orwalk; Gazette. orwau; Gazeftr N N U'erins for Advertising, ?ubliKhcil ovtuy Vioi-tiln^ a.t b*. per Furnished on application Liberal, nniform. rates Year in Advain-o: .-m-flo Copies0 ets. to lOHg time and large space Advertisers Tite Oldest, Largest >te most Widely Circulated Transient advs 1 square (1 inch) I time 11.00 Newspaper in this section oj the State. Subsequent Insertions, per weeii, 50 It Is tho bunt Adocrii**&<) Medium, and has the funeral and obituary Notices, same rates. Host Advertising. I-ecausc it la read by the Eirtfci . Marriages and Deu;!'«. inserted free. Jiest l'eople. Entered as id class mailer and Postage prepaid to Questiorable advrts. not inserted at any price. all subscribes uol served by Carriers Ail Enterprising Eepublican Journal, especially devoted to Local News and Interests. AU Bills Collectable Monthly and Yearly Addroor) ally* indicate lime when subscriptions Dollars a Year. Accounts at pro rata Rates. s Two * by mall expire. Established 1800. jr. Byington & Sons. NORWALK, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1884. Number 5. ,To"b Printing of*every Variety t ^ BTISGTOH. Publisliw. H S.BYIliGTQii, mnaging Mita. Volume LXXXIY. N£ati/y, Quickly A Cheaply Execotib^ J. i. i'«jLLBS Associate Editor. JL-JT own witv, and theft compare noics and iJtFK I>" THE POLAR KEGIONS. section of the country wcr.; potash ai d DR. D. HITCHCOCK, REAL ESTATE. "There in full sight of the snowy range THOSE GOOD OLD TIMES. 'kick' 'cause they wasn't suited exuctly in ROOST MOUNTAIN SCENERY.-iX. clover-seed. In cleaning up our land we It is impossible to form an iVW 0f a of the Rocky Mountains, square miles of the arrangement of affairs by the fellow Cor. of WENT Avenue and U- nly the Best! rolled he logs together aud burned iheni To Rent. R -;v.-. '-SI tempest in the polar seas. The icebergs corn, oats, wheat, potatoes and California How People Lived Sixty Tears Ago — E rly who furnished the news item. Either h • liMB-facley I'lace, Graslay and its Agricultural Productions-A am savid the bsIh-s. put up our •letiChes,' clover burst upon the weary eyes, and Struggles ot New-England Families—The HE npper part of a house on Warren are like floating rocks whirled along a 11 waited too Ions for them :o write »S Third house below the Methodist Ohurcta Goatinuation of List Week's Letter got lye and boiled it down. totind a Street. Five looms. Bent low. Enquire rapid current. Tbe huge crystal moun­ make one imagine it A mirage, or .-URNI- Beginning and Rapid Growth of Chicago. many columns for ti « moin-.ng paper as at this ofllce. 10ii the Office Ilou!I« trom 7 to 9 a. M., 2 to 3.and 7 T market in seaport towus and oihir T" *II. M. tains dash against each other, backward BT It. M. 1'KOWITT. 01 her f^n asiic delusion of the'^-seu' tney would like, or else lie went to some ROYAL.C5RoJ3 pla -IS. The farimts used to GO down »tumvt5t itmosphere. The cause of the fertility is The Manchester, N. H., Mirror pub­ "W. A. V0GEL, and forward, bursting with a roar like T=ie o 'J CI T>F t&e PRESENT number is •ut of the way place where ihey hsd o Let. lishes the full lepori of the examination once a year, in sleighing time, either lice thunder, and returning to the charge un­ the water of the canal, wh ch extends Irt of bouso of U'll i-illnglBttllli' w<*8'' ,n ?pn* some trouble tj find him." a. H. BALDWIN, M. D., 'J'HE lower the corner III of Mr. 8jIvesler Marsh by the Senate fBastoi ]or TO Porilend. wiilt whntevir Union anddI BetdenBe! avenues. til losing their equilibrium they tumble through the country- for of era!, f-r its i.i!ri<'iil>iiral productions, a distance "1 ••And >our printers. What do. they lUiimeopiiltiic Physician ami Sur>;I'on. committee on education »U<T labor. Mr. larm products tbey had for sate, and the Enquire at neaily sixty miles. N UT biich hous s liuwUencc in ihe Charles Isaics Homestead, over in a cloud of spray, upheaving the since litis is hy all tn bp thi- a 'kick' about ?' ^ MaHfactnrim Piarmacist, KSSM LCCKWOOD'S MARKET, Marsh said be wa» TL^E son of a farmer, alwa\B loaded back wiih rum ; thai wi Wall St.. Norwiilli, Ct. ice-fields, which fall afterward like the of with rod roofs appear on each farm, and "Their kicking is mostly Gretk to* me. 39tf Br. al farniiuff Amwica ; but >o thj: first thing always, and tobucc 9 Office hours till Ha. M.. 1 to 3 UML 7 to 8 p. M • he innumerable wtuftt slacks and Corn and was horn at Compton, N. H., iu 1803, They get together in little knots and talk crack of a whip-lash on the boiling sea. »b.