11a,1a·. a.a.gi '10· ,_:~ -:a.-. ..,:Nr :1:.~ _.. :.. ·- ,(,~_. •:t, ............. x. ...'.L --·- NEWS Arab Block Fails To P.-t Through ,11.. Resolution ·At UN ., PINF.8 OP 15 POUNDS EACH THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUiHEAST MASS. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. - were lmpased in London on 8 The Arab bloc's only drive to put members of· the neo-fasclst Bri- VOL nu N ,...'""'AY MAY 1961 16 PAGES tlsh National Party for disturb- __· __ ,_"• __ 0_· __________9 ,.._~ ___ • ___ 5' ________________ _ through an anti-Israel resolution at this year's General Assembly Ing and carrying anti-Jewish PoSt­ failed last week. Two clauses of a ers at a rpemorial meeting in Rabbi Sandrow Urges Support Of -resolution aimed at establishment honor of the Warsaw Ghetto of United Nations cuatodlan over heroes. The court warned them Kennedy's School Aid Program property allegedly left 1n Israel by they would receive heavy fines the Arab refugees were defeated and prison terms If they were KIAMESHA LAKE, N. Y. - stltutions, but declared that such In the Assembly's closing day, fall­ brought up on similar charges In Support for President Kennedy's schools "muat be supported by the Ing to get the needed two-thirds the future. program for federal aid to public families who want their children majority. JEWISH STUDENTS WISHING. schools, and the ellmlnation· from trained 1n them or by Jewish com­ One of the clauses was voted to take college entrance exams at such a program of government aid munity councils or Welfare Funds down by 44 votes in favor, 38 Mc0111 University will be offered to religious schools, was urged or Pederations whoae respon­ against with 12 abstentions; the the opportunity to take tests on here last week by Rabbi F.dward siblllty It ts to enhance the teach­ second clause was defeated by a a day other than Saturday, when T. Sandrow, president of the Rab­ Ing of Torah 1n our communities." vote of 44 in favor, 35 against and the tests are generally adminls- blnlcal Assembly of Amerlca. Appeals for Stady 15 abstentions. tered. Rabbi Bandrow made bis state­ The opening session heard an When the talles were completed, THE MOROCCAN NATIONAL ment at the annual convention of Impassioned plea for a deeper a resolution which simply affirms Radio last week broadcast a pro- the Assembly, attepded by more commitment to religion and Jew­ that the next Assembly ,in the fall, gram paying warm vibute to the than 500 delegates representing ish study from a layman. The 18 to review the UN's work in Jews of Fez, the country's relig- Conservative synagogues 1n · the speaker was Irvlng Kane of aiding the Arab refugees was pass­ lous capital, for the manner 1n United States and Canada. Point­ Cleveland, president of the Coun­ ed by 37 to 17, with 38 absten­ which they acctalmea -the recent ing out that support of the Prest­ cil of Jewish Pederatlons and James Goldman tions. The Arab members, which visit to that city of King Hassan. dent's plan for federal aid to Welfare Funds. had pushed for the entire resolu­ PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST public schools 18 needed because "The dlfflculty with many dls­ tion, were among the abstainers Is still "unhappily far away," "the public schools are a bulwark musslons of the American Jewish Community To Sponsor on their own draft, since it no Arthur Lourie, Israel's Ambassa- of our democratic system," Rabbi community 1s that they have longer contained the clauses ob­ dor to Britain declared in London Bandrow declared: somehow overlooked the American Tribule Dinner In jectionable to Israel. last week at a meeting celebrating "We should oppose the grant- Jew," Kane said. ",t believe that Honor Of James Goldman The United States delegation led Israel's 13th anniversary. 1ng of federal aid as well as loans at least 1n America, Jews wlll the fight for .Ute defeat of the PRESIDENT BEN ZVI AND to pr.lvate and/or sectarian ele­ ultimately survtv♦ 'u a rellgloua A community sponsored tribute anti-Israel moves, and was sup­ c~unlty, or I(~ at all. When dinner tn honor of J ames Gold­ powers, ( Prlme 'M1nlster Ben Gurion were mentary and high schools. The ported by other Western present when ,a formal report on separation of church and state we are asked wh&\; ,L la that has man for close to fifty years of de­ Latin Americans and the repre­ the recent Dead ijj!a archeological has been the staunchest safe- enabled our peo~, to survwe voted community service wlll be sentatives of those new African ., finds was presen~ last week to guard against the Involvement of against all outra:,eoua fortune, held Wednesday evening, May 24 states