ADAPT TO CHANGE TO BETTER MANAGE EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS PAGE-8 (OPINION) PARLIAMENT NATIONAL Amyotha Hluttaw convenes ninth-day State Counsellor sends condolences on meeting of 13th regular session demise of Sushma Swaraj PAGE-2 PAGE-3 Vol. VI, No. 114, 9th Waxing of Wagaung 1381 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 9 August 2019 President U Win Myint sends Message of State Counsellor sends Message of Felicitations on Singapore National Day Felicitations on Singapore National Day U WIN MYINT, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a DAW AUNG SAN SUU KYI, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of message of felicitations to Madam Halimah Yacob, President of the Republic Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Prime of Singapore, on the occasion of the 54th Anniversary of the National Day of the Minister of the Republic of Singapore, on the occasion of the 54th Anniversary of Republic of Singapore, which falls on 9 August 2019.—MNA the National Day of the Republic of Singapore, which falls on 9 August 2019.—MNA 31st anniversary Pyithu Hluttaw accepts motion to reduce pro-democracy movement deaths from non-infectious diseases observed in Yangon A ceremony to mark the 31st anniversary of the 1988 pro-democracy move- ment was held yesterday in Yangon. The ceremony was attended by Yangon Re- gion Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein, Yangon Mayor U Maung Maung Soe, Deputy Mayor U Soe Lwin the Deputy Speaker of the Yangon Re- gion Hluttaw, member of the Yangon Region cabinet, stu- dents who participated in the movement, and the people. The ceremony was held at 9 am in the Maha Bandoola Park in downtown Yangon, and the attendees observed an eight-second silence to pay tribute to those who fell in The ninth-day meeting of Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session convenes at Pyithu Hluttaw in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA the democracy movements in Myanmar. THE 9th-day meeting of the question raised by U Kyaw Htay, plied that the long vetting pro- He said the poor roads in Afterwards, U Min Ko Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th MP for Leshi constituency, ask- cess to ensure every process Naga delayed work past sum- Naing from the 88 Peace and regular session was held at the ing the reason for delays in scru- from the tender application to mer and into the months of April Open Society delivered the Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall in tinizing and approving tender issuing directives to respective and May where the rainy season opening address, and U Mya Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. applications on development departments in order to ensure begins. Thus, they could only ef- Aye read out the six-point dec- projects by the governments transparency only gives the suc- fectively make progress during laration of the 31st anniver- Tender calls delayed in Naga of Sagaing Region and Naga cessful tender company two the month of February, said the sary of 1988 pro-democracy First, Deputy Construction Self-Administered Zone. summer months to complete Deputy Minister. movement. Minister U Kyaw Lin replied to a The Deputy Minister re- their task. SEE PAGE-2 SEE PAGE-5 INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL NEWS Amyotha Hluttaw Union Minister Thura U Security forces seize 50,000 fish Speaker receives Sri Aung Ko receives storehouse of drugs, relocated to Lankan Ambassador Sri Lankan Ambassador weapons in AA supporter’s another lake in house Pyinmana PAGE-3 PAGE-3 PAGE-10 PAGE-6 9 AUGUST 2019 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw Pyithu Hluttaw accepts motion to reduce deaths from non-infectious diseases FROM PAGE-1 U Aye Win of Ingapu constituency He said they are working to seconded the motion. ensure they can hand over the The motion states that min- projects to tender winning com- istry reports show there were 3 panies as soon as open season million inpatients, 12 million out- begins to prevent these delays patients and 760,000 surgeries from occurring again, starting performed for kidney and liver from the next financial year. transplants and heart surgeries during all three years the in- Dy Construction Minister re- cumbent government has been plies to road infrastructure in office. questions The motion also states Next, MP U Sai Thiha Kyaw there has been annual increase of Mongyai constituency raised in noncommunicable diseases a question asking what plans Deputy Minister U Kyaw Lin . MP Dr San Shwe Win. MP U Aye Win such as diabetes, hypertension, PHOTO: HTAN PHON PHOTO: HTAN PHON PHOTO: HTAN PHON have the relevant state/region- cardiac-related complications al governments and ministries and cancer, while communica- drawn up for the road and bridge be maintained as well. upgrading the temporary bamboo