Welltris Edeh Paee 2 F.-e"t Pag3 13 Deutar Selb 22 Iem- Paeha 3l t a ia\-llry EG O DOKA 1989. Al dehtr rsor\r€d. Ljcgrd b &ler PDof Solrtfir. Ad+t ion mS by INFOGBAi/ES w h 9rmadq| of 8.P.S. t{elltrts ENGLISH I.INTRODUCTION WELLTn|S: arpther cnalor{p b fE w6bm wqld fqn t|e Rtlssiatt garnam6br Abxey P4lr|ov, lhe a/f|or ol TETRIS. Algxey Palhov, tho irmoua mathematldan atd metnbor oflho Sovbt Ac€derny of Sdooco6, ha8 the p(tvfl€go b pfog]am and d6ign hb ganos m hb own p€rsonal@mpubr whlci b sdllrare ln lho Sovlet thion. P4ltnoy t|op6 b rav€l 8orno day, kdrrdlng tip3 b Japdr, tro Unlbd Stab6, w€6brn Europe... The InbrmtorC $cc6s ol hb gflr6 ca.r only h€lp t* hop6 cofl|e tuo. II. LOADING AND START UP NOTE| Yoq may coon€ct a jot8ia*. COMMODORE 64 Dlrt wrion: - ll you rr6e a C128, typo CiO 54 a.|d co.rfirm by prsGshg Y; - Thon. on Cd{ I w€ll. lrE€rt t|e di6k In the ddvo; - Type LOAD'VVELLTnF ,S - P.68 lho RETURN key; - Wh€n fE progrsn has loaded, the m68age 'RE DY wil diday; - Type RUN gld FsG6 FETURN. C|!rt|. Yrrrlonr - It you r.,6e a C!28, typo @ 6/t s|d q km by p€Gslng Y; . Tlrn. m C6{ c Fll. hsort the c-r€lb In lha rw&r; - Pr6s lhe ksy8 SHIFT zd RUIIFTOP *nunsnarsly; - P.6s the PLAY Urtbn on lho reordor: - Tho progrsm wil lod ard 6iarl aubradcally. 2 wel Itrl t AMSTRAD Crc Dltl varalon: - Switdr oo the co.nDubr: - l.tsort tho dbk h fts drive; - Typo ICPM (b obtaln l, p|€ss tlro keF SHIFT ar|d @ rtmuhanoously); - Tl|en pr68 tho ENTER ksy. Cr|t. a Yrrrlor: - Swidr on iho co.npubr: - laEert the ccs{rtb h tho rscoad€(; - Fo.664,6128 and,164 with a dbtddw, ry!.ITAPE (b obratn l, F6s tp ksys SHTFT and @ 6lmultm€ordy); - Th€n CTRL ard ENTER (smal k€y o.r t|e numb€r pd); - Follow ttE ol}Ecfeen lmtuclixrs. SPECTRUM Dl.l wfalon: - Swidr on lho aonpubr; - Frqn tp SPECTRUM tEd€r, sel€d BASIC; - In8ort t€ dbt h tF ddve: - Type load'lrrELLTFlS' - And 9r€8s ENTER. ClltatL utlon: - Sudl$ on t|e @mpubr; - From the SPECTRUM hea&r, soloct BASIC; - Inserl the cassotb h the recod€r: - Typ€ LOAD- - Pr66 the PLAY butbn on |t|g rsord€r: -ffiil,E"ffit'1#';Eta'raJbnadcarry. nadcart' ^a\ll/l -rf,Rl llelltrls III. OPENING SCREENS Onca WELLTRIS b load€d, you wlll s€o t€ Ine Sdesn. Pt66 BETURN b move b lhe kbndncadon Scroen (p.obcdon). PROTECTION Throughout rhls booklet are plctures ol lho fia$ ot tho R€publlca of lho Sovlet Union wllh some Inbrmalbo. At t|e oompublE rsquo6t, r6t€r b the number of tlE pago indicabd and lyF In fio n€c66ary woad or numbsr (without