that belong to the Prench the members of the Cabinet and any church 1n government or of against all obstacles, we know at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel. community. Francis T . P. PllmP­ the Jewish Agency Executive by the government in the affairs of that it has been our faith. It ts Archibald Silverman, chairman ton, deputy chairman of the Am­ the Hebrew University group which any religious institution. We muat our highest credentilU 1n a non­ of the Citizens Committee, said erican delegation, told the As­ carried out the excavations. The attain this cleancut separation. Jewish world. that a cross-section of community sembly that the Arab drive for report Included the first showing This principle· 1n no wise Implies "What are sometimes rtferred to leadership has Joined together to property custodianship 1n Israel of the more than 430 brom.e, Ivory the lack of respect by government as secular activities, because they sponsor this tribute to Mr. Gold­ amounted to "shortsighted poli­ and ebony relics, dating back to for religion." are not directly under synagogue man, one of the leaders of the tical manipulation." the Chalcollthld period nearly Rabbi Sandrow alluded to an auspices, are not only necessary Providence Jewish community. Throughout the long ftght for 6,000 years ago. earlier section of his tallt in which but they, too, are Torah, for they Ira 8. Galkin has been named Injection ·of the refugees' "prop­ A STAMP ~EARING THE IM- he had declared his devotion to were born of and are informed treasurer for the affair. erty rights" Into the anti-Israel age of Albert Einstein, who was Intensive Jewish educational tn­ and Infused by our rellglous faith. This year also marks the 50th drive by the Arabs, the U.S.A. had drlven from Germany by the nazls Judaism as a rellglon has always wedding anniversary ·of Mr. and held with Israel that no resolution w1ll be one of a new Issue of West been a social force - It 18 the ap­ Mrs. James Goldman and this at all on the Arab refugee problem aerman PoStage stamps in June. Beer Admits plication of timeless principles to event ·wm be marked at the tri­ was needed at this year's the Bonn Post Office announced timely problems." bute.dinner. Assembly. last week. '£.. t • ' ~:=1e:::1;.,~lv~~!e !~~er~1°!:. the Woman Tells Horrors Of Warsaw Ghetto Death ly in Washington by President muttary analyst under arrest here JERUSALEM - Survivors of fraction of that number. She told "The Jew Stood Alone" Kennedy and discussed with him for alleged espionage on behalf of the Warsaw Ghetto told the Eich- how they ·lived twelte to fifteen in varloua domestic and foreign pro- a communist count.... , admitted All week Attorney General '""ff th Mlddl ..,._at •J mann trial yesterday of the upria- room. Telllng of the intolerable Hausner· had been asking eye­ blems, inclu........ e e .,..... last -eek that he was "•-• a a ltuati Bl tein l ft f Is l " __,,_ ing in Aprtl, 1943, in which a few conditions of the so-called shelter witnesses to the Nazi atrocities s on. aus e or rae participant In the Spanish Civil, thousand Jews struck back with against the Jews why they had not at the invitation of Prime M1n18- War and that he had never been a homemade bombs and rifles. ho,~~~e :1:~ into such a resisted. This woman hero of the !:thBei:m ourt;no:: :i;i:,:5 member of the Boclaltat Self Be- "The population of the ghetto shelter house for the refugees to Jewish resistance continued: an r • fense Corps under ihe Dollfuss re- was 500,000 and was reduced by look for a family I knew before "When I came there in the first clals. .gtme of Austria. ·starvation, desease and deporta- the war. They were a well-off months the Jews were already THE MERGER OF THE OEN• Until now he had claimed both tion to 60,000 at the time of the family, he was a teacher and she terrorized by the Germans. Each eral Zionists and the Progressive these connections, giving himself uprising. Spectators wept as they a· doctor. They had children in Jew already stood fighting for his Party in Mexico into a united or- credit for having a pe:.-sonal mU-, heard the story but Eichmann be- youth movements. When I came v.ery existence for a piece of bread. ganlzation was announced 1n itary background. Some Israella trayed no emotion as he sat be- to look for this family I found He was alone, facing this bt, mon­ Mexico Ctty last week. The merg- who were famlliar with both the fore the courtroom. _ them on the floor, one on top of strous machine. When a Jew saw ed · group telegraphed an appeal Bociallat "Bchutzbund" in Vienna An·' eyewitness account of the the other.
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