Sri Gaudiya Darshan Jagannathdev’s Rathayatra 1995 9 Puri Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Jagannathdev, & His Dham A SPECIAL DISCOURSE GIVEN BY HIS DIVINE GRACE SRILA BHAKTI SUNDAR GOVINDA DEV-GOSWAMI MAHARAJ FOR THIS SRI JAGANNATHDEV’S RATHAYATRA EDITION OF Sri Gaudiya Darshan Question: During the later pastimes of nicely with Him, but still I am not vinod Thakur worshipped. He did not Srila Guru Maharaj we heard that he happy with that. My heart always wants worship union, but he worshipped the wanted to spend his last days in the association of Krsna on the banks of mood of separation of Mahaprabhu. Jagannath Puri. Is this correct? the Yamuna where there are many vari- Such mood of separation happened in Srila Govinda Maharaj: Yes, but men- eties of kunjas1 and He plays His flute. Kuruksetra, therefore he wrote that in tally. In earlier years sometimes Srila “Here Krsna is not playing a flute, Vrindavan live bogus persons whereas Guru Maharaj went to Puri for but in Vrindavan He plays His flute and the real devotees of Krsna live in observing ‘Urjja-vrata’ during Karttik calls everyone through that sound, and Kuruksetra. month. He used to stay in the place that there He plays with us like our boy- is now the ‘Aravinda Ashram.’ friend. We want to meet with Krsna on Actually, in Mahaprabhu’s lila, Puri those banks of the Yamuna, and that Kuruksetra Ashram is similar to Kuruksetra in Krsna’s lila. will give me full satisfaction, whereas Srila Prabhupad Saraswati Thakur The mood of union in separation and this meeting in Kuruksetra is giving me sent Srila Guru Maharaj to Kuruksetra intense service-need is at its greatest neither full satisfaction nor peace within to make a Centre. As Math Commander there. Mahaprabhu expressed: my heart.” This is the meaning of the he lead a small group of devotees and Kuruksetra-lila with the Vraja-vasis2. he succeeded in making an Ashram priyaè so ’yaì kù£òaè Here we find the most extreme mood there. I have seen that place. sahacari kuruk£etra-militas of separation. Question: Is it also the case that when tathåhaì så rådhå tad idam On a plate there may be your the devotees saw Mahaprabhu in Puri ubhayoè saígama-sukham favourite foodstuffs, but if you cannot they had the feeling, “This is Maha- tathåpy antaè-khelan-madhura- take that food then what will be your prabhu, but we want Him as Nimai in mural^-pañcama-ju£e feeling? Similarly if Krsna is in front Nabadwip”? mano me kålind^-pulina- of you but you cannot play as you like Srila Govinda Maharaj: Yes. Such vipinåya spùhayati with Him, the mood of separation is feeling is shown in the sloka by Srila (C.c. Madhya 1.76) very strong. Bhaktivinod Thakur: This is a verse spoken by Srimati åmi cåi gaurachandra laite måyåpure Radharani to Srimati Lalita Devi, and Mahaprabhu’s Srila Rupa Goswami expressed it in this Here Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur way: “Krsna who lived earlier in Separation expresses the great mood of separation Vrindavan Dham, that Krsna is now In Puri, Mahaprabhu went every day he felt to see the sannyas-vesa† of here before me and I am already in to see Lord Jagannath living in the Mahaprabhu in Gambhira. “I like to see union with Him. I am thinking that this Temple, and He saw Jagannathdev to Sri Chaitanyadev, but I particularly want Krsna and I, we are the same persons as be Krsna, but still He was not satisfied to worship, remember, see and serve were living in Vrindavan, and that with that. He needed to meet Krsna with Gaurachandra, Visvambhar Pandit. It Krsna has mercifully given us His union the Yamuna, flute, etc. Such feelings of is my desire to see the Mayapur-lila of here. This is sufficient for anyone, but separation came to Mahaprabhu and he young Sri Gaurasundar. As Nimai it is not pleasing my heart so nicely suffered from that so much. It is that Pandit He had beautiful hair, He deco- because my heart is hankering to be in mood of separation that Srila Bhakti- rated Himself with fine clothing, and Vrindavan with this Krsna. Here also He engaged in pastimes like a young we are playing with Krsna and dancing 1kunjas: groves with Him. All our activities are going 2Vraja-vasis: residents of Vrindavan †sannyas-vesa: sannyas clothing 10 Sri Gaudiya Darshan Jagannathdev’s Rathayatra 1995 brahmin boy along with His associated in his book Sri Radha-rasa-sudhanidhi. devotees in Mayapur, Ishodyan. To see In his book, Sri Radha-rasa-sud- Him in such a way is my worshipable hanidhi, he has made mangalarcanam1 desire.” Mahaprabhu used to be Nimai with this sloka2. The general meaning is: Pandit, and that is a very sweet name “Mahaprabhu is chanting Hare Krsna for Him. with His parshad devotees in the mood Even after Mahaprabhu took san- of dancing; with arms upraised; with nyas, many of the Goswamis such as tears constantly flowing from His eyes Srila Rupa Goswami many times would to the earth making the whole ground say the name of Sri Sachi Mata. Sri wet; and with the hairs of His body Vrindavan Das Thakur said, and it is standing on end thus appearing like the almost too much for anyone: even if in white and yellow colour of the kadamba a dream one will chant the name of flower—I offer my worship to this Sachi Mata one will get full liberation Mahaprabhu who is chanting with His and transcendental happiness. devotees in Nabadwip Dham.” Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur expressed Another devotee expressed: his wish to be attached to Mahaprabhu’s mane kari node juri’ hùdaya bichåi Nabadwip lila. He mentioned very tåhåra upare sonår gauråíga nåcåi clearly that Mahaprabhu took sannyas, and that is alright because it is His pas- “That type of Mahaprabhu I want to time, but He has taken so much aus- worship in my heart, and I want to terity, and the devotees, such as Sri spread my heart like a carpet along the His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Jagadananda Pandit and others, cannot whole of the bank of the Ganges so Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj tolerate that. Mahaprabhu may dance there in my heart.” There are many such expres- Such chanting and sions. Service necessity Question: So in Puri we find union in It is the tradition that each year many dancing separation twice: the devotees see of our Nabadwip devotees go to Puri. Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur wants to Mahaprabhu in the mood of separation, Our Western devotees are also always see Mahaprabhu living in Nabadwip also Mahaprabhu sees Jagannathdev in eager to go to Puri even when it is not peacefully with the devotees of Nadia. the mood of great separation? possible for them to see Lord Jagannath. There the Panca-tattva are chanting and Srila Govinda Maharaj: Yes. It is espe- They like to see the area of Jagannath dancing in great jubilation. cially the Nabadwip devotees who feel and the places of the pastimes of Maha- When I saw hanging behind my this mood of union in separation when prabhu and the devotees. Previously, chair in Dum Dum Park a picture of they see Mahaprabhu. The Nabadwip however, we had no place to stay there, Sriman Mahaprabhu chanting in this devotees would sometimes stay in Puri so the devotees would stay in dhar- way, I wanted to compose a sloka Dham with Sriman Mahaprabhu for mashalas, but sometimes there were be describing it. Then suddenly I found four months each year. no rooms available, especially at the that already Srila Prabodananda time of Sri Jagannathdev’s Rathayatra. Saraswati has expressed it very nicely 1 mangalarcanam: auspicious invocation Therefore for the devotees’ convenience and service, it was my desire to estab- lish a Centre in Puri. 2 Sapår£ad çr^man Mahåprabhoè praòåm-mantram Srila Guru Maharaj told me not to make many Maths or I may get much trouble to run them. However, it is the nindantaì pulakotkareòa bikasann^pa-pras¨nacchabiì will of Krsna that lastly Srila Guru prorddh^kùtyabhujadvayaì harihar^tyuccairvadantaì muhuè Maharaj gave permission, “Yes you can make three: one in Vrindavan, one in nùtyantaì drutamaßrunirjharacayaiè siñcantamurbb^talaì Puri Dham and one in Calcutta.” Calcutta is our ‘transit station’, and gåyantaì nijapår£adaiè paribritaì ßr^-gauracandraì numaè Vrindavan is the destination of many devotees, as is Puri Dham. So these —çr^la Prabhodånanda Saraswat^ ëhåkur three places are for service to the devo- tees. This is our mood. Sri Gaudiya Darshan Jagannathdev’s Rathayatra 1995 11 Chaitanyadev. It was at first the desire Finding a place of Srila Guru Maharaj that these Deities In Puri the devotees tried for a long of Nityananda Prabhu and Mahaprabhu time to buy a piece of land but they would play in Govinda Kunda oppo- were repeatedly unsuccessful. Then I site the Temple here in Nabadwip, and promised to Srila Guru Maharaj, “I will still it is in my mind to try to manifest take charge of purchasing the land. I such a project here. I would like to do will go there and within two months it this year itself, and I have asked one we must certainly get something.” good carpenter devotee to come. He I wanted to follow the example of can do so much seva in the Centenary Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila Sanatan Hall and especially he can make a nice Goswami, Srila Haridas Thakur, etc., singhasan† and a boat for Sri Sri Nitai- which was not to disturb the strict reg- Gauranga’s pastimes in Govinda Kund.
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