beverages' will also b/e Writing /will/be accepted no later available. Legion members will ll.jRMles for exhibltidn' ate; I) Ex- ^American -Legion turn their'talents serve food until the last chicken fthits ^ill be^dispjayed fr«rn 8:30 than; July 30./ Money cannot be re­ ;to the roasting of 1,500 ^cfecken funded after that time: is gone. .v ' &m. to 8;30 jpi: oh'^ida^, Aug. halves and the explosion Of more ii and. from.#:30 a.m. to 5;3Q. p.m. Entry fee money will go for ex­ To complete, the meal, an, ice & Satur^ay^Aug. 5. 2) Entry fee penses and advertising in the area. -than $1,700 worth of fireworks. cream social will commence at ,7 For further information, Karen Beginning the celebration of In­ p.m. with cake and ice cream fol­ 1^10 f^thje)twb days. 3), A 10- dependence Day o,t noon on Tues­ lowed by an extensive fireworks doj; spa<ce y?ill be assigned to eacii; Johnson may be contacted at 475- L3$st /iahdcraftsman. 4) Equip­ 2678;;; "; day, Legion grilling pits will be­ display, shared in cost by the Am­ come a production line of hot, erican Legion, and Kiwanis' Club. juicy, perfectly roasted, chicken Chief Chef Jim Gakeh will su­ served with cole slawr rolls', and pervise the barbecue pits and John chips for a modest price, / Popovich will organize and direct Dining facilities wijl ;be provided the fireworks display. CLASS OF ^23: Traveling from as far as Tucson, ;Ariz.> arid ^>f the 25 member class were unable to attend, Lorena (Coe) Clark, La Prongs Lai, 15 graduates from the class of '28, Chelsea High pdna (Bareis) Armstrong, Dorothy (Grabil) Dafoe, and Agnes school and nine guests gathered for their 50th-year reunion Satiir-/ |Dancer) .trafford. Stk members are deceased, "it was a very Council of Christian? and Jews; onsoruig •i$&. ;aridMrs. Elmer Kiel of t day; June 2i at Weber's Inn, Ann Arbor. /In front, frotn left to/ |pecial evening for us all and we reminisced until they closed the 46 Bb6k- St., and Itfr. and Mrs. Kiwanis /-; International , President right, are Ruth (Clark) Apel, Alberta (Winans) Park, Ruth (Vogei) doors op us at midnight,'' Mrs. Seitz commented. In addition to the ^rge. Parker bf 20624 Waterloo Maurice Gladman;;. Circle K Inter­ [A., Avere among moi^ than 15,000 national President Neil Giulia'no Duristone. of Fort Wayne, Ind.; Nadene (Dancer) Leja, Evelyn banquet at Weber's Inn, the class presented a wooden plaque, made eifsdns attending the 63rd annual and Key Club International Presi­ Bohnet) Lipphart, katnerihe (NIcolai) Seitz, and Lorena (Seitz): by Mrs, Dorothea Kalmbach's grandchildren,. Chryle Adams and TractorPuM Stierle. In back are Leon "Lee" Beutler of Crystal Lake, UK, Roy Terry Kalmbach, of. a school hduse with a 50-year emblem, to ihyahis International Convention dent Michael R. Mills: Key Cljib 1 Chelsea Area Jaycees, in con­ number attached will not be al­ iihie; 25-28, an Miami Beach, Fla; and Tfrcle k are youth, brganii.a- lyes, of; Tucsori» Ariz.V ;IrW»n Young,; Mildred (White) Titus, Ruth Roy Ives who traveled the furthest. Her grandchildren also made junction with the American Legion lowed to pulL i lie: event took place in the Miami tlons sponsored by Kiwanis. Dr. (Freeman) Mobley of LaProng, La., Dorothea (Koch) Kalmbach, a quilled plaque in honor of the golden anniversary. will be holding a Garden Tractor 7. Winner will, be determined each Convention Center. Joyce brothers, a noted psychold- Marie (Finkbeiner) Oeschgera and Marian (Crafts) Chadsey. Four Pulling Contest on Tuesday, July on maximum dead weight basis'. VKie;i. and Parker are members gistj columnist, and author address­ 4th. It Will be held at the Chelsea Tractor puliing greatest weight in f the Kiwanis Club -of Chelsea., ed' ladies at the convention. Fairgrounds beginning at 9 a.m. each class will be determined win­ ileitis-also president, of the club, Other convention highlights in­ Entry fee for the contest is $5 ner. [iwlnis International as made up cluded district affairs, the elec­ St. Paul Pastor with all proceeds/going back into • 8.. Drawbar or point,of.pull shall f/bjusines's arid professional men tion of international officers/ «ahd in the community through various not exceed 10 inches at any.time. edic&ted to community improve- the adoption of amendments and Named to projects the Jaycees will run Rigid drawbar shall be. used, and ientjt ;,.