OocuSign Envelope 10· OC11 0209-46F2-495A-B82E-E547178A7E79 KANSAS GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS COMMISSION RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES REPORT OF A POLITICAL OR PARTY COMMITTET"'..-.- '"'""-:-, 12/31/2020 JAN 1aiOl' FILE WITH SECRETARY OF STATE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTI@)Msrnffiont:l1 ~tMil~ Cl)rntni m~ A. Name of Committee Kansas Democratic Party Address PO Box 1914 City and Zip Code Topeka, KS 66601 This is a (check one): X Party Committee Political Committe B. Check only if appropriate: Amended Filing Termination Report C. Summary 1. Cash on hand at beginning of 177,008.57 2. Total Contributions and Other Receipts (Use Schedule A) 534,225.44 3. Cash available this period (Add Lines I and 2) . 711,234.01 4. Total Expenditures and Other Disbursements (Use Schedule 592.723.72 5. Cash on hand at close of period (Subtact Line 4 from 118.510.29 6. In-Kind Contributions (Use Schedule B)...... 0.00 7. Other Transactions (Use Schedule D)........... 0.00 D. "I declare that this report, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true. correct and complete. I understand that the intentional failure to file this document or intentionalJy fiJing a false document is a class A misdemeanor." 1/9/2021 Signature of Treasurer ~:Ig~~ Date ~OAA3A516275143A... GEe Form Rev, 2017 OocuSign Envelope 10: DC 11 0209-46F2-495A-B82E-E547178A7E79 Schedule A Contributions and Other Receipts Kansas Democratic Party (Name of Candidate, Party COOlmitt:ee or Political Committee) Name and Address Occupatim of Amount Date of Contributor Individual Giving More Than $150 Ca~h Check .Loan EFunds Other 10/27120 ANGELA4KS X 2,200.00 19769 W. 107th Street Olathe, KS 66061 10127120 Budetti For Kansas X 20,050.00 17446 W 161stSt. Olathe, KS 66062 10127/20 Christy Schunn for Harvey County X 2,500.00 7 Emerald Court North Newton, KS 67117 10/27/20 Committe To Elect Holscher X 6,500.00 P.O. 4781 Olathe, KS 66063 J0/27/20 Committe To Elect Holscher X 6,500.00 P.O. 4781 Olathe, KS 66063 10/30120 Conunittc To Elect Holscher X 9,300.00 P.O. 4781 Olathe, KS 66063 10/23/20 Committee to Elect Cheryl Arthur X 12,000.00 2813 Nevada SI Manhattan, KS 66502 12107120 David Haley For Kansas Senate X 6,700.00 PO Box 171110 Kansas City, KS 66117-0110 12/18120 Democratic Governors Association X 15,000.00 1225 Eye Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 11102120 Democratic Midterm Victory Fund X 5,000.00 777 S Figueroa St. Ste. 4050 Los Angeles, CA 90017 10/30/20 Eber Phelps Campaign X 4,950.00 3103 Olypic Lane Hays, KS 67601 OocuSign Envelope 10: OC11 0209-46F2-495A-B82E-E547178A7E79 ScbeduleA Contributions and Other Receipts Kansas Democratic Party (Name of Candidate, Party COO1mittee or Political Committee) Name and Address Occupation of Amount Date of Contributor Individual Giving More Than $150 Cash Check 1..0110 EFunds Cther 10/23120 Ethan For Kansas X 37,200.00 4601 W 62nd Ter Fairway, KS 66205 10130120 Ethan For Kansas X 22,800.00 4601 W 62nd Ter Fairway,KS 66205 10127120 Featherston for Kansas X 3;287.00 PO Box 13447 Overland Park, KS 66282 11/03120 Featherston for Kansas X 1,409.00 POBox 13447 Overland Park, KS 66282 12/23/20 Findley and