Motion urging greater collab- ble diseases have been spreading projects handled by the Mongyai The 12-mile Mongyai-Nar- bridge for Nant Har Creek has oration on noncommunica- less and less. The motion states Township Department of Rural wa earthen road had two miles been submitted for Union Main- ble disease prevention the number of deaths from non- Road Development. upgraded to gravel in the 2018- tenance Fund for 2019-2020 FY. After this, MP Dr San Shwe communicable diseases has risen Deputy Minister U Kyaw 2019 FY and a budget petition to Following this, Deputy Min- Win of Yekyi constituency tabled from 48 per cent in 2014 to 52 per Lin replied that six-mile Mon- upgrade another 3.4 miles, with ister U Kyaw Lin and Deputy a motion urging the Union gov- cent in 2017. It states aortic steno- yai-Narkho-Helut earthen road three box culverts, has been sub- Minister U Soe Aung (Social Wel- ernment to arrange for active sis causes the most deaths while will be upgraded to bitumen in the mitted for the 2019-2020 FY, said fare, Relief and Resettlement) cooperation among the different cancer comes in second. later part of the 2020-2021 FY, and the Deputy Minister. answered to questions raised by ministries to effectively control the bridges and ducts along it will He said a budget petition for other five MPs. noncommunicable diseases. MP SEE PAGE-3 Amyotha Hluttaw Amyotha Hluttaw convenes ninth-day meeting of 13th regular session A ninth-day meeting of Second taw Bill Committee member U Amyotha Hluttaw’s 13th regular Lal Min Htan read and explained session was held at the Amyotha a committee report for each bill. Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday After each reading and explana- morning. At the meeting five tion of the report Amyotha Hlut- questions raised were answered, taw Speaker announced for Hlut- three bills tabled and a motion taw representatives who want to discussed. discuss the bills to register their names. Question and answer session Hluttaw discuss motion In the question and answer on private school quality session Union Minister for Edu- Next a motion urging the cation Dr Myo Thein Gyi respond- government to review the quality ed to a question raised by U Shar Union Minister Dr Myo Thein Gyi. of private schools opened in con- PHOTO: MNA MP U Shar Aww. PHOTO: MNA MP U Kyaw Toke. PHOTO: MNA Aww of Chin State constituency nection with a foreign university 2 on whether teachers required up staff requirements of basic lation examination was answered Samuel of Kayin State constitu- of education entity or with their for basic education high schools education schools in Chin State, by Union Minister for Education ency 1 on frequent explosions in own curriculum and to review in Chin State can be appointed. Paletwa Township as a special Dr Myo Thein Gyi. The Union mines causing death were an- and announce about the certif- The Union Minister said that region Union Minister for Ed- Minister said that once the uni- swered and explained by Deputy icates issued by those schools headmasters for middle schools ucation Dr Myo Thein Gyi said versities manage themselves Minister for Natural Resources tabled by U Kyaw Htway of Yan- upgraded in academic year 2019- there is no such plan yet. Howev- after drawing up and approving and Environmental Conservation gon Region constituency 8 was 2020 were appointed and vacant er starting from 2018, applications a university charter according to Dr Ye Myint Swe. discussed by U Kyaw Thaung of high school teacher positions will for education colleges were to be the enacted National Education Sagaing Region constituency 1, be filled through transfers, pro- made township wise only while Law and university councils were Tabling of bills and read- Daw Than Than Aye of Magway motions and volunteers based on 2019 university entrance guide formed, university entrance will ing of reports constituency 7, Daw Naw Chris the applicants’ work experiences. book had stated that 5 per cent be determined by the university Following the question and Tun @ Dr Arrkar Moe of Kayin The transfers, promotions and of the students accepted in each council. By that time students answer session Union Election State constituency 7, U Aye Bo proposals as high school teachers education colleges were reserved who want to study at a university Commission member U Min Swe of Yangon Region constituency will also be according to guide- for applicants who are willing to would be required to sit for an tabled a fifth bill amending the 11 and U Than Soe @ Than Soe lines set by the states and regions serve in remote areas said the entry examination conducted by Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law, a (Economic) of Yangon Region explained the Union Minister. Union Minister. that university said the Union fifth bill amending the Amyotha constituency 4.
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