•:.;:' \ . >/- ..•';•'-. resolutions. A total of four con: throughout the year. each contestant will furnish his-her Main/speakers at. the conven- temporary . issues speakers ; were Rules and regulations' for the own clevis. 0h; ^ere:; Eastern Airlines. Presi^ als'o on hand for the convention. vation gram contest are as follows. 9. Rear tire sizes on traqtor |nt and fprnner astrunaut Frank, Sirjger tony Benrtett entertained must be available from manufac­ •.-.•'•". • •) • 1. Please read generalrules and pjrmanj : Dr. Richard ' D. Jones; Kiwanis members, and their fami­ the Rev. R. J. Ratzlaff, pastor Knowing a good thing when they More' than 33 Chelsea youths, area all the way up to first base regulations. turer; No dual wheels will be al- ist ipresi^eht of the Canadian lies. ' -:-' '-/-. /•'".:«./.: gf St/Paul ,Unij:ed: Qhurch of Christ, see it, the Village of Chelsea and out of 108 applicants, and four on the baseball diamond. Ipyed. • •'••;• " 2. Contest is open to rubber : TO. Each contestant will receive 'V 'A" was recently: elected/to^ the Wash- the Chelsea School District applied supervisors, in addition to Larson : Six new nature trails through wheel type/cornpaCt tractors, not for a second yeaf of funding. for and a mil time secretary have tne/natifre center at- Beach school l two pulling chances and must pull L :'•}/» tehaw,5County,;Cbmm«riity Sfcirte ; fipme-made. •, :\::<'\. kf£' also being completed^^^¾¾ tii|ifii@iJa^rxWht to'Wa^ratmesoul^; «u hir^^iestoratio^iand; cdh- : '^VfV^-v'-"'*-.?''^-"* ^^iihis lx)ard of-'im^^s^is^t^ 4$&WOR^^^ork Opportunity ^i*^ Wrvm^^ rk -in^me ^6m|nuJ {•> VtrailsWtaft^e n -the> Beaeh ^cKopT e*dat time of "weigh w sourc^i Corporation) project and 13/of; the, youtlis participated, in side and gp into the nature cen­ (T-~: of the/; nonprofit organisation def tractor, s.igned- 'to as'sist and' counsel, peo/ received $32,557. ••'•?• the. project last year as' did the ter where they all connect. "They s't;ay at the cbntrols and in the pie who need help with various "We' asked-for double that four supervisors, Jeanne Welton, may be used by the public and 4. Each driver is allowed only seat while the tractor is pulling. personal problems. amount this year but received less John Groesser, Craig Coltrane, the school science classes," Lar­ one tractor.per class. He-«he must keep at least one hand than half of what we wanted.. Last Sam Vogel, and director Ken Lar­ son explained. 5. Drivers under 18 years of on the steering wheel when the \yith approximately 3Q0 Human age must have written consent tractor is pulling. JEri celebration of its . 10th anni- thy : Cavanaughj Spatilding's pub­ Service Agencies' in Washtdnaw year we were allocated $37,746, son. A fifth supervisor from last The WORC creW has :leared out |rsary, Spaulding for Children lic relations coordinator. more than 50 percent of what we year, Dave Nicewicz, moved from an area around the pond for clo­ from parents before weigh-in. 12. The committee in charge coiinty offering assistance, many reserves the right to accept or /He's' Chelsea residents and their "This is an •opportunity for fami­ persons do not know which agency asked for," Ken Larson, program Chelsea recently.
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