UNDERWATER SPELEOLOGY National 5pelrological Society • Ca~ Diving S...uion ~ber/Ombcr, 1991 • Vol.18, No.5 Cow Springs - Photo by Bob Janowski UNDERWATER TABLE OF CONTENTS SPELE'OLOGY · 17tt officitll publication .of the Om! Dir1ing NEWS StdOr of the NatDtal Sptlt:dogiad Society, Inc. 3 NSS-CDS Election'Platform Statements P.O. Box 9&) • Branford, Fl. 3201J8.()9&) 5 NSS-CDS Wmter Workshop 6 Metritts Mill Pond Weekend Editor: H. V. GREY . 6 NACD Workshop P.O. Box 12 • Nokomis; FL 34274-0012 7 Sistema Natanjal Now Longest Underwater Cave (813) 484-7834 • (813) 484-6665 (fax) 7 New NSS-CDS Training Programs Available ..;:._ Kelly Brady · Board of Directors EXPLORATION · Cllainnan: FRANK HOWARD 9 Cave Divers Dive the Andrea Dorea - Bernie CJwux1hury 334 Portico Ct. • Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 46%133. 542-0838 (fax) SAFETY Vice-Chairman: MARK LEONARD 8 The Safety Line - Wmdy Shmt Rt. 14, Box 136 • lake City, FL 32055 (~) 752-1007 LETTERS lteasurer: BD..L FOOTE 6 The Sea's Gentle Hand - PhilipS. Cuilla, Jr. 1433 S.E. 8th St. • Ckala, FL 32671 11 Diepolders Article Brings Back Memories - Tom Halliwell (~) 622-3488 1l Letter to the Editor - Frrmk lmxliJee Secretary: H. V. GREY See contact infonnation above Copyright CO 1991 by the Cave Diving Section of the National Speleological Society, Inc. 'liaining Chairman: JOE PROSSER All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written not necESsarily the official 7400 N.W. 55th St. • Miami, FL 33166 permission of the N$-CDS. Opinions expressed within are (305) 592-3146 (bus) • 966-0619 (res) policy of the N$-CDS. all news items, articles, Letters to the Editor, (305) 593-2225 (fax) Magazine Submissions- ~ wekome photos, slides, cartoons, and other items of interest or importance to the cave-diving com­ from all members, subsaibers, and other interestOO parties. They should be sent LINS munity ~Leadership COOrdinator: DAN directly to the Editor (see address on left rolumn). ~can also use text processed in most 916 SE. 13th Ave. • Q:ala, FL 32671 illM-rompatible fonnats. (Please rontact the Editor directly for details and anangements.) (904) 6'19.1)749 Advertising-The N$.CDS Board of Directors has approved ·the reinstitution of paid cornmertialadvertising for Underwrlter Speledogy. Please rontact the Editor for infonnation Director at Large: JIM BOWDEN and anangements (see address on left columil). and Cave Diving-Founded in 1941, the National Speleological Society pins P.O. Box 49461 • Austin, TX 78765 The NSS thousands of individuals dooicated to the safe study, exploration, and ronservation (512) 92.8-4727 together · of caves. The first cav~iving infonnation ever published in the United States was in a 1947 NSS Bulletin. In 1948, NSS divers were responsible for the first cave dives in the United Program Coordinators States using scuba. Prior to 1973, cave diving within the NSS was on a purely local leveL That year saw the creation off the NSS Cave Diving Section to provide a vehicle for infor­ Abe Davis Award .............................. Werdy Short mation exchange. Today, with over 750 members, the Cave Diving Section promotes safe Accident Files .......................................... John Crea · cave diving through semi-annual worl<shops; cavern- and cave-diving training programs; Pete Butt Activities Coordinator .............................. warning-sign installations; search, rescue, and recovery through the National Cave Resrue ................................................ Dr. JiU Yager Biology Commission; cave exploration and mapping; several texts and publications on cave diving; Cartography ................ John Burge, Fr.Uik Howald and ihe bimonthly magazine, Underwater Sp!leology. Cave Ftles Coordinator .............. Sgt. Bob McGuire "- The National Speleological Society welcomes the interest of Computer Applications ...................Tom Qlleland NSS Member.ihip study, exploration, and ronservation Col"5ei'Vation ....................................... Tom Monis anyone who has a sinret:e roncern about the safety, directly to its main office Foreign Mailings ................................Mary Garvin of caves, wet or dry. You may pin the NSS either by writing ICDSA ............................................... Werdy Short (National Speleological Society, Inc., Cave Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35810) or to the Cave Maps ............................................... Frank Howard Diving Section. Annual membership is $25.00 and includes subsaiption to the NSS's Photography ..................................... Bob Janowski monthly magazine, NSS News, as well as voting privileges and discounts on publications Property Manager .............................. Lunar Hires and conventions. Publications 0\airman. ...................... Lunar Hires CDS Membership- As a sub-organization or "section" of the NSS, the Cave Diving Publications Cootdinator ................. Gene Hellwig Section is sub;:oct to the bylaws and ethics of the NSS. Membership in the Cave Diving Rescue/RecoveryTeam .... Capt Henry NicholSon Section is open to anyone who is a member in good standing of the NSS. Anni.Jal mem­ ..... Randy Kwiatkowski Safety Committee (North) bership is $5.00 per year and includes subsaiption to the CDS s bin¥>nthly magazine, Un­ Safety Committee (South) ........, ........ Werdy Short deruxller Speledogy, as well as voting privileges and discounts on publications and Science Committee .............................. Tom MorriS worl<shops. · Sump Diving Project .....................John Sdtweyen do not wish to the NSS and CDS, but would like to keep Survey ................................................ Lunar Hires Subscription -If you pin are invited to subsaibe to Techniques ........................................ Wxxiy Jasper CUirel\t on cav~iving events, exploration and technology, you Traini~ Coordinator ........................ Hany Averill Underwater Spelet!logy for $15.00 per year. 2 • UNDERWJill'R 5PaEOLOGY • Vol. 18, No.5 • September/October; 1991 NSS-CDS ELECTION PLATFORM STATEMENTS tapled outside this issue are This is probably the most demanding doubtless make very good Board mem­ 5 renewal forms for subscribers, and difficult position on the eritire bers. It's too bad they can't all win be­ and renewals and election ballots for Board. We are extremely fortunate to cause it's going to be difficult to choose members. Ballots must be received at have one our mostexperienood instruc­ from amongst them. Please take a few the Section's permanent post-office box tors and past Board members, lamar minutes before voting to read through in Branford, Fl.. by Dec.15,1991 in order Hires, step forward to take on this their platform statements. This is to be counted in the election. You may tremendous responsibility. lamar has probably going to be a very dose elec­ mail your ballot separately as a post the full endorsement and confidence of tion and your vote could easily make card (requires 19t postage) or, if you retiring Training Chairman, Joe Prosser, the difference in who is elected. don't particularly care about secret bal­ and the process of transfer has already We wish to thank all of the can­ lot, youcanendoseitwith your renewal begun. A space for a write-in candidate didates for agreeing to run for these form and send them both back in the for 1laining has been included on the time-<:onsuming volunteer positions, reply envelope we have provided. ballot, but purely as a formality. and would like to encourage the two We have had elections in the past But with the election for the other gentlemen-whoever they end up where we ronsidered ourselves lucky three general Board positions, it's a being-who are not elected this time to have enough people running to fill whole different ball game. This year we not to give up, but to consider running the positions. Such is the case this year have a very fine list of candidates-all in the next election with the position of Training Cllairman. of whom are well qualified and would TRAINING CHAIRMAN CANDIDATE Lamar Hires perience of being a past BOD member will bring to the office the experience of familiar with the workings of the Board. an instructor in the field. I have piloted (NSS #23991) Lake City, FL I have been an active cave instructor many projects in the North Florida~, since 1984. During this time I have from the maintenance of main lines in andidate Statement: I am run­ trained hundreds of divers from cavern popular caves to the survey and ex­ C ning for this position because the to cave. I have been on the Training ploration of cave sites. present Chairman, Joe Prosser, is retir­ Committee, and active in the writing ing. I would bring to the office my ex- and compiling of training materials. I GENERAL BOARD CANDIDATES Kelly Brady ly working on "Devil's Ear Cave Sys­ our contact with the open-water agen­ tem" and ''Madison Blue" maps. Oc­ cies and the members of the diving (NSS #26061) Gainesville, FL cupation: Management Information community for even gmtter impact To Systems Specialist for a construction do this requires a plan, and consistent andidate Information: Origi­ firm. action and energy to move things for­ nally from Louisville, Kentucky. C Cmdidate Statement: fm not real­ ward. Resident of Gainesville, Florida. Cer­ ly interested in politics. But I am inter­ Cave-diving technology is increas­ tified open-water diver, 1900; NAUI In­ ested in the Cave Diving Section Ex­ ing faster than our training and under­ structor, 1986; NAUI Instructor Trainer, ploration, safety, conservation,
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