>« "'ha' Colorado, laboring imd r salt, salt-fish, and then they got spine (• a ; AKD shocks demonstrate the richness of the and resided there until he was nineteen To Let The sea-gulls fly away screaming, and natural di»»rt»ant»i!i>', has been able to about 'fat and lean,' just as though they years of age. Then lie wenl in B ' . '.ud coffee, if there was any money lelt OOllfS TO BENT in Brick Bnildlngin soil. Coiil mims. a brick yard, and a Sion . T. E SWIFT, often a black shining whale comes for an' WX-tmiplisii. I was for this PII'PWE that. worked tn a.packing house among the Dr Leonard street. POSSESSION imme­ Continuing in substance he said :—"From «fier they got the o her things. BU ttr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. R TARGE elevator ol 110,000 bushels capacity, in.nis and sides. Then the 'takes' whai- DENTIST, diately. Enquire ol C. T.LTTONAKL) it suN. instant puffing to the surface. When the iu „ur visit to CWIEV, SPECIAL atlHiili.M was seven cents a pound; lambs were May 7th, ISS3. couvey some id<°N of ihe marvel'tusresour- Boston I went to Ashtabula county, Ohio.; Artificial teeth without, plates by the perfect midnight sun grazes the horizon, the wns GIVMI to ILI« methods <>f cultivation evtr that is, aie too big or too little, and from ; (I Dnvt - worth SEVI uty-flve cents ahead; sheep, Crowning system. ees of the country. Hon. B. H. Eamn, Ohio toChicsgri wes in n floating mountains and the rocks seem AUD IN THE rrsillts. i» LIWT week'SG ZBTTR ihey ou&f'l 10 have b'< u stf. iu 'brev't-i,' Druggist, a port, Iowa, 1852-3, but TL tl not. stay thi re perhaps F1 or #1 25, and poik about $3 50. ^ILLEE& KCVIDENCE >O. 9 WENT Ave. For Sale Cheap. immersed in a wave of beautiful purple v who organized the canal and the great or 'milt 01,' or niartil,' or ' gdr,' A general view of irrigation was s» «""» SOME flue meiiuo rams were imported IFF ITUHT- Hand fJell. ILLbeaoliIat a Bargainer applied for enterprii-e connected with it, much ;) from Chicago Icame back to light.. The cold is b^no means so insup­ is a citieeu which 1 have Jound^ out means types of soon a small* neat Cottage* OL six r«i«ms. showing that no farm is complete without iulo this country st that time that wen- 21 Main Street, Norwalk, Ct. W «f Greeley, though became tothiscountry Jamaica Plain, near Boston. 1855; was in good neighborhood, and three minutes' portable as is suppose. We passed from A duel), H8 il is railed, but that with WATER dtffeieni sizes. They talk about 'the i d •A8.GIJBS»ON,. there sis yeitrs; went back to Chicago and sold as bigli as #400 apiece,. Before thai walk- ol. tbe Bridge. Apply at GAZBTTK with the first Pike's Peakers. The OFFICE a heated cabin at thirty degrees above piivii.-g.-s a very large crop could be man* and the 'bonuses, and seetu to re­ staid there three years, until 1863 LU time our wool was all course wool- These tJrganitt'if THE S'irst Ooaprrogational Cturcli None but absolutely pnre and zero to forty-seven degrees below zero in Greeley colony met his hearty approval gard that fellow as a monster into whose raised. II MUST not HE KEPT "UT of sighi 1808I went to Brooklyn. N. Y./aud was Alerit-o rams gave very fine wool which iu the beginning, but like many other i .satiate maw everything good falls, I'CARTSIISR "J perfectly fresh and reliable medi­ To Let. the open air without inconvenience. A that iu this section of THE West rain otil> tht re from 1863 until 1854. Iwent frotn made verj flue broadcloth. In 1116 came • •Id sctilcrs he had serious doubts as to Ptano-Porte, ORUAN AND Huslol cinal preparations, Druga and much higher degree of cold becomes, falls st certain seasons of the year, aud while to thein cotnes ouly the crumta HE large, commodious front room in there to Litt leton, N. H., for the purpose" what was known »S the cold season; POWDER <#U:p« Ho by however, insufferable if there is wind. Oazette liuildint vacated the value of ihe plains for farming. The fr. tn his table." Chemicals ' T just Francis that in driving over tlx- piaiti* lands all of the ­ there wbb a frost every •uinthitnheyeai, - Lock Uoxmd. p.<I.. won walk. comm. jicKeon. Full particulars or first colony ctop, however, couvincefi building railroad up Mount Wash Pure B.J.STUKOK8 At fifteen degrees below zero a steam, as Ibai is, seen giowiug the Ouffalo •*Tne telegraph operators discuss their is short ington.
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