Associates Inc. X 250.00 POBox 1342 Topeka, KS 66601-1342 10126120 Ford County Democrats X 250.00 1501 Avenue A Dodge City, KS 67801-46]2 10126/20 Grogan For Kansas X 3,700.00 16635 Leavenworth Rd Basehor, KS 66007 10/27/20 Hawk For Senate X 6,050.00 1927 Anderson Avenue Manhattan, KS 66502-3603 10/23/20 Hensley for Senator X 1,375.60 2226 SE Virginia Avenue Topeka, KS 66605-1357 11/09/20 Hensley For Senator X 6,300.00 2226 SE Virginia Avenue Topeka, KS 66605-1357 10/27120 Holmquist fOT Kansas X 10,000.00 PO Box 3043 Salina, KS 67402 OocuSign Envelope 10: OC11 0209-46F2-495A-B82E-E547178A7E79 Schedule A Contributions and Other Receipts Kansas Democratic Party (Name of Candidate, Party Coollnittee 0[' Political Committee) Name and Address Occupatiro of Amount Date of Contributor Individual Giving More Than $150 Cash Check Loan Efunds Other 11113120 Holmquist for Kansas X 4,000.00 PO Box 3043 Salina, KS 67402 10/28/20 Hull, Megan Consultant X 5,000.00 2226 Hall Place NW Washington, DC 20007 10/23/20 JOID Cole For District Court Judge X 3,000.00 PO Box 464 Valley Center, KS 67147 11/13120 Joni Cole For District Court Judge X 2,244.84 PO Box 464 Valley Center, KS 67]47 10/29/20 Joy For Kansas X 23,400.00 3310 W 137th St. Leawood, KS 66224 ]0/30/20 Kansas For Ward senate X 4,200.00 3100 E Clark Wichita, KS 67211 10/27/20 Kathy Wolfe Moore For State Represental X 6,850.00 3209 N 131st Street Kansas City, KS 66109-4245 10127120 Katie For Kansas X 4,300.00 14016 S. Tomahawk Dr. Olathe, KS 66062 10/27120 KC Ohaebosim for State Represeotative X 4,300.00 P.O. Box 2]271 Wichita, KS 67208 11/20120 Ken Whi te For Kansas House X 7,800.00 201 N Line St Belle Plaine, KS 67013 10/26120 Larry Dreiling For Kansa<; Senate X 2,750.00 POBox 1309 Hays, KS 67601 OocuSign Envelope 10: OC110209-46F2-495A-B82E-E547178A7E79 Schedule A Contributions and Other Receipts Kansas Democratic Party (Name of Candidate, Pa~-Comminee or Political Committee) Name and Address Occupatioo of Amount Date of Contributor Individual Giving More Than $150 Cash Check Loan EFunds OIher 10/23/20 Lindsey Constance For Kansas X 12,700.00 13913 W 73rd St Shawnee, KS 66216 10/27/20 Lindsey Constance For Kansas X 33,400.00 13913 W73rd St Shawnee, KS 66216 10/30/20 Lynn Grant for Kansas House X 10,300.00 202 S. Appleton Frontenac, KS 66763 10/27/20 Marci For Senate X 2,500.00 POBox 175 Lawrence, KS 66044-0175 ]0/26/20 Mary Lou 4 KS House X 2,250.00 3459 SW Almeda Dr Topeka, KS 66614 10/27/20 Matthew Joyce House Campaign X 5,450.00 218 Mallard Dr Derby, KS 67037 10/27/20 Meyer For Kansas X 3,864.00 15384 S Darnell St. Olathe, KS 66062 ]0/30/20 Mike Griswold Campaign X 10,350.00 160] Ridge Road Leavenworth, KS 66048 11/03/20 Mikt:: Gri:;wold Campaign X 4,650.00 160 I Ridge Road Leavenworth, KS 66048 11/13/20 Ohio Democratic Party - NonFederal X 15,000.00 340 East Fulton Street Columbus, OH 43215 10/23/20 01etha Faust-Goudeau Campaign Commit X 4,400.00 4158 Regents Lane Wichita, KS 67208-2141 DocuSign Envelope ID: DC1102D9-46F2-495A-B82E-E547178A7E79 Schedule A Contributions and Other Receipts Kansas Democmtic Party (Name or Candidate, Party Cmtmittee or Political Committee) Name and Address Occupatioo of Amount Date of Contributor Individual Giving