comma). When you type in tho @n€ci answgr, the cornpubr td(6 you b tho SotJp Scr€€n. TtE ge|r|o wlll not wqk unls6s you typo h f|e dght rcrd or numbsr. THE SETUP SCREEN Thb 8(|€€n dlo* }!u b lot tE sltle ot gemo tlu wslt b play. You can sal lho lewl ard tha sp€€d of plqy, t|ln ths sound m and oft, tet t|e lrovaflEnt llod9 (6so Vl - C.AME coMfiilNDs), 8nd sel flg ibn Pl€ca nrrc0oo (s€e V ' THE PLAYING SCREEN}, Rqu*:,r'.flr/tb nqu c:Az€''€{p,n Ar'€: tt,gt q. ml. Arg€ : g,/lo0 q. ni. Cqplhl: Yseren c/p,''l:NQ f.lLtrL ! coiiltANDti Oo tr ka!&oJrt, |.|e lhe lobf! lo'|: AETNAD OL nd SPECTnII etd.+(FarrdFo J'|dL b .3bctx |li r i.5 t tdl c F8rnd F2 lg$M StDWa(bxn ffrn pr-r REIURN b rt lhe lblowlng oglqr: H SOOnE: t!|(| you b hc ldgh .d. !cn. l{FOr C(- you b th. Oi Scrn 8AVE OPTpiB: (dr COIIiTOOORE orly) dor| yos b.f,..drE of e]lhlc. nodc, |. dc.tt d bab|i, rd d tF r.hdo|| you h.y. m& c| n gtpscr brt lrJ. !f|t-. OUIT3 r.lrn b AAS|C IOTE: Yo, cgr rlo ur |h.loy.td( b rsLd fr oeldr. Mr*:8*a|c. W:W Ar"5:A,Mq-r. krr: 17,,*nq. ql CN:,H( ry:I*ttl r.l lt rl. IV. THE OBJECT OF THE GAME Th. oqecr ofwEt"LTnlsbbl|r lFIe tE ggE d.ce |clne dswfi lh3 8l*8 olth3rel eo !|d lhat !t l5'|.bo|!mrd $. fm pbc.fsdy d fie bobtrl. lNhaar .3ena'|| olotne pLc- 'nane.lbfln r Im (clhor hofboC a Yerlcrl) 81 boooflr ol t|g s€|, $e ha fiTFCa gfvhe ,ou mqo lwtl bilhnro|€d@6. '|e Ar long r yoa, hava pb€- hlhe td toonr dtF bolbttr otlhe usll, tr gflE ootfh|Es. THE GAIIE PIECES the erne ploc3 of hoWELLTRlSea[EstEg€d etb$ap- m8.b $ oflquate cegmentt. TlBa pL6 ar o|rbtollwo, trp, hJr, s|d lt ese$F .TlEg E dsc rr3€d &pot|d q| lho lrrel of Dftiqty. W:@otgt nry/o&:r(ffi1 ,.3,:6,@4.n*. *e:t,re,&nq.fii c!@l:fD*,I c*l:frr*Ab Mt*:XrgE. Fg6lc:tM A-:m@4l'.* ,f.t:Adnq.nL C?/',:FtuEa C#:HU llel ltrl ! LEVELS OF DIFF]CULTY There so tlfee ler€b ot ditfiqJfty h trb ga'rF; yor.t c pH( fto leysl you want on tD Sgnp Scrooo. t6t Lsrol: ,........... The dec6 a|o mde up of tuo, tree, d hr squa|€!. znd l,.evol: .......... TIE d€c6 a|B me.b up of oot bur rquerrs. gd lavel: ..,........, TtE d€6 a|€ .na& up of trc, thr€o, ftur, ad ive aar,E]se . V. THE PLAYING SCREEN LEVEL Thb deEcrhe n€ dtro.rlty l6rolot tlo ple€s fa hg down fie w€lt. Tho hlgh{ ttE.xxnbor, tp mo.ecomplext|eoq€cG. SPEED ll b 0E lped dtp pi6 h||rE down thorel. The srtr d€ture apFer b. cdt dlfibrent tp€€d h €v€fy lsvol ot dlflcriv. Noir: on |tr ca65€tb vorsbra lho dcnre wq|f c|rsng€. Tho 3p€ed hc.e.s$ aubndodt tr mo|o lne Fa, il. Yj(r can hcreaso