More Than $150 Cash Check Loan ERmds Other 10/27/20 Oletha Faust-Goudeau Campaign Commit X 4,100.00 4158 Regents Lane Wichita, KS 67208-2141 lJ/20/20 Ousley For The 24TH X 4,000.00 6800 Farley Street Merriam, KS 66203-3911 12/W/20 Pam Curtis For State Representative X 550.00 322 N 16th Street Kansas City, KS 66102-4912 10/23/20 Parker For Kansas X 1,000.00 8323 W lO8th St. Apt F Overland Park, KS 66212-5733 10/23/20 Pat Pettey For Senate X 7,250.00 5316 Lakewood Street Kansas City, KS 66106-2202 10/27/20 Roitman For Kansas House X 3,150.00 57 Westborough Rd Wellington, KS 67152 10127120 Shanna Henry for KS Senate X 5,500.00 15614 SE 22 St. Cheney, KS 67025 10/30120 ShimeaIl 4 Kansas X 5,000.00 17705 W 155thTer Olathe, KS 66062 10/30/20 Stacey Knoell FOT Kansas X 8,850.00 11531 S Northwood Drive Olathe, KS 66061 12/07120 Stephanie Yeager for Kansas X 10,150.00 4480 South Meridian # 94 Wichita, KS 67217 10127120 Sykes For Senate X 46,350.00 10227 Theden Cir Lenexa, KS 66220 DocuSign Envelope ID: DC11 02D9-46F2-495A-B82E-E547178A7E79 Schedule A Contributions and Other Receipts Kansas Democratic Party (Name of Candidate, Party CWlmittee 01" Political Committee) Name and Address Occupatioo of Amoont Date of Contributor IndividuaJ Giving More Than $150 Cash Check Loan ffimds aber .. 10126/20 Tobias For Kansas X 9,100.00 POBox 3714 Topeka, KS 66604 10123120 Tom Burroughs Campaign X 15,000.00 827 Armstrong Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101-2604 11/09120 Tom Holland For Kansas Senate X 15,800.00 PO Box 165 Baldwin City, KS 66006-0165 10/23/20 Virgil Weigel For State House X 3,800.00 lWO SW Briarwood Drive Topeka, KS 66611-2041 ] 0127120 Woodard For Kansas X 1.850.00 9051 Renner Blvd, Stc. 3002 Lenexa, KS 66219 10/30/20 Zach Thomas For DA X 36,700.00 1.42 N Cherry SI Olathe, KS 66061 TotaJ Itemized Receipts for Period 534,180.44 Total Unitem.ized Contributors ($50.00 or less) 45.00 Sale of Political Materials (Unitemized) 0.00 Total Contributions When Contributor Not Known 0.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD (to line 2 of Summary) 534,225.44 oocuSign Envelope 10: DC 11 0209-46F2-495A-B82E-E547178A7E79 ScheduleC Expenditures and Other Disbnrsments Kansas Democratic Party (Name of Candidate, Party COOlluittee or Political Committee) Purpose ofExpenditure Name and Address If independent or in-kind ex.penditure in excess of $300 is Date To Whom Expenditure is Made Amount made for a candidale,list candidate name & address 11109/20 ActBlue Technical Services Credit Card Processing Fee $75.83 PO Box 382110 Cambridge, MA 02238-2110 10123/20 Bergmann Zwerdling Direct Mail $80,03621 1015 18th St NW, Ste 500 Washington, DC 20036-5213 ]0126/20 Bergmann Zwerdling Direct Mail $104,397.93 1015 18th St NW, Ste 500 Washington, DC 20036-5213 10/28120 Bergmann ZwerdJing Direct Mail $200,000.00 10]5 18th St NW, Stc 500 Washington, DC 20036-5213 11/02/20 Bergmann Zwerdling Direct Mail $150,000.00 101518thStNW,Ste500 Washington, DC 20036-5213 10/31/20 Capitol Federal Bank Fees $210.33 1201 SW Topeka Blvd Topeka, KS 66612 ]2/30/20 Diamond Printing Printing $352.28 5140 NW Topeka Blvd Topeka, KS 66617-1734 10/29120 Dickinson,
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