lhe lpeod ol hlling bt pr*.hg SHTFT .nd I skndEEouCy (C p$ SHIFT I m SPECTRUM). Ihe spood canmt bo drcrss€d ercopt by 3brnog f|o efl|e orrs aealn. TtE falr he Ep€€d, fie nore poinb you eah hfpLdE pls€ at the bob.n ottr w€|. SCORE Thb b yorr 8coro br Ote cuirant garne. TINES Thb b he btal rumb€r ot lh€6 ,pi! haw rla tag€d b r€nrovo iqn hs tv3ll botbm In t* ganF. NEXT ff|b rhfls fu,,lho shspeottp rpn piecob be rdcod bherel. ltglwa }!g a Ut otwldril.tg about tlo mrt rhp yos have b e.|rodab. Thb tookrqrl€dgo b ur€frf, bin h subtacb ttorn yo|.f aooae. You can sridt fib batrc m and oft by prBslng SHIFT ed t{ llmultarpoutly {C P$SHIFT N d| SPECTRUMI. 7 llel Lt rl. VI. GAME COMMANDS @tr€ pLcta ta trorod by tdng t|e kttbostd or loFdd(. JOY8trc|( AFTRAD ota SPECINUI +- end --t ,F aalo J Fa end F6 JsldL hodlo0tel movomert tlndJ lmdt Fg rn F2 lfl|d M voilcC rbwflienl FIRE COPY o. Fs K rotrb pla SPACE SPACE SPACE do9 pho. Oo|.? co||tanlldl AIISTRAD/CC' SPECTRUI Oult b B SIC SHIFT + O CAPS SHIFT + Q Rc|.n Geno SHIFT + R CAPS SHIFT + R Abdt Culont Gerne SHIFT + A CAPS SHIFT + A Prro SHIFT + P CAPS SHIFT + P IncrE-a Spod l..l,el SHIFT + | CAPS SHIFT + | iblt Ploc. Obdey SHIFT + N CAPS SHIFT + N Sour|dr drb SHIFT + S CAPS SHIFT + S Togob PIF libttomem SHIFT + M CAPS SHIFT + M Tt|b laat comms|d do,Ys ,ou b nodlt of re8.iv& t|e dmdad mowrnottl nodo. 8 nel lt rl r STANDARD t OVEiTENT ilODE (DEFAULT ilODE) I dr ft( |wltdtr|e lhe mo\rars kaF a ,rI| mora io||l |he hod&ntrl b |hc rrodaC nl. Abng bp sd bo|bn wrb, rrta tF horbr$al firrsmont AlqE dde ralq uro 0E wrdcC morsnent (See r!ov. G ME @rffr NDS) BEWAnE: W.Bt out br lho cor€l!. The ositd lqJrEotiEgsrEplo€(tres$frlrotabround) mrdon tr mu rrl b€fr.a ,ou ru,ldr loy3. fto rcartqr.l lqun b nol awlys obvldr. Th|r, I r+!$ro pl6 h.r luo aqure on eadrwdl hrf ho ro&ard ragt|qrt amlho oE rd,o htr bulathel(€yyou tnt3ben ||he b rwr L Whan fr roartlmd .3gngtt b dl fp rw wal, aflftdl by8. CLOCKWISE/COUNTERCLOCKWISE ilOVETIEiIT MODE Tlt o|o& |rB fie rrt|e ||tt b move the plece m matbr r$rl xdl li I on. lha eftne pls€ ntovc ln €atEr r dodarlto q co(Irlrdod0||o dl|€cdon, d€pon*tg m tra foy u!od. Cloffio:.................... l:e IEFT cdmt|?-cloffie: ...... |re RIGHT WAnNl|o: In fi mo&, tr Lfi rrd dgf &mt mccJlly qEFnd wllh bal rd del[ dBc{o.r; lt dspsrd3 m ri{dl Hll you r.. on. Ennpb: On t! bo|bm wd, |he dgl rrow kry movc fie pleo b lr3 dght bt rrv- n b lho lelt m f|